Steal the sky

Chapter 57 The Barbarian Tide

The blood flashed, and a Yulin army, who was running forward on a wild beast, waved casually, and two rangers who had just climbed out of the pile of bricks and tiles, howled and fell to the ground. The long sword split their necks and almost cut their heads off. Blood spewed out a few feet away, and a pool of sticky blood quickly accumulated on the ground.

The Yulin army knight smiled proudly and spit out a thick phlegm disdainfully.

It was this crooked head that a hunter hiding under the collapsed rainhouse with a palm-sized crossbow shot out a delicate tree thorn with a ferocious smile. Three inches long, thin-haired tree thorns shot two feet away and hit the knight's exposed neck. The tree thorns were quenched with the poison of Mengshan's specialty flower widow spider. The knight's body stiffened. He sat on the wild beast and ran forward for more than ten feet. Suddenly, he spit out black blood and fell to the ground.

"One hundred golds are in hand!"

The barbarian who successfully sniped the enemy clicked his mouth proudly. He was about to get up and change to an ambush place when three pure steel crossbow arrows roared, shot through the canopy, shot in from his back, and nailed him firmly to the ground.

Two feather forest army knights rushed over, two horses stabbed out, penetrated the awning, and picked up the body of the hunter in mid-air. With a heavy blow, the body of the barbarian hunter was blown away more than ten feet away, and it was cut into three pieces when it landed.

"Damn bitch!" Killing the barbarian, the two knights of the Yulin army looked at the bodies of their colleagues on the ground with angry eyes. The knight of the Tianzi Jia Army of the Yulin Army, who claimed to be the first in the combat strength of the State of Lu, unexpectedly lost manpower in a remote and small place like Xiaomeng City, and it spread out that he simply lost the face of all the Yulin Army.

The angry Yulin army was about to continue to rush in, in a sloping restaurant by the roadside, more than a dozen guards suddenly shouted and rushed out. They jumped almost crazily on the back of the beast, and surrounded the two feather forest army knights indiscriminately.

Most of the houses in the city collapsed, and there were messy piles of rubble everywhere. Before the two Yulin knights could react, they were thrown to the ground by these crazy city guards. Poor two elite Yulin troops, who had more than 30 years of cultivation, were cut into meat sauce by more than a dozen city guards who had less than ten years of cultivation.

Suddenly lost its owner, and the two wild beasts went crazy. They rose up with all their strength and patted their front paws fiercely.

With a tragic howling, five city guard soldiers were torn open by the mad beast and died tragically on the spot. The other guards quickly cut off the heads of the knights of the Yulin army and hurriedly fled the scene with two heads. Two crossbow arrows roared from under a half-collapse arrow tower by the roadside, piercing the bodies of two wild beasts and flying them more than a dozen steps away.

There are bloody figures everywhere, harsh shouts everywhere, the smell of blood everywhere, and the reflection of swords everywhere.

More than 100,000 surviving residents of Xiaomeng City, with minor or serious injuries, were killed together with more than 6,000 Yulin soldiers who entered the city.

In any other city of Lu, when more than 6,000 wild beast knights attack the city, they will face a tragic massacre. The previous battle examples of the knights of the Yulin Army also gave them such experience. But Xiaomeng City is different, and the soldiers and civilians of Xiaomeng City have not collapsed.

Located in the most barbaric remote countryside of the State of Lv, relying on the small Mengcheng developed by Mengshan, all of them are outlaws, and basically no good people can be found. Everyone can fight with people with knives and guns, and all of them are murderers who make a living on the mouth of the knife. Even those smoke and dust women who walk around the streets and do business. When it is convenient for them, they don't mind working part-time to make some money and kill their lives.

This is a deformed city of violence, a city born of the desire for money.

If the knights of the Yulin Army are 6,000 tigers, the soldiers and civilians of Xiaomeng City are more than 100,000 hungry wolves, and they are hungry wolves who have been forced into a desperate situation by order to kill them. However, everyone, including Rock Ene and Ma Liang, regarded the people in Xiaomeng City as more than 100,000 sheep!

fight, endless fight.. Little Mengcheng, whether military or civilian, male or female, old or young, they all held weapons and killed the knights of the Yulin army like crazy. If you risk your life to kill one, you will get a hundred gold; if you don't work hard, you will be killed for nothing!

As soon as he entered the city, the knights of the Yulin Army lost 300 people.

A quarter of an hour later, the knights of the Yulin army lost another 500 people.

Half an hour later, the wild beast knights of the Yulin army who entered Xiaomeng City lost 1,800 people, and less than 4,000 people could fight.

Moji Arrow Rain killed more than 50,000 soldiers and civilians in Xiaomeng City, and the number of casualties was not less than 50,000. However, after paying the price of more than 5,000 people, the remaining 100,000 residents abruptly killed more than 1,800 feather forest army and nibbled a large piece of meat on the feather forest army.

Don't beg and patted his forehead heavily. He cursed in a low voice, "Don't beg, you pig!"

The demon-level IQ, which originally belonged to Le Xiaobai, instantly judged the cause and effect of the war. The Yulin Army does have an overwhelming power advantage, but don't beg to ignore the essence of the residents in Xiaomeng City. This is a group of vicious thugs who are strong and rooted in the barbarians! Hundreds of thousands of thugs, not hundreds of thousands of good people, can't they withstand the attack of thousands of elite knights?

