Steal the sky

Chapter 111 Wine Bureau

Jidu is divided into 17 urban areas from the inside out. The most core. Naturally, it is the palace city where the palace is located. Outside Miyagi, inside one to inside six, living in these six urban areas. They are all the nobles and important ministers of Dayan. Inside and outside the six cities, from the middle one to the middle six urban areas, they are all rich businessmen living there. A family with status, status and face.

Outside the six cities, among all the outer cities, ordinary people and ordinary merchants live there.

brings together countless rare specialties of the Yan Dynasty and more than a hundred vassal states. Even the largest overseas rare market "Sihaiji" is in the eastern part of Zhongyi City, occupying a full 50 neighborhoods and tens of thousands of large and small shops. It is close to the inner city, which is convenient for princes and nobles to go out of the city to buy all kinds of treasures. At the same time, it is also convenient for six businessmen in the middle of the city to take care of the business nearby. And because of the deep Jidu urban area. Therefore, the safety is also excellent, and some people dare to make trouble here.

After Lu Chengfeng inherited the secret of mending the sky, and then used the Lingguo wine produced in Jianyouxindongfu in the Rift Sword Sect. The group returned to Jidu. It was almost evening. Lu Chengfeng took people straight to Yanle Mansion, while Buqi took Meng Xiaobai and a few strong men from Meng Village, and went straight to Sihaiji to buy something useful.

Princess Kangle has just formed a golden elixir. When the golden elixir is not stable, she can walk around with guards during the day. At night, she must do a quiet kung fu to quench the alchemy to stabilize the realm. Therefore, although she was reluctant to beg, she could only return to her mother's palace with a group of guards.

Sihaiji is the only market in Jidu that has no curfew at night. No matter day or night, there are a lot of people here. Make all kinds of transactions, big and small, at all times. This is also the meaning. Many goods in Sihaiji are treasures of huge value, and sometimes they are traded at night. It will also bring enough privacy to both parties to the transaction.

In the arms of the seven swallows forbidden card given by Princess Le. Don't beg, don't worry about going to the city later. Even if several walls of the inner city are closed after night, as long as the seven swallows are banned. He can also ask Kaichengmen to enter the inner city. That's why he brought Meng Xiaobai and others to the world to trade at this time.

The streets of Sihaiji are spacious and tidy, and the stone-paved streets are about ten feet wide, and the traffic is shockingly prosperous. The architectural style of Sihaiji is much bolder and more novel than other urban areas in Jidu. At a glance here, there are high-rise buildings with seven, eight or even more than ten floors. Commercial buildings built with all kinds of precious wood and rare stones are everywhere here. Some large-scale chambers of commerce have even been inlaid with a large number of beautiful jade gems in the pavilions. The flow of light in the sun is particularly eye-catching.

Don't beg to take Meng Xiaobai and others. As soon as they walked into Sihaiji, several figures appeared in a three-story wooden building at the intersection. A middle-aged man dressed in blue was the fastest. He ran to Beqi's side first and bowed to him repeatedly: "Is this the first time for this prince to come to Sihaiji? Do you need to collect some rare seafood or mountain treasures? It's not the small Haiyuntian's boast. There are more than 57,000 shops and shops in the four seas, and none of them are small and unfamiliar.

Several shadows in blue who rushed out closely behind Haiyuntian saw that he had talked to Begging, and immediately shook his head with a smile. I walked back to the wooden building just now. Don't beg to look at him in blue. There is a black wood card hanging around the waist. Haiyuntian with a shrewd face. The leader said, "Are you the official agent of Sihaiji?"

The black wood card is bright. He proudly pointed to the five blue and black eyeball signs on the wooden card and smiled, "Gongzi Mingjian... The small one is the rare five-eyed agent in Sihaiji. Sir, you should know that our official brokers are also graded. Every time we are promoted, an extra swallow's eye is engraved on the identity wooden card. The seven eyes are the highest, but only the bosses of those top chambers of commerce can have that level. For people like us who specialize in leading the way for customers to finalize the transaction, the five eyes are already the highest.

Don't beg nod and said disapprovingly, "No matter how many brokers you are, just help me find what I want." Broken insect soul, 'dust barrier, 'thousand-year-old purple gold spider silk,' deep-sea dragonfly oil,... Don't beg for dozens of rare materials in a row, and then said to Hai Yuntian, "These things. Can you find them all? If you can't find it all, you must have at least the first four.

Hai Yuntian's lips moved slightly, and his fingers moved repeatedly. After a few breaths, he took a few breaths. Then his eyes lit up, nodded and smiled, "The prince asked the right person. Broken insect soul is a strange wood that can poison all kinds of insects. The dust barrier is a strange grass that can stabilize people's hearts and minds. Purple-patterned golden spider silk is the best material to make all kinds of soft armor. The mackerel oil is used to make immortal sacrificial lamps in tombs.

He said a long string of words, and Hai Yuntian smiled and said, "Except for the last few things. I really haven't heard of the small ones, other things. You can rest assured that you can find it all over the world.

Don't beg for a joy in your heart. You can find half of these things, and you can even find only the four materials in the front. He can mix the fish eyes and make a new spiritual lamp to take away the innate spirits in the unsullied lamp. I didn't imagine that more than 90% of the materials could be found all over the world, which was really a surprise. Well, it's very good. Don't beg to be sure. Even if he takes away the three innate spirits in the unsullied lamp, it will never make people find that there is something wrong. The dirt-free lamp is still a dirt-free lamp.

nodded with approval, don't beg and shouted in a low voice, "Take the way quickly. If you can find noodles, try to get them for me."

