Steal the sky

Chapter 16 Searching for Bulsion

With a modest and casual smile, don't beg for your hands behind your back, stand beside Lu Chengfeng and look up and down at the people behind Yi Yan.

In addition to Kailu Chengfeng, the newly appointed military army, Yi Yan is also surrounded by the three most important officials of Xiao Mengcheng, the people and the criminal.

According to the control of the Yan Dynasty, the suzerain of the State of Lu, the city guard is responsible for the work of a certain place. The military is fully responsible for the military of soldiers and horses, the officials are responsible for the supervision and evaluation of officials, the people are responsible for the production of people's livelihood, and the criminal punishment is responsible for the daily public security of the criminal law to thieves. The four official positions are responsible for the city guard, but they are independent of the power of the city

Xiaomeng City is located in a remote area, surrounded by primitive mountains and forests, but because of its rich products, the oil and water are very abundant every year. Of course, Yi Yan's whole body is full of treasures. The three officials, people and criminal punishments in the city are also jeweled and precious, as gorgeous as a jewelry booth.

Don't look at the people around Yi Yan warmly, and he found a lot of good things worth doing. His hands behind his back rubbed against each other, and his fingers trembled with excitement. It's not a good time for him to loot in broad daylight, and he has to wait.

As a city guard, Yi Yan introduced the officials who accompanied Lu Chengfeng. After listening to Yi Yan's introduction, Don't beg for a sudden grin. The officials, people and criminal of this small Mengcheng are all members of the Yi family. They must have followed Yi Yan to serve in Xiao Mengcheng and make a fortune.

With the introduction of Lu Chengfeng, those officials came forward and saluted each other with Lu Chengfeng. Although the position of the military is important, it does not deserve the attention of these people. The identity of Lu Chengfeng, the parent and son of Lu in Liyang, is the most important reason for Yi Yan to come out of the city gate to welcome him. Other officials, large and small, are also because of this status that they are so polite to Lu Chengfeng.

After a burst of greetings and saying polite words that made Don't beg almost yawn, Yi Yan affectionately took Lu Chengfeng's hand and took him all the way to the city guard in the city. Other officials closely surrounded the two, talking and laughing, talking to Yi Yan, and talking to Lu Chengfeng. What a harmonious scene, as if the whole small Mengcheng was welcoming Lu Chengfeng, the new army.

Follow Lu Chengfeng, don't beg to walk while looking at this little Mengcheng.

The road in the city is not bad. It is paved with coarse hemp stone cut on the mountain, and there are three feet wide ditches on the roadside, which draw clear water into the ditches, and the water is ribbling. The sanitary conditions in the city are very good. The road is three feet wide, with a series of restaurants, shops, inns and residential houses. The tallest building is only three times high, with a brick and stone structure covered with a color of green tiles.

The convoys of the brigade can be seen at any time on the road, and the vehicles are full of all kinds of mountain goods, such as animal skins, herbs, ores, etc., so that the beams are almost broken. Following the team are all the strong men who are tall and brave. They are all wearing soft armor, holding sharp knives, and are full of energy. Obviously, they are all heroes honed in the field of life and death.

Most of the restaurants, shops and inns on the roadside are also villains who blow their noses and stare at each other without saying a word. Sometimes there are some enchanting and slim women in red and green coming in and out of this place, and their voice is indulgent and flirting with those villains.

Xiao Mengcheng is very prosperous, beyond the unexpected prosperity. This prosperity has a barbaric and rude atmosphere and a deformed prosperity, but don't beg to like this taste. He took a few deep breaths, and he really liked the taste.

Whether it was a motorcade or a pedestrian on the road, when they saw that they were not begging, they all retreated to both sides of the road and got out of the middle of the road. In the barbaric place of Xiaomeng City, Yi Yan represents the national law and represents the most powerful force within hundreds of miles of the city. No one dares to violate the majesty of a city.

