Steal the sky

Chapter 165 Sneak in

Because sometimes some harmonious words will lead to the failure of posting, don't plug in the deep mountains when you don't finish it. It's dark fast. Don't beg to stand on a high mountain in the east of the basin, looking at a sunset on the horizon in the distance, and it is already dark in the basin in front of you. A torch cage was lit everywhere, and a large group of soldiers lined up to patrol the camp neatly, guarding the camp.

From the wooden city in the middle, four teams of strange men in fruit-colored robes and high round hats slowly came out. They walked out of the four gates of Mucheng and came to the vicinity of the square gates of the camp. The low and powerful spell sounded. With the incantation of these people, the spirit of heaven and earth in the basin fluctuated in extreme chaos. In the eyes of the spirit of Don't begging, it can be seen that the aura is disturbed into fine aura molecules, mixed together, like a pot of porridge.

In that chaotic aura porridge, suddenly a large number of spiritual charms gathered out of thin air. These five elements of runes were connected at the beginning and end, like a spiritual snake, dozens of warning prohibitions were placed around the camp, above the camp and underground. Once a creature touches these prohibitions, there will be a huge sound and strong light, which is enough to cause the vigilance of the army in the camp. There are also some rune prohibitions that contain terrible explosive energy. Once someone encounters these runes, the explosive energy is enough to re-earn the immortals in the early stage of the golden elixir.

Don't beg for astonishment to see these black-robed people do according to the law. In the theft, there is also a description of this method of stirring up the aura of heaven and earth into forbidden runes out of thin air. This is another way of rune seal in the practice system that is very different from the array seal prohibition system of orthodox qi refiners. It is an ancient rune system that is older than qi refiners and more directly refers to the use of the origin of heaven and earth aura.

It is recorded in the book that this kind of ancient rune is cultivated to an extremely deep place. A rune can break the stars, a rune can break the flesh and white bones, a rune can kill the dead, a rune can change the sea and the chestnut field, can change the sky and the earth, and can turn the stars and have unimag However, the stolen scriptures only record how to deal with the methods of cracking these runes. As for the cultivation method of this runes, there is only one "Ancient God Book" that makes you not be confused.

This ancient divine book has 36,000 words, and the words are ancient and clumsy, revealing a long-lasting atmosphere. Thirty-six thousand words, each word contains the wonderful reason of heaven and earth, and has incredible power. However, the virtual shadow that inherits the scriptures, which only focuses on teaching him the main skills of stealing the scriptures, such as the cultivation method of the seven mysterious spiritual secrets. Similar to the ancient divine book, which is obviously stolen by the virtual shadow, he mentioned it, but he did not make a detailed explanation, and did not give any practice advice to beg.

"Taigu Rune!" Don't beg's eyes suddenly lit up. There is no need to ask, the ancient divine book is an extremely precious classic, otherwise it will not be collected and stolen by the virtual shadow. But because it is too deep and magical, don't beg to understand it at all. But these people in black in front of them seem to have inherited part of the ancient runes, and may be able to find an advanced way to study ancient runes from them. Seeing that these black-robed people banned all kinds of runes around a barracks and guarded the sky and the earth like a golden soup city. Don't sneer a few times and secretly turned into a shadow, and quietly approached the camp along the cover of countless grasses on the ground.

This Qin army battalion is dozens of miles wide, surrounded by a circle of earthen walls, a circle of fences, a circle of traps, and a circle of trenches. [Breaking Dawn Update Group Qiqi provides text, please support the original version!] More than a dozen complex fortifications surrounded the whole camp tightly. Between the earthen walls, fences and trenches, there are hundreds of arrow towers and watchtowers with elite soldiers on full alert, and crossbows with great lethality. Although it is a field camp, the defense of this barracks may not be weaker than the city defense of Jidu after adding those rune prohibitions.

As soon as the Qin Dynasty met, it gave no begging for unexpected joy. This kind of defensive power is comparable to that of the city defense of the Great Yan Dynasty, which is really good for Don't beg. The camp is like this. What will happen to the capital of the Qin Dynasty?

There is a strong aroma of food in the camp ahead. The soldiers of the brigade are lined up neatly to go to the dining room to pick up the meal. There is a special room area in the camp. [Breaking Dawn Update Group Qiqi provides text, please support the original version!] There is a large house for soldiers to eat. The layout of the camp is reasonable, and it is simply a complete small city.

Taking advantage of the soldiers lining up for meals and changing posts, the camp will inevitably become a little chaotic and the alert force is also inevitable to weaken. Don't beg for the complete deflated into a hazy green atmosphere. It moved all the way along the countless long grass and gently and skillfully fled into the Fengjun camp.

There is long grass everywhere here. Don't beg with the innate wooden spirit escape method is like a fish in water. When you sneak in, you don't disturb anyone. There is a secret method to avoid this ancient rune prohibition in the stolen scriptures. The forbidden black-robed man's cultivation of the ancient rune is not very profound at night, so don't beg to avoid dozens of rune prohibitions and successfully sneak into the camp.

The organization of the Qin army is very strict. When eating, changing posts, and even going to the toilet, there are ten or 100 people in a team. The team is full of familiar people, and no one will leave the team without authorization. Once a stranger sneaks in, it will immediately attract everyone's attention. After observing the action rules of the Qin army, he had no choice but to give up the plan to sneak into the camp disguised as a Qin soldier and wandered around the camp with the skill of earth escape.