Hai Yuntian hurriedly answered and hurriedly walked along the street with Buqi. Not long. He took Buqi to a teahouse with exquisite furnishings and not gorgeous. Don't beg to open an elegant seat in the teahouse. Then he trotted out in a hurry. Don't beg for these strange things to buy, what to say for practical use. Ordinary people really don't need it. Generally speaking. Only those rich people who like to hunt strange things like to make these things to show off in front of people, so the value of these items is very high.

Don't beg to buy dozens of rare things that few people usually care about. The price of all items added up is a staggering huge number. This is a real valuable guest. Since he is a distinguished guest, he naturally can't let the store go shopping one by one. As a qualified official broker, Haiyuntian will inform the shopkeepers of the relevant stores and deliver all kinds of goods to the front of Don't beg.

Don't beg for a bright heart, which is also the way for an official agent like Hai Yuntian to survive. Some rare items are not only available in one store, but also likely to be available in dozens or hundreds of stores. Hai Yuntian informed the store to deliver the goods. This was his favor, and he naturally wanted to make a profit from it afterwards.

However, without such an official agent, tens of thousands of stores, don't beg one's family to find a visit. How long will it take him to gather the required materials? How can I sit in a teahouse and drink tea like this? It won't take long for someone to deliver the goods to the door.

After a while, Hai Yuntian was sweating and dressed in three simple clothes. The face was simple and simple, but the shopkeeper, who occasionally turned his eyes, walked into the elegant seat of the teahouse and saluted with a smile. The three shopkeepers reached out and wiped their fingers. In the flash of inspiration, dozens of jade boxes and wooden boxes of different sizes appeared on the ground of Yazuo one after another. These shopkeepers actually have such a rare magic weapon as a storage ring. Don't beg for help shaking the corners of your mouth. This is the way the big business in Jidu should do.

Hai Yuntian bent down. Carefully opened the wooden boxes one by one, revealing all kinds of goods inside.

Don't beg for the blue light flashing in your eyes. He dropped the teacup, walked carefully to the goods, and looked at them one by one. They are all good. They are all kinds of rare materials according to the weight he wants, and the quality of the goods is much higher than what he asked for. For example, the quality of the purple diameter gold plant can only be generated by at least 1,500 years of purple grain gold; the deep-sea bream man oil is as sticky as ointment and fragrant, not only the dragonfly oil, but also the oil taken out from the body of the monster cultivated by the dragonfly people.

"Very good! Don't beg for praise. He looked at the three face-faced shopkeepers and asked with a smile, "Dare to ask the three of you. Are these goods settled in gold and silver, or something?

One of the shopkeepers nodded with a smile: "If you pay the bill with gold and silver, you can also use spiritual stones, elixirs, magic weapons, etc. There is nothing we don't accept." After a moment of meditation, the shopkeeper glanced at the many goods on the ground. A price has been quoted. If it is paid with gold and silver, the total value of these dozens of goods needs 500,000 gold. If you pay with a spirit stone, you need 500 pieces of spirit stone.

Sit for a moment. Don't beg to take out a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry from the storage ring. These are all the private wealth obtained by the Yi Yan brothers, the former city guards of Xiaomeng City, who scraped the land, and now they have become the personal property of Don't begging. Gold, silver and jewelry are of little value to practitioners. Don't beg to pay the bill with the top-quality water attribute spirit stone given by Princess Pule.

There are a lot of solid gold, silver and jewelry. The eyes of the three shopkeepers were fierce. At a glance, they saw that the property given by Don't beg would only be more, not less. They immediately thanked Don't beg and packed up all the money. Don't beg. With the move of your hand, you deposit all kinds of goods into the storage ring. The three shopkeepers left immediately. I left the teahouse in a hurry.

Don't beg and gave Hai Yuntian an extra generous tip. After leaving his contact information, Shi Shiran left the teahouse with Meng Xiaobai and others. Hai Yuntian still followed him attentively and sent him away from Shaiji all the way. He is full of private tickets. If you need all kinds of rare items in the future, just come to Sihaiji to find him. He will definitely do it properly.

Just a deal today. Of the total payment of 500,000 gold, Hai Yuntian can get a commission of 5,000 gold. This is in any vassal state of the Great Yan Dynasty. It is the whole asset of the whole family of a small nobleman. Hai Yuntian got such a big commission out of thin air. How can Shi Buxin serve him?

Don't beg while talking to Haiyuntian, while enjoying the street scenery of the four seas. When the group of people were walking on the street, Don't beg suddenly heard the sound of construction from a restaurant on the roadside, and a high and desolate man singing: "The wind is bleak and the water As soon as the strong man is gone, he will not return"

Listen to the song, don't be shocked. You hurriedly turned your head and looked at the restaurant.

A big man just poked half of his body out of the window on the third floor of the restaurant, grabbed a wine jar and smashed it down. The man pointed to Don't beg and shouted, "That boy, I know you. Come up and have a drink with me."

The wine jar wiped Don't beg's nose and fell to the ground and smashed into pieces. Don't beg looked at the big man with a wine-red face, recommended his eyes, and walked into the restaurant angrily.
