Steal the sky

Chapter 90 Arrogance

Nie Baihong sneered, and suddenly the white gas of three thumbs rushed out from the top of his head. After turning into three white sword shadows hovering in the air, the three qi combined to his body again. The sword light spewed out of his mouth circled his body for nine weeks, and finally turned into a cold light of more than a foot long with a cold breath, which was swallowed back by him.

Shangguan Yuhong's face was pale, and he stared at Nie Baihong and said with a sneer, "The Xuanjian is one, and the leader has really practiced the highest sword book of the Rift Sword Sect. It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity that the Rift Sky Sword Code lacks the two-phase sword formula of earth and fire. The leader is only the three-phase return to the Yuan Dynasty. If the five-phase return to one, I'm afraid it can't it be a Yuanying on the ground?

With a proud smile, Nie Baihong said coldly, "Even if the two-phase sword formula of earth and fire is missing, Xuanjian Guiyi is still the highest sword book of this school. Elder Shangguan, this time, are you convinced? This sect reiterates again, Don't beg that he is now a disciple of this sect. Who dares to touch his hair?

Shangguan Yuhong's eyes flashed, and he looked at him without begging.

A few cold lights flashed outside the Destiny Hall, and several old people with different clothes and behaviors appeared from the sword light. They all took a look at the seriously injured Qin's blood kiss, then at Shangguan Yuhong, who was stained with blood on his chest, and then asked Nie Baihong at the same time.

"Palm, why did Elder Qin hurt like this? Elder Shangguan, who was injured?

Nie Baihong just sneered repeatedly. He raised his head proudly and glanced at the elders. After a full cup of tea, he hung these elders on the spot. When the faces of these elders turned iron-blue, and they couldn't hold back their anger and almost burst into thunder, Nie Baihong said indifferently, "Don't beg, tell some of the causes and consequences of the matter to several elders."

With an expression of grievance and fear, don't beg to take a few steps forward carefully, and then like a frightened bird, he hurriedly leaned up to Nie Baihong. He lowered his voice and described the story aggrievedly. In the story of Begging, Qin's blood kiss turned into a murderous demon king, and inexplicably killed him. He Be begging was just a poor persecuted innocent doorman, but he was forced into a desperate situation. Only then did he risk his life to counterattack and beat Qin's blood kiss into serious injury.

Looking at Shangguan Yuhong and other elders pitifully, don't beg for help but to say, "Disciples are all forced!"

Several elders, look at me, I look at you, and then looked at the terrible injury on Qin's blood kiss, felt that Qin's blood kiss lowered a level of cultivation, and his sudden weakened a large part of breath, and he couldn't help frowning at the same time. An elder with a bare head and only a small pinch of white hair left behind his head sneered and shouted, "Don't beg, is it from that family?"

With a soft cough, Don't beg to salute the elder and said in a low voice, "Don't beg is the chief guest of Lord Zuo Guozheng, the Duke of Yanle."

Silence, several elders fell into a long silence. After a long time, the white-haired elder suddenly sneered: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, it's interesting, very interesting. Yan Legong's doorman actually dared to hurt the elder of the Tianjian Sect. It's lawless. It's lawless. Isn't this Yan Legong unruly? How did it become Yan Chengfeng?

With the same soft cough, Nie Baihong accidentally killed Yan's unruly. Lu Chengfeng was the first to go to Jidu to inherit all his inheritance. Nie Baihong said dryly, "All the elders have been practicing in isolation recently, so I don't know the replacement of the candidate of Yanle. "

Shangguan Yuhong suddenly interrupted, and she pointed to Don't beg fiercely and shouted, "For this lucky Yan Chengfeng's doorman, the leader will be injured like this?" The leader not only did not help Elder Qin avenge, but also shielded him from begging. What is the purpose of the leader?

Nie Baihong's face suddenly sank. He stared at Shangguan Yuhong and said pitifully, "If it's just Yan Legong's doorman, I won't care about his life or death. But don't beg. Princess Le sent someone to talk about it in person, and let her family personally accept him as an apprentice. Princess Pule made it clear that if you don't make any mistakes, you will get the supply of spiritual stones and magic weapons that the Tianjian Sect deserves next year, and the supply of spiritual stones and magic weapons in the future will also be greatly reduced. "

snorted angrily, Nie Baihong said angrily, "Dare to ask, if Elder Qin kills Don't beg, Princess Huanle is angry and really deducts the supply of spiritual stones and magic weapons. Who can afford to bear this responsibility? Who? The elder has the courage to solve this matter, and I don't care about the matter between Elder Qin and Don't beg! Who? Who can solve this problem?


Shangguan Yuhong closed his mouth tightly, and several other elders also talked about the rest, and no longer looked at the seriously injured Qin Xue kiss.

With a cold smile, Nie Baihong exhaled a long breath and looked at these elders and said coldly, "Not to mention the relationship between Princess Le, it is said that Elder Qin, as an immortal in the middle of the golden elixir, is already the body of an immortal, but he was seriously injured by a real person who is not begging Hey, it's Elder Qin who attacked Don't begging first, and then he was injured by Don't begging. Does Elder Qin still want to see people?

