Steal the sky

Chapter 41 Seizing the Spirit

The barbarian beast moved so fast that he punched a guard, and he immediately punched the old child demon and the fire king.

The two old monsters were addicted to the vigorous, powerful, smooth and tender body of the barbarian girl. When the guard was killed, the flesh and blood sprinkled on them woke them up. As a result, the beast's heavy fist smashed like two siege hammers.

With an exclamation, the fire king's reaction speed was slightly faster. He got up quickly and greeted him fiercely with his hands behind. In a hurry, he didn't have time to move his strength at all. The barbarian beast punched his palms, which made the fire king howled. He was smashed more than ten feet away by the huge force and hit a mountain rock.

"My hand!" The two palms of the Fire King were twisted and deformed like chicken feet that had been crushed by a road roller more than a dozen times. The muscle skin of his palm exploded into pieces, and the blood was sprayed, and white and miserable bones could be seen under the blood stains.

He shouted his two hands here, but the old child demon suffered even more.

Whether it is the fire king or the old child demon, both of them use evil skills and practice all the way to the realm of innate fetal breath with the help of external forces. The true spirit of the two people is mixed, the foundation is not very stable, and their strength is much weaker than that of the real innate master of fetal rest. Their bodies have not been tempered to the level of the innate fetal state, and their true qi operation speed is not much better than that of the martial artists in the innate realm of nourishing veins.

The old child demon only feels that a vicious wind is coming behind it. How can the old child demon who is forcibly transporting to extract the girl's essence? He could only barely get out of the girl's body, condensed a little innocence, and poured it all into his heart.

With a muffled sound, the old child demon was punched 20 feet away. The violent fist exploded in his back like a bomb, and a large piece of flesh in his back was smashed, and a spine was smashed for at least three sections. Even if he is a practitioner of the innate fetal state and his spine is broken, he is doomed to become disabled.

The old child demon howled and fell to the ground. His hands scratched crazily on the ground, but his spine was broken and his thoracic spine was all unconscious. Even if he had exhausted his strength to breastfeed, he still lay on the ground and could not straighten up. This old monster who harmed countless people finally screamed in horror: "Save me, old fire, save me! Your lord, save me, save me!"

Mr. Fire suffered a serious injury to his palm, and now he is busy applying golden sore medicine to the palm of his hand. After listening to the screams of the old child demon, how could he have time to talk to him?

Liu Suifeng did not dare to let a congenital fetal family die like this. He was so busy that he wanted to call a guard to save the old child demon, but the barbarian beast had long stared at Liu Suifeng wearing a golden crown and a particularly gorgeous upper body.

"Dad! A Niang! Sister!" The beast looked up to the sky and roared, and with one punch, he forced back the eight most powerful doormen around Liu Suifeng, and killed Liu Suifeng with red eyes. He avoided the two long swords that cut into his body, grabbed them with both hands, grabbed the heads of the two Liu Suifeng guards, pinched them into pieces, and then kicked Liu Suifeng.

Liu Suifeng screamed and retreated, but no matter how fast he retreated, he was not as fast as the beast. Liu Suifeng quickly retreated from the main part of his body and barely got rid of the beast's safe enough distance. However, the part of his body that expanded at some point was still upright, and the toes of the beast were about to kick in that part, kicking the half of Liu Suifeng into a ball of plasma.

"My mother!" Liu Suifeng howted miserably and jumped up with his lower body in his arms with a green face.

The barbarian beast roared, "I'm in your mother!" He was like a black hurricane, roaring and killing Liu Suifeng again.

The guards brought by Liu Suifeng and Lu Quyuan desperately surrounded and killed this barbarian beast martial arts, but this beast martial arts really wanted to be a human-shaped tiger, extremely powerful and fast. Two innate old demons were injured by him. In a hurry, how can these guards organize an effective siege?

In particular, the roar of this beast was like more than a dozen tigers roaring at the same time. The huge noise shook the ears of these guards, and the stars flashed in front of them. They couldn't even control the balance of their bodies, and they could not effectively attack the enemy at all.

A more terrible thing finally happened. When more than a dozen doormen from the peak realm attacked this beast at the same time, the virtual shadow of the tiger behind the beast suddenly condensed and roared silently from the sky. The trees and plants within a radius of a hundred feet were windless, and the thatch on the roof of the village suddenly flew out in a mess.

More than a dozen doormen from the peak realm of the day after tomorrow dropped their weapons and looked at the tiger shadow in horror. They held their ears in their hands, and a drop of blood dripped from their earlobe. The long roar of the tiger's virtual shadow sounded directly in the minds of these doormen, and almost tore up the souls of these doormen.

Seeing that the beast was unstoppable, Yan Bugui beside him finally took action.

"What are you doing standing stupidly? Go to the periphery and shoot him with a heavy crossbow!"

Yan Bui shouted and repulsed the panicked guards. He pulled out the sword behind him, and his eyes suddenly stared. A long wolf roared, and a big blue wolf about four meters high shadow gushed out behind him. Yan Bugui's running speed increased to an incredible level. He waved his sword and brought a cold light and stabbed the beast.

