Steal the sky

Chapter 104 Story

There was a burst of voice in Yanle Mansion. Don't beg and others to go back to the house. The servants were busy for a long time before they served Buqi and others into the house and went to bathe and change their clothes. After making trouble all day, although they were all innate cultivation, they also made them mentally tired and a little physically unyable. After taking a good bath with hot water and changing clean clothes, they regained a little spirit.

On the wooden platform in the middle of the lake in the backyard, don't beg and Lu sit on the ground. Lu Chengfeng looked up and down subtly. The teacup in his hand was still full, and a drop of tea did not move. Don't beg angrily poured three bowls of fragrant tea, and then stared at Lu Chengfeng: "If you have something to say, say it. If you have nothing to say, drink tea and go to rest. Hey, the emperor ordered the soldiers himself. If you can't make achievements in a year, you will be reclusive!"

After a dry cough, Lu Chengfeng took a sip of tea and said lightly, "I'm still a little sure about the job. It's enough to deal with your majesty. The biggest problem now is that Princess Le is my aunt in terms of generation. Well, if you become a man in the future..."

Don't begned at Lu Chengfeng fiercely. Lu Chengfeng narrowed his eyes and opened the corners of his mouth, showing a strange smile. He hurriedly poured several bowls of fragrant tea and said a word again. Don't beg angrily throw the tea bowl far into the lake, muttering, "Do you want to be a codborn? Hey, I don't beg a man. Of course, it's impossible for a beautiful woman to marry me as a wife and ask me to be married.

After coughing dryly again, Lu Chengfeng said strangely, "But in the Great Yan Dynasty, the princess can't get married, and the son-in-law can only get married?"

After a long silence, Don't beg stared at Lu Chengfeng strangely, gritted his teeth and said, "One, I have nothing to do with Princess Fan Le. Second, even if there is anything, it can only be that she will marry me. Whether she likes to marry her or not depends on my mood. Third, if you still want to laugh at me with this matter, just call me uncle! If you talk about this again, I will be a son-in-age tomorrow! Good nephew!"

Lu Chengfeng closed his mouth wisely. He talked about his nonsense, and then the topic turned to Wei Xiaoxiao: "Do you think Master Nie will kill Wei Xiaoxiao? Wei's reputation is very famous. In the State of Lu, 70% of the ordnance is handled by Wei's Chamber of Commerce. I have long heard that there was such a huge thing in the Yan Dynasty. If Master Nie kills Wei Xiaoxiao, I'm afraid our trouble will be a lot!"

When it comes to serious matters, don't beg to put away your joking heart and frown and calculate carefully. After a long time, he said word by word, "First of all, we can only call the master in the future. The name Nie Zhangmen is useless. Then, tomorrow, we need Yan Bui to copy out a copy of the confidential files of the Wind Patrol Department. We need to get a copy of Wei's current detailed information.

With a flash of fierce light in his eyes, don't beg for a ferocious voice and said, "People don't hurt the tiger, and the tiger is harmful to people's hearts. Instead of being beaten passively, it's better to take the initiative to bite off a piece of meat from Webster. In your current status as a prince, as long as you can stabilize the power of Duke Yanle and Zuo Guozheng, the current emperor is in charge. Wes can't do anything to us. With the help of Rift Heaven Xizong, can't we deal with a merchant family?

Lu Chengfeng also showed a trace of ferociousness. He crushed the tea bowl and said in a ferocious voice:

"This is exactly what I mean. If he wants to take away my foundation, no wonder we also attack him. If you want to stand firm in Jidu and lay a thousand-year foundation, you can't do it without money. Since Weishi sent him to the door, no wonder we dealt with him.

The two of them are here. Your words and my education plan to deal with Webster's strategy suddenly rose by the lake

A small whirlwind, in the whirlwind, a white shadow appeared out of thin air. Don't be moved. He pulled out the greedy wolf's sword to protect Lu Chengfeng, and his eyes stared at the winter white shadow. The wind swept the white figure, shook it step by step with the charm of a hundred thousand points, and slowly slid back towards the wooden platform.

The figure in the wind is the moon of Qinzong, who is holding Yaoqin, wearing a white cloak and a white veil. It was her three questions at the palace celebration banquet that blew away the powerful ministers of the whole dynasty, which made Princess Pangle almost angry and killed people on the spot. Late at night, she suddenly appeared in the back garden of Yanle Mansion with a whirlwind like a female ghost. She couldn't even guess what she was doing here.

The greedy wolf sword sent out a sword. Don't beg to look at Yueqi, who is less than ten feet away from the wooden platform, and sneered, "Yue, this is a private house. Please don't enter. It's three times in the middle of the night. If there is nothing to do, please turn around.

Yueqi sighed gently. She stood firmly on the water and looked at Don't beg from afar and said softly, "Don't beg, Mr. Yan Legong. The moon came here without malice. It was only when Yueqi just left the palace that she heard the answer from Mr. Beqi and Princess Yule. Yueqi felt something, so she missed the night to visit. If there is any rudeness, please forgive me.

Trembling, Yueqi saluted Don't beg and Lu Chengfeng on the water.

