Steal the sky

Chapter 28 Night Thorn

In the middle of the night, the city guard suddenly burst into flames, and the cries resounded through the sky.

Xiaomeng City was in chaos, and countless people who didn't know what had happened went out to watch. But don't beggars have long led the rest of the city guards and more than 2,000 recruits recruited in the past few days to go out to suppress, and did not let a single person go out, which well maintained the order in the city.

The riot in the city guard house lasted for a quarter of an hour, and then the gate of the huge city guard house opened, and countless shadows rushed out crazily.

Yi Yan and others were stolen by begging, but there was still a lot of floating money in the hands of the servants, family members and clans they brought. Together, it was still a considerable amount of money.

Don't beg to spread rumors and spread all kinds of strange remarks in the guards of the city. However, the Yi Yan brothers had been confused for a long time, and no one came out to refute the rumors, let alone assigned their confidants to supervise these hired guards. The rumors disturbed people's hearts, and more than 3,000 guards in the city immediately had the same idea.

On this night, more than 2,000 guards suddenly broke out, set fire to Yi Yan's city guard house, looted the last point of private wealth of the Yi Yan brothers, and plundered hundreds of beautiful maids and servants of the city guard house, opened the city guard house and sneaked into Xiao Meng City.

Xiaomeng City is a wild place, and there are no other towns within hundreds of miles. It is the most remote place in the State of Lu. If it weren't for the rare specialties produced in Mengshan, Xiaomeng City would be a place where stray dogs would not want to come. Even so, those who can fool around in Xiaomeng City are either businessmen who want money and want their lives, or hunters who lick blood with knives, or desperate murderers who have no way to go.

The Yi Yan brothers came to Xiaomeng City as officials. After they had money on hand, they hired to guard the defense of the city for the sake of their own safety. The most powerful group of people in Xiaomeng City are those rangers and warriors and brave and fierce.

These people are all a group of wolves who want to eat meat. When you can feed them, they work hard for Yi Yan. When Yi Yan could no longer feed them, he might have implicated them to suffer together. These guys did not hesitate to rob a group of silver and women, and Shi Shiran sneaked into Xiaomeng City to live a carefree life.

Don't beg to command the Great Patriotic Corps to swim around the city, only for ordinary people and caravans, and did not conflict with these fleeing guards. Frankly speaking, the strength of these guards is not weak. Don't beg those sergeants in their hands are really not their opponents. There is no need to fight with them at all. Don't beg without the kind-hearted people around Yi Yan to reduce losses.

With a team of sergeants guarding the street in front of the main gate of the city guard house, don't beg to watch one big and one big bag after another, carrying the beautiful maid's former city guard quickly passing by.

The city guard's house is still on fire, but no one goes to put out the fire. Don't beg to faintly hear the sad shouts of Yi Yan and others, but where do the cronies around them have time to take care of them? They had no choice but to scream.

In just a few days, if you can toss the whole city into such a situation, don't beg and feel that you are great.

The fire burned down all night. After all, the heavy walls in the city guard house were built of blue stone. The courtyard over the fire was the inner courtyard of the Yi Yan brothers. The fire burned up the flowers, trees and buildings in the inner courtyard, and gradually extinguished. A wisp of black smoke rushed straight into the sky, and the air was filled with pungent fireworks. A faint cry came from all over, and the cronies and families of the Yi Yan brothers also howled there, crying and talking about their money, their favorite concubine and their favorite maid maid.

Overnight riots, more than 2,000 city guards fled cleanly, and the remaining hundreds of guards did not hesitate to defect to Lu Chengfeng.

These people did a good job. In front of Yi Yan's men, they took off the robes of the city guard, knelt in front of the Dian army, and applied to join the Dian army to become Lu Chengfeng's guard.

Lu Chengfeng showed the generosity and boldness of a prince of a family. With an order, he replaced the clothes of the city guards for hundreds of former city guards, and let them be integrated into the city guards and guarded in the palace.

These guards have cultivated the true spirit of the inner family, and their strength is much stronger than ordinary soldiers. Although their loyalty is a problem, as long as they give enough gold and silver, they can still use it on weekdays. The rookie of the monarch, the loyalty of the monarch, the good men in Xiaomeng City are very practical. As long as they give money, their service will have nothing to be picky about.

Hearing the news, Yi Yan walked out of the city guard mansion, which had been burned to the ground, and watched eagerly watch the guards he recruited turn to Lu Chengfeng.

Most of the guards fled from the rebellion, and the little half of the guards abandoned him. It was like two heavy slaps, which made Yi Yan's eyes green, and the white flesh fluctuated layer by layer. Especially when the guards changed into black city guard robes, Yi Yan's eyes were sweet in his throat, and another mouthful of blood spewed out far away. He rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Don't beg your hands in your sleeves, look at Yi Yan spitting blood and falling to the ground with a happy smile. He lengthen his breath feebly and shouted: "The lord of the city vomited blood and fainted again. Come on, call the doctor, come on, come on!"

With a loss of his hand, more than a dozen bronze-cast knife coins fell on Yi Yan's side. Don't beg for kindness to the servants around Yi Yan, who look haggard as if the soul has flown to the nine days, "I'm afraid you don't have money to hire a doctor. Well, I still have a private room at the bottom of the box here. Can I lend it to you?"

