Steal the sky

Chapter 122 Curator

Scourge the treasure of the secret room of the Demon of Heaven. Under the persuasion of Begging, Princess Pule, who flashed strange lights in her eyes, at least left a few stolen goods for Yan Bugui, and let him pack them and send them to the wind patrol department as evidence. In addition to these treasures and other things, some books, documents and other things were found in the secret room, but neither Begging nor Princess Dule was interested in these, and all of them were taken away by the patrolman.

In addition to the worthless treasures in the secret room, there are several warehouses in the backyard of Shijiaguan, which are full of gold chains, silver and copper coins. After 90 years of operation in Jidu, in addition to the property obtained from robbery, the legitimate business of Shijiaguan is also rich in income. The money and goods in these warehouses are also worth more than one million. Don't beg to take some gold chains and silver pieces into the storage ring, but the copper money is penniless. Princess Le completely ignored these money and things. The reason why she searched the secret room collection was just to see that they were really beautiful.

Don't beg and Princess Danle, whose fortune has soared, walked out of the Shijiaguan with a smile. They happened to see Shi Tianmo squinting with a pair of deep eyes and smiling strangely at the detective of the patrolman who guarded him. His pipa bone was cut off, and 36 important gas acupoints were broken around him, and the true qi in his body had already been poured out.

Even so, he still arrogantly threatened the scouts, saying that he wanted to find out their relatives and kill all their relatives.

Seeing that Shi Tianmo was so arrogant when he fell into such a situation, Princess Du Le frowned and lightly pointed to him: "It's simply presumptuous. Come on, pull out his big teeth and change his dog's teeth. Apply "nine yu bone ointment" to make him have a strong dog tooth!

I'm going to see how this guy who learns to bark like a wild dog can see people after giving birth to a mouthful of dog teeth!"

Don't beg for a shiver. Where did Princess Dule learn these humiliating methods? Logically speaking, it is impossible for her to touch these things when she was born in the deep palace. Jiuyu bone ointment is a secret elixir made by the royal family of the Dayan Dynasty. The hands and feet are broken. As long as the blood is still hot, the plaster can heal quickly. Pull out Shi Tianmo's teeth, give him a mouthful of dog teeth, and then apply Jiuyu bone ointment. This dog's teeth can be together with Shi Tianmo's gums, and there will never be a rejection reaction.

The most famous master on the Jianghu Road of the Great Yan Dynasty was humiliated like this. He really won't see anyone in the future.

Shi Tianmo's face turned pale. He stared at Princess Pang Le and said angrily, "Well, I'm rampant all my life. How can I be so bullied by a woman? That's it, that's it. My master will definitely avenge me. You all wait, and your nine clans will die!" After shouting three times, Shi Tianmo said angrily to Shi Wuji, who was also tied to death like this, "Child, why don't you kill yourself quickly? Do you have to wait for them to humiliate you like that?"

Shi Wuque glanced at his father and looked up to the sky and shouted, "Master, avenge the little servant and son!"

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of countless steel bars in his body, and the pale blue blood in the seven orifices spewed out, and there was no breath in the blink of an eye. Shi Tianmo also roared, and there was a loud thunderous sound in his body. Then dark green sticky blood was spewed out of the seven orifices, and his body twitched violently for a while, and he also committed suicide with the secret method. The spies standing beside their father and son had no time to react, so they could only watch them die.

The secret agents of the two wind patrol department stood closer to Shi Tianmo. The blood sprayed from his seven orifices was sprinkled on their arms, just like concentrated sulfuric acid, burning their skin dry and rotten, emitting a pungent smell of vegetation. The two secret agents hissed and begged. Don't be shocked. They pulled out the greedy wolf sword and cut off their arms. Before their arms fell to the ground, they were burned to ashes by the green blood.

Everyone present gasped at the same time. Shi Tianmo's blood is so poisonous. How can he stand it?

Don't beg, his eyes flashed, reached out and pressed the nose and neck blood of the two people, shook his head and sighed, "That's all, they are also two good men. Don't humiliate their bodies, Xiaobai, send them out of the city and find a feng shui treasure to bury them!"

It is said to find a feng shui treasure to bury the two people, but don't beg to send a voice to Meng Xiaobai. He asked Meng Xiaobai to take their bodies out of the city, find a place to dig a pit to make a look, and then still bring their bodies back and hide them in Yanle's mansion. Don't beg Meng Xiaobai to be careful when entering the city and don't let people notice that he brought back the bodies of the two.

Meng Xiaobai's face did not move at all. He answered and greeted Zhao Jissin. More than a hundred guards of Yanle Mansion drove a big car and carried the bodies of the father and son of Shi Tianmo out of the city. The people of the wind patrol department have no objection to the order not to beg. Shitian demons are all dead. Why do you keep their bodies? Although the skills they practice are a little strange, they are all dead, and they can't torture out the methods they practice. Can't they take a nap with their bodies?

Only don't sneer in your heart. Shi Tianmo's father and son were "unwilling to be humiliated and killed by themselves" and hid it from others, but they couldn't hide it from him. There are hundreds of methods for stealing all kinds of turtles recorded in the scriptures and pretending to be dead, and each of them is tens of millions of times more sophisticated than the evil skills used by the father and son of Shitian Demon.

This is the meaning of Master Guan's dancing knife in front of the temple. If the father and son want to pretend to be dead, don't beg to fulfill them. Just get them into Yanle Mansion to make them easy to make a living.

At the thought of the huge flesh and blood essence in the two bodies of Shi Tianmo, don't beg for a burst of drooling! In order to win people's trust, the father and son proved that they were really dead. They actually shook their meridians with secret methods, and the vitality in their bodies was almost cut off. Only a trace of vitality was retained in the heart. If there is no rescue in thirty-six hours, they will really die. In these thirty-six hours, they are the real dead, and they don't have to worry about what will happen to them.