Qin Xue kiss, who had just regained a little spirit and was silently adjusting his skills, was confused when he heard the words. He glared at Nie Baihong and sprayed sticky blood almost at the same time in his seven orifices. He pointed to Nie Baihong trembly and looked up to the sky and shouted, "I'm angry too!" Then Qin's blood kissed his body hard and leaned back to the sky. Long white hair

Lao hurriedly grabbed Qin's blood kiss and hugged him in his arms.

A few elders, look at me, I look at you, two elders shook their heads and turned into swords and went away.

Shangguan Yuhong and the white-haired elder, and the other three elders still stay in the Temple of Destiny. They winned at each other and communicated with an unknown secret method. It was still Shangguan Yuhong who took two steps. First of all, it was difficult not to beg. "Even so, don't beg not to respect the elders of the teacher, and brazenly hurt Elder Qin with a fire charm. Even if you can't drive him out because of Princess Yule's relationship, you must be punished."

The white-haired elder shook his head and hurriedly echoed, "The elder sergency said very well. If everyone is like Don't begging, they will often fight against the elder, and the rules of this family will be too unconventional. In the rules of Rift Tianjian Sect, respect the elders of the master, and do not bully the master and destroy the ancestor. This is the first one!"

Nie Baihong's face was rigid again. He snorted coldly and narrowed his eyes.

Begged, who had just been extremely timid and timid, suddenly sighed. He suddenly straightened his waist, with his hands on his back, and sneered at several elders. A mouthful of thick phlegm spit on the ground. Don't beg fiercely crushed the thick phlegm with the bottom of his boots. He sneered and said, "How many elders are still ***? Huh? Don't forgive, won't you? You must punish me, right? You have to force me to death, right?"

He stretched out his middle finger in his right hand and poked at the noses of Shangguan Yuhong and several other elders for a while. Don't beg and said in a ferocious voice, "Look at your group of male thieves and female prostitutes who have hooked up with the same thing. All of them are hundreds of old and don't die. They have to argue with me, a junior who is dissatisfied with the weak crown this year. You are all old enough to be dogs!"

patted his chest hard, patted his chest, crackled, and roared like an incomparable bachelor: "Don't you just want to kill me? Don't you just want to get me? Elder Shangguan, come on, take your flying sword and stab me in my heart. Don't beg your uncle's eyes. You raised it! Come on, thorn, sacrifice take off the sword thorn, you dare not stab, you don't beg your uncle and concubine to raise it!"

Don't beg was too unpleasant. Shangguan Yuhong's face suddenly turned purple. She roared almost crazily, and the black sword light spewed out again. Don't stare at Shangguan Yuhong's sword light with your eyes narrowed. If her flying sword really stabbed over, he would definitely use the secret method of stealing the scriptures and run away at the price of his own life, and then risked everything and the elders of the Rift Tianjian Sect.

However, Shangguan Yuhong's sword light had not yet shot out. Nie Baihong had snorted coldly and stopped in front of Don't beg. He sneered and said, "Don't beg, shut up. Elder Shangguan, you are really too clumsy. Don't beg. One sentence is very right. You are also hundreds of years old. Are you still alive with dogs at this age? "

Seeing Nie Baihong protect Don't begging, Shangguan Yuhong's face changed again. She pointed to Don't beg and roared angrily: "Children are arrogant, simply, simply." Has Shangguan Yuhong ever seen such a person as Don't beg? Why has she ever been so insulted? It even took her a long time to figure out what those words that don't beg and scold her mean.

When she figured out what the dirty words of no begging meant, she was almost mad. Even if there is Princess Kangle behind her, she vowed that she would kill her, and she would not beg at all costs.

However, Nie Baihong stopped her in front of her. She was really not Nie Baihong's opponent!

Don't beg and sneered a few times, and looked at these elders of the Jindan period with great arrogance. Isn't it the immortal of the golden elixir period? Don't beg for a little time. In his eyes, immortals are just ants that can be crushed to death with one finger. Even now, he is not the opponent of immortals, but how can it be so easy for Shangguan Yuhong to kill him?

Not to mention that he has grasped the pulse of the Rift Sky Sword Sect and seen some of the powerful disputes in it. He is gambling. No matter how much he offends Shangguan Yuhong, Nie Baihong will definitely protect him and protect him at all costs. Now that he has figured this out, why does he pretend to be an angry child-in-law? Naturally, you can be more arrogant, how arrogant you can be, and how arrogant you can be.

Another thick phlegm spit on the ground. Don't look at Shangguan Yuhong contemptuously and sneered, "You dare not kill me, really! Elder Shangguan, I'll lend you three guts, and you don't dare to kill me! If you are a woman, you have no guts. You have the courage to stab me in the heart!" Don't beg and patted your heart fiercely.

Shangguan Yuhong's eyes were red with anger. Her body trembled violently. Suddenly, she looked up to the sky and roared angrily, and she opened her mouth and spewed out a stream of blood.

The white-haired elder was so angry that his eyes twitched. He and the other three elders took a step forward at the same time, eager to try to take action.

Nie Baihong snorted coldly, and the three white breaths above his head rushed out again, turning into a sword shadow around him.

Don't beg to be angry. He couldn't hold back the smile in his heart. Suddenly, he looked up to the sky and laughed. The laughter was harsh and shocked the buzzing of the Temple of Destiny. A