Steal the sky

Chapter 207 The coup

On the high platform, the five demon kings are motionless. However, the twenty or thirty giant demons on the second high platform, tied with Jing Ke and others, unscrupulously released a huge demon spirit and covered the whole hall.

Like a real demonic spirit permeated the hall, which made many great swallow clans, nobles and ministers in the hall tighten their bodies, and they were covered with cold sweat like rain, and they knelt to the ground in horror.

Yan Dan stared high on the stage and looked at the clans and ministers in the hall with a smile, and a fierce light like a knife flashed in his eyes.

No matter what your ministers think, no matter what you are plotting behind your back, whether you have a peep at Yan Dan's throne or not, whether you have any other calculations about the world of the Yan Dynasty. When the terrible power that can easily destroy everyone's lives is exposed, 'You proud sons these days, the heads of you rich clans, and you dignitaries, all kneel down obediently and bow down to your head!

Da Yan can only have one supreme king, that is, Yan Dan.

You are high in front of people, and you are calling for the wind and rain in the Dayan Dynasty. With one word, you can dominate the life, death, honor and disgrace of thousands of Li people. But you must remember that it is Yandan who gives you status, strength and power. He is the emperor, you are ministers, this is your fault!

Fierce, Yan Dan, hehe, laughed.

The gray and white spiritual light behind him rose to the sky. In the gray and white spiritual light containing the change of life and death, the transformation of life and death, a huge wheel that was simple and thick, emitting a cold atmosphere rose slowly. This huge wheel is six feet in diameter and about ten feet thick, and it is engraved with countless strange runes that are simple and unrecognizable. The six-line ghost light divides the giant wheel equally into six channels. There are people, ghosts, livestock and other strange creatures on it. Don't glance at the giant wheel in an instant and a famous foreign treasure in the stolen scriptures.

'Tiandao reincarnation, the acquired spiritual treasure jointly refined by several magicians, has an unimaginable magical power. For demons, the reincarnation of Tiandao has an extremely realistic role.

The body of the demon is born with evil spirit and fierce spirit that is not tolerated by heaven and earth, especially to devote himself to being a demon. I don't know how many evils have been created in the previous life to reincarnate into a demon. With the karma of the previous life, the power of the thunder robbery of the demon is comparable to that of the unlucky people of the Dragon Bo. The power of the thunder disaster is extremely heavy, and there is no one of the demons who can survive the thunder disaster.

But Yandan's drive of the reincarnation of Tiandao can give demons the opportunity to enter reincarnation again, cut off the karma of the previous life, and make their practice in this life much smoother. All demons cultivated by beasts. They are ferocious and unstable. When they are doomed by heart demons and heavenly demons, they are also easy to be swallowed up by demons and avenged by the culprits. The reincarnation disk of the heavenly way can make the demons enter the way of reincarnation, feel the three thousand worlds, and make the hearts of the demons stable and not be moved by external things.

With the protection of the reincarnation of heaven, the demons have a road to the sky and go straight to life.

No wonder the five demon kings threw themselves into the swallow. No wonder there are several secluded demon giants, which have also become the secret offerings of the swallow dynasty.

Today, Yandan burned the edict to the sky and officially worshipped the five demon kings as the national master of the Yan Dynasty. In this way, the martial arts demon king is connected with the luck of the Dayan Dynasty, and they can be supported by the spirit of the emperor of the Dayan Dynasty, and their words and deeds can be supported by the thoughts of hundreds of millions of people in the Dayan Dynasty. As long as they can protect the thoroughness of the people of the Dayan Dynasty, they can

For these powerful demon kings, what they fear most is the immortal disaster on the day of the great success of the Yuanshen. It is extremely difficult for demons to achieve positive results. The immortals are robbed, and not one of the millions of demons can survive. But as long as there is the merit of the Great Yan Dynasty. With the power of hundreds of millions of people's faith to support themselves, there is no power of this immortal disaster. As long as they reach the realm of cultivation, they can easily achieve the righteous result of the immortals in one step.

The reincarnation of heaven, coupled with the protection of the luck of the Dayan Dynasty, the five demon kings can only obediently become the national master of the Dayan Dynasty and the hardcore hitman of the Dayan Dynasty. With these five demon kings and their hundreds of millions of demon descendants, the little infighting within the Dayan Dynasty is not even a joke in Yandan's opinion.

On the same day, the Wanying Dragon King attacked the Qin army and easily gathered millions of demons in the Longyuan River water system. With the five demon kings named with him, how many demons are there under them? In front of such a demon army, no matter how ambitious the Yan Dynasty is, he has to kowtow obediently in front of Yan Dan and throw the trace of ambition in his heart into the latrine.

Good means, good means! Don't beg to look at Yan Dan with a smile on his face, and can't help but praise him. It seems that Yan Dan has also ambushed countless cards. Only this reincarnation plate of heaven, which imitates the six reincarnations, is not under the power of Yu Ding. It's really not so easy for Ying Zheng to compete with the Yan Dynasty. The reincarnation of the heavenly way, this is the Heavenly Lingbao, which is ranked first in the record of Zhou Tianlingbao.

The huge breath of Yandan was mixed with the demon spirit of those giant demons, so that the ministers in the hall dared not move. Yan Xianchen and others were like dead ashes, cold sweat dripping down their chins, and dyed a large area of carpets in front of them. They looked blankly at Yan Dan, whose head was hanging with a huge wheel, and they didn't know where the huge reincarnation came from.

As the most powerful figure in the Eight Kings of the Yan Dynasty, Yan Xianchen didn't know that Yan Dan still had such an acquired spiritual treasure!

