Steal the sky

Intermediate monk realm strength division

After the innate peak, the condensing qi is jade liquid, and the condensing jade liquid golden elixir is immortal.

If the immortals are cultivated, they can live for 800 years, call the wind and rain, and change the shape of mountains and rivers in a small range. It can initially enter and exit Qingming and fly at a high altitude below the ground. You can also swallow clouds and fog, spit out the light of the sword in your mouth, and cut through the water. It is just ordinary to travel thousands of miles a day.

The realm of Jindan has changed from a naive person to a human immortal. It is already a semi-immortal body and has all kinds of magical powers. At the same time, because it is only a semi-immortal body, it is like oil dripping into the water. The monks in the realm of the golden elixir will not be able to control the conflict between the elixir and the aura of heaven and earth and the laws of heaven and earth, and there will be all kinds of signs on the surface of

After becoming a golden elixir, the life expectancy of immortals is 800 years old, the physical strength is like wood and stone, and you can easily have tens of thousands of catties of strength with one arm. According to the different skills, from the early stage of the golden elixir to the later stage of the golden elixir, for each promotion of a small realm, Yang Shou can increase from 100 years to 300 years old. Some special skills that are good at health maintenance, the promotion of a small realm can increase Yang Shou by 800.

In the early stage of the golden elixir, the jade liquid is floating, and the golden elixir is unstable. It is the realm of the virtual elixir and the solid element. In this realm, the immortals have to think about the golden elixir, refine the jade liquid, and constantly transform their own real element into jade liquid, which is the At this time, you should be careful about your life and carefully extract the aura of heaven and earth to quench the alchemy.

In the middle of the golden elixir, the jade liquid is sufficient, the golden elixir is stable, from light gold to purple gold, or there are other wonderful skills to make the golden elixir transform into different colors. The purest golden color should be purple gold. Because of the practice of Qimen skills, the five elements are golden red, the water is white gold, and so on.

This period, also known as the realm of the golden elixir pregnancy god, the soul of the practitioner goes down from the sea of knowledge, and uses the soul spirit stone to quench the alchemy alchemy every day. The golden elixir gradually merges with the soul, and the origin of the human soul is gradually integrated into the golden elixir, In the middle and early stage of Jindan, the quality of a golden elixir is improved, and the spirituality of a golden elixir is improved. Therefore, the aura throughput of heaven and earth in the middle of Jindan is more than ten times that of the early stage, and the strength of the monks is also about ten times different.

In the later stage of the golden elixir, the three souls and seven souls and the golden elixir are combined, and the essence and spirit in the body are harmonious and unified. The three treasures are combined with the golden elixir, so the elixir is born by itself. Sanwei Zhenhuo, which is the biggest feature of Jindan in the later period. The so-called dragon and tiger golden elixir is purple, and the three-flavor real fire pregnant spirit god is this realm. At this time, a wisp of spirituality has been bred in the golden elixir, and the embryo of the original baby has been completed. The monks have been greatly improved in spirit and body, and the practitioners in this realm are ten times more powerful than those in the middle of Jindan.

This realm is also known as the realm of Jindan Dragon Tiger.

The golden elixir is cultivated to the extreme, and the broken elixir becomes a baby.

The baby's achievement is for the earth fairy. How can he have a life expectancy of 3,000 years?

The earth immortals can ride the clouds and fog at will, and traveling 100,000 miles a day is just a relaxing and pleasant thing. There is the power of rivers breaking and smashing mountains between your hands.

If you become a Yuanying, you will have a life expectancy of at least 3,000 years. Like the Jindan realm, according to the different cultivation methods, every time you upgrade a small realm, your life expectancy will increase more or less. Of course, some evil skills will also reduce the life expectancy of the Yuanying realm. At this time, it is necessary to use various evil methods to collect human blood to supplement Yang's life.

In the early stage of Yuanying, Yuanying has just been cultivated, which is more fragile than the dragon, tiger and golden elixir. At this time, the soul of the practitioner is concentrated in the yuan god, and the spirit is hidden in the body. The yuan baby is like falling asleep, which is called the 'baby realm'. At this time, the congenital fetus gradually began to absorb the breath of the baby and began to move.

In the middle of Yuanying, Yuanying grows and can gradually move away from the body, just like the human body wakes up and moves around. Yuanying condenses and solidly, so it is called the 'awakening realm'. In this realm, the innate fetus also woke up and began to build the aura vein in the fetus, awakening the wonderful functions generated in the innate.

In the later stage of the Yuanying, the Yuanying gradually grew up, separating the congenital fetus from the innate vitality of the practitioner. The aura of heaven and earth fills the congenital fetus. The fetus and the congenital fetus are combined, and gradually grows on the foundation of the congenital fetus. After combined with the congenital fetus, the baby grows one inch tall and doubles the mana.

What is the use of qualification, the so-called spiritual root?

In addition to the ratio of the amount that can be retained in the body by absorbing 100 parts of reiki, what is the significance of qualification and spiritual root?

Jindan, the embryo of Yuanying, the seed of Yuanshen.

Yuan Ying, the baby born after the broken Jindan, the larva of the Yuanshen.

Yuanshen, a concentration of a person's soul and mana. The divine mind is the radar scanning wave and communication wave released by the yuan god. The stronger the yuan god, the stronger the divine mind.

What determines the strength of the moto god?

For monks of the same realm, is the strength of the yuan god the same?

Obviously impossible!

is also an 18-year-old strong man, who also has the difference between strength and running and jumping.

The yuan god also has attributes. What kind of attribute does the yuan god tend to have, the higher the control of that power.

Qualification, spiritual root.

