Steal the sky

Chapter 18 Night Thieves

A Er casually patted the dagger. The blood in his body was sucked away by the dagger, and suddenly the dagger turned into a dazzling blood red. A Er's body trembled abruptly, and his already dry body suddenly withered and lost weight again, turning into a skeleton.

With a scream, the dagger brought a foot-long blood light to the chest. Where the blood light passed, the wind ropes that should not begged to be smashed one after another. The blood light was fast, don't beg to dodge, just reluctantly twisted the body, the blood light slanted through the right shoulder, and brought up a blood arrow several feet long.

With a loud cry, don't beg your left hand to grab the blood light, and a blue air flew out and covered the dagger. His body slipped forward, and he stepped in front of A Er in an instant. His right leg kicked up, and the fierce question hit A Er's lower body.

With a 'pop', A Er was kicked away for several feet, and a stream of blood spewed out of his mouth. Obviously, he was not alive.

Don't beg to die by clasping the short sword that keeps beating in the palm of your hand. With a strange cry, you will fall up to the sky.

Before others could see what had happened, the muscles of the arms flowed like water waves, gently and skillfully sent this strange dagger all the way along the dagger into his clothes and stuffed it into the dark bag on his chest.

Lu Chengfeng slowly got up. He glanced at Yi Xing, who looked pale and said coldly, "Okay, there are even doormen who can use magic weapons. Lord, ladies and gentlemen, Lu has been taught this time!"

After a few sneers, Lu Chengfeng walked to the side of the 'conscious' Buqi, picked him up with one hand, and strode out.

The white and fat Yi Yan raised the wine lord and slowly took a sip of wine. Looking at the back of Lu Chengfeng, Yi Yan patted his hand gently and laughed, "Lu Dianjun is gone, but these wine and food can't be wasted. Gentlemen, let's have fun!"

If there is no music coming from the back of the hall, dozens of dancers with thin clothes and large snow-white skin exposed swirled out. The flying ribbons and lotus fans on the dancers' hands decorated the lobby more and more gorgeously.

Many officials in Xiao Mengcheng laughed in unison and toasted Yi Yan and others one after another.

Lu Chengfeng listened to the laughter behind him, and his elegant face turned out to be indifferent. He walked through the yard with no begging in his arms. Although there were countless guards, maids and servants walking around him, it was as if he was the only one in the world and the no beg with him in his arms, and he was extremely lonely.

After walking through the triple yard, when he was about to return to the military mansion, Beqi suddenly opened his eyes and winked at Lu Chengfeng.

When Lu Chengfeng was stunned, he subconsciously wanted to throw the begging out.

Don't beg hurriedly sighed, and he whispered, "Slow, I'm still in a coma. Please take me back to let everyone know that I was injured by the lower magic weapon. I was seriously injured. I can't move without a few days of self-cultivation.

Lu Chengfeng continued to walk forward with the same face. As he walked, he asked in a low voice, "Why did you come here?"

Don't beg to laugh a few times. He looked at the position of the dark pocket on his chest and laughed in a low voice, "A lower magic weapon is worth a lot of money, right?"

Lu Chengfeng was stunned and said with a dumb smile, "That's right. I'm afraid it's easy to give this magic weapon to A Er. If he is really shameless to ask for it back, it's not big or small. It's a trouble.

Don't beg to laugh a few times, and continue to close your eyes to make a coma. He muttered in a low voice, "Son of you, it seems that your identity as a son of the Lu family doesn't work very well. Isn't the Yi family connected with Lu for generations? Why is it so aimed at you?"

Lu Chengfeng didn't say anything for a long time. After a long time, it was almost the suite arranged for Bu Begging. Lu Chengfeng whispered, "Yes, the Lu family and the Yi family have been good for generations, and the friendship of in-laws, but it has nothing to do with me."

After a few shouts, Lao Hei and Xiao Hei quickly found the medicine and boiled water for treatment. Lu Chengfeng hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "The eldest son of the Lu family, how can he come to such a small city to be a classic army? For this reason, I will tell you later! If you regret it, you can abandon Lu and find another way out.

Don't beg to close your eyes, move the corners of your mouth slightly, and say like an ant: "It's better to send charcoal in the snow than to add flowers on the icing on the cake. I bet you can be prosperous!"

Lu Chengfeng was stunned and suddenly exhaled heavily.

Lao Hei and Xiao Hei have rushed over with several of Lu Chengfeng's own maids. Unlike the guards arranged by the Lu family for Lu Chengfeng, these maids are slaves bought by Lu Chengfeng. They have been taught since childhood and are the only few trustworthy people around him.

In a hurry, he cleaned the wound on his right shoulder and coated a thick layer of secret golden sore ointment. Lu Chengfeng left Don't beg to rest in the room, and left two maids in the outer room to serve and don't beg.

In the eyes of those maids arranged by Yi Yan, Don't beg was seriously injured. Suddenly, the focus of everyone's observation was focused on Lu Chengfeng.

It's a mess, and it's late at night.

The suite of Don't Beggar is a two-bedroom room, one dark, with a small living room and a study. Now the bedroom there is occupied by beggars, and the bedroom outside has two maids of Lu Chengfeng. The two maids couldn't stay up late. Although Lu Chengfeng asked them to wait carefully and not to beg, they had already fallen asleep on the bed outside.

Don't be unconscious, stand up deftly, quietly walk out of the room, and gently press the two maids a few times. He pressed these acupuncture points, which was enough to make the two maids sleep until dawn.

Back to his bedroom, don't beg to open the window. Outside the window is a garden full of lush trees and strange flowers and grass. There is a side door in the corner of the garden, which leads directly to the small schoolyard outside the military mansion, and many officials under the military mansion live nearby.

