Steal the sky

Chapter 48 Fury

In the open space in the forest, a group of people with ragged clothes and scars fell to the ground.

Since the last wave of barbarian pursuit team was repulsed by them the night before yesterday, the group of people have not heard the terrible roar of the barbarians for more than a dozen hours. In this mountain forest, the strength of the barbarians has indeed been brought into great play. If it hadn't been for their group of eight beasts such as Yan Bugui, and the two innate begging and Lu Chengfeng, they would have been killed by the barbarians long ago.

Under the big tree, the only five willows left looked at the ground with a dull face. Liu Suifeng's naked body was put on the ground. Don't beg to diligently mix the spices picked in the forest with more than a dozen herbs. A rough combination of a very effective preservative was applied to Liu Suifeng's body.

During the 20-day escape, Liu Suifeng's guests refused to leave the dead Liu Suifeng and took his body out of the mountain forest anyway. Don't be afraid that Liu Suifeng's body will rot and stink, attracting all kinds of strange beasts with a sensitive sense of smell brought by the barbarians, so they took the initiative to do anti-corrosion treatment for Liu Suifeng.

"Although your death has such a little to do with me, now I'm working hard to help you deal with the afterths, and you still owe me a big favor!" Don't beg while applying the paste-like preservative to Liu Suifeng, he muttered in his heart, "You can bury it fragrantly. You don't have to take the smell into the coffin. You owe me a great favor. You must be an ox and a horse for me in the next life!"

It was easy to dispose of Liu Suifeng's body again. Don't beg to find a huge vine. One palm split the vine, and immediately clear water spewed out. I grabbed a handful of natural soap horn fruit and washed my hand. Don't beg to grab the vine and drink a few mouthfuls of water.

Under the tree, he was as thin as a skeleton, and the lower half of his body began to swell and shine. He looked forward to not begging, hoping that he could give him a sip of water to drink. Don't hesitate for a while, but still rolled a big leaf into a cup and fed a few mouthfuls of water to the old child demon.

Greedy, he drank more than a catty of water, and the old child demon almost didn't cry: "The wind knows the strong grass, and it will take a long time to see people's hearts. Don't beg for little friends, I'm really grateful, thank you very much!"

Don't beg to look at the old child demon who has suffered countless hardships along the way, and sighed deeply: "Don't thank me. Even if a wild dog lies in front of me, I will feed him some water and rice. Alas, the biggest shortcoming of me is that my heart is too soft!"

shook his head and stood up. Don't beg to walk to Lu Chengfeng. As he walked, he sighed, "You old child demon is not a good person. Why should I talk to you? I'm just soft-hearted and can't see people suffer, that's why I feed you water. In addition, your little prince is still our prince's enemy. He will die when he dies. Why did I make him deal with the afterthody? I'm just too soft-hearted!"

When the old child demon heard the words "Don't beg", he always felt a little uncomfortable. But after all, he fed himself water. He could only look at Bu Begging's back with complicated eyes, and scolded the five remaining Liu Suifengmen in his stomach. These five people were busy serving Liu Suifeng, who died all the way, but they threw him away as a big living person like a package. If he hadn't begged to take care of her occasionally, he would have died in the mountain forest.

looked at the five doormen with resentment, and the old child demon swore to himself, "Even if I die, I will drag the five of you to die together."

Don't beg hurried back to Lu Chengfeng, who was sitting with his eyes closed, and carried the three black stone tablets on his shoulders again.

Along the way, don't beg to try to crack the mystery of the black stone tablet. But there are no words on the black stone tablet, and there is no magic fluctuation in it. His spiritual knowledge is not enough to penetrate into the black stone tablet to peep at the mystery inside. After tossing all the way, he didn't know what the use of this black stone tablet is.

It must be a good thing to make Jing Ke, the general of the Great Yan Dynasty, to reward a county as a treasure of fiefdom. But the strength is not good, and there is no way to get the benefits inside, and there is no resentment if you don't beg.

It is well said that there are too many good things in the world, and it is impossible for everything to be destined to be your own. The first thing to steal this road of heaven and earth is to learn to give up. Those who don't know how to give up will only be tranceed by everything in heaven and earth, and finally set fire to kill themselves.

After patting three black stone tablets fiercely, don't beg to jump up and whisper, "Lord Yan, it's almost time to rest. Let's continue on our way. In two more days, we can almost leave this mountain forest.

Yan did not return to look at the sky. The sun was hanging over his head, and the golden sunlight turned into countless lightsabers into the dark forest. He nodded, got up and shouted, "Okay, if you don't want to be killed by the barbarians, go immediately!"

Liu Suifeng's doorman stood up speechlessly. The two doormen carried Liu Suifeng's body with a rough stretcher. The other man rudely grabbed the old child demon and put it on his shoulder, and the group hurriedly set out again. The old child demon was in severe pain all over by the rude movements of the guest. He groaned with difficulty, and his eyes were full of crazy resentment.

Lu Quyuan, who lost an arm, grabbed Lu Chengfeng's sleeve with one hand, afraid that his eldest brother would refuse to take him.