In everyone's body, there is also a yuan spirit fetus! The stronger the spiritual root, the better the qualification, the taller the fetus, which is an innate decision.

Generally speaking, after Jindan becomes a baby, the height of Yuanying is between one inch and three inches on average, which is determined by the quality of Jindan and the level of skills.

The height of Yuanying directly affects the strength of the power.

Yuanying is one inch tall, and his mana is doubled.

And the highest degree that Yuanying can grow up is the height of the innate Yuanshen Yuantai. The Yuan fetus is eight feet tall, and the strongest Yuan baby can grow up to eight feet. The Yuan fetus is six feet tall, and the strongest one is only six feet tall.

It is very natural that if the eight-foot-yuan tire is cultivated to the highest level than the six-foot-yuan tire, the mana of the eight-foot-yuan tire will be dozens of times that of the six-foot-yuan tire.

Therefore, the height of the Yuan fetus determines the strength of the Yuanshen and the level of mana. Therefore, monks with the same realm are likely to have a huge mana gap.

Generally speaking, the highest fetus of an ordinary monk is six feet. One foot down, two feet down, three feet down, four feet down, five feet up, six feet up, and the original tire is more than six feet, it is doomed to be golden.

And the condensation of Yuan Ying determines the strength of Taoism.

The newborn Yuanying is an energy aggregate. The nature is a ray of wind-like light.

The road is gradually strengthened. Yuanying condenses the fog from the wind, condenses the water from the fog, and condenses from the water to the mercury state. Finally, the mercury condenses like purple gold

These are the four realms of Yuanying, the initial, the lower grade, the middle grade, and the upper grade.

After the purple gold state, if the Yuanying has grown to the maximum height limit of the Yuanying, the Yuanying is restrained, rebounding the pressure of Yuanying's growth, and stimulating the transformation of the nature of the Yuanying.

When the first wisp of innate Zifu vitality was born from Yuanying, this is the peak of Yuanying and the threshold of Yuanshen. When Yuanying is completely transformed into an energy body composed of pure innate purple mansion vitality, Yuanshen has already communicated with heaven and earth, can be big and small, disperse it into qi, gather it into gods, and can transform thousands of splits. This is the realm of immortals.

From the relationship between Yuanying, Yuanshen and Yuantai, countless monastic practices can be differentiated.

What attributes of heaven and earth do Yuanying collect?

Is Yuanying the first to condense Yuanying to enhance Taoism? Or increase the number of Yuanying and increase the mana first?

If you blindly enhance the mana, the realm of Yuanying Daoxing is not enough. Even if there is an extremely powerful mana, even some good treasures can't be driven.

If you blindly increase Taoism, the mana is also not enough to drive a powerful magic weapon.

There are also some evil methods, that is, to stimulate Yuanying, quickly improve mana, and finally the mana devours Yuanying, go crazy, and self-exploding to death.

The famous family is decent, condensing Yuanying steadily, Taoism, mana and cultivation

The evil outsider is crazy to stimulate Yuanying to only seek mana, so the lethality is amazing, but there is no good result.

There is also that kind of partial skill. Once condensed into Yuanying, he will immediately strengthen the Taoism crazily under the guidance of the elders of the master, understand countless wonderful principles of heaven and earth, quickly compress Yuanying, and compress Yuanying to the limit in a short period of time. Subsequently, external stimulation, when Yuanying was only three or five inches tall, it produced the first wisp of innate vitality of Zifu, and then became a fairyland.

However, the vitality of the congenital purple mansion relies entirely on the mana accumulated by the original baby. If the original baby's savings are not enough, it is likely to completely digest the original baby at the time of transformation.

Therefore, this secret method can only rely on the external power of the elixir to make up for it, replacing the essence of Yuanying with endless golden elixir power, so that people can be smoothly transformed into immortals.

Taishang Laojun's nine-turn golden elixir can make people become golden immortals immediately, that's the truth!

Therefore, the reason why those immortals who have ascended to the Yuanying can't make progress is that they have lost their body. When the body is destroyed, the Yuanshen's original fetus is damaged, and the Yuanshen has no sustenance, and it is very difficult to move forward.

And the immortal with a complete body, after absorbing the fairy spirit and gradually polishing the body, can make his own fetus gradually increase, and the yuan god can gradually strengthen.

The Buddha-level ancient Buddhas have a golden height of thousands of miles, which is the specific manifestation of their original fetus.

The ternal fetus is ten thousand miles high. The ternal spirit is one inch higher and the mana is twice as strong. You can imagine how strong these Buddhas can be.

Immortals borrow the aura of heaven and earth, but the strength of the aura of heaven and earth that they can borrow is completely determined by the strength of the shen.

The aura of heaven and earth is gasoline, and the genshen is the engine.

Cultivating the motogami is the process of constructing the engine with materials.

A good, large exhaust engine can instantly ignite more gasoline, and naturally exert great power.

In other words, the aura of heaven and earth is explosive, and Yuanshen is the chamber of cannon. The larger the chamber, the more explosives can be accommodated, the larger the caliber of the shells can be fired, and the more lethality is naturally greater.

All kinds of secret methods are to forcibly promote the expansion of Yuanshen in a very short time, so that the engine displacement of Yuanshen increases, the combustion chamber increases, and can exert more power in the short term.

However, if it is forcibly strengthened and enlarged, it will cause strain cracks on the main structure of the engine and combustion chamber, and the yuan spirit will also be damaged.

Whether this desperate secret method is successful or not, and how powerful it is after success, is also related to the strength and tenacity of the Yuanshen, and is directly related to the monk's skills.

The high-quality yuan god can burst out a hundred times and thousands of times the power.

The poor quality yuan god can only burst out three or five times or even more than ten times the power, which is the reason. A