Yi Yan, who was half awake, heard the word 'money' and immediately looked up to the sky and shouted, "My money, my money, my money!"

Another mouthful of blood spewed out, and Yi Yan's throat made a few clicks, and he fainted steadily.

Several of Yi Yan's cronies helped Yi Yan up in a hurry, pinched people, patted his face, and sprayed cold water. It was easy to wake him up. However, Yi Yan, who woke up, was black and his eyes were blank. The originally delicate, white and tender white meat was dehydrated, and suddenly seemed to be dehydrated for dozens of pounds.

Don't squint your eyes and look at Yi Yan Yi Yan. His eyes swept over the busy guards in the city guard's mansion and snorted softly.

That night, Lu Chengfeng solemnly set up the platinum knife array outside his bedroom. With three arrays of arrays, the array covers a total area of thirty feet, and the whole yard where he is located is shrouded in the power of the array.

Don't squat aside and watch Lu Chengfeng arrange all this curiously.

Too platinum knife array, don't beg to know this array, steal everything in the scriptures, especially the profound mystery of the array, which is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. In the field of cultivation, the formation, like the vault alloy gate and electronic lock on the earth, is often used to protect important caves and various precious items, which is a specific and subtle manifestation of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

It is said that there is no one that can't be stolen in the world. If you are not proficient in the formation, how can you break through the formation to steal various targets?

Therefore, there is a full third of the length of the stolen scriptures, which is to explain the wonderful principles of various large arrays. In addition to the various arrays common in the practice world, there is also the understanding and expansion of the array method by the person who compiles the stolen scriptures. It is really all-encompassing. It is

The platinum knife array, as one of the basic arrays of the Geng metal array, even if you don't specifically study the array, you can see through the mystery at a glance. The three array piles are set up in a zigzag shape. If there is no Geng gold smell, it ripples in the three array piles, and there is a thin white gas like a light gauze on the ground in the yard, which is the essence of the formation.

It took Lu Chengfeng a quarter of an hour to easily promote the operation of the formation. This shallow formation consumed all of Lu Chengfeng's real qi. If Lao Hei hadn't sent a bowl of human medicine for Lu Chengfeng to drink in time, Lu Chengfeng's empty body would not even have the strength to stand.

looked at the officially launched formation, don't beg to hold your chin in both hands, and asked curiously, "Is it worth preparing like this?"

Lu Chengfeng took a deep breath, handed the big bowl back to Lao Hei, and sat on the steps beside Don't beg. He looked up at the sky and said faintly, "Someone will come." Before Yi Yan was officially deprived of the position of guarding the city and left Xiao Mengcheng, we had to be on guard like this every night.

Looking at Lu Chengfeng curiously, he said disapprovingly, "But who will attack us?"

Before the words fell, the sound of water spraying came from outside the yard. Bu Qi's face suddenly changed. He was very familiar with this sound. When his master Wu Wang touched the sentry and cut the sentry's neck from behind with a dagger, it was the sound when the blood spewed out of the arterial blood vessels.

Lu Chengfeng's body also suddenly stiffened. He whispered, "Come on, Lao Hei, hide in the house!"

The old black man with a crooked waist somehow took out a dark machete and stood beside Lu Chengfeng shiveringly, but he had no intention of entering the house. Don't beg and frowned. He grabbed the knife in Lao Hei's hand. He pointed at Lao Hei and threw him into Lu Chengfeng's bedroom.

Xiang Bu begged with approval, and Lu Chengfeng sneered in a low voice, "Unlike me, Yi Yan and others are the children of the Yi family after all. Even if they are concubines, they must have 'thorns' who have followed them since childhood."

Don't beg to look at Lu Chengfeng.

Lu Chengfeng slowly nod his head and said, "'thorn', 'assassin''s 'thorn'!"

Don't beg stood beside Lu Chengfeng. He rubbed his hands and held the lower magic weapon dagger in the palm of his left hand. Gently waved the machete snatched from the old black hand, and said coldly, "So, the thorns around Yi Yan and others came to trouble us? Well, yes, so much trouble has happened in Xiaomeng City. It seems that the biggest suspect is us!"

Lu Chengfeng tilted his mouth, not just the biggest suspect. Now how did the gold bricks piled up into a hill under his bed come from? They are real murderers. If he hadn't taken into account the identity of the eldest son of the Lu family, I'm afraid that the thorns around Yi Yan and others had come to him as early as when the private wealth of Yi Yan and Yi Xing were stolen.

"Be careful! These thorns are not so easy to deal with!" Lu Chengfeng took a deep breath and untied a soft sword six feet long from his waist. He shook the soft sword casually, and suddenly a green water light spilled a few feet away.

"Good weapon!" Don't beg for praise. This soft sword, whether it is material or forging method, is impeccable among vulgar weapons.

Suddenly, a ray of dark shadows flashed across the courtyard wall, and four people in black appeared silently in the yard.


This weekend is Tomb-sweeping Day again. If the pig head has something to do, it will be updated in advance.

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Especially tomorrow Monday, everyone will vote more in the early morning! The pig's head is drooling and spitting 'thank you' here! E