From time to time, there were also city guards in black and black armor patrolling on the road and saw a group of people. These city guards hurriedly retreated to the roadside to salute. Don't beg to look at these city guards, but find that their cultivation and spirit are much worse than the Tianzi C battalion sent to Mengcun, which seems to be a face.

After walking three miles along the road towards the city, a magnificent mansion rose up in front of him.

This mansion is wide and has a protective wall outside. This wall is much more atmospheric than the wall of Xiaomeng City. The water up and down is made of bluestone strips. It is five feet high and three feet thick, and the defense power is at least ten times that of the wall of Xiaomeng City.

On the wall, the bright-dressed and energetic soldiers wandered back and forth, guarding the mansion tightly. Compared with the soldiers outside the gate of Xiaomeng City, the patrol soldiers here are absolutely elite, while those sergeants guarding the gate are like garbage.

Yi Yan showed a proud smile. He pointed to the mansion and said with a smile, "Lu Dianjun, this is the city guard's mansion, which is where we usually live in the public office."

Lu Chengfeng looked at the small castle in surprise and said in surprise, "Oh? The city guards and the public houses of the army, the officials, the people, and the criminal are all here?

Yi Yan patted his belly with both hands and made a snow-white meat wave all over his body. He sighed, "Little Mengcheng is located in the wilderness, and it is very dangerous and dangerous. Those barbarians come to make trouble every now and then, and the walls outside are not a big deal. Those barbarians often go into the city to burn, kill and loot. For the safety of all of you, it took me two years to build this city guard!"

The three members of the Yi family, the wardenmin and the criminal, hurriedly patted the horse, praising Yi Yan for spending a lot of money to build such a city guard house for the safety of the large and small officials present. It is really a great achievement in the contemporary era, and the benefit is in the future. Many adults who will take charge of the guard of Xiaomeng City in the future should be grateful to Yi Yan, the style of his predecessors who planted trees and later to enjoy the cool!

Don't beg for a heavy sniff. He asked in a thick voice, "Since you have the money to build the city, why don't you repair the outer city walls? If there is a once strong wall, wouldn't it be better to block those barbarians?

The three officials, the people and the criminal were all surprised. Yi Yan was shivering with white flesh like snowflakes. He shouted in a shrill voice: "I don't have money. I really don't have money. How much tax income does Xiaomengcheng have in a year? There is really no money on the books of the city guard. The repair of this wall has exhausted the tax revenue of the city guard in the next ten years, and there is no more money to repair the outer wall!"

No money? Don't beg for a crooked mouth. He just glanced at Yi Yan's valuable jewelry quickly.

Lu Chengfeng laughed a few times and didn't say anything. He looked at the many patrol soldiers on the wall, and then looked back at the guard patrols of the two teams escorting them here, and rolled his eyes inadvertently. The guards in the city guard are much more elite than the patrols of the city guards.

After a complicated ceremony that made Don't beg to be confused, Don't beg followed Lu Chengfeng into the city guard house. The seven cars and driving slaves brought by Lu Chengfeng were all arranged into the military mansion in the city guard. One of the first three and the last three were luxurious houses, and dozens of maids were arranged in advance.

Don't beg, I also saw someone in Lu Chengfeng's seven carriages for the first time. In addition to Lao Hei and Xiao Hei's black father and son, there are eight maids, eight servants and two nursing mothers in the other six carts.

Don't beg, I also learned from Lu Chengfeng for the first time that this wet nurse is the candidate who specializes in human medicine.

human medicine! Don't beg to know more about the world.

After hastily arranged the maid and maid, Yi Yan sent someone to invite Lu Chengfeng to the banquet.

The reception banquet was arranged in the inner hall of the city guard's mansion. The promising people included all the large and small officials in Xiaomeng City under Yi Yan, with more than 200 people in a mess. As Lu Chengfeng's guest, Begging is naturally qualified to make a mark. Under Yi Yan's personal reception, he sat behind a table behind Lu Chengfeng.

