Steal the sky

Chapter 63 Deduction

After 19 days of travel on the land of the Dayan Dynasty, the group of people finally arrived in Jicheng.

Jidu, the capital of the Dayan Dynasty, has been expanded 15 times in more than 2,000 years. With each expansion, in addition to the heightening and reinforcement of the original city wall, another city wall rises a few miles outside the city wall, encircled a wider range of territory into the city. Therefore, from the outermost wall to the innermost palace wall, Ji has a total of 17 high walls.

Thirty years ago, Jidu just carried out the latest expansion. The latest city wall is 180 miles long and 180 miles wide. In the thin morning fog, the tall wall is like a crouching dragon, lying quietly on this unribless plain.

Each city wall is fifteen feet high and ten feet thick, and the whole body is built with strong black rock. Between the rock block and the rock block, a hardware solution is poured, making the city wall more and more indestructible. On these black dazzling rocks that are twice as strong as diamond, a large number of rune arrays with Wutu attributes are also carved, and the aura of the veins is always extracted to strengthen the wall. The wall is always shining with light yellow light, which is shocking.

On the city wall, there is an arrow tower 100 feet high every two miles. The arrow tower is ten feet long and ten feet wide, with a total of nine floors from top to bottom. A large number of ink machines and crossbows are arranged, and the lethality is extremely terrible. Inside the city wall, there are countless Tibetan soldiers's caves and corridors, and the external peep holes, gun holes and arrow holes can be seen one by one with the naked eye. The dark holes look cold from the bottom of the heart.

As the team gradually approached the wall of Jicheng, don't beg and feel that the heart is beating faster and faster, and the blood is flowing in the blood vessels, which makes him a little dizzy. He instinctively felt that something would happen in this huge capital, something that would have a great impact on him, or the Great Yan Dynasty.

Take a deep breath and don't beg for a finger on a wooden charm hanging around his waist. Several simple runes on the wooden rune flashed slightly, and a force spread from the wooden rune, covering the fluctuation of the true spirit of don't begging. Now it seems that Don't beg is an ordinary martial artist with about 30 or 40 years of cultivation.

Lu Chengfeng, Roque's enemy and Ma Liang also entered a true qi into the wooden charm hanging around their waist, covering their internal breath. The four restraint charms are made by Lu Chengfeng himself. In addition to the Houtu spirit armor array and the platinum knife array, it is also the last practical array of Lu Chengfeng Association.

The steward of Lv Guo's 'Tao family' came forward to dredge, and the brigade successfully entered Jidu. The sergeants at the gate of the city did not even check whether there were any contraband in the convoy, so they entered the city.

Jicheng is the core hinterland of the Dayan Dynasty. Hundreds of thousands of troops are stationed all year round. There are countless guards of the major rich families in the city, and I don't know how many masters are hiding in it. Don't beg their group is just more than 4,000 guards. For the huge thistle, it's like a drop of water spilled into the big lake, which can't raise any waves at all, and they don't care about them at all.

Walk along the main road as wide as 30 feet, passing through thirteen walls along the way. Then don't beg them to move forward again. Going further inside, the people living in the core urban area are all princes and nobles of the Dayan Dynasty, from the vassal states of the Dayan Dynasty. The direct descendants of an ordinary rich merchant are not eligible to enter the core urban area.

After a busy time, Liyang Lu bought a large house in the city in advance, which was enough to accommodate more than 5,000 people. Under the welcome of the general manager sent by the Lu family in Jidu, Liyang, the brigade was stationed in the house, and then don't beg to immediately explain to Zhang Hu, Hu Wei and others to arrange guards on duty.

After Tie Yuewu hurriedly bathed and changed his clothes, he immediately sent Lu Qiuluo, the general manager of the Lu family in Jicheng, to lead the way, and carried three carts of gold and jade jewelry to visit the Lord of the State Sect of the Yan Dynasty, Yan Xinggong Yu Xuan, who is now in power.

Yan Xing Gong Yu Xuan, the th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th

If Lu Chengfeng wants to successfully inherit Yan's unruly title and fief and official position, he must buy Yu Xuan out.

Don't beg and others enter the city in the early morning. It takes a lot of time to enter the city. When everyone settles down, it's already after noon. Tie Yuewu bathed and changed his clothes. When he countd three carts of gold and jade jewelry to visit Yu Xuan, it was almost evening. Things are urgent, and there will be one more variable after a little delay, so Tie Yuewu knew that it was really impolite to visit the Duke of the Great Yan Dynasty so abruptly, but he could not care so much.

There was no news after this time. From the approaching evening to the moon hanging in the sky, I didn't see the iron moon dance come back, and I didn't see her send the guards around her back to inform me. Gradually, not only Lu Chengfeng, but also Begging felt a little anxious.

Lu Chengfeng sat in the lobby, hiding his hands under the case, and his fingers shivered violently.

