Steal the sky

Chapter 181 The Lu clan

Jidu. It just snowed a little, and the fertile fields of tens of thousands of miles outside the city became white.

The smoke is lingering over countless villages and towns, and the faint smoke is mixed with cold frost, covering the sky so that there is no sunlight. The cold wind blew through the wilderness in early winter, like hundreds of millions of fierce ghosts howling between heaven and earth, rolling up slices of snow powder from time to time.

1,500 miles to the west of the city, in a peach forest covered with thin snow powder, a little black light suddenly spewed out of the void, and in the blink of an eye, the black light expanded into a black ball with a radius of several feet. The thin electric light spewed out of the black light ball, splashing earth and stones around the ground, bursting into deep pits of continuous size. With the sound of small explosions, the black light ball lasted less than two flicks of the finger, and suddenly disappeared.

Several middle-aged men in Chinese robes emerged from the dissipated black light ball of light surrounded by more than a dozen magnificent monks. They looked around, and one of the men took out a map and casually played a light on the map. A large amount of light gushed out from the map, and the halo revealed the terrain map with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. One of the thin golden spots flashed on the map, marking their position.

"The ten thousand miles of spark charm that the ancestors got from the immortal's legacy this time was really wonderful, separated by tens of millions of miles, and actually let us go directly to the territory of Dayan, but the direction deviated slightly more than a thousand miles, which is also due to our lack of skills..." The middle-aged man holding the map smiled happily The ten-thousand-mile spark charm acted in person. I'm afraid that there is no error in moving directly to the gate of Jidu..."

Another middle-aged man solemnly put a light gold translucent seal in his hand, made of some strange material, and kept spewing out a large piece of starlight into the storage ring. He led the leader with a smile and said, "That's natural. If the ancestors meet the immortals again this time, they may have the opportunity to turn into a child into a god. Once the ancestors are completed, who does our family have to be afraid of in this world?" Several middle-aged people laughed in unison and flew to Ji with the monks behind them. The sword light was fast. After they advanced more than a thousand miles, they pressed the sword light and walked towards the thistle. They were all the cultivation of Yuanying Dixian and even the peak of Jindan. Although they were walking forward, their speed was also amazingly fast. They were hundreds of feet away in one step, and soon came to the gate of Jidu.

Because of their luxurious clothes and extraordinary manners, the gatekeeper did not embarrass them too much, so they let them enter the thistle." With a reserved smile, the group rented several luxurious carriages in a carriage shop near the gate, and then ordered in a very loud voice: "Go to the rich alley of a city. Webster Chamber of Commerce..."

Several drivers answered in a louder and clearer voice, and the whip whipped a few crisp whips and drove the carriage to the middle of the city quickly. From the outermost gate to the middle city, there is still more than a hundred miles away. The road in Jidu is spacious, and these carriages and pulling beasts are also extremely fast. It will take two or three hours to get to the destination.

After waiting for a few carriages to walk out of the gate of the carriage shop, more than a dozen of them had dodged from behind the carriage shop and quickly ran to various places in Jidu City. Dozens of petite but extremely fast-flying golden-winged swifts flew quietly from the houses around the carriage shop and quickly flew to various places of the violent departments such as Jidu Patrol Department, Swallow and Si Koufu.

Where several carriages passed, a heavy gate was closed, a large number of city defense soldiers rushed to the city wall, and all kinds of powerful machine crossbows and arrows were launched one after another. All the crossbows were shining with the unique light of runes and spiritual stones. These powerful machine brackets all threatened the monks The power is all from the murder weapon of the skilled craftsman of Momen. Even if the golden elixir is hit by an arrow, it will inevitably fall on the spot.

Flying high in the air, the number of eagle guards for daily duty patrol tasks has gradually increased. Originally, a group of eagle guards were responsible for the daily patrol and monitoring of three or five neighborhoods, but now the number of eagle guards has gradually increased to two groups of eagle guards responsible for the monitoring of one neighborhood.

The blue and red colors flashed in the sky of the commanding heights in the city, and the beasts of the wind patrol department appeared in large numbers, dragging these important places. The number of hawkers and idlers in the streets and alleys near the left where several carriages passed suddenly increased. They walked through the streets and alleys with countless excuses that could not find any arsenic, and an invisible net surrounded these carriages firmly.

When it was getting dark, several carriages came to the door of the brightly lit Webster Chamber of Commerce. The Wells Chamber of Commerce, which had been thoroughly cleaned, was no different from Wei Xiaoxiao when he was still there that day. There was still a guard in the Weishi Chamber of Commerce uniform standing in front of the door. There were still doormen and grooms waiting in the concierge. On the horse pile in front of the door, dozens of extraordinary riding reins were tied to Horseshoe, several serviced grooms are appeasing them.

More than a dozen luxurious and unusual cars were parked in front of the gate of the Chamber of Commerce, and it was obvious that there were distinguished guests visiting.

The sound of bells can also be faintly heard in the Chamber of Commerce. The music is as graceful as the sound of the sky, and the sound is melodious and pleasant. Several middle-aged men got out of the carriage. They casually threw a few thumb-sized sea beads worth a hundred gold to several grooms as money for the car, and then walked into the Chamber of Commerce under the escort of the accompanying monks. Their belts hung with purple gold tokens, which are only the core figures of the Webster Chamber of Commerce, which shows that they are as good as Wei Xiaoxiao. The servants and guards in front of the door did not dare to neglect and hurriedly welcomed them in.