There is nothing in the camp, except for the barracks, which is a kitchen and a ched toilet. Don't beg has roughly understood that here, all the grain and ordnance are probably carried by those powerful monks with storage magic weapons, so it is not feasible no matter what idea Don't beg wants to use from grain and ordnance. Unless he can find the monks who carry grain, fodder and ordnance to steal their storage magic weapons. But for elites like the Qin army, in this rich mountain forest, there is no food, fodder and ordnance, and it does not hinder them at all. There are no barns in the barracks. All the soldiers fly in the air with the help of that wing-shaped magic weapon. It is not necessary to mount in the mountains and forests, so don't beg if you want to fire and burn the livestock shed to cause riots, there is no way to imagine.

Shaking his head helplessly, Don't beg to curse the person who made the Qin army so organized and without any mistakes, and carefully emptied to the wooden city in the middle. After a cup of tea, Buqi came to the edge of the long and wide wooden city in the middle and came out of the corner of a remote wooden hall.

In the palace in the wooden city, the front and back three buildings lined up in the middle are the main hall, and there are three partial halls on the left and right. Now the lights in the first main hall are bright. Looking through the open door, you can see the neatly decorated cases. Some eunuchs in black robes are carefully arranging all kinds of tableware and wine on the cases. Some generals with obvious golden elixir cultivation wear heavy armor and are patrolling outside the hall.

It seems that there will be a banquet here later, and the senior officials of the Qin army in this camp will attend.

Don't think about it for a while, and your body got into the ground again." He carefully swayed to the last hall.

According to the layout here, the first hall is used for parties and banquets, the second hall must be the place to discuss secrets, and the third hall should be the residence of the most noble people here. I just don't know whether the people living there are Li Si or Bai Qi. One of them is the marshal of soldiers and horses, and the other is the prime minister. Is it possible that they share this hall?

Begging, who was in the underground, suddenly stiffened and suddenly stayed there. He patted his head hard and secretly scolded himself. Li Si is here, Bai Qi is here, and the two have the same identity. How can they appear in the same camp? It could only be him, and their immediate boss was also here, so they came here as an attendant.

The heart was beating rapidly, and the blood vessels in the temple were bursting with pain. Don't gasp, your eyes are straight out.

Who will be the emperor of the Qin Dynasty? Who should it be? Who could it be?

It was easy to calm down the turbulent heart, restrained the breath of the whole body, covered the whole body with the innate five elements of aura with the secret method of stealing the scriptures, and integrated the body into the five elements of heaven and earth. Don't beg to quietly escape from the ground into the last wooden hall. The defense of this wooden hall is extremely strict, and there are protective prohibitions composed of ancient runes everywhere. The hall is surrounded by a full of 300 golden elixir immortals. Even those maids wearing long black skirts and quietly holding the basin in their hands have innate cultivation.

Don't beg carefully poked your head out from behind a pillar and glanced at the maids.

They are not very old. They are not old ladies who have taken elixir to keep their young appearance, but real young girls. This surprised Don't beg. There are nearly a hundred maids here, all of whom are young and beautiful girls, all of whom are innate. In Jidu, don't beg to see so many young people who can have innate cultivation this year.

In this hall, they are just humble maids.

Following more than a dozen water pokes made of pure gold, holding a silver plate, holding a maid in soft white silk marched into the hall. Don't beg, who is located a few feet deep in the ground, immediately felt a huge, vast and continuous pressure falling down.

This pressure is not deliberately released to be begging, but is ubiquitous in this hall all the time. [ Breaking Dawn update group Qiqi provides text, please support the original version!] It's like a small sun, which does not need to be deliberately applied, and its light and heat naturally irradiate everywhere.

Be careful, two eyes were exposed from under a complex hill-shaped candlestick in the corner of this hall. Don't beg to look in the direction of the pressure. He saw a dragon bed with a middle-aged man sitting upright on his body, crowned with the crown of Emperor Ji.

Don't beg didn't pay attention to the man's appearance. He just looked at the huge and ferocious wound on his chest in amazment.

The wound almost pierced the middle-aged man's chest. From the front chest to the back, it penetrated his body in several places, and the front and back were light. The trace of the wound seemed to be the claws of some kind of giant beast that scratched him fiercely. In the claw marks, there is still a sticky, almost real demonic spirit visible to the naked eye, which is crazily corroding the man's body.

Several maids are constantly soaking the white silk in hot water to wipe the dirty blood from the man's wound. Obviously, he is silently healing the wound.

After a full quarter of an hour, the man suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of black blood, and then coughed and laughed violently.

"Hey, it's worthy of being a demon dragon that has almost become an immortal. It's a big deal of winning the government! This world is not a world where you can win the government!"

After a few laughed, the man gritted his teeth and roared, "But sooner or later, this world will become the world of winning the palm of the government. The demon dragon, hum, I sentenced him to beheaded all over the family and killed the nine clans!"

A dragon's roar came from the body of the victory, and a dark water vapor rose to the sky. In the water vapor, eight dragons and a giant python shadow with horns were dancing crazily. The huge pressure came to his face like a real pressure. Don't beg as if he had been punched in front of him. His eyes were washed by the pressure, and his eyes almost shed tears with severe pain.