Don't beg to narrow your eyes. From the moon, he can't feel any malice. Looking back at Lu Chengfeng, he was frowning at Yueqi. Seeing the begging eyes, Lu Chengfeng nodded slowly and said loudly, "Everyone of the moon is coming, and shining in the wind. If you don't mind being simple, please sit down and drink two teas.

Don't beg to put away the greedy wolf sword and sit back in your seat. Although the flying sword is put away, don't beg, you secretly hide dozens of explosive charms in your sleeves, and you can fly out of the charms at any time to hurt people. Although Lu Chengfeng did not move on the surface, he also secretly prepared a few stringed nine-fold crossbows in the storage bag. As soon as there was something wrong, he could immediately take out the crossbow to attack the enemy.

Moon Qian walked slowly to the wooden platform and quietly walked to Don't Beg and Lu Chengfeng again

courtesy, and then sit down on the wooden table. Don't beg silently took out two new tea cups and poured a cup of tea for himself and Yue Yu respectively. Yueqi thanked Don't begging, took the teacup lightly, and then picked off the hat made of purple bamboo silk on his head, revealing a face that almost suffocated both Don't beg and Lu Chengfeng.

Under the clear moonlight, the moonlight of the hat was untied, just like an ink orchid quietly blooming in a deep valley, exposing her graceful and beautiful face with a trace of sweet fragrance to Begging and Lu Chengfeng. This is an impeccable appearance, with a strong sweetness and warm fragrance. Just looking at her quietly, it gives people the illusion that he is fascinated by the flowers.

Like Yan Dan, such a beautiful woman looks with a strong fatigue, which is a kind of fatigue stolen from the bone marrow, as if she has gone through thousands of miles. After a long time of wandering. It's just that an inexplicable spirit is supporting her. Although she is so tired that her heart is about to stop beating, she still walks in the world.

Quietly picked up the tea cup, took a sip of fragrant tea, and said softly, "Guys, do you want to hear a story? Yueqi came here, just wanted to talk to Mr. Beqi, and then left. Today, Yueqi is evil to the owner of Lesi, and the Dayan Dynasty can't stay for a long time. Fortunately, there are more than a hundred vassal states of the Yan Dynasty. The world is so big that there are other places to go to.

Don't beg and Lu Chengfeng looked at each other. This woman like an ink orchid really made them have the courage to refuse.

sighed. Don't beg straightened up and said in harmony, "Everyone, please say it."

Put down the tea cup, and the moon gently strokes the strings, like the drizzle of the spring night, playing a erratic and fine tune. With this heartbreaking song, Yueqi briefly told a person's story in a plain, like boiled water.

A girl who has been called the most beautiful woman in the clan since she was a child, because of her beloved, the man who is known as the dragon among people. Willing to give everything. For his so-called major events, the girl who has been deeply in love with men since she was a child has been bumpy in the world, playing roles one by one, interpreting the joys and sorrows of the fundraising, and witnessing the rise and fall of heroes one by one.

Entering the world again and again, leaving again and again, love, hurt, hate, worry, bitter, sad, everything is just for that man. The so-called world experience made the girl's crystal-like exquisite heart fragmented. But for his smile and approval, she struggled again and again in the torrential world.

The woman who fell in love with the country died under the sword, and the unexplained hegemon committed suicide in front of the man. The torrential river could not take away the human kindness and hatred, nor could it take away the girl's love and pity again and again. The country, the power, the infinite lifespan, the endless ambition, the high strategy, the hands and feet to decide the people's livelihood to die, but the girl is only in the world, the struggle of the power, barely to maintain a heart that still loves him.

When she was finally so tired that her heart was about to turn into ashes, all her experiences turned into those three problems.

Which is more important, the country or the beauty?

Which is more important, long life or beauty?

If there is a woman who knows you, understands you, believes in you, loves you, and does everything for you, she will accompany you, accompanies you, helps you, protects you, and gives everything to help you since she was a child. What would you like for such a woman?

The sound of the piano is indespable, which contains the amazing power that touches people's hearts. Lu Chengfeng's eyes are full of tears

yong, suddenly he fell up to the sky and fell asleep while shedding tears. Qinyin hypnotized him invisibly, disintegrated all his vigilance and defense, and plunged him into a dream that lasted for thousands of years.

Tears fell on the strings. Yueqi lowered his head, unconsciously brushed the strings with his fingers, and sighed in a low voice: "Mr. Yueqi's answer is the most satisfactory answer Yueqi has heard over the years. Therefore, Yueqi fulfilled his promise, untied the veil, and let the gentleman have a look.

Don't put your hands on your knees and look at Yueqi quietly. Even if he got Le Xiaobai's almost evil IQ, he can't figure out what the woman came from and what happened to her. It's just that her plain statement, like boiled water, is full of fatigue that makes people want to fall asleep.

Suddenly, Yue Xiao laughed. She smiled, as if all the flowers in the world had bloomed and the whole backyard was lit up.

She raised her head and said to Begging with a smile, "The gentleman's answer makes Yueqi really have nothing to say. The posture of Yueqi and willow, I don't know if I can serve you and share the burning of the night with you." With that, Yueqi's white face was like a jade sculpture, and suddenly put on a faint blush. Endless ** comes to your face, don't beg that all your cells are stiff.

What kind of ** power is that? Don't beg. Don't feel that every cell is trembling and emitting spring feelings. A