Steal the sky

Chapter 134 Prepare

Early in the morning, Huoyuan has suddenly been promoted to the realm of congenital fetal breath. Don't beg Xie Qing left the door.

Lv Buwei abandoned his bracelet and was lying obediently in his left-hand sleeve. After all, he refused the gift from others last night. Although Lv Buwei abandoned it and took it out with the idea of waste recycling, it was not very good-looking after all, so he did not wear the bracelet on his wrist, but hid it in his sleeve.

After all, it is a gift from Lv Buwei's generation of treacherous heroes. There are a total of seven storage spaces in this bracelet, each of which is twice as large as the storage ring given by Princess Le. In the seven-fold space, each heavy space has a top-grade flying sword, which contains seven different forces: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice and thunder. For the practitioners of Rift Sky Sword Sect, no matter how they practice the sword all the way, they can use seven kinds of flying swords.

In addition to the seven flying swords, there is also a gold mine, a silver mountain, a copper mountain, an iron mountain, an emerald mountain, a white jade mountain and a crystal mountain in the bracelet. The value of gold and silver is more than 10 million taels. Isn't the weight of copper and iron four or five million catties? The number of jade, white jade, crystal and other gems in each pile exceeds 100,000.

It is worthy of the action of the Chamber of Commerce, which has been opened by the Chamber of Commerce in all countries. Such a heavy gift, don't beg for a small Yan with no foundation. That's more than enough. If Lv Buwei hadn't met this freak, his heavy gift would definitely trap a person who might be useful to him in the future.

"Unfortunately, I'm not Lu Chengfeng. The elites who killed the old man, destroyed the corpse with a fire, and then took the huge wealth given by the old man to the market to buy things. Why does it feel so good? Riding on the back of the one-horned elk, Don't beg, shake your head and hum the tune, and come to the four seas alone.

I asked several agents who were hanging out at the gate of the market. Don't beg to find Haiyuntian, who helped him buy mackerel oil last time.

Hai Yuntian, who quickly ran to the entrance of the market, saw Don't beg from afar, and his face was suddenly full of smiles. Away from afar, he shouted hurriedly, "Marquis, have you come to Sihaiji to choose treasures again? The little one is far away, please forgive me, forgive me!"

Don't look at Hai Yuntian with a smile, jump off the mount, and casually throw away a long list: "Don't talk nonsense, your benefits are indispensable. Look at the things on this list. It should be able to be collected in the Four Seas. It's just a little more weight, but it's not rare. Please help me prepare it. I must collect it all today.

Hai Yuntian hurriedly took over the list and quickly glanced at the dozens of materials written down on it. They are all materials such as refined iron, hundred-year-old basalt iron, thousand-old cold iron, thousand-year-old lava iron essence, etc., all of which are all kinds of hardware materials. Each of the dozens of miscellaneous materials costs millions of catties. The quantity is very large, but it is really not rare.

Don't beg to pat his left hand sleeve hard like an upstart. He laughed loudly and said, "Prepare as soon as possible. You must deliver the goods today. Don't give it to uncle... Er, don't save money for me. Hahaha, I almost forgot that I also have a title. Well, I made a fortune in the past two days, and I just sent these goods up. Except for the number listed on the list, it's best to have more.

Hai Yuntian smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into a line. He hurriedly led Don't beg into the Sihaiji. When he sat down in the last teahouse, he hurriedly ran out of the teahouse to help Don't beg for goods. He ran so fast that his feet were about to pull the back of his head. The favorite business of merchants from all over the world is to do this kind of business. Materials such as refined refined iron and hundred-year-old black iron are precious, but not rare. If the weight is large enough, the profit is simply amazingly high.

The materials such as mackerel oil bought last time are extremely expensive and rare. Although they are all sky-high-priced goods, because of the small weight, the profit is not as good as selling a large number of these less rare materials. Don't beg for the materials such as refined iron purchased this time. The quantity listed by yourself is millions of catties, and it is clear that the more the better, then this deal can be done.

Throw the storage bracelet on the tea table. Don't beg to sit at the table, drink fragrant tea slowly, and watch the merchants outside the window coming and go on the street. Occasionally, some chambers of commerce have sent new rare goods, and those dead things are fine. Those rare birds and beasts and other goods are an eye-opener. The world is extremely rich in species, and strange things are emerging one after another.

This tea was drunk for a whole morning, and then half of the afternoon passed. Just as the sun began to tilt westward, the sweaty Haiyuntian finally rushed back, and he was followed by more than a dozen equally sweaty bosses of the Chamber of Commerce. They silently walked into the teahouse, with a strong smile on their faces, and put the storage ring on their fingers in front of Don't beg.

The spirit swept through these storage rings, and Don't beg nod with satisfaction. The quantity of all kinds of goods far exceeds the demand for begging, almost more than ten times the quantity of goods. He transferred all the goods in these storage rings to this huge storage bracelet, and then asked Hai Yuntian for the total price, paying for the goods with real gold and silver without bargaining.

After squee the bracelet, don't beg for a faint smile and said, "The amount of refined iron and other kinds seems to be a little less?"

Hai Yuntian smiled like Zun's blooming face suddenly drooped down. He looked sadly and sighed, "Materials such as refined iron are the materials controlled by the Yan Dynasty to smelt all kinds of armor ordnance. This business is mostly occupied by the Wei's Chamber of Commerce, and there are really too many sources of goods .