Moreover, there are so many rangers, so many barbarians, and so many escorts of the Chamber of Commerce in Xiaomeng City.

When Ma Liang brazenly issued a killing order, everyone in Xiaomeng City was forced to be twisted into a rope. Driven by the will to survive, what are the more than 6,000 feather forest army knights? Not to mention, don't beg for that ridiculously high reward! Killing a forest army knight is rewarded with a hundred gold, which is enough to make any ranger or barbarian burst into ten times the combat effectiveness.

With a roar of joy, don't beg and roar, "Sclose the gate and trap this group of Yulin soldiers who kill thousands of knives!" Haha, as long as they are trapped in the city, they will never dare to shoot arrows again! Children, trap them and don't let them rush out of the city.

No one is stupid. After listening to the words of Don't beg, the people in Xiaomeng City immediately understood that these Yulin Army knights were the best hostages. As long as they are blocked in the city, Rock and Ma Liang outside the city will never dare to order the ink machine to continue to launch. If you lose more than a thousand wild beast knights of the Yulin army, you can also find an excuse to squeak over. If the whole army of the Yulin army is destroyed here, even Princess Yingchuan and Bai Shuojun will not be able to withstand the anger of the State of Lv.

Tang these damn beast knights, and the ink machine will never dare to launch again.

Don't beg and shout again: "A lot of money to buy wild beasts! Two hundred gold for a living beast! Children, capture wild beasts alive, two hundred gold!" Lu Chengfeng's eyes lit up. Two hundred gold for a wild beast? This deal is absolutely cost-effective! He had begun to fantasize about the appearance of all his own soldiers and guards riding on the wild beast.

Outside the city, the gray-faced Rock enemy and Ma Liang looked at each other, and their bodies trembled violently. The war turned into such an uncontrollable situation. Even if their heads were cut off, they didn't expect it to be like this.

In a small Mengcheng District, it actually fell into the elite Yulin Army Tianzi Jia Army! Are they having nightmares?

Roque, who was full of mind, raised his right hand tremblingly. He shouted, "On the order of Princess Yingchuan, break through Xiaomeng City, don't leave chickens and dogs, and die for the little prince!" All ink machines are filled with arrow box, ready!"

Ma Liang kicked Rock's enemy off the mount. He hissed, "Are you crazy? Our people are still in the city! They are dead, we all have to die!"

The whole army of the Yulin Army was destroyed in Xiaomeng City? As expected, Ma Liang and Roque's enemies, including Princess Yingchuan and Bai Shuojun behind them, can't afford this responsibility.

Rock's enemy sat on the ground. He whispered to himself, "What should I do? What should I do? It's over, we're over! How did this battle come to be fought like this?

Ma Liang is also anxious and has no way to deal with it at all. He shuddered all over, and only stared at the little Mengcheng who had been killed in a mass.

Suddenly, there was an iron drum in the distance.

After the sound of the iron drum, the sound of the iron drum, like the storm of the angry sea, rolled in endlessly.

Following the sound of iron drums, countless shrill horns, either sharp, or high-pitched, or hoarse horns converge into a thrilling horror sound wave, combined with the low and crazy angry sound of iron drums, ruling the world.

Suddenly darkened in the air, a large number of giant birds rushed out of Mount Meng and flew over Little Mengcheng. More than 3,000 giant eagles and eagles hovered in the air. On the backs of these giant birds, there are more or less some short and sloose bird barbarians.

Smoke and dust rose to the sky, and from all parts of Mengshan surrounding Little Mengcheng, a large number of barbarians rushed out like a tsunami.

In the east, more than 10,000 barbarians drove the vast and endless beast conflicts. In front of the two thousand barbarians and countless beasts, more than 30 barbarians and beasts rolled around and strode to the front of the team.

In the west, more than 10,000 barbarians who were born like ghosts rushed with a huge gloomy wind. Around these barbarians, countless poisonous insects formed a vast ocean. Spiders the size of water tanks, poisonous pythons with thick mouths of bowls, and centipedes three or five feet long, how many ferocious poisonous insects roll in the sea of insects.

In the north, more than 10,000 barbarian knights riding on the horned bison are ready to charge. Every barbarian knight is actually equipped with the same armor as the standard armor of the State of Lv. Such armor and weapons are obviously not what the barbarians themselves can make.

In the south, dozens of barbarian leaders wearing animal skins and bird feathers drove all kinds of low-level magic weapons, carrying more than 50,000 barbarian soldiers, beating hundreds of iron drums, playing thousands of horns, and rushing all the way.

Zhang Hu and Hu Wei, two old people in Xiao Mengcheng, shouted in unison: "Oh, my God, it's tide! And it's scaring more than any tide!"

Lu Chengfeng's face turned pale, and the house leaked into the rain overnight, and Xiaomeng City was in trouble!

Don't beg, he suddenly laughed loudly: "It's wonderful, fortunately, Rock's enemy stopped them outside!"

When you get angry, don't beg and shout loudly: "In the order of the city, let the gate be opened, and let the Yulin army roll out of Xiaomeng City!"

Lu Chengfeng, Zhang Hu and Hu Wei were stunned, and then their faces suddenly became extremely rosy.

There are still 80 ink machines outside. What are you afraid of?

Comrades, it's Monday again. Try your best to smash the ticket! Tickets, tickets, tickets!

Don't vote for the update of 12,000 yuan. Let's smash the votes! M