Several drivers grabbed the valuable Haizhu handlebars and played for a while. They all sneered at the middle-aged people and shouted: "Thank you for your kindness. The old man has a safe life, rich for generations, and a hundred children and grandchildren. Humph, a long life!" In the long shouts, how many?? He slowly drove the carriage away from the Merriam's Chamber of Commerce. The door of the Chamber of Commerce was closed, and more than 300 monks in the Jindan realm came silently and quickly put the pre-made arrays on the ground, and in the blink of an eye, they laid three major arrays around the Wei's Chamber of Commerce.

With the Weishi Chamber of Commerce as the core, all the idle people in several streets nearby have been evacuated, and all the open spaces are full of all kinds of arrays. A large number of Jindan and Yuanying monks are busy between the arrays, busy connecting the arrays into a complete array. All arrays are dominated by bondage and siege, and there is no dangerous killing array.

Several middle-aged men strode to the main hall of the Chamber of Commerce, which was still a few feet away. One of the men laughed and said, "Little, I came to see you for my father. Hahaha, you did a good job here. It's very gratifying to hear your ancestors praise you..."

The drum music in the main hall did not stop, but there was no voice of Wei Xiaoxiao's answer. Several middle-aged men strode into the main hall with people, but they were stunned.

In addition to the music master who is playing music, only Yan Dan is sitting in the middle of the lobby. A middle-aged man in a moon-white robe, wearing a pair of cranes outside, wearing a nine-way Emei crown and a crown of jade, is sitting on the side of Yan Dan and talking to Yan Dan with a smile.

When several people from Wei Shi walked into the hall, they happened to hear the man say to Yan Dan in a warm jade-like voice without any impurities: "Princesss Bule is old enough to get married. If she is allowed to walk around all day, her reputation in the Dayan's room will be damaged. Especially when she followed the Marquis of Tianyun to the reckless place of Shijiaguan, where is the face of your majesty and many clans? How can the princess of Dayan make such a crazy trip..."

With a sigh, the man picked up the bronze wine and drank it all, and then said indifferently, "Today, find a good talent among the nobles of the Manchu Dynasty and let Princess Bule marry him. First set the name, and then cut off the closeness between Princess Bule and some lawless people, so as to save the future things that embarrade Dayan..."

Yan Dan frowned slightly and bowed to the man with his fist: "What the editor said is very true, but who is a good person after this full dynasty..."

The current compilation of the Dayan Dynasty, Yu Wende, who has great influence among the literary ministers of Dayan, that is, the father of Yu Qianqian's life, smiled and said, "This depends on your majesty's meaning. There are so many great Yan Xungui, not to mention the youngest grandson of other General Le Yi, Tiger, the youngest son of Lord Su Qin, the unicorn son of General Fan Yuqi's family, and Su Muye, who has the name of changing yin and yang, are all good materials. Princess Bule is betrod to them, and either of them is good..."

Yan Dan gently clapped his hands and nodded and praised, "What the editor said is very true. Rong Dan thought about this matter carefully..."

Yu Wende stopped talking. He smiled and filled himself with wine, and then raised the wine and looked at the stunned Wei people in front of the door: "Isn't it true that friends come from afar? Wei, "It should be the people of the Lv family. My Majesty Dayan has been waiting here for a long time..."

Yan Dan slowly got up, and the gray and white smoke rolled rapidly all over his body, turning into a dense and rapid flowing cloud ball like Tai Chi around him. He looked at the Wei people and smiled, "You have come from afar, and Yan Dan has been far away. It's really rude. I don't know how Mr. Lv Buwei is doing..." The gray and white air flow in Yan Dan's eyes also flowed rapidly, and Sen Sen's light came out of his pupils, and the huge pressure was suppressed on Wei's people, making their bodies unable to move at all.

Trapped in the peak of the golden elixir for nearly 2,000 years, the nine-death and nine-life reincarnation method cultivated by Yandan is mysterious and abnormal, and the accumulated elixir power is unparalleled.

Under the stimulation of the words of no begging, Yan Dan broke through the bottleneck of Jindan and entered Yuanying Avenue in one fell swoop. The two-year-old Danyuan power was like a tsunami avalanche, which made his cultivation break through to the peak of Yuanying in one fell swoop.

In addition, the nine-death and nine-life reincarnation method pays more attention to the quenching of the yuan god. Yan Dan's divine consciousness has condensed like substance, and the pressure has been released, so that the hearts of the Wei family are like being oppressed by boulders, and even the earth immortals in the realm of the Yuan

Wei Xiaoxiao's father shouted harshly, "Yan Dan, how do you know the name of our ancestors..."

Yan Dan smiled faintly. He shook his head and sighed, "Not everyone in the world can keep their mouths shut. You senior keepers of the Wei's Chamber of Commerce in Jidu." He is not the kind of person who regards death. What kind of confession Dan wants? Can't you ask..."

After a few sneer, the strange light surged in Yan Dan's eyes. He stared at Wei's people and shouted sharply, "Today is coming, just stay!" The gray and white airflow around him suddenly rolled over, turning into a big hand of more than ten feet around and grabbed the Wei family with a cold air.

A Wei's Yuanying earth fairy suddenly sprayed blood and stepped forward. He shouted sharply, "The young master retreat quickly. The old slave tried his best to block this. I hope that the young master will treat the descendants of the old slave well. The old slave is very grateful..." The golden light sprayed out all over his body, and the Yuanying immortal bra It turned into a dazzling fire and went straight to Yandan.

Yan Dan's big hand was smashed, and the pressure of divine consciousness was also shaken. The Wei people took the opportunity to retreat, but countless strong lights rushed out, and several sieges suddenly started.

The chapter name of the two words

can no longer be thought of, and it can only be upgraded to four words!

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