Steal the sky

Chapter 178 Dragon Number

Don't begging has been paying attention to the actions of Yingzheng and others. When Bai Qi took out the white with a little light yellow, nearly ten feet long, like a horn made of a curved bone skull, Don't begging immediately covered his ears and mobilized the seven saints and demons of the little heavens to guard his soul. The anemone in the sea of knowledge is even more hovering and flying, protecting the three souls and seven souls of the beggars in the lotus friends. It emits a lot of colorful light to surround it.

Bai Qi raised the horn, took a deep breath, and then blew the horn hard.

A high-pitched and passionate dragon chanting sounded. As soon as the dragon roared, there was no other sound between heaven and earth, and even the rolling sound of thousands of miles of waves disappeared. The voice of the dragon is majestic and noble, full of an inviolable ancient atmosphere from the ancient flood. It's like a highly respected dragon really came to the world and let out this amazing roar.

As soon as the dragon roared, the body of the old dragon king of Wan Ying was shivering, and he almost turned around and fled. Fortunately, he was still thinking about his identity as the Dragon King of the Longyuan River. He kept his mind and did not make a fool of himself in front of countless monsters. He held his head tightly." His eyes stared and roared: "The horn made of the dragon's bone! The horn made of the bones of the Dragon God! How can they have such a treasure in their hands..."

In ancient times, the emperor Dayu ruled the water, and there were countless demons in the water, entangled in groups and Dayu were in a dilemma.

The dragon fell from the sky, deterred the demons with infinite divine power, and helped Dayu control the water successfully. Yinglong himself is the upper god dragon in the dragon clan and the leader of the aquarium in the world. In addition to his merit of deterring all demons when governing the water, he later became a god-like existence in the hearts of countless water demons in the world. The long roar of the dragon has a strong deterrent and direct lethality of these aquatic monsters.

Although it was just the sound of the dragon's horn made of a bone, all the aquatic monsters who heard the sound of the dragon's voice, as long as the water demons below the golden elixir burst their heads and died one after another. With a dragon chant, he killed millions of water demons within a hundred miles of innate realms. Those poisonous insects, big fish and other water beasts hidden in the flood waves, I don't know how much they have been killed by the shock. The surrounding flood suddenly turned red, emitting a pungent smell of blood.

Two blood springs suddenly spewed out of the white nostrils. He just raised all his strength and blew the horn, but one sound consumed his 60 years of hard work, and almost made his cultivation fall from the peak of Yuanying.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Qi looked at the camp of the Qin army, which was still trembling violently, and looked at the beaded giant turtle that was slowly getting up and ready to be hit again, and the Lehai giant demon who twisted his body and kept approaching this way. He picked up all the Zhenyuan and tried his best to blow the A sad dragon chant rose again." Suddenly, countless aquariums around were shocked and killed again, and more than ten thousand monsters that had become demon elixirs were shaken to coma, swaying and drifting away with the flood.

The bodies of the three giant demons, Hanzhu, Tanxue and Lehai, trembled at the same time, and they made a huge roar at the same time, trying to cover the dragon's horn. But no matter how they roared, the dragon's roar was just endless from the horn, and they were not moved by their roar at all.

A blood arrow spewed out from the horn, and Bai Qi blew the second horn. His cultivation immediately fell from the peak of Yuanying to the late realm of Yuanying. Yuanying's essence was greatly damaged, the origin of the soul was also injured, and the seven orifices sprayed blood at the same time. The blood arrow spewed out of his mouth and followed the horn.

Countless water demons fled around in horror, and their faces corresponded to the dragon's chirping. They were unable to resist at all, and could only escape with the deterrence and expulsion in the dragon's chanting. In addition to the thousands of water demons and hundreds of monsters formed into Yuanying, other water demons and ordinary fish, shrimp, turtles and crabs hidden in the water, died and fled. In the blink of an eye, the water waves around them fell a hundred feet, revealing the towering stop and ridge.

Bai Qi let out a sad howle, and he suddenly ignited a bloody flame all over his body, which really rolled around his whole body like sticky blood. The thick hematitis rolled over, constantly emitting a pungent smell of blood. It could be faintly seen that countless twisted human faces twisted and tosssed in the hematitis, making a sad howling sound. Bai Qi clenched the horn and roared harshly: "A kind of evil" dares to come here to be presumptuous! I'm Iron-blooded Daqin, how can you and other demons underestimate me? Daqin, Daqin, Daqin..."

With Bai Qi's crazy howl, hundreds of thousands of Qin soldiers in the camp raised their weapons one after another, and used all their strength, all their souls, and all their blood to burst into a thunderous roar: "Daqin, Dachun, Daqin..." The loud and passionate shouts shook the surrounding flood and caused the surrounding mountains to collapse. Hundreds of the weakest demon elixir water demons collapsed, leaving only the golden elixir to escape.

The tragic murderous gas of hundreds of thousands of Qin soldiers turned into blood-red evil spirit visible to the naked eye and rushed straight into the sky, and then followed the attraction of the blood inflammation on Bai Qi's body and directly integrated into Bai Qi's body. The hematitis around Bai Qi's body was high, and the breath on his body suddenly became evil, and there was a sword to slaughter the world. Bai Qi laughed wildly, put the horn into his mouth, and blew the horn again.

This time, it was not the dragon's chanting of Yinglong, but the "kill!"

The hematitis on the surface of Baiqi's body suddenly disappeared, and a bloody evil spirit spewed out from the horn of the keel, which was divided into three strong killing intentions, and went straight to the three giant demons of sweat beads, exploration and Lehai. The meaning of this killing is intangible and intangible, but the naked eye can see that the ears can hear and the body can feel it. Three murderous intentions shot out, almost rushing out of the horn and falling on the three giant demons at the same time.

