Steal the sky

Chapter 117 Juyang

Shi Tianmo, the head of the Shijia Museum.

Unlike his short and shrant son, Shi Tianmo is nearly ten feet tall, tall and burly, as strong as the human body of the Xiong Qing brothers. His hair was shiny black, which was a kind of strange blackness, absorbing all the light like a black hole. His skin is strangely white, so white that he is not angry at all. But under his skin, like his son, there is a very light cyan color.

rushed straight from the backyard with a strong wind, smashing 300 explosive charms and the fire wave generated by the explosion at the same time with one punch. The arrogance of the Shitian demon was high, and the invisible wind surrounded his body, and the endless Chao Buqi and Princess Dule oppressed him. As soon as he rushed over, his toes tapped a few times on the ground, and all the stone bricks up to two feet thick on the ground were smashed to pieces.

Unlike his short and shrant son, Shi Tianmo is nearly ten feet tall, tall and burly, as strong as the human body of the Xiong Qing brothers. His hair was shiny black, which was a kind of strange blackness, absorbing all the light like a black hole. His skin is strangely white'

It was so white that there was no anger at all. But under his skin, like his son, there is a very light cyan color.

rushed straight from the backyard with a strong wind, and one punch shattered the fire wave generated by the simultaneous explosion of 300 fire charms. The flame of the Shitian Demon was high, and the invisible wind surrounded his body, and the endless Chao Bu Beg and Princess Kangle oppressed him. When he rushed over, he tapped his toes on the ground a few times, and all the stone bricks up to two feet thick on the ground were smashed to pieces.

Don't beg to see clearly and hear clearly. When the Shitian demon ran, he did not use any true qi. He completely relied on the power of ** to run wildly. This speed was already different from the escape speed of the ordinary golden elixir immortal sword. And between his ups and downs, his footsteps were as dull as thunder, extremely heavy. His body weight is also far greater than that of ordinary people. Judging from the sound of his footsteps, his body density is about 30 times that of normal people, and the density of his body is comparable to that of refined iron.

How powerful power does such a body contain? Don't beg. There is no doubt that this guy can even use ** front to compete with the magic and flying sword of the golden elixir. However, he did not have the abnormal omen that the golden elixir immortal should have. His realm of cultivation should be the innate realm of fetal breath, but the intensity of his true qi is probably more than a hundred times that of his son's release, and the true qi in his body is almost compressed into mercury-like substance.

"A demon-like person, a demon-like skill!" Don't beg to look at Shi Tianmo carefully. He firmly grasped Princess Pang Le's little hand with his right hand and protected her behind him. The four strange lights flashed in the depths of his eyes, looking at Shi Tianmo's every move, lest he suddenly attack Princess Le.

The four ghost fairies slowly came up and protected Princess Huanle. Four pairs of dead and silent eyes stared at the Shi Tianmo.

With a handsome face, Shi Tianmo, who seemed to be only about thirty people, roared with his son who had been blown up and dripping blood everywhere, "What's the hatred between Wuqi and you? Younger, how many hot charms did you use to hurt him like this? You, you!"

He didn't care about begging to talk. After a few times, Shi Tianmo roared a few times, and his busy hands sprayed out the green spirit and slapped on the unsullied body. He took out a few more dark greens, and the smell of vegetation was extremely strong. After smelling it, he felt a burst of dizzy pills stuffed into his unsullied mouth. Soon, the wound on the body surface began to heal, and the speed of the wound recovery was unbelievable that he was still a normal person.

glanced at the dark green pills, don't beg to analyze several highly poisonous herbs from the smell of the pills. These herbs are also mentioned in the theft. They are not only highly poisonous, but also contain some strange power to quench ** to stimulate potential. But these herbs are not used for people to eat, but some evil monks are specially used to refine all kinds of monsters and pets to guard the mountain gate.

Shi Tianmo actually fed his son this Qimen elixir known as 'beast body elixir'. Is it true that both father and son are monsters turned into human shapes, or have they been sacrificed with evil skills? Don't beg to think that the latter is more likely. After all, if the monster turns into a human form, it must form a demon elixir like the Xiong Qing brothers. If you don't become a demon fairy, you can only keep the beast body.

Looking at the rapid healing of the wound, Don't beg and say lightly, "The best kind of explosive charm sold by Tianlingzong to the outside world, 300 pieces detonated together. Well, the market price of this kind of explosive charm is 60 yuan. In order to blow up the injury, I spent a lot of money.

Princess Kangle has no idea about money. She poked out half of her face and smiled after begging for the shoulder, "No, sixty gold is a fire charm, and three hundred is 18 thousand gold.

Alas, the 8,000 yuan didn't kill a single person. This Tianling Sect's explosive charm is mixed with water!"

Yan Bugui, who led the scout of the wind patrol, almost fell down. He looked at Don't beg angrily, but shook his head repeatedly. Three hundred hot charms, did he smash all the guys in? Although it is the lowest seal of Tianling Sect, it is 8,000 yuan! Yan didn't return home and muttered. If you don't understand, don't beg for where you got so much money.

For the first time, don't beg him to buy 200 explosive charms. Yan doesn't know. But when did you get these 300 explosive charms?

Princess Dule and Yan did not return to each other and did not be begging. Shi Tianmo was so angry that his body was shivering. He shouted harshly, "Three hundred explosive charms! What's the hatred between my son and you?

Is it worth it for you to hurt him in such a way? Who the hell are you? Did you come to Shijiaguan just to kick the hall?

