Steal the sky

Chapter 30 Slaughter

The red sun covers the blue peak, and a muddy road meanders through the front of the mountain, and there are few people on the road.

Wearing standard armor and equipped with a special green front sword around his waist, he is riding on the back of a one-horned elk, holding his hands in front of his chest, condescendingly overlooking the road at the foot of the mountain. The one-horned elk is boringly nibbling at the moss on a rock, and its teeth are grinding.

It should be that the moss was not suitable for appetite. The one-horned elk snapped its nose unhappily, and its long tail shook it up and slapped on the face of the puppy.

The dog wiped his nose, and he, who was also wearing the standard armor of the Little Mengcheng City Guard, smiled innocently, slapped the elk's tail away, and proudly touched the Xuanhua axe that was often ten feet or two feet leaning against him. The axe is about three feet square, just like a small door panel. You don't need to sway it, and you will know that its lethality is amazing.

A month ago, after the assassination at night, the Yi Yan brothers completely stopped. They almost hysterically drank and had fun in the city guard's house, and played with the maids inadvertently, as if to consume their life's luxury in just a few days.

In this month, Zhang Hu brought back all the soldiers and horses of the Tianzi C battalion from Mengcun. Hu Wei, the captain of the Tianzi C battalion, resolutely defected under the attentive recruitment of Lu Chengfeng, and became Lu Chengfeng's third doorman, and the elite of the 500 Tianzi C battalion became Lu Chengfeng's

Zhang Hu brought from Meng Village, as well as 600 young men in Meng Village, including dog cubs, all of whom are bloody men who can fight and carry. With the 4,000 troops sent by Mengcheng and the aid of a large amount of money, goods and food sent by people, Mengcun no longer needs so many young people to maintain the village. The elders of Mengcun wisely sent the six hundred toughest children to Xiaomengcheng.

He has been a rural man in Mengcun all his life. He went to Little Mengcheng and became Lu Chengfeng's cronie. Maybe he could make a rich future. The elders of Meng Village were very accurate, and the bets were also very accurate. The youth of the 600 Meng Village was also included in Lu Chengfeng's own army team for the first time, and Lu Chengfeng also took out a copy of Lu's secret internal skills "Mang Niu Jin" and gave it to the people of Meng Village.

A month later, King Lu's opinions on the disposal of Yi Yan and others have been sent to Xiaomeng City. More than a dozen charges were detained on the heads of Yi Yan and others. Yi Yancheng was indeed deprived of his duty, and Lu Chengfeng successfully became the city guard of Xiaomeng City.

Everything was carried out according to the plan of not to beg, but only on the disposal of Yi Yan and others, the attitude of King Lu surprised not to beg - Yi Yan and others were not further punished, but just let them go back to Moyang Yi's family and think behind closed doors. Obviously, the Yi family contributed. They used their connections to reduce the guilt of Yi Yan and others. In the end, except for losing their official positions, they were not subject to other investigation.

"If you don't die, you will suffer from it. Yi Yan, they must die!"

Don't beg to sit on the back of the one-horned elk and squint in the direction of Xiao Mengcheng. It is more than 300 miles away from Xiaomeng City, which is the only traffic road in and out of Xiaomeng City. If Yi Yan and others want to turn back to the Moyang Yi family, they must pass through this road.

The puppy touched a Xuanhua axe with a smile. He patted Begging's arm heavily and asked with a smile, "Brother, when will the person you want to kill come?"

Don't beg to meditate for a moment. After a while, he nodded slowly and said, "Is there still half an hour left?" They drive a lot of cars, and there are so many women to carry. It's not easy to walk on this road. If you want to get here, it's not so fast.

patted the dog on the shoulder, don't frown and said, "Dog boy, Brother Zhang Hu went to Mengcun. Didn't he say that he needed an adult to come here? What are you doing here?

The dog's smile restrained, and he said in a low voice, "My father is dead. I want to raise my mother, a younger brother and a sister. Come to Xiaomeng City, the salary given by the city guard is high, and you can also practice the "Mang Niu Jin" given by the adults, which is much better than the family skills of our Meng Village. Why don't I come?"

Holding the Xuanhua axe tightly, the puppy raised his head proudly. He looked at the white clouds floating across the sky and smiled, "The uncles in the village said that the women outside the mountain smell better than those in the village! I want to make a lot of money and buy some women outside the mountain to go back to the village. I want to have a baby, a lot of children!"

Don't beg's face stiffened, and the ambition of the son of the dog reminded him of Le Xiaobai. Once Le Xiaobai stood outside a famous red light district in the Netherlands and looked up to the sky and shouted, "Give me a woman, I want a lot of women!"

shook his head and sighed. Don't beg helplessly and said, "The name of the son of a bitch is too ugly. Can I give you a large size? How about Meng Xiaobai?

The son of a bitch nodded whether he had it or not. He couldn't tell whether the name was good or bad, and simply said neatly, "Meng Xiaobai? It sounds okay. I will be Meng Xiaobai from now on!" He turned his head and smiled happily at the group of big men behind him and said, "Uncles, I will be Meng Xiaobai from now on. This is the name given to me by my eldest brother!"

The men in Mengcun were surrounded by more than a dozen circles, happily pouring old wine. After listening to Meng Xiaobai's words, they all raised their wine bags and cheered. These men were excited and drank all the spirits in the huge wine bags. One by one, their faces became red and their necks were thick, and the blood vessels on their necks were bulging, almost as thick as their thumbs.

