Steal the sky

Chapter 188 The People of the Dragon Bowen

Chapter 188 Long Bo Guoren (first update on May 20th, please recommend)

Don't beg to look at Nie Yaonu in a frug. Her behavior is malicious bidding. Rift Sky Sword Sect is a hero with a sword. In addition to the sword, only Lu Chengfeng's cultivation of tonic the sky is unique. Thousand-petal snow linghua is completely useless to Rift Tianjian Sect. She often opens a sky-high price, which is the trouble of Yaowang Valley.

In the Yaowang Gu Jingshe, the old voice roared angrily: " Nie Yaonu, what do you mean? What's the use of Qianban Xuelinghua for you, Rift Tianjian Sect? One million gold, one million gold! If you want it, I'll bring it to you!"

Nie Yaonuo immediately laughed. She laughed loudly and said, "Thank you for raising your hand generously. Since you have said so, the thousand-petal snow diamond flower is the old woman's. Come on, come on, send the three thousand-petal snow diamond flowers as soon as possible, and the old woman will pay on the spot.

There was a dead silence in the Jingshe of Yaowang Valley, and no one said anything anymore. The high-crowned old man on the jade platform said slowly, "The elder Nie Yaonu, the elder of the Rift Tianjian Sect, offered one million gold to bid for three thousand-year-old snow diamond flowers. Is there anyone else to bid?"

A light lit up on the jade platform, and a curtain of light flashed above the head of the high-crowned old man, and a string of numbers appeared on it: "One million gold." I don't know whether Yao Wanggu re-bid or someone else intervened. In short, no one asked for the price foolishly this time, but used the small auction array to bid the price. With the bidding array, except for the organizers of the conference, no one knows who paid the price, which can effectively avoid malicious competition like Nie Yaonu.

Time went by. After an hour and a half, an old man on the sudden jade platform suddenly shouted: "Now the auction is a whole hundred slaves of the Dragon Bo Kingdom! The people of Longbo Kingdom are born with a life expectancy of more than a thousand years, and those who have achieved success in their cultivation can live for up to ten thousand years.

These 100 slaves of the Dragon Kingdom are all elite warriors of the Dragon Kingdom. The weakest practitioners also have the innate forging realm. The strongest ten slaves have reached the early stage of innate fetal life. Treasures that can be met but not sought, treasures that can be met but cannot be sought!"

Don't beg, your eyes are straight at the moment, the slave of the Dragon Bo Kingdom? The kind of giant that has ever appeared beside Wei Xiaoxiao? In the story of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, the kind of culprit that can catch giant turtles in the sea with a fishing rod, leaving only the five fairy mountains left only the three islands of Penglai? What kind of legendary giant creature that can be as high as heaven and earth?

The people of Longbo Kingdom are also a kind of human beings, but they are favored by heaven and earth, and their power is really too great! They have almost no bottleneck in cultivation. As long as they continue to practice step by step, they all have the hope of immortals. It's just that every time you upgrade your realm, you will encounter an extremely violent immortal thunder disaster. If you get through it, you will not die. If you can't survive, you will be completely lost. Whether it is a golden elixir or a broken elixir into a baby, countless people in Longbo Kingdom have been killed by thunder.

The people of Longbo in Jindan Mahayana are human monks who can compete with the Yuanying period. The people of Longbo in the Yuanying period can compete with the human monks of the Yuanying god. By analogy, the cultivation of the Longbo people in the fairyland world is really horrible.

Don't beg for a deep breath and focus on the jade platform.

The old man on the jade platform raised another strange ring, and he shouted loudly, "In addition to the slaves of this hundred dragon kingdoms, there is also this 'spirit breeding ring, which is auctioned. As long as the aura of the outside world exists, there is a small mustard cave with a radius of 100 mu in this ring, which can enable these slaves of the Longbo Kingdom to survive and practice in the ring. A hundred slaves of the Dragon Kingdom that can be carried with them! You can only bid with the spirit stone. The starting price of the middle-grade spirit stone is 10,000 yuan, and each price increase should not be less than 100 yuan!"

The exchange ratio of the middle spirit stone and the lower spirit stone is basically maintained at about one to one hundred.

The starting price of this hundred slaves of the Dragon Kingdom is one million lower spiritual stones.

This price made Nie Yao Nv and Nie Baihong's face change. The inventory of Rift Tianjianzong is enough, but this inventory is in the hands of Yan Li. The private money of their mother and son is far from enough for the starting price.

Don't beg for his eyes to shine. He took a look at Princess Pangle. He whispered, "These people, I want it. There is a shortage of strong manpower around us!"

Don't beg for a very shallow foundation here. You have a little money and things, but you don't have a good hand. Xiong Jinxiong Yin brother, who was sent by Yandan to protect him, has nothing to do with him. There are a hundred slaves of the Dragon Kingdom, including ten slaves who have been cultivated into golden elixir. They are of great use for not begging.

** them a little bit, quench their bodies with drugs, stimulate the ancestral blood of the Longbo clan in their bodies, and let them get a very powerful lark battle array in the scriptures. A hundred Longbo people in the Jindan period can head-on against the existence of a Gangwangyuan infant god. Once they are available, the ability to save your life in this world has soared.

Stealing does not provide the jackal skills that do not beg for self-cultivation, but these side-door skills that stimulate blood to stimulate strength and make people practice faster are endless. Don't beg. As soon as you see a hundred people standing on the shore who are more than ten feet tall, their whole body is snow-white, their hair is silver-blue, their eyes are shining, and the fierce dragon uncles almost didn't flow out of the water.

