Steal the sky

Chapter 157 Absorption

Slowly swept through the body of Shitian Mo Wenzi with a clear handprint, and shook his head disdainfully.

Both father and son eat evil beast body elixir to enhance physical strength, which is the secret method for evil monks to sacrifice monsters and pets. There are countless evil monks in the world, and the formula of the beast elixir is also endless, which is extremely strange, evil and unpredictable limits. Both father and son are innate cultivation, but their bodies are really ridiculously strong, so strong that they are extremely envious.

However, the dark green air mass in the father and son's translucent body tells Don't beg that the animal elixir formula they take is extremely smart and the medicine is very powerful. However, the evil skills of the father and son are not perfect. They absorb at most half of the medicine power, and 90% of the medicine power is hidden in their bodies. If these medicinal powers are completely absorbed, his body can be directly strengthened to the realm of the invincible body described in the scriptures, which is the magic body that can only be possessed by the practitioners of Yuanying Dacheng.

And all kinds of skills that steal the scriptures have great requirements on the strength of the body. The so-called King Kong's body in the scriptures is several times stronger than that of the monks who have become ordinary Yuanying. Don't beg if he can be refined into such a magic body, below the golden elixir, he will no longer be afraid. Even if the Yuanying Earth Immortal meets him, he can't beat his opponent in terms of magic skills, and he is sure to be beaten and run for his life.

Especially with a strong body, those evil methods that quickly enhance cultivation in the scriptures can be used unscrupulously, and there is no need to consider that the pressure on the body will cause physical collapse. Don't beg. When he thought of the golden elixirs he got in the mine, he couldn't help laughing and opening his mouth.

After carefully observing the body of the father and son of Shitianmo, don't beg for a long time and sigh: "It's difficult for you to pretend to be dead with the secret method of fake death and still retain a trace of vitality. Unfortunately, Wei Xiaoxiao failed to save you back and wake you up. Your ancestor Lv Buwei did not come to save you. So, it's a pity.

"We are the enemy!" Don't beg and put a palm on the hearts of the father and son of Shitian Demon, completely cutting off their vitality.

The vitality in the body was amazing, and the two of them trembled slackly and lost the control of the episode of vitality. The flesh of the father and son could not withstand the counterattack of the huge power in the body, especially the pressure of the huge drug power. Their bodies were about to disintegrate into pieces. Sooner or later, don't beg for a move. A clear spring water surged up from the flat ground and wrapped their bodies firmly in it. Then all kinds of elixirs he picked along the way when he opened the secret house and threw them into the water wave one after another.

The water wave rotated rapidly, and only heard "pop, the explosion was endless. The bodies of the father and son finally exploded into the smallest blood mist. The square meters of clear spring water was dyed into a terrible purple-green, and the pungent vegetation rose to the sky. The huge residual power of the beast elixir contained in their bodies was like It spread like a bomb. Ordinary people will bleed to death if they smell this highly poisonous smell of medicine. Don't beg, they don't care at all. They spit out a flame and blend into the water wave.

The temperature of the water wave rose rapidly, and more than 20,000 strange elixirs, poisons and various strange drugs he added were dissolved by heat one after another, and the medicine was constantly injected into the water. A large number of drug residue fragments are constantly spewing out of the water wave, accompanied by fine minced meat and blood, which are the remnants in the bodies of the father and son of Shitian.

Don't beg for a ball of flames to heat up the ball of water in front of you. He muttered in a low voice, "In the next life, don't practice this kind of evil magic. "Be a good person" makes people and ghosts. Even if you have a strong power, when your intelligence is completely devoured by the medicine, you will turn into humanoid monsters and become puppets driven by others. From the incarnation of the spirit of all things into monsters, you should be grateful to me for sending you into reincarnation, at least you can take a baby again.

Slowly purify the huge blood essence and residual medicine power in the two people's bodies one by one, don't beg to use Taoism, send all the drug residues and flesh and blood fragments out of the cave, and sprinkled them far into the huge rivers. There is no pungent smell of grass and wood medicine in the cave, only a fragrant and strong smell of elixir is constantly emitted.

Don't beg to use all kinds of poisonous herbs to fight poison with poison, and melt the domineering and vicious medicine of the beast. Then he used a variety of elixirs to enrich his vitality, refined the huge power in the animal elixir into a mild potion, and gradually concentrated and purified it into one.

The five-color aura rushes in the cave. A large number of heaven and earth spirits are attracted by the innate five elements in the body, and quickly integrate into the clear water wave in front of them. Because of the traction of the innate breath of the five elements, a trace of free innate gas near the mountain was also separated from the acquired aura and quickly injected into the water wave.

The aroma in the cave is getting more and more fragrant, and the aroma is gradually wrapped into a faint white air, in the shape of a dragon and tiger. Don't beg for a slow flow. This is a unique sign of the formation of the best elixir. Don't beg for help laughing happily: "Lv Buwei, do you still have such a doorman under your door? The more the better, the more the better! How many elixirs did it cost you to configure those beast elixirs? It's all cheap for me now!"