Lu Chengfeng exclaimed, "It turns out that Yan Bugui is also a beast!"

The barbarian beast roared, and he roared, "Dad! A Niang! Sister! You are all going to die!"

With a wave of his arms, the barbarian beast made dozens of punches and kicked dozens of kicks at the swallow like a storm. The ground was shaken, and the barbarian beasts jumped and soared on the ground. Every time they fell on the ground, the earth trembled fiercely, and the stones on the ground were shaken up several feet high.

Yan Bugui leaned over and waved his sword. After the first sword light lit up, one after another, one sword light after another was as continuous as thunder in the dark clouds, with the sharp sound of breaking the wind, constantly stabbed the body of the barbarian beast.

The barbarian beast's force is extremely large, and the speed is also very fast; Yan Bugui's strength is not as strong as the barbarian beast's martial arts, but the speed is much faster. The two of them seemed to have been swirling in place for a while, destroying half of the village in the blink of an eye. Wherever the barbarian beast's fists hit, a wooden house was blown to pieces; where the sword light of the swallow did not return swept, even the herbs in the nearby medicine field were cut into pieces.

Suddenly, several guards of Liu Suifeng suddenly shouted.

Yan Bugui hurriedly retreated when he heard the cry, and the guards raised the nine-fold crossbow and shot at the barbarian beast.

The sound was harsh, and thirty-six pure steel crossbow arrows shot out at a distance of less than 20 steps. The reaction speed of the barbarian beast was also very fast, but there was no way to avoid such a close-range crossbow shooting. Eighteen crossbow arrows shot into the body of the barbarian beast, shot through his powerful body, and nailed to the wall of the village with eighteen blood arrows far away.

The poison on the arrow broke out quickly. The barbarian beast's body trembled a few times, and the original dark skin was quickly covered with a heavy layer of green.

"You, kill all my people!" The barbarian beast stood in place shivering all over and roared, "I curse you, and I curse you in the name of the spirit of the mountain. You will all die in this mountain forest, and your souls will be swallowed up by the spirit of the mountains, and you will sink into darkness forever!"

Yan did not return the sword to the scabbard. He looked at the barbarian beast and sneered, "There is no so-called spirit of heaven and earth. What you barbarians believe in are all fake.

The barbarian beast roared and was about to wave his fist to attack Yan Bugui. But the poison spread rapidly in his body, and his heart was also contaminated with the poison. As soon as he raised his fist, his body fell stiffly to the ground.

The virtual shadow of the fierce tiger suddenly condensed behind the barbarian beast. It stared at Yan Bugui and looked up to the sky and roared silently. A circle of bright light spared the virtual shadow, and a lot of faint light flew out of the body of the barbarian beast, and gradually integrated into the body of the tiger's virtual shadow.

Yan Bui sneered: "This can't be done. You were killed. If your soul is integrated into the beast soul, and your soul does not enter reincarnation, maybe it will become a soul demon in a few decades. That's our trouble!"

He quickly walked to the barbarian beast's body. Yan Bugui pressed his hand on the forehead of the tiger's virtual shadow and recited it in a low voice.

"The spirit of all things has the same root and the same origin. The heroic soul of the mountain forest, this is not the place you should keep. In the name of the mother of all spirits, disperse.

A blue light shot out of the palm of the swallow and integrated into the virtual shadow of the tiger.

The virtual shadow of the tiger suddenly broke up, and there seemed to be countless fireflies in the village. The red light swayed around with the night wind, and soon drifted in the direction of Buqi and others with the wind.

Yan didn't return and breathed easily: "Okay, this is a complete solution."

Those red light spots entered the dense forest with the wind. After drifting hundreds of feet, they have become dim, and it is difficult for the naked eye to distinguish them in the night. Don't beg to dissipate water vapor around, but you can clearly perceive their existence.

It is a very pure soul power that has lost all memory. It has been shattered into the most basic soul particles by the secret method of swallows.

Don't beg instinctively recalling the situation in the Taixu big move array. He took a deep breath and silently carried the big winding hand.

Water vapor permeated the surroundings, and more than 80% of the soul particles quickly gathered to Beggar. In the sea of knowledge, the water wave suddenly rotated rapidly, and all the soul particles were sucked into his body by the whirlpool in his sea of knowledge.

In just a few breaths, the strength of the soul of Don't begging has increased by about four times. Even if he closes his eyes, he can sense everything within ten feet of his body. The wind blew the grass, the leaves shook, and there were a few insects in the soil under the tree. Everything was as clear as if it were in front of us.

The true qi in the body quickly compressed inward, and several important tricks on Ren Du's second vein were washed away by the mutated true qi, and the hazy water vapor that could be seen by the naked eye slowly converged into the body.

Lu Chengfeng looked at Don't beg in a daze, and his cheeks twitched, as if he had seen a ghost.

Don't beg looked at Lu Chengfeng and smiled. He put his hands on his back and said, "Look at the feelings of the two beasts fighting. Don't beg has broken through to the realm of innate absorption!"

Zhang Hu and Hu Wei under the tree hit the tree almost at the same time.


Don't beg for innate, comrades, smash the ticket, smash the ticket! U