As soon as the old man on the jade platform said that the bidding began, Don't beg immediately pressed the auction array, soaring the auction price to 20,000 pieces of Chinese spirit stones. He was captured in Mengshan. Twelve Jindan monks and Xu Fu, the peak strong man of Yuanying, were swept away by him. 20,000 medium-grade spiritual stones were no longer a big number for him.

But the number on the light curtain changed rapidly, and it was raised to 50,000 medium-grade spiritual stones in the blink of an eye. It can be seen that the 100 slaves of the Dragon Kingdom are very attractive. Not only don't be begging for them, but also other dignitaries or immortal sects are attracted to this hundred slaves.

With the ability of these great forces, Yuanying is not sure about the heavy robbery, but it is still one or two to let these Longbo people survive the Jindan disaster. Once you get through it, these are more than a dozen or twenty powerful Jindan slaves, and the value can't be estimated.

Don't beg for a gloomy face and have taken several buttons in a row, and the value of these slaves has also soared to 150,000 pieces of spiritual stones. At this time, it was still bidding. There were probably only a few of the richest sects in the sect, such as Tianling Sect and Yaowanggu, which have huge profits every year. Other immortal sects have been scared by this ridiculously sky-high price and dare not open their mouths.

150,000 medium-grade spiritual stones, which is the total amount of spiritual stones provided by the Great Yan Dynasty to a fairy sect for 30 years. In addition to Tianling Sect, Yaowang Valley and several other schools with strong financial resources, where do other sects have so many spiritual stone surpluses? Even if there is, they dare not openly take it out, which will definitely attract the suspicion of the Yan Dynasty. Why do you hoard so many spiritual stones in the sect? Rebellion?

Don't beg for red eyes. He scanned the reserves of spiritual stones in his ring, which required a slap to enter the price of 300,000 medium-grade spiritual stones. Princess Le grabbed his hand. She stared at Don't begging coquettishly, and Princess Le said crisply, "These slaves like this palace. Who thinks that his warehouse is richer than the inner warehouse of the Dayan Dynasty, so they bid desperately with this palace!"

The jade finger flicked, and Princess Wanle slowly pressed the black button, and the voice entered the price of another 150,000 medium spirit stone.

The scene was full of silence, and no one said anything. In this way, a hundred slaves of the Dragon Kingdom fell into the hands of Princess Lele.

Putting out her tongue, Princess Pangle lowered her voice and whispered, "The prestige of this palace has been used up. In such a place as the rare conference, it is enough for me to be majestic. If there are any good things, those who will not die will not let me go.

With a shy smile, Princess Pule bowed her head and said, "Ten years ago, after Zixuan patted a 9,000-year-old ginseng essence with three copper plates, Grandpa stipulated that Zixuan would only be forced to take action like this."

Three copper plates, nine-year-old fire ginseng essence. Don't beg looked at Princess Huanle in the same way, and said slanderingly in his heart, "In comparison, you are the real thief!"

For a while, the organizer of the auction sent the breeding ring, and the hundred dragons had been put into the ring. Don't beg for a drop of blood on the surface of the ring. After entering a wisp of spiritual knowledge, he felt that a hundred souls were completely controlled by his spiritual knowledge. As long as his mind moved, he could completely erase the hundred souls.

A hundred powerful slaves have been won.

It's a new day, comrades, remember to vote!

With a smile, Nie Yao** said coldly with a calm face, "It should be Yao Wanggu's bid. Except for them, no one has made this flower. Kouheng, hum, last time Yaowanggu sold us three bottles of 'Hangshenling Pills' to repair the soul damage, and extorted us 1.8 million gold! Each elixir is almost comparable to a top-grade magic weapon. It's not good to cheat them. Who is the old woman talking to?

The right hand fiercely patted the auction array, and Nie Yaonu blambly increased the price by another million.

The number on the light curtain on the jade platform has changed again, from 110,000 gold to 1.2 million gold. Several high-guan old people smiled brightly, and they shouted loudly, "Two million gold, is there anyone else bidding? Can that noble customer bid higher than the price of 210,000 yuan?

The number on the light curtain has changed again, from two million gold to 2.5 million gold. Nie Yaoyu sneered and raised the price by one million gold again.

A wave of mana with an rage spread faintly in the essence house of Yaowang Valley, and the number on the light curtain suddenly turned into 3,600,000 gold. Nie Yao Nv pondered for a moment, and she was about to take the button to increase the price by one million gold again. But before she pressed her palm this time, the number on the light curtain suddenly turned into four million gold.

An angry low roar came from the Yaowang Gu Jingshe, and Nie Yaonu said dumbly, "Oh, the old woman was used as a gun?"

Before the words fell, the number on the light curtain became five million gold, which has exceeded the reserve price by more than 20 times. Nie Yaonu pondered for a moment, shook her head and no longer increased the price. She laughed in a low voice to Princess Begging and Po Le, "After all three thousand-thousand-year-old snow rhododron flowers are made into elixirs, they are sold at the market price. The old woman made their business unprofitable. Even if they were angry, it was not easy to go too far.

No one bids anymore. Yaowang Valley easily got the ownership of the three strange flowers.

After Nie Yao's daughter's intervention? Q code matter, when all kinds of rare spirits appear in the future, no one dares to bid openly. They are all bid with the auction array on their own terrace.

In this way, no one knows who bids, and no enemy will deliberately raise the price. More than a dozen subsequent items have been auctioned for their due value, and there is no abnormal high price of the first auction item.

Nie Yaonv no longer made trouble, but carefully observed the various auction items below, from which she selected a few rare materials of good quality and sold them. In the eyes of Begging, the quality of these materials is also generalized, which is not a good genius treasure. He pulled Princess Kuanle aside to talk and laugh in a low voice. The two of them became a small world and did not pay attention to outsiders at all. RU