Laughed a few times, don't beg your fingers to beat rapidly. Xiao Zhoutian moved the star to change the bucket seal of 1,180 sets of handprints and kept hitting with all his strength. The spiritual light flashed in the water wave, and a large amount of aura kept inhaling into the water wave. Gradually, the water The crystal clear ointment is carved like crystal, tremblingly suspended in front of Begging, full of indescribable vitality.

Carefully identify the nature of the ointment, and don't beg to laugh again. There is still a certain toxic residue in the ointment. After all, it is the first time for him to use this secret method of stealing the scriptures, so he cannot completely purify the medicine. But this little insignificant toxicity poses no threat to him at all. As long as the physical strength is enough, this little toxicity is like a normal person eating a few mouthfuls of salt. It's uncomfortable, but it won't be a big deal.

A trembling and shiny ball of ointment. Don't beg for nothing. He took off his clothes and gritted his teeth and jumped into the ointment.

The refining of this ointment took a full month. I don't know how much the three-flavor real fire he sprayed, so the temperature of this ointment is almost like a red-hot iron. As soon as you get into the ointment, there is a red-hot iron plate burning wild boar skin. Don't beg for a large amount of white smoke all over your body, your skin is burned to pieces, and countless blisters of size have emerged.

With a miserable howl, don't beg to close your eyes and shout harshly, "If you endure hardships, you will be the best!" The big and small heavens seize the magic of the body,..."

The half-open lotus seal of both hands changed rapidly, and the Taoist aura quickly clicked on the important air holes around the body. Where the fingerprints passed, the begging body burst the thick holes of the thumb one after another. The hot ointment was almost like a flood of breaking the dike, pouring down these blood holes into Begging's body, turning into endless rage and vitality sweeping all over him.

Sitting cross-legged in the ointment, don't beg your hands to form a lotus mark on his body and slapped quickly. His body trembled violently, and every inch of his skin flowed like a water wave. There are continuous cracks of muscles, meridians, bones and internal organs in his body, and the sound of body healing like a spring silkworm eating mulberry leaves.

Don't beg and scream in pain, but regardless of the single-minded operation, you can steal the secrets. The big and small of the heavens seize the magic power to crush your body again and again, and let the body be reborn again. Just like fine steel refining, every time it is crushed and reborn, the body that does not be begging can be enhanced by 30%. The true qi in the body is like a tide mixed with the huge power of medicine pouring into the outside world. All the meridians everywhere they pass are crushed and reborn, expanded, reinforced, and then smashed again, reborn again, expanded again, and reinforced again.

All the organs in the body are so repetitive about the process of smashing and rebirth. Don't beg for the pain that he has completely forgotten the pain. He cried and cursed all the sacred immortals and Buddhas in heaven and earth, and greeted all the people who had a holiday with him in his memory with the most crisp and most vicious

If there is a spirit in heaven and listen to the vicious curses of the extermination, he should have 199 thunderstorms to smash him.

The ointment of the square circle constantly penetrates into the body of Don't Beg, and constantly turns into a huge vitality to supplement his physical function. As time goes by, his body becomes more and more powerful, and there are fewer and fewer ointments outside his body. When the ointment became only close to his skin, three months had passed, and there was no more shouting.

His fingerprints kept changing, and the ointment quickly melted into the aura of the outside of his body and turned into a substantial cocoon wrapped around his body.

In the end, with a gentle thunder, Don't beg to tear the cocoon formed by the aura of the outside world and slowly fell to the ground.

The whole body is crystal clear, like the skin carved by reputation shining with a faint luster. The flowing muscles are very soft and harmonious, with a natural breath that faintly coincides with heaven and earth. Don't beg to summon a top-quality magic weapon-level flying carving, and a heavy sword was cut on the body.

The skin was motionless, but the flying sword splashed a large area of sparks and was hit by a big crack by the body. The body of the Yuanying immortal, the magic weapon does not hurt, and only the magic weapon can cause damage to the body of the Yuanying immortal. Don't beg took a deep breath, his body shook slightly, and the whole mountain suddenly shook.

"The body of the baby? Using the secret method of stealing the scriptures, this is much better than the body of ordinary Yuanying Dixian. Unless the magic weapon controlled by the earth fairy hits me face to face, no one can hurt me under Yuanying. But being besieged by hundreds of golden elixir immortals is another matter.

Check your own condition, don't beg for a moment, take out a golden elixir he plundered, open his mouth and swallow it into his stomach.

The golden elixir exploded in the abdomen, and the huge elixir rolled into the meridians all over the body. In the past, the meridians of Don't begging would be torn to pieces by a huge elixir in a complete golden elixir, but now, it's like a stream injected into the dry Yangtze River bed. There is no feeling at all. Jinyuan flows his whole body along the meridians. Ten virtual elixirs quickly absorbed the huge elixir, and the color of the golden elixir gradually brightened, like the elixir gradually solidifying like fog. Gradually transform from fog to flowing water.

Three days later, Don't beg and swallowed it again! A golden elixir. So, twenty-one days have passed.

Suddenly, Don't beg to open your eyes, and a dazzling light spewed out in your eyes.

Today's fourth update" Pig Head has completed the promise of adding more updates if the recommended results are excellent!

Haha, it's the fourth update again, but it's actually an update of nearly 14,000 words!

Pig's hard-working code word, I just hope everyone will continue to work hard to support Pig's head!