Le Hai howled. One of the horns of his body was cut off, and a large amount of five-color blood spewed out and fell to the ground, corroding the earth into a huge hole. Le Hai turned around and fled. Nine light needles and fine sand kept flying back to his body. The part of the body that was cut off disintegrated in an instant, which also turned into light needles and fine sand into Le Hai's body.

Hanzhu screamed "His thick back armor suddenly cracked a huge wound of several feet long and several feet wide. A large amount of light gold blood spewed out, and tears in his eyes burst out of pain. The giant turtle, which was originally known for its slow movement, actually moved its limbs and feet, and returned to the old dragon king like a strong

There was a sound like a landslide and cracks under the camp, and the ground suddenly collapsed in a radius of more than ten miles. The giant crab screamed screaming, spitting out countless white bubbles all the way and fled back with blue blood stains all over his body. His left pliers had been cut off by murderous intent, and the sticky blue blood kept spewing out. He howled all the way and hid behind the old dragon king of Wanying.

Three murderous intentions were hit, and the three-headed giant demon of Lehai was hit hard. Bai Qi's skin exploded all over, and the blood sprayed all over the people around him. After Bai Qi, who was at the peak of Yuanying, sent this blow, the realm of cultivation fell directly to the level of the middle of Yuanying, and the power was still lost. It was difficult to maintain even the level of the middle of Yuanying. However, with Yuanying's cultivation, Bai Qi is really proud to defeat the three giant demons that have turned Yuanying into a god.

Don't beg to look at the bloody Baiqi, and you can't help grinning. How can the Qin Dynasty have so many treasures? A horn made of dragon bones! How can they have such a secret treasure? If it hadn't been for this horn, "Millions of water demons risked their lives to attack the Qin army camp", even if Yingzheng was really the body of the dragon, it would have been beaten into mud! But now, millions of aquariums have fled, died, and only a group of Yuanying and Jindan-level monsters have been made uneasy by the dragon's chanting of Yinglong.

What a Bai Qi, concentrating the murderous spirit of hundreds of thousands of Qin soldiers, turned into a blow that was enough to hurt the giant demon in the realm of the Yuanshen. The skills he practiced were really domineering and evil. Don't beg for your eyes to look at Bai Qi. It's worthy of killing Bai Qi. If you are not a puppet, you will kill 400,000 people. Qin Baiqi will not change your face!

Bai Qi fell down, and Li Xin, who was standing behind him, came up and grasped the amazingly consumed horn.

The laughter of Yingzheng came from afar: "Wan Ying Laolong, the group of native chickens and tiles under your command" does not need to be taken out and humiliated. Well, if you want to break through my Daqin barracks, you have to do it yourself! Hey, with the dragon bone in hand, you have been suppressed a lot..."

The old dragon king of Wanying took a deep breath, and he stepped on the clouds and floated forward. He said with a sneer: "The horn made of the bone of the dragon, the old dragon is in love with it. Hey, even if Lao Long is suppressed by the voice of the dragon, it is easy to kill you. And with your strength, how long can a horn last? Three breaths? Five breaths? How many Yuanying immortals do you have to lose on this..."

With the strange laughter, the body of the old dragon king gradually expanded, and gradually turned into a strong half-human and half-dragon body covered with golden scales all over his body. His robe fell down with the wind, revealing his strong body with muscles and bones. The water, clouds and electric light wrapped around his body, revealing a powerful breath.

With a shake of his hands, Wanying Old Dragon King's hand has a pair of four feet long, and the hammer head is twice as big as the large water tank. The purple and golden light wrapped around this pair of outrageously big hammers. Wanying Laolong waved the hammer casually. Suddenly, there was thunder around him, and the storm rolled up crazily again. The floods around him raised hundreds of feet high, and countless thunder fell on the double hammers. The double hammers spewed out It's all purple, and it doesn't look scary.

Don't beg to take a look at the purple gold thunder urn hammer in the hand of Wanying Old Dragon King. It is definitely a pair of spiritual weapons, and it is an extremely good quality spiritual weapon. Forging this pair of hammers must be the top refiner masters. Although there are not many arrays and prohibitions in the hammers, they are all high-quality products. They are flawlessly integrated with each other, giving full play to the full power of the materials and formations of the hammer itself.

For this pair of hammers, don't beg for a peeping heart. You don't have to try to know that the weight of this pair of hammers is so big that it is impossible to carry it except for the Old Dragon King of Wanying. This hammer is a pair of heavy weapons for close combat, not a magic weapon driven by spells to fight.

With a heavy touch of two hammers, the old dragon king of Wan Ying smiled ferociously, sled the hammer and rushed to the winning government.

"Win the government, blow, blow it to me! Blow, blow a nice one for me..."

The strange laughter of the Old Dragon King of Wanying shook the waves around him, and the huge waves slapped the spring camp crazily with his movements.

Yingzheng's face turned ugly. Li Xin clenched the horn and suddenly blew the bone.

The sad and high-pitching dragon sounded, and most of the clouds, smoke and water gas on Wan Ying Laolong's body suddenly dissipated.

The virtual shadow of the eight dragons and a python behind Yingzheng rose again. He took a deep breath, suddenly pulled out a strange-shaped epee eight feet long, and waved his sword to meet Wan Ying Laolong. I only heard a loud noise." The double hammer and the epee split together fiercely.

As soon as I got up early in the morning, I began to type words. You can't afford to hurt the pig's head without food. You can't afford it!