After a look around, the real water Lingang was injected into his eyes and carefully explored the surroundings, and no one was hiding nearby.

Don't beg to get out of the window and wrap a cloth towel around the door. The real water spirit was lightly covered on the surface of the body. Don't beg for a flash of his body. Suddenly, a faint vapor appeared around his body. His body became hazy in the water vapor, and it was difficult to capture his figure with the naked eye three feet away.

The theft is all-encompassing, among which the "Innate Water Spirit Deception" in the water source chapter is even more unique in the world. Although Don't beg is only the peak of the day after tomorrow, it can't be achieved to the extent that it can be achieved in an instant with the help of a piece of water vapor, but it is very easy to gather a piece of water vapor to cover up your body.

Lightly soared into the air, under the cover of water mist, don't beg all the way through the wall to transfer ownership, quickly passed through a heavy mansion, and came to the outside of Yiyan's inner house.

It was late at night, and everyone in the huge mansion fell into a deep sleep except for the guards on duty at night. Those guards on duty at night, whose strongest cultivation is only the internal strength of 30 or 40 years, how can they find the trace of not begging?

Not to mention the secret methods of stealing all kinds of hidden traces in the scriptures, let's say that don't beg for so many years in the door of stealing the sky, and the theft is also very powerful. Under the cover of a mist, don't crawl under the nose of the guard on duty several times, but no one found him.

It's like entering a no-man's land. Don't beg to easily cross the heavy defense line and come to Yi Yan's bedroom.

Yi Yan's bedroom is spacious and luxurious, and all kinds of furnishings are pearls and beautiful. There is no need to say about these. Just talking about Yi Yan's big bed makes Don't beg for amazement. I simply don't know how to marvel.

It was a solid bed made of pure gold with a length and width of several feet, covered with thick brocade. Don't beg at the solid square golden pimple. You only feel that your palms are hot, and you can't wait to remove this piece of pure gold.

After hanging out with the villagers of Meng Village for a few days, don't beg to know the value of gold in this place. Ordinary people can't see what gold looks like at all. An ingot of gold can be exchanged for a hundred ingots of silver, and an ingot of silver weighing one or two can be exchanged for three hundred yuan to one thousand yuan, while a barbarian's head is only worth one hundred yuan.

I don't know how much gold Yi Yan's big bed is worth!

"This dead pig also said that the tax was not enough, and he didn't even have the money to build the city wall? I took him naked, I took him naked!"

Don't beg to look at this pure gold bed. My heart is hot, my eyes are hot, my hands are hot, and my whole body is excited. Unfortunately, the weight of this bed is extremely amazing. How can you move it away? It is recorded that there is a magical storage ring and storage bag, which can store a huge amount of things, the best storage ring, and even a star can be put in.

It's a pity that Don't beg for just contact with practice. He doesn't even know what the world he is in. Where can he find this kind of treasure?

There is also a way to refine storage rings and storage bags. Unfortunately, the first material is rare, and the second, the cultivation of Don't beg is far from enough. Without great magic power, it is impossible to refine this kind of storage treasure.

Looking at the bed and sighing for a while, Don't beg slowly walked to the bedside, and pointed to Yi Yan, who was snoring, making him fall into a deep coma.

There are still four petite and beautiful little maids lying beside Yi Yan, who is like a meat mountain. They are naked and extremely tired on their faces. Obviously, before going to bed, Yi Yan and them had a very romantic time. Don't beg at Yi Yan's exaggerated fat body, and then look at those little maids whose waist is not as thick as his arms. I wonder why these little maids were not crushed into meat cakes by him.

The action is like the wind on the four little maids. Don't beg them to fall asleep.

After thinking about it, Don't beg to uncover the quilt covered by Yi Yan and others, and swept Yi Yan down.

"Wow, you have a good figure!"

He glanced at the bodies of the four little maids quickly, begged to put down the quilt, quickly rubbed his hands, and smiled strangely.

Yi Yan's purple gold crown, take it away; Yi Yan's ring, take it away; Yi Yan's belt, take it away. All the gems and pearls inlaid in the room were pryed out and taken away. In the cabinet in the corner of the room, there was a pile of beautifully cast gold cakes from the boss, all of which were also taken away.

After years of edification in the sky-to-day gate, Don't beg's eyes are extremely powerful, and the value of all the gold and jade jewelry is clear in his eyes. It only took him a quarter of an hour to rob the most valuable things in the house.

He looted the floating wealth in the room. Don't beg to look around. Le Xiaobai's memory integrated into his soul made him quickly find the two organs in the room. Removed the two bronze elk incense burners in front of Yi Yan's bed, stamped hard on the floor tiles below, and moved the wall in the corner of the bedroom, revealing a secret room door.

rubbed your hands excitedly and skimmed into the secret room.

Soon, the proud laughter of the mouse falling into the rice jar came out of the secret room! The most essential part of Xiaomeng City in the past two years has been stored in this secret room by Yi Yan. Spirit stones, beautiful jade, gems, all kinds of rare treasures, there are a full number of 15 large boxes.

Don't beg to go back and forth in Yi Yan's bedroom and the woods outside the city. Relying on his escape skill, your body is convenient. Don't beg once, it's only a quarter of an hour. After spending an hour and a half, Don't Beg finally emptied all of Yi Yan's possessions.

Digged a deep pit in the woods to bury these treasures. Don't whistrate and return to the military mansion.

He is worried about something. Where can he find a magic weapon for storage?

After sighing, don't beg for a sweet sleep.

Early the next morning, the huge city lord's mansion was almost turned over by Yi Yan's crazy roar.

"My money, my money, my money! Who stole all my money, my money, my money!"


"My ticket, my ticket, my ticket! Dear comrades, vote more quickly, my votes, my votes!" E