The spacious inner hall is enough to accommodate four or five hundred people to gather. In the middle of a case, Yi Yan sat behind the case with difficulty. On both sides are the seats of the four major officials of the army, the official, the people and the criminal. Except for Kailu Chengfeng, there is only one begging behind him, and there are three guests ranging from three to more than ten people behind them.

Except for these five, the other officials are divided into three columns in the lobby according to the level of official positions, one left and one right, with a total of six columns.

Don't beg to look at the case in front of you, which is three feet long and about one and a half feet wide. It is made of heavy wood and has dozens of layers of lacquer on it, which can be discernable. The paint surface is inlaid with fine geometric patterns with gold and silver thread, which is very dignified and generous but magnificent.

The inner hall of the banquet is a floor made of red sandalwood, and everyone sits down with a thick and soft cashmere blanket, which is very warm and comfortable. There are two rows of columns in the hall, which are carved from the whole golden silk nanmu, carved dragons and phoenixes, flowing gold and colorful, and the rich atmosphere comes to the face.

The ceiling of the inner hall is also suspended in red sandalwood, with dozens of lanterns hanging on it, so that the lights in the lobby can be seen. In the corners of the inner hall, there is also a branch-shaped candlestick, and the large bright candle is burning vigorously. I don't know what spices are mixed in the candle, and there is a refreshing warm fragrance in the air.

Just now in the military mansion, Don't beg to take a shower, wrap your bare head with a turban, change into a comfortable and loose silk robe, and step on a pair of soft cloth boots under your feet. At this moment, you are smoked by the warm fragrance in the air, and you just feel that you want to sleep.

Yi Yan's style is very luxurious, but don't beg for it. At least, it is much more comfortable than the conditions of Meng Village. Don't beg is not an ascetic. You can make yourself more comfortable. Why does he have to suffer?

He straightened his waist hard. Don't beg to sit behind Lu Chengfeng and keep look at the other officials sitting in the lobby.

Other people's attention was focused on Lu Chengfeng, constantly showing Lu Chengfeng his brilliant smiling face. As for don't begging, except for a few little maids standing aside who were secretly looking at him, no one paid attention to him.

Suddenly, he heard Yi Yan's applause. He shouted loudly, "Is everyone here? Wine, wine, let's wash the dust for Lu Dianjun. From Liyang to Xiaomeng City, he has worked thousands of miles all the way. Lu Dianjun thinks it's hard work!"

Hundreds of maids walked out of the hall like flowery butterflies, clothed a bronze wine tare in front of everyone, infused with fragrant wine.

Everyone raised their glasses and shouted to Lu Chengfeng one after another, "Lu Dianjun has worked hard all the way!"

Lu Chengfeng raised his glass, stood up with a smile and said a few words to everyone. After a greasy polite words, everyone drank the wine.

Yi Yan clapped his hands again. The maids served all kinds of delicious food this time. Each plate and bowl is full of delicacies. Each plate is not large, but there are many varieties. The fragrance is so fragrant that people can smell it and move their index fingers.

Don't beg hasn't had a serious meal for several days. Looking at the wine and food in front of him, he hurriedly grabbed his chopsticks and picked up a bright yellow trembling and elastic deer tendon and stuffed it into his mouth. The meat is fragrant and juicy. It's really delicious.

While enjoying the delicious food in his mouth, there was a sudden muffled sound in the lobby, and a bronze wine lord was thrown on the ground and smashed into a copper cake.

A big man sitting behind the official Yi Xing stood up and shouted harshly with his fingers, "Where did the mountain forest and savages come from? Do you understand the rules? Before the adults said anything, did you eat next to them?

Many people in the hall looked over together. Don't beg for a little oil dripping slowly at the corners of your mouth, which is eye-catching under the light.

The hall was full of silence, and then a burst of laughter came.


Today is an exception, the third update of the new book! Comrades, smash the tickets. Those who have tickets hold a ticket field, and those who don't have tickets hold a personal field!

I ate too many pig-headed orchid beans, and my teeth on both sides hurt so much! E