Steal the sky

Chapter 149 Alien Array

A large share of blood splashed on the greedy wolf sword and was quickly sucked in by the sword body. The forbidden law Shenyan suddenly flourished on the body of the sword, so that the body of the sword kept spewing out a trace of white sharpness, cutting out countless extremely fine and deep traces of the four walls and the ground.

In the end, the most difficult eighteen handprints were all played out by Don't beg's fingertips. Countless starlight spewed out from Don's fingertips, and all of them were branded on the greedy wolf sword in an instant.

At the moment when the fingerprints were completed, there was a sudden blood connection between the begging and the greedy wolf sword. The originally dark greedy wolf sword, like a newborn baby, has a trace of nostalgia and fear for the spirit of not begging. Don't beg hurriedly raised the last bit of energy, and passed through a trace of kindness with spiritual knowledge, as if abducting a little girl, slowly comforting the new spirit of the greedy wolf sword.

This weapon spirit is a touch of innate soul condensed by the spirit of Gengjin in this Gengjin cave for many years, so it is powerful and extremely amazing. But after all, Henggu has no trace here, and no one has ever come into contact with it. The greedy wolf weapon has grown on instinct for so many years. It is reasonable that it will not produce real wisdom until its body condenses into a substantial form.

But after the blood irrigation and secret communication, the unformed artifact is awakened, like a child who is not begging, and he has a connection with his mind. But the weapon was burned fiercely by the forbidden law Shenyan, so that it almost lost its soul, so it felt an instinctive fear of not begging.

After the comfort of Begging, the spirit quickly forgot the pain of Zhou Cai, flew happily to Begging like a baby, and circled gently around Don't Begging. I only saw that a touch of about three feet long was like a wave of water, more like a ray of light, and the ghostly black light that appeared with the gloomy wind in the middle of the night rotated rapidly around the begging, bringing a cold air, and the invisible sharp breath tore the ground in circles of extremely thin sword marks.

Because the qi of Gengjin here has been impacted by space fluctuations all year round, which has led to the formation of the spirit of breaking ethereal gold. This weapon has been nourished by space fluctuations for many years, and it also has a certain spatial characteristics. The biggest feature of the weapon of space characteristics is the death of flight. The new greedy wolf sword has the control of this weapon, and the speed of the sword light is at least ten times that of other flying swords.

Looking happily at this shape and the original greedy wolf sword, there is no change, but the interior is already a fundamentally different flying sword. Don't beg to open your mouth to inhale it into your body, slowly integrate into the water vein of the right arm, and accept the nourishment of the golden elixir. At this moment, the quality of the greedy wolf sword has risen to the level of top-grade magic weapon, and there is great room for future development and progress, even if it is possible to become a spiritual weapon or even higher in the future. After all, the origin of this weapon is extraordinary. The power and potential of the spirit condensed by heaven and earth are the same.

Such a spiritual object can't be put in the storage ring. It must be hidden in the body and always receive the refining of blood and Zhenyuan, so that it can communicate with the master in the future and exert stronger and greater power.

After recovering the greedy wolf sword, don't beg to swallow a few life-saving elixirs. After lying on the ground and gasping for a long time, he barely regained a little strength and became afraid. The powerful effect of Qixuan's spiritual formula gradually came into play. He stood on the ground with both feet and gradually absorbed the local energy to nourish his whole body. The wood gas and water gas, which were full of vitality and nourishing power, rippled out of the spiritual veins and slowly nourished his body, that is, in more than a quarter of an hour

Slowly walked to the forty-nine lotus flower condensed by the huge Gengjin gas, and quickly communicated with this silvery lotus flower with the whole body. This lotus is the mother of the weapon just now, and it is naturally a rare treasure. Don't beg to make a move to the lotus flower. The azu lotus flower with a radius of more than ten feet quickly shrinks, turning into a lotus bone the size of a fist and falling lightly from the dome, just falling into the hands of Don't beg.

frowned and looked at the lotus flower, don't beg for a smile. This is a spiritual weapon.

The so-called spiritual weapon is a magic object that is more powerful than a magic weapon and has an instrument. The absolute lethality of spiritual weapons may not be as good as some powerful magic weapons, but spiritual weapons have spirits, which can take the initiative to protect the master when the master is in trouble, and even have spiritual weapons that can take the initiative to come out of the sheath and kill the enemy thousands of miles away. And no matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it does not have this kind of effect. Without the master's control, no matter how powerful it is, even if one blow can smash the magic weapon of the stars, it is a dead thing.

And this anemone is a spiritual weapon, and there is a small half of it artificially forged spiritual weapon. Don't beg to feel the clear spiritual consciousness in the depths of the lotus. The effect of this lotus is to give birth to the weapon sealed in the greedy wolf sword. Its forty-nine lotus petals extract and purify the energy of gold day and night, and constantly nurture it into that weapon. This anescus can be said to be the mother of the

Perhaps it is afraid to disturb the growth of the greedy wolf sword spirit. Although the anemonetus has been artificially refined in a small part, it has made it the body of the 49-petal anemone that is most convenient to absorb aura, but the person who refined it did not leave any brand in the anemone, but just let the The spiritual array nourishes the greedy wolf sword spirit.

I don't know how many years of Gengjin's gas has been absorbed. This small anemone flower looks thin and light, but in fact it has a weight of hundreds of thousands of pounds, and it is an extremely exquisite composition of acquired hardware gas, which has become a powerful spiritual weapon. Don't beg to meditate for a moment, leaving his own spiritual imprint in this white paper-like spiritual weapon, and also incorporated it into his body.

