Steal the sky

Chapter 203 The Queen's Relic

Seeing Zhang Yi and Li Xin, Don't beg instinctively touched the spirit ring in his hand. He hid all the magic weapons flying swords, including the various magic charms in the ring, was also ready to shoot. Fortunately, he has asked a hundred Longbo people to take back to the blood soup, and let them form a golden elixir. Even if Zhang Yi and Li Xin are at present, don't beg for confidence to use a hundred dragons to form a large array to trap them to death.

Coupled with all kinds of magic weapons such as the five elements of spiritual beads the day after tomorrow, don't beg and even have the confidence to attack and kill any of them.

He had confidence in his heart. Don't beg and didn't make any special reaction. He just watched Li Xin strode to him, pick up the black dog, and strode to the back of the room. Soon, there was a miserable howling of the black dog before his death came from behind the room, and when Li Xin did this, he didn't even look at Don't beg.

Don't beg, he also looked at Zhang Yi without changing his face, and didn't look at Li Xin much. Instead, he walked to Zhang Yi with his fist and saluted: "The younger generation, Zhang Yi, the great Yan Dynasty, has seen Mr. Zhang Yi. I don't know if the old gentleman wants to rob something this time, or does he want to take Princess Bule to win the government? Let the old gentleman know that this is this. "The old gentleman is old, and he will break his arms and legs or something if he is not careful."

Zhang Yi laughed hoarsely, and Su Qin slapped Don't beg and said with a smile, "Okay. Come in, they're not here to make trouble..."

Taking off his cloak, Su Qin took Begging into the house. Su Qin's house is just like the most ordinary rural house. The house is very large and empty with no furnishings. A fire pond was dug in the middle of the house, and a good charcoal fire was lit inside. There are a few neat pieces of animal skins on the ground, and there are two cases on the animal skins, and the magic water on them is about to fall out.

On the niche on the back of the house, there are ancestral plaques. But the ancestors of the Su Qin family must have been hungry, just as hungry as the pigs in his pigsty and the horses in the stable. In the porcelain plate in front of the ancestral tablet, there are only a few hairy cores, and there are a few tooth marks on it. It can be seen that the flesh was gnawed off by the mouse. In the small bronze incense burner next to the porcelain plate, there is no incense ash. Presumably Su Qin may not give incense to his ancestors in 1970 or 80 years.

In the corner of the room, there are some farm tools piled up in a mess. Looking at the rusty appearance of the farm tools, at least no one has used them for 30 or 50 years. Next to the farm tools are several huge baskets, filled with some chestnuts and so on. Don't beg for the tip of your eyes. Seeing that these chestnuts are also full of mouse shit, Su Qin is too lazy to get up and drive them away when the mice usually eat together in the basket.

The three of them knelt down and sat next to the fire pond. Su Qin turned over and took out a set of fine porcelain tea sets of sky-blue with sea-blue rain spots from their sleeves, and slowly began to boil water and make tea with the charcoal fire in the pond. Water is the best mountain spring water in a fine porcelain water tank taken out by Su Qin from his sleeve; tea is the best tribute tea taken out from a crystal teapot also taken out from the grapefruit. Coupled with Su Qin's tea-making skills for more than 2,000 years, soon a clear and secluded tea fragrance enveloped the whole yard.

Smiling proudly, Su Qin said to Zhang Yi, "The best tribute tea, for this tribute tea in those years." I mobilized three million Dayan sailors, across the eastern ocean for 20,000 miles, conquered the Yuren Kingdom, and spent three years to capture their 278 cities." I forced the Yuren Kingdom to offer 100 catties of such the best ..."

With a long sigh, Su Qin showed off proudly, "This tea only grows in the triple abyss of the country of nose, on a cliff 80 miles high from the ground, and is soaked by the wind and rain in the sky, so there is such a good tea. Only those who have spiritual roots in the country and virgins under the age of 14 can make such wonderful tea with the tip of the buds under the tip of the tongue. Come on, try, try!" Don't beg to take the tea cup handed over by Su Gu and put it on the case in front of you. He looked at Su Qin and smiled, "The boy doesn't like to drink other people's saliva!" Su Qin, who was holding a tea cup and pouring tea into his mouth, was stunned, and then a mouthful of water choked in his throat. After a violent cough, Su Qin threw the whole set of tea sets out of the door. He looked at Begging angrily and said angrily, "Sumsy, this tea is completely ruined by what you said!" Zhang Yi smiled and also took out a set of tea sets from the grapefruit. What he escaped was a fine porcelain tea set that was blue after the rain, and it was also a water tank containing the best mountain spring." Slowly adjusted the While he was busy, he smiled and said, "My tea is also the tribute tea of Daqin." The tea is strong and can best replenish vitality. Only on the battlefield where more than a million people have been killed can the blood and evil spirit be gathered to nourish such good tea. Tea pickers are not those delicate little women. They must be elite warriors with strong qi and blood. Only by picking the tea can they strengthen blood, nourish vitality, strengthen muscles and bones, and fill bone marrow..."

Su Qin turned his head and looked at Bu Begging. He said coldly, "This national teacher of the Qin Dynasty is showing off in front of us. What do you say about this tea..."

Silence for a moment, don't beg and pull your eyelids and say, "Burning the piano and boiling the crane is really a big disaster. The boy can't bear to say..."