But it's really hard to talk to Wei Xiaoxiao, who is in charge of the Wei's Chamber of Commerce.

The Dayan Dynasty carried out special control over refined iron and other materials. On the contrary, it was a thousand-year-old lava iron that ordinary people could not use, and there were no restrictions on the materials that only practitioners would use. Therefore, the amount of refined iron collected by these dozen chambers of commerce is only more than 100,000 catties than that required by Don't be begging. Unlike other cultivation materials, the number of each is soaring.

Don't beg and nodded. He smiled and said, "I see. Well done. If I have something to do in the future, I'd better come to you. After a brief pause, Don't beg took out an identity tooth card and threw it to Hai Yuntian: "You help me stare on it. In the future, if there are any good materials that practitioners can use in Sihaiji, or the genus of the five elements, or strange things that can't be identified, go directly to Yanle Gongfu to find me

Hai Yuntian blushed with excitement. He hurriedly took the tooth card and couldn't say anything. With this tooth card, he is almost the royal agent of Tianyunhou. His position in Sihaiji is bound to be greatly improved. Not only the Marquis of Tianyun, he also has a relationship with Yanle Gongfu. In the future, his future is just around the corner.

With all kinds of metal materials full of bracelets, Don't beg quickly left Sihaiji and rode to Baiyang Mountain.

Touching the cold storage bracelet with smooth and smooth tentacles on the surface, don't beg for infinite joy in your heart. With these metal materials, he can extract the 'Xiaoyan Heavens and Thousand Alloys' by stealing the secret method. This alloy is a crystal of dozens of rare metal materials and is a material used in refining the best magic weapon. Of course, this material is mainly used to refine the 'small Zhoutian moving array', which is the base of the close-range moving array.

With the broken ethereal gold he got last time, and the huge amount of spiritual stones given to him by Princess Pangle, he can easily create hundreds of arrays and build a dense mobile array network that belongs to him personally. With these moves, he can attack and retreat. As long as he arranges some secret caves and hiding places, he will have the confidence to save his life in this world.

Regardless of your concubine, Lv Buwei, your fourth prince of the Warring States Period or the first emperor's victory, murder king Bai Qi, as long as Xiao Zhoutian moves the array in his hand, you can ignore him if you don't beg. Although this moving array is only a moving array in the planet, and the maximum transmission distance cannot exceed 10 million miles, it is absolutely enough for begging. There is 10 million miles of space for strategic transfer, who can do anything about him?

Looking up to the sky and laughing, don't beg to move the mount, rush out of Jidu and go to Baiyang Mountain as fast as possible.

When he went out of the city, he could clearly feel a few wisps of bad eyes staring at his back, and he roughly knew the origin of these people. Some of the things he has done these days have turned the already turbid pond into mud pits, and I don't know how many people are thinking about him behind his back.

Among them, those who care about him the most are nothing more than those people.

With a sneer, Don't beg injected the innate wooden spirit into the body of the unicorn elk. With the don't beg spell, a large cyan wind suddenly spewed out under the four hooves of the unicorn elk.

With the sound of breaking the air, the one-horned elk spent less than a third of its usual time running all the way to Baiyang Mountain.

Looking back at the dark Jidu on the horizon, Don't beg for a strange smile.

"No matter the storm, I don't care about it. Now the uncle only lacks the innate golden spirit, and he can make up the five elements. Hey, after the five elements of Qixuan's spiritual formula are completed and they are all formed into golden elixir, the uncle's strength is comparable to that of Yuanying Dixian. I'll argue with you then!"

jumped off the mount and stamped his feet fiercely. Don't beg for a low voice, "Since you're here, live a better life. My wonderfulness is destined to pave the way for the tragedy of many people! Wei Longfeng, you unlucky man, how much water time have you saved me? Hey, speaking of which, I haven't seen Qin's blood for a long time. If he can steal his golden elixir, hey!"

He rode into the Baiyang Mountain Gate. Don't ignore the disciples of the Rift Tianjian Sect along the way and come all the way to the main peak of Baiyang Mountain.

patted the ass of the mount and let it run to eat grass by itself. Don't beg to raise your neck and shout: "Master, Elder, are you there? Disciple, don't beg to see me. I have something good to tell you!"

A white rainbow swept down from the top of the suspension, wrapped it around Don't be begging, and took him to fly up quickly.

At the top of the cliff, Nie Yaonu somehow transplanted a batch of ancient pine trees and planted them in front of the gate of the cave. Under the pine trees, there were a few more stone piers and a stone table. She and Nie Baihong were sitting at the stone table, with a pot of tea on the table, emitting the fragrance of Ran Ran.

Seeing that don't beg, Nie Baihong frowned: "How are you doing with the five elements of luck? This skill is not within the innate realm, and you can't learn the sword formula of the Rift Sword Sect. I've been running around all day, and I don't see you doing anything serious.

Don't beg to ignore Nie Baihong. He smiled and said to Nie Yaonu, "Taishang elder, disciples use the Bengshan sword formula and the burning sky sword formula to exchange the Canglan sword formula, the Qinglei sword formula and the shocking electric sword formula. I also need to borrow a good refinery room, and some things need to be processed!"

Nie Yaonu and Nie Baihong suddenly jumped up, and the two exclaimed, "What? The secret of the sword of landslide and the secret of burning the sky?"