As soon as the anemone flower entered the body, it quickly integrated into his sea of knowledge and suspended on his four-phase aura. Don't beg to know the waves, firelight, wood begging, and earth gas in the sea turned into four flood tides, slowly penetrating into the anemone. On the original silvery lotus, it slowly breeds a line of blue of water waves, the green of the spirit wood, the red of the flame and the yellow of the earth. In addition to his own silver-white, the five-colored spots are dazzling and magnificent.

The line of forbidden law Shenyan's body twisted rudely and jumped to the stamens of the lotus. The five-color aura slowly spewed out of the stamens and gradually integrated into the body of the forbidden law godyan. The forbidden law godyan, which was originally one foot and two inches long and the thick thumb, squirmed slightly, and its volume seemed to increase a little.

Don't beg for secret joy. This lotus is really wonderful. The person who refined it is undoubtedly a powerful figure who has achieved the fruits of immortality. It now actively absorbs the five elements of aura. It seems that the future can be perfectly integrated with his seven mysterious spiritual formula. Maybe he can turn this anemone into a powerful defensive treasure to attack the enemy. With the essence that has been refined by the spirit of gold for many years, coupled with the power of the innate five elements of aura, the future of this treasure is even a little greater than that of greedy wolf carving.

Take a deep breath, don't beg to throw away distracting thoughts, carefully take a few steps forward, and reach the core of the cave where the lotus stamens were originally opposite.

The ground here is sunken down, and there is a round, three-foot-deep pool in place. The light silver clear and clear bottom of the pool in the pool several feet is motionless. At the bottom of the pool, there are countless rune arrays, and a black jewel the size of a thumb is emitting a faint space fluctuation The full space fluctuation in the iron ore spreads from this jewel.

vigilantly circled around the pool a few times, and don't beg to slowly unpack the details of the array in the pool. This is a 'different-dimensional big split void array' used to arrange killing traps in the caves of those great powers in ancient times. This large array is extremely powerful. Once launched, the cracked void dimensional knife can easily kill the existence below the golden fairy.

Now this array is only imprisoned by the black jewel, and countless void dimensional knives that are about to erupt are forcibly destroyed by the jewels, turning into endless space fluctuations sweeping around. Only then did the hollow gold produced in this iron vein, and Lv Buwei and Wei Xiaoxiao planned to seize these gold veins on the land of Yanle's land. Originally, all they wanted was this iron vein, but in order to hide people's eyes and ears, they wanted to get the management right of all the metal veins on the land of Yanlegong.

First, Yan Heluo was sent out. When he was driven away by Beggar, Wei Xiaoxiao came out in person. When Wei Xiaoxiao was violently deterred by Nie Baihong and made a poisonous oath, Lv Buwei came out in person and finally got this iron ore vein with his previous kindness to Lu Chengfeng. Maybe Yan's unruly death is also related to this iron vein? But don't be angry and don't have the mood to investigate the detailed root causes.

He looked at the black jewel greedily and shook his head. The different dimension crack void array is not what he can control now. Even the first-class immortals are unable to arrange such a array.

Don't beg to know all the details of this map, but his strength is too weak. He knows everything about this map, but he can't do it to him. This unknown jewel can only be left here.

The space fluctuates everywhere, but 80% of the space fluctuations are condensed in this clear pool. In the spiritual liquid condensed by Gengjin Reiki, hundreds of silver beads the size of fists are rolling around the bottom of the pool with the jump of space fluctuations. The jewels condensed purely from the innate white and gold are almost pure silver transparent. The quality of the beads is frighteningly high, and they are almost born to reach the level of spiritual weapons.

At the core of these jewels, the seemingly dark but dazzling light spots flashed rapidly.

When you look carefully, you will know that these a total of 360 fist-sized jewels. When they roll enough at the bottom of the pool, they are not rolling like ordinary jewels, but in a very short teleportation. Their bodies are constantly jumping in this space and another space at any time. Their trajectory is not a complete line, but composed of countless thin points.

"Sure enough!" Don't beg to figure it out. He nodded and smiled and said, "I don't know which senior arranged this large array here in order to collect 'innately too white to break the virtual beads', which is the best item to refine the top fairy treasures. Unfortunately, it's a pity that the climate is not enough. I'm afraid it will take three or five yuan to really condense into a congenital white pearl. But for me, that's enough, that's enough!"

Three hundred and sixty innate unformed innate breath is too white to break the virtual beads, which happens to be refined into a set of spiritual weapons that integrate attack and defense. Don't beg to take the cultivation of the golden elixir period and you can barely control it. If this is a completely formed innate breath that is too white to break the empty beads, don't be sure to turn around and leave, and you won't even look at it. That is not something that can be touched by the existence below the golden fairy at all. The innate breath of high-frequency jumping is too white to break the virtual beads at all times, just like a high-frequency oscillating chainsaw. The existence below the golden fairy, whether the body or the spiritual knowledge touches it, will be torn up by high-frequency oscillation.

Now it's just like this.

Carefully collected these 360 jewels. Don't beg to look at the hundreds of wisps of faint white gas floating in the middle of the pool, and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. The spirit of innate Gengjin, I have it! The golden source of his seven mysterious spiritual secrets can be practiced!