Looking at Meng Xiaobai and others who were far away, don't beg to smile. Then he solemnly arched his hand to Princess Guo Le.

"Zi Yan, you've heard about this Shijiaguan!" Don't beg and said to Princess Bile seriously, "I didn't expect that this Shijiaguan was actually a den of thieves hiding dirt. Although the first offender committed suicide, there are still so many accomplices and a lot of things to do. I want to inform our prince about Yan's unruly assassination, but no one can stare at it here. In case someone cheats and privately releases the suspect, won't we work hard in vain?

Gently picked up a wisp of long hair falling on her forehead for Princess Le. Don't beg and laugh softly and said, "You just sit here and let the people of Si Koufu and the Wind Patrol Department thoroughly investigate the case. You must urge them to pursue the case wholeheartedly and see if there are any other crimes in the Shijia

"Zi, you have also heard about this Shijiaguan!" Don't beg to say to Princess Dule seriously, "I didn't expect that this Shijiaguan was actually a den of thieves hiding dirt. Although the first offender committed suicide, there are still so many accomplices and a lot of things to do. I want to inform our prince about Yan's unruly assassination, but no one can stare at it here. In case someone cheats and privately releases the suspect, won't we work hard in vain?

Gently picked up a wisp of long hair falling on her forehead for Princess Le. Don't beg and laugh softly and said, "You just sit here and let the people of Si Koufu and the Wind Patrol Department thoroughly investigate the case. You must urge them to pursue the case wholeheartedly and see if there are any other crimes in the Shijia

Listening to Don't beg to say that she wants to stay here and sit in town, Princess Le is reluctant in her heart.

She grabbed Don't beg's sleeve and muttered in a low voice, "Wherever you go, I'll follow you." I'll leave Bai Zhuer and Bai Zhuer here. With them here, who dares to fool around?

Don't beg and smiled. He whispered to Princess Pule's ear and said, "But it's not just to urge the Sikefu and the wind patrol department to handle the case, but also the courtyard of this Shijiaguan. I also want Ziqi to help me occupy it. I'm going to open a martial arts school here. Without Zi Yan's help, the courtyard of this golden section can't fall into my hands!"

With a sigh, Don't beg looked deeply at Princess Le's eyes and whispered, "Don't beg for no relatives in this world. No one can help beg deal with these things except Zi Yan."

Princess Le's spirit was immediately raised. She straightened her chest and proudly raised her chin: "Do you want this martial arts school? Don't worry, Zi Yan helped you do it properly. Who dares to rob me of what I like? This Shijiaguan must be owned by the treasury. The things in the treasury are the things of the palace, and the things of the palace are yours!"

Don't squint your eyes and smile, and gently touch the third bun of Princess Dule.

Yan Bugui and others beside him looked at the sky blankly. What was in the treasury of the Yan Dynasty was equivalent to something not begging? Did they hallucinate? Princess Pang Le has the courage to say such a thing. They really don't have the courage to listen! I really don't know how Yan Dan would feel when she heard what her most precious granddaughter said?

What do you think?

The complacent Princess Le simply moved a big chair and sat in the main hall of the Shijia Hall, and the many Sikefu officials, patrols and many generals of the city defense forces who rushed to the Shijia Hall turned the group around. With this god in charge, the judicial department and violent organs of Jidu operated rapidly with unprecedented efficiency. Soon, according to the account books and other things in the secret room of Shitian Demon, it was determined that the Shijia Hall was related to many robberies within a radius of thousands of miles near Jidu in recent decades.

Thistle is the absolute political and economic core of the Yan Dynasty, and the treasures of the world are gathered here. Those caravans and tribute teams from various vassal states of the Dayan Dynasty, the property carried by any team is astronomical. Shijiaguan has been looted for decades, and the income is far more than those in the secret room. The secret room, including the treasures swallowed by Buqi and Princess Pangle, probably only accounts for less than 1% of the looting over the years.

According to the many thief books and documentary evidence seized in the secret room, the officials of the Siko Mansion are getting more and more emotional, and the atmosphere is getting more and more tense.

The Shijiaguan has committed far more than that. From those account records, it can be seen that there is a deeper dark story behind the Shijiaguan. For example, there is a light gold account book, on which a large number of names and numbers are recorded in secret notes. If you guess correctly, this is the record of Shi Tianmo's bribery to some officials, and it may also be the record of the merchants who sold the stolen goods in the Shijiaguan to help them sell the stolen goods.

More and more elites of the Sikofu came here, and the elite investigation personnel of the wind patrol department also rushed over like a fly smelling the smell of blood. More than 30% of the patrols and spies in the city of Jidu in the Dayan Dynasty blocked the whole Yawu Street. Tens of thousands of elite soldiers completely closed the neighborhood near the left of Xiongwu Street, and even the city walls were closed, which was blocked.

The disciples of the martial arts school who were captured in the Shi family hall were quickly taken away, including the guard beside Wei Xiaoxiao, who was captured by Buqi in person. Because it is a relationship that should not begged to explain, the guard and the guard around him and several attendants are particularly tight.

Just as everything was going on in an orderly manner, dozens of tough men in public uniforms and wind patrol soft armor suddenly launched together. They pulled out their weapons and chopped at the martial arts disciples who were escorted around them, and cut off their heads with a knife. I don't know what medicine was quenched on the weapons used by these people. They cut off their heads with a knife, and then their heads burned quickly and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

The incident happened suddenly, and many patrols and spies present did not have time to react, including Wei Xiaoxiao's escort and entourage, who were also cut off with a knife, and their heads were quickly burned to ashes.