Su Qin's angry dog broke the case beside him. He said angrily, "You have burned my crane, so you have to stew Zhang Yi's crane for me!" Zhang Yi looked up to the sky and smiled, "But my crane is not afraid of you to stew! How can you take a nap on this kind of spiritual tea nourished by the blood on the battlefield?" Looking at the proud Zhang Yi, don't beg lightly and said, "On the battlefield of killing millions, these spiritual teas can take root and grow. But killing millions of people, before people die, excrement and urine flow together, and the ground is full of excrement and urine sewage. It is impossible to know whether people's blood nourishes these spiritual tea, or those spiritual teas absorb the smell of excrement and urine to gather into * this spiritual tea... Don't beg, you don't want to pee!

Silence, Su Qin put his hands in his sleeves and looked up at the roof and fell into a gloomy silence.

Zhang Yi's face twisted, and the corners of his mouth twitched to look at Don't beg. After a quarter of an hour, he slowly grabbed all the tea sets and threw them out of the door. He looked at Don't beg tremboyantly and snorted coldly, "Burning the piano and boiling cranes, there is no better person in the world who can ruin the scenery. You boy, in a few words today, destroyed two kinds of strange things in the world, you, you, you..." Don't beg for a sigh, took out three small black clay wine tenders from the black dragon ring, and handed a can of wine to each of the two old guys. After opening the can and taking two sips of wine, Don't beg shook his head and sighed, "I ruined these two spirits? Well, you have drunk for more than a thousand years and two thousand years. What if you continue to drink? It's just that you can't stand the devil in your hearts." After a few sip of wine, don't beg to stare at Zhang Yi and sneered, "Okay, Mr. Zhang Yi, what are you doing here?" That day, I saw you and Mr. Su Qin fight to death. How can you sit here and laugh at each other today?" Su Qin hurriedly said, "Su Qin and Zhang Yi laughed at each other. That's the friendship of the same family. On that day, we calculated with each other and seriously injured each other, which was our own master. This private hand is returned to private, and public affairs are returned to public affairs. It must not be confused. After that day, Zhang Yi found me and asked me to find your doll to discuss something with you about one thing. A genius found an opportunity to pull you over." Clap his hands." Su Qin put aside his relationship in a few words: "I'm just a puller. If you have any deal, just say it yourself." The pace sounded, and Li Xin held it A large tile pot came in, and the pot was neatly cut black dog meat. He sang the big tile pot on the charcoal fire. The fire was strong, and soon the cold water in the pot came out. Li Xin looked at Don't beg." He stretched out his hand and said, "... Bu Zi, I remember you. Three arrows didn't kill you. You are so shameless that you use the person you saved as a shield to block the arrow. "If you were my sergeant of the Great Qin Dynasty, you would have been engaged in the military law long ago." With a cold snort, Li Xin shouted, "There is wine, bring it here!" He took out The wine in the urn is hot. Li Xin has swallowed a large mouthful of wine with a barb of wine, and never look at Don't begging again.

Zhang Yi coughed gently and said slowly, "Don't beg, this time we sneak into thistle." One is to find out the general national strength of Dayan. This is just a task on the way. Our other important task is to..." Zhang Yi's eyes swept over the black dragon ring in the two rings now in Don't beg's hand. Don't beg. Now he only wears the black dragon ring and the breeding ring in his hand. All the fragmentary treasures on him are put in the black dragon ring. "All his possessions can be hidden in it. Seeing Zhang Yi's strange eyes, Don't beg hurriedly covered the ring in his hand and sneered, "When you get it, it's mine. Even if Yingzheng wants to take it back, it's impossible!" If he wants to get the ring back, just pick it up by himself..."

Zhang Yi shook her head repeatedly and said, "I can't come." Your Majesty is seriously injured and is now recuperating in the palace. In the future, he will lead a large army to Ji." At that time, he will argue with you about this account. Today, Zhang Yi came to return a box of lacquered gold in the ring.

Don't beg for God's consciousness quickly scanned the black dragon spirit ring. The black dragon spirit did not need to search by himself. He took the initiative to spit out the small lacquer inlaid gold box, which was about two feet long and two feet high and one foot high. Don't beg to put this box on the ground in front of you and pressed it on the box with one hand. Looking at Zhang Yi, he smiled and said, "Is this box? Tell me, what's inside?" Zhang Yi took a deep look at the box and said indifferently, "It's the relic of your majesty and queen. Some jewelry and a few clothes with me on weekdays, as well as a handwritten letter left by the queen to Your Majesty in those years." The divine consciousness swept into the box, and it was indeed these things, which were all ordinary items without any aura. No wonder you didn't notice the box when you sorted out the Black Dragon Ring. After meditant for a moment, don't beg and said indifferently, "For the sake of this box, let the master of the State of Qin come to Jidu to take risks?" With a dry smile, Zhang Yi said, "This box is more important than Zhang Yi's head. Of course, with Brother Su Qin here, although Zhang Yi's trip was more dangerous, he was seriously injured at most, but there was no disaster of killing himself..."

Su Qin hurriedly cleared the relationship again: "It's not that Su Qin doesn't kill you. Even if your majesty in the Yan Dynasty sees your brother today, he will only catch you alive and be reluctant to kill you. Ha ha, ha ha, official business belongs to official business, private affairs return to private affairs, Su Qin has never confused public and private affairs..."

Gently patted the lacquer box. Don't beg squinted and smiled: "I don't care about your personal friendship. If you want this box, take the benefits back!" After a pause, Don't beg looked at Zhang Yi in surprise and asked, "By the way, the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, his territory will not How many women don't have, a queen's relic, is it so precious?" Su Qin was silent, and he also looked at Zhang Yi with a curious face.

Zhang Yi sank for a moment before she slowly said something.

In the history book, it is not recorded who the queen of Yingzheng's classmate is, so the pig's head began to make up nonsense again!

Comrades, if you are happy to see it, just smash the ticket!