These rough men are like a group of crazy bulls. As long as they don't beg for an order, they can rush out and tear up everything in front of them.

The secret skill of the Lu family in Liyang, "Mang Niu Jin", is really suitable for these thick and strong Meng villagers. In just more than 20 days of practice, this group of men brought a stream of strong blood unique to the bulls with red cloth.

The elite of the Five-day C camp led by Hu Wei stood quietly in the mountains and forests beside them. They were as quiet as mountains. No one moved randomly, and no one made a sound. Even their mounts stood there quietly, only occasionally shaking their tails to drive away the insects around them.

Compared with the people of Mengcun, the people of Mengcun are boiling magma, and Tianzi Camp C is a quiet iceberg, but it contains terrible lethality.

A large group of cars and mounts slowly appeared on the road in the distance, with hundreds of cars driving. More than 300 guards rode the two wings of the mount, winding all the way to this way. The convoy of Yi Yan and others arrived.

In this convoy, in addition to the relatives, slaves and family guards of Yi Yan and others, there are also angels from King Lu who have announced the edict, and there is also a team of more than 100 Yi family members. These Yi families from Moyang Yi's family deliberately came to Xiaomeng City to escort Yi Yan and others back to the family.

"I don't know. Are there any thorns in these people?" Don't look at the convoy and wave your hand gently.

A Mengcun man hurried into the mountain forest and blew a sharp and unpleasant whistle in a strange voice. In the distance, there were endless whistles in the mountains and forests, which spread all the way to a narrow valley on the side of the road.

When Yi Yan and others' convoy reached the front of the valley, they only heard a strange roar, and countless sharp thorns roared and shot at Yi Yan's convoy.

With the strange roar, more than 2,000 barbarians jumped happily and rushed out with all kinds of weapons. After these barbarians, hundreds of barbarians holding strong bows are constantly pulling bows and shooting arrows, shooting poisonous thorns into the sky.

The Mongolian villagers can take root in the depths of Mount Meng. They have a deep hatred with the barbarians, but there are also a very small number of barbarians who have secret dealings with them. Many rare things were picked by these barbarians in the depths of Mengshan and traded to the Mongolian villagers.

Therefore, it couldn't be easier to seduce a group of real barbarians and savages to ambush the roadside and ambush a legendary convoy full of salt, food and beautiful women through these barbarians.

Under the deployment arrangement of no begging, more than two thousand or nearly three thousand barbarians did not doubt that they were working for no begging, so they ambushed in the valley with high interest. At this moment, as soon as they heard the signal, they rushed out and launched a crazy attack on Yi Yan's convoy.

Poor for the guards of the Yi family. The thorn came like a storm. Nearly half of the guards were shot by the thorn before they could see who the enemy was. Don't beg to see the power of this thorn in Mengcun. Once it pierces into the human body, it will immediately make people's body dry and shrink, and the blood will turn into poisonous dirty blood and quickly spew out of the body.

The howling kept ringing, and the guards of the Yi family kept falling to the ground. In the face of the barbarians who rushed in crazily, the response speed of the guards was obviously three beats slower.

These guards are the confidant guards brought by Yi Yan from the family, and their real combat effectiveness is not strong. Yi Yan's biggest reliance in Xiaomeng City is those who betrayed his guards and those warriors in Xiaomeng City, who have practical experience and strong enough force.

The barbarians rushed up and quickly surrounded Yi Yan's convoy. Countless knives were cut down crazily, killing Yi Yan's family guards. Several cars were forcibly pulled to the roadside by barbarians and grabbed the curtain on the door. There was a woman crying in the car, which stimulated the barbarians to attack more desperately.

Fortunately, Moyang Yi's family sent nearly a hundred guards to protect Yi Yan. These guards are the elite choice of the Yi family. Whether it is equipment, cultivation or morale, they are far from comparable to those soft feet.

Nearly a hundred armored guard groups protected the four brothers Yi Yan, Yi De, Yi Xing and Yi Wei, and formed a round array to slowly retreat to the side of the road. There is a pile of rocks in the direction of their retreat. With the strength of these guards, if they can form a formation in the pile of stones to protect themselves, it is enough to fight with the barbarians.

But the desperate thing that made Yi Yan and others finally happened!

The three barbarian leaders suddenly snatched them out of the valley. They held a bone flute, a bone stick, and a bone knife in their hands, releasing a gloomy wind, a sharp ghost roar, and sacrificed a gray knife about six feet long and cut down at them.

The magic sound of the bone flute is scattered, the bone stick is yin and the wind pulls the marrow, and the bone knife is inseparable from the neck. In the blink of an eye, the elite guards of the Yi family fell down 17 people. All the guards who died in the battle were first cut off by the knife light, and then absorbed the essence of flesh and blood by the yinfeng magic sound.

A gloomy sneer suddenly came from the driver of a car, and four faint shadows shot out of the driver.

Don't beg for a continuous nod. As expected, the Yi family sent a new 'thorn' to take over Yi Yan and others!

Slowly raise your hand, don't beg for a sneer and say, "Get ready, everyone under the slaughter!"

The men in Mengcun rode on the unicorn elk one after another, and the soldiers of Tianzi Camp C turned over their mounts.

Under the leadership of Begging, everyone slowly went down the mountain and quietly approached the battlefield.


Dear comrades, tickets, tickets, tickets!

In the past two weeks, the pig's head code has been very happy! If you vote hard, the pig's head will be happier! E