Shi Tianmo has also woken up. Don't beg and Princess Po Le don't look very old. It's not the result of taking elixir or using evil skills to maintain a young appearance, but a real young girl. None of them are over 18 years old. Such a teenager actually has an innate cultivation, and they don't need to ask how strong their background is.

In order to beat people, 300 explosive charms were detonated at a time, which is not something that ordinary people can do.

Let's not say that 300 explosive charms are worth tens of thousands of yuan, let's say that people with slightly normal brains will tie the explosive charms into a bunch of explosions?

A burst charm can severely hit a martial artist who has a good internal strength, and ten burst charms can severely hit a real person in the realm of innate absorption. If a hundred fire charms explode at the same time, it can threaten the life of the golden elixir. Will normal people risk themselves being blown up together and detonate 300 explosive charms at a time?

This is not only a lot of money, but also a little crazy. Look at the style of not begging, unlike the family background of ordinary martial artists, those rich businessmen and rich people who have been good for generations can never cultivate such people. Looking at his behavior, it smells like a Predator, and it is definitely the kind of elite who climbs out of the sea of corpses and blood.

The problem is here. Don't beg seems to be less than eighteen years old. How can he have the temperament and experience of such a Predator?

The furious Shi Tianmo forcibly calmed down. In his deep eyes, a pair of eyes shining with strange green light stared at Don't beg.

Shi Wuji struggled hard in the palm of Shi Tianmo's hand, and shouted for Shi Tianmo to avenge himself. If it hadn't been for the mysterious skills practiced by his father and son, his body would have been much stronger than ordinary martial artists and practitioners. Just now, he had been blown up by the sudden killer.

Even if he saw the opportunity quickly, he carried the secret method of body protection to keep the body from being blown up, and his internal organs were also severely damaged.

"Dad killed them, and the little mother was captured. The child should take good care of him!" Shi Wuqi screamed and stared at Beqi and Princess Dule with fierce eyes.

Shi Tianmo stretched out his hand and pressed Shi Wu's mouth. He looked at the beg and Princess Kangle and shouted harshly, "What's the origin of the two of you two? Why did you go to my Shijiaguan to make trouble? I asked myself in Jidu. Although he acted more domineeringly, he never offended the nobles. The two have such cultivation, and..." They glanced at Meng Xiaobai and others and Shi Tianmo sneered and said, "The two guards are not ordinary people. Do you dare to ask me which one you have offended?"

Don't beg and say anything. The strange light in the depths of your eyes overflows, and you don't look at the demon of heaven.

How much blood does it take to polish such a strong body? No matter what evil skills Shi Tianmo has practiced, he has achieved today's achievements, but there is no doubt about his strength. For others, Shi Tianmo's body is useless.

If it falls into the hands of the evil monks, it is a good material for practicing all kinds of combat equipment and puppets.

But for Don't beg, the body of Shitian Demon is simply an incomparable tonic.

How much can such a powerful ** spirit be? If you can capture the devil alive, don't beg, you can use the essence in his body to quickly break through the stage of nourishing the pulse and forging the body with the help of the essence in his body. Nowadays, the body of Don't beg has a word 'soft'. If he can complete the forging of the three elephants of earth, wood and fire, his ** can get the thickness and strength of the earth, the flexibility and length of wood, and the vitality of fire.

"It's a good thing. You can't let him go!"

Don't beg to look at Shi Tianmo with strange eyes, and Shi Tianmo's heart was cold for a while.

Look at yourself rudely like Don't beg, and even have a condescending look. If Don't beg is not a madman, then he definitely has something to rely on. Shi Tianmo stared at Bu Qiqiang and shouted with uneasiness in his heart, "Who are you? Why did you come to my Shijiaguan to make trouble? If there is anything wrong with me, I am willing to apologize to you.

The disciples of the martial arts school around him were in an uproar, and Shi Tianmo was so subdued in such a low posture. How have they ever seen it? He is the strongest martial arts master in Jidu. Why did he bow his head to two young men and women who came to make trouble?

Don't be angry or don't say anything. He looked up and down at the demon with a strange smile.

Princess Kangle couldn't help it. She jumped out and laughed and said, "Why did you come here to make trouble? Er, Miss Ben doesn't... Er, Miss Ben has a fancy to your yard. She sells me three taels of gold. You can go wherever you should go!" Don't beg in Gangzhou, he bought three taels of gold and Princess Dule of Shijiaguan. He still remembers this stubble until now.

Shi Tianmo ignored Princess Dule, who obviously only made trouble. He stared at Don't beg and asked coldly, "What are you waiting for if you don't speak?"

Before the words fell, the ground of the Shijiaguan suddenly shook a few times, and the dull explosion came from the backyard. A large area of bricks and gravel could be faintly seen flying high, and at least seven or eight houses were blown up in the sky. Dozens of figures were blown to pieces in the air waves and broken bricks and tiles. From a distance, a large number of broken limbs and broken arms fell from the sky like raindrops.

Shi Tianmo's face suddenly changed, and he shouted sharply, "Who broke through the old man's secret room array?"

In the direction of the backyard, the ghost roared into the sky, four gray-white and translucent figures rushed straight into the sky, and countless odds and ends were wrapped in the yin wind. With the four figures, they flew straight to the side of Don't beg.

With the harsh ghost roar, a white figure wrapped a few things and flew straight to Don't beg.

"Mr. Begging, here is a tooth card of Yan Legong's identity, which has been sealed for several times!"

Yan Legong's identity tooth card? Don't beg and sneer.

Shi Tianmo's face changed tragically. He hugged his son, and his body was as exciting as a cannonball? Q shot up. U