Don't beg is to walk slowly in the yard with your hands behind your back, just like a fish swimming in the water, floating under your feet, but there is no smoke or dust, and no sound. Sometimes he looked up at the sky, and sometimes he looked back at Lu Chengfeng, frowning tightly.

After waiting for another half an hour, Don't beg also felt that something was a little wrong. He stamped his feet heavily and said in a low voice, "In addition to Lu Qiuluo, who knows where the Guozong Mansion is? Call someone over and take me to identify the way.

Lu Chengfeng suddenly jumped up. He shook his head repeatedly and said, "I can't do it, I can't do it. It can't be compared with Little Mengcheng here. There are countless masters in Jicheng, and there are more than 100,000 soldiers patrolling at night. It is said that there are real practitioners on patrol at night in the inner city. You can't go out.

Don't beg and stamp his feet. He shouted in a low voice, "So where did they go? No matter what happens, you have to write back, right?

The two were discussing here when Zhang Hu suddenly hurried in. He saluted Lu Chengfeng and hurriedly said, "Sir, don't beg brothers. Several servants of the imperial court came with their wife's seal, saying that they asked the prince to go to the imperial court secretly to discuss."

Lu Chengfeng was overjoyed and hurriedly pulled Don't beg and went out.

Don't beg for a hurry to turn around and say hello. Rock Enemy and Ma Liang looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

Outside the main hall of the first courtyard of the mansion, several men in black cloaks and covered with their faces were standing quietly under the eaves. Hearing the footsteps of Begging and others, several men hurriedly turned around and handed over a thumb-sized jade seal. But Mr. Chengfeng is in person? At the order of my master, please ask the prince to look at the most ~ quickly ~ the secret business of the house."

With the seal, there is also a token cast with gold, silver, copper, iron and tin hardware. The palm-sized token is full of wind patterns and clouds. In the wind and clouds, a blue bird is flying high. On the back of the token, in a round of tomorrow, the small seal is engraved with the word 'Ji'.

Lu Chengfeng took over the seal and looked at it. It was indeed the personal seal of the Iron Moon Dance. Don't beg took the token over. The token looked small, but the weight was very heavy. He looked at the token for a round. At the edge of the token, there was indeed the word "Zong Yuxuan of the Great Yan Dynasty.

After squeaming the token, don't beg and ask, "Madam, why don't you come with me?"

Just now, the man said lightly, "Do you think that anyone can walk at night? One more person, one more trouble."

With a sneer, the man said with a little arrogance, "Even if you enter the inner city later, you have to hide in the car. Don't make a sound or move, otherwise you will cause trouble. Don't blame us for neglecting us. Mr. Chengfeng, don't forget your current identity, you are still the eldest son of the Lu family in Liyang!"

Lu Chengfeng snorted softly, and he looked at Don't beg.

Don't beg. He narrowed his eyes and whispered, "Our son needs to bring a few guards."

The man in black looked at Buqi and others and said indifferently, "Except for the wind, it's better not to guard more than four people. The car we brought is too small to hold too many people.

Don't beg to point to yourself and Rock's enemy and Ma Liang. He said indifferently, "Only the three of us will serve our son there."

Several people in black nodded together. They didn't say anything more. They pulled the cloak that covered their faces and turned around and walked out.

In the shadow outside the house, a small two-wheeled black painted carriage was waiting there. Don't beg for the four people to get into the car. Several people in black gathered around the carriage and walked all the way to the inner city.

From time to time, a team of soldiers patrols passed by from time to time, but after they saw a light blue lantern on the carriage, all the soldiers thought they didn't see the carriage and let them walk over.

All the way straight, several people in black were really powerful. At this time, all the gates in Jidu had been locked. Instead of alarming anyone, they called the small side doors of the two walls and walked all the way into the inner city.

The streets in the inner city of Jidu follow the specifications of more than 2,000 years ago, and the widest street is no more than three feet. On both sides of the street, there are princes and nobles of the Dayan Dynasty, and the wall is ten feet high, which makes the street extremely narrower and more.

Several men in black drove the carriage all the way around into a remote alley.

The carriage suddenly stopped and watched the movement around from the cracks in the window. There were no black lights here, and there was not even a door. How could it be the State Mansion? He hurriedly asked in a low voice, "How many of you, where is this?"

Several people in black smiled together, and suddenly turned around and bounced into the dark.

Don't be surprised. He roared and put his foot on the door of the carriage. Dull and smashed, turned into countless debris and flew out. Don't beg to jump out of the carriage.

In the dark, dozens of strong winds came silently, and they came to Don't beg in an instant, covering his whole body.

More strong winds hit the carriage, and the cold air stimulated the three people in the car. They sweated coldly all over to see that they would be cut off as soon as they entered the city. Comrades, give some tickets for encouragement!

Tickets, all kinds of strange tickets! X