The horror of this mountain forest has scared Lu Quyuan's three souls and seven souls to fly away. Liu Suifeng was killed by poisonous insects, and his doorman guards died one after another under the strange pursuit of the barbarians. If Lu Chengfeng hadn't helped him several times, Lu Quyuan's bones could have been drumming now. In the mountains and forests, Lu Chengfeng is the only hope for Lu Quyuan to survive.

Don't beg coldly looked at Lu Quyuan, who was shivering all over. He came to Lu Chengfeng's side and laughed in a low voice, "I dare to bet a lot of money. As long as you get out of this mountain forest, the sixth brother will immediately turn against you. Believe it or not?"

Lu Quyuan's body trembled, and he hurriedly shouted in a low voice, "No, how can I do that? In the future, the eldest brother will be my own eldest brother. No matter what happens in the clan, I will listen to the eldest brother, and I will listen to the eldest brother!"

Lu Chengfeng laughed a few times without saying a word.

Don't beg, just laughed a few times and didn't mention this topic again.

The subsequent journey became very smooth. In addition to the fact that two bird barbarian Vultures and three barbarian beasts found them. After a fierce fight, they lost two Liu Suifeng's doormen. The group of people finally walked out of the mountain forest that had devoured many lives in ignorance.

After waiting for two days and two nights at the meeting point agreed by the patrol department outside the mountain, only six teams successfully walked out of the mountain forest, and all of them were reduced by 70% to 80% of their mobile phones to see that the wind patrol department under the command of Yan did not return, leaving a total of 17 people left. When they went there, there were only 65 warriors in total who could get out of the mountains and forests.

After Counting the number of people and confirming that all the others were damaged in the mountain forest, Yan did not return with a long sigh, shed a few tears on the mountain forest, and then restored the image of the wooden man with a stiff face.

"Let's separate! Write down everyone's place of origin and name, and the rewards you deserve will be issued as soon as possible.

After grabbing three black stone tablets from the shoulder of Buqi, Yan Bugui took a deep look at Buqi and Lu Chengfeng and said in a low voice, "Lu Chengfeng, the eldest son of the Lu family in Liyang? You should be the first to work this time. Go back and wait. You will be surprised.

Lu Chengfeng solemnly saluted Yan Bugui, and Yan Bugui saluted back. After ordering his subordinates to register the roster for all the martial artists present, they hurriedly left here with three black stone tablets. Returning to the imperial capital of the Great Yan Dynasty from the State of Lv, they had to cross seven vassal states along the way. The road was tortuous. No matter how fast they were, it would take at least half a year to return to Jidu, the imperial capital of the Great Yan Dynasty.

The so-called reward will be issued as soon as possible. It will take more than a year of effort.

The warriors present breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They turned around and looked at the mountains and forests behind them, and suddenly shouted at the same time. This time, they were suddenly summoned by the wind patrol department and entered the mountain forest for an adventure. Although they finally came out alive, how many acquaintances and friends were buried in this mountain forest.

Those who are alive will receive a reward personally awarded by the general of the Great Yan Dynasty. And the dead will die, and at most there will be a little insignificant pension. However, most of the martial artists in Xiaomeng City are dead with knives and blood, and there are few people with their families. If they die, they will die. The pension is meaningless to them.

Don't wait for this group of warriors for the rest of their lives after the disaster. Then he fiercely kicked Lu Chengfeng's calf, pouted at these warriors, and pushed Lu Chengfeng, who was stunned with a silly smile on his shoulder, forward a few steps.

Lu Chengfeng suddenly woke up, and he saluted these martial artists deeply: "Guys, take advantage of the wind. Tian is the city guarding the city. This time, I share the same difficulties. It's really predestined. It's a pity that you have good skills, but in the end they will wither with the vegetation. Nowadays, there are still many guests in the wind house. There is a shortage of seats waiting in the wind. I just hope you can help me ride the wind.

Don't beg for a pestle beside Lu Chengfeng, and release the breath of your innate realm with a smile. The light weather aura turned into a white water mist and circled slowly. The faint pressure shocked the warriors in front of them.

"A congenital master!" The warriors are in awe and envious. Don't beg.

These martial artists are all flexible people. They heard what Yan didn't return to Lu Chengfeng just now. Is there a surprise waiting for Lu Chengfeng? He is already the agent of the city guard. What other surprises can he have?

There is no need to beg and Lu Chengfeng to work hard. Thirty-seven of these surviving martial artists worshipped Lu Chengfeng and became his guests. Being able to get out of the terrible mountain forest, these surviving warriors are either acquired peaks, or only one step away from the acquired peak. For a while, Lu Chengfeng's strength greatly increased, and he really had the atmosphere that a rich man should have.

After a few laughed, Lu Chengfeng happily led everyone to Xiaomeng City and left for nearly two months. Lu Chengfeng was really worried about things in the city.

As a result, it was more than three miles away from Xiaomeng City. He saw Xiaohei swaying a long halberd, leading a large group of city guard soldiers, blocking the gates in the southeast and west of Xiaomeng City, and fighting loudly.

Don't beg, Lu Chengfeng was shocked and hurried to ask about the matter. After listening to Xiaohei's words, the two were furious at the same time.

Don't beg shouted, jumped straight up to the city gate building, and kicked several Liu Suifeng's guards off the wall.

"Little black, siege! Those who dare to rebel, kill without mercy!"

Don't beg if you are furious, just give the order to attack the city!

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