The huge reincarnation of the heavenly path, the gray and white light in the six paths flashed faintly, and the light moved, and everyone in the hall twitched all over, as if the soul was about to be crushed by the light on the spot. It seems that there are countless terrible beings in the six paths that are about to rush out and devour their souls. Under such pressure, no one dares to have a different mind in the literature and martial arts of the whole dynasty.

Yan Dan smiled and smiled happily. He said softly, "Over the years, Yan Dan has closed the customs and practiced hard in order to make a breakthrough, so he gave the power of the imperial government to the eight kings. Recently, the bottleneck of Yandan has been broken, and the cultivation has been thousands of miles a day. Not only Yuanying Mahayana, but also with the help of the power of spiritual treasures, Yuanying will become a god, and truly achieve immortality and immortality. Therefore, the system of supervising the eight kings to supervise the government is no longer needed.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Dan said, "Ma Yi, draw up the decree. From today on, Dan will personally supervise the government and respond to the government order. Without Dan's handwritten approval and the private seal, they are all chaotic. All the big swallow people are not allowed to obey their orders. The third prime minister of Yan, Jiuqing, took back all the power of many government officials. All the ministers directly returned the affairs to Yan Dan, supervised the eight kings, and from today on, they will be completely eliminated.

Thousands of Yan ministers in the hall responded in unison: "I will follow your majesty's will."

Yan Dan nodded with satisfaction. He straightened his chest and said coldly, "Dayan, the name of the world's hatred is Daqin. The ministers do not need to understand the origin of the Great Qin Dynasty. They just need to know that the Great Qin Dynasty is the sworn enemy of the Great Yan. In this world, there is no Great Yan, no Great Qin, then there is no Great Yan. The Qin army has already appeared in Mengshan, less than 400,000 miles from the border of Dayan, so I am determined to prepare my army. Fight to the death with the Great Qin Dynasty.

Standing up abruptly, Yan Dan said coldly, "The positions of the four major states were revoked and transformed into the four battalions in the southeast and northwest. They were responsible for supervising the four vassal states and fighting against the Qin Dynasty. Before and after, the four major countries were turned into the general manager of the four major battalions in the southeast and northwest of the Dayan Dynasty. They were the four generals of Jinzhen in the east, the west of the town, the north of the town and the south of the town. They were more generals of the Dayan Dynasty. They were responsible for raising grain,

With a cold snort, Yan Dan said harshly, "If the Great Qin Dynasty is not destroyed, the four camps in the southeast and northwest will never be revoked. All the vassal states in the world must obey the orders of the general manager of the four major camps according to the position of the territory.'

Mobilize a domestic soldier and manpower to conquer Daqin with the Yan army.

Don't narrow your eyes and gently poke Lu Chengfeng's vest with your fingers.

Lu Chengfeng's body was so tight that he was so nervous that he almost laughed out loud. In the four major camps in the southeast and northwest, the governor's power to mobilize all military materials, human resources and financial resources in the four vassal states is much greater than the power of Zuo Guozheng. Moreover, the general manager of the four major cities can exercise the military law and military law, that is, the monarchs and ministers of each vassal country can be severely punished by military law. This power is too big and indescribable.

And Yan Dan then issued another edict. The general manager of the four battalions is the identity of the general manager of logistics and the director of military law, and the four battalions are responsible for fighting with the real swords and guns of the Qin Dynasty.

But it is other generals. The general in charge of Lu Chengfeng's Western camp is Fan Yuqi, the general of the Great Yan Dynasty. The main force of the battle is Fan Yuqi's 'Black Yan Army', which has been secretly training over the years.

In a word, Fan Yuqi is responsible for marching and fighting, and Lu Chengfeng is responsible for everything outside the marching and fighting. Lu Chengfeng is responsible for the mobilization of military salaries, grain and fodder, reserve soldiers, and even the repair of the city walls, the rectification of check, and the implementation of military law.

Because the Western camp was just facing the threat of the Qin army, Yan Dan gave Lu Chengfeng exclusive power. In the vassal states under the jurisdiction of the Western camp, if there is a king who does not obey the order, Lu Chengfeng can cut off first and then play. As long as it is the materials needed by the army, Lu Chengfeng can mobilize on the spot at will. Even if he robs the treasury of those vassals, as long as it is helpful to the war, Lu Chengfeng can do it arbitrarily.

Lu Chengfeng respectfully went out of the class and received the special will given to him from Ma Yi.

Even the five major countries just appointed by the Yan Dynasty will lead countless disciples, descendants and grandchildren to listen to the army under the Western camp. Of course, don't expect the five major masters to take action against some small shrimps and so on. Only in the face of the powerful Daqin monks will they help each other. Lu Chengfeng only has the power of restraint against them, and does not have the power to order mobilize and enforce the law.

Then a formal decree was issued. The government power of the Great Yan Dynasty, which was once scattered in the hands of the governor of the Eight Kings and even the crown prince Yan Qijun, has now been returned to Yan Dan. Without Yan Dan's handwritten approval and private seal, any order of the various government methods of the Dayan Dynasty has lost its legal effect.

Under the threat of the five demon kings and dozens of giant demons, many powerful ministers in the hall bowed down and obeyed their orders, and did not dare to show the slightest expression of opposition.

Even the net had just been canonized as the king of Yan Changxin. He sat on the high platform, as if his buttocks were full of thorns, constantly twisting his body, and he was uncomfortable. Under the pressure of the five demon kings, this peerless demon seems to have become much more reserved.

Yan Dan looked at the strange expressions of many courtiers and couldn't help laughing.

"Come on, today's palace banquet, you should have a good time."

After a little meditation, Yan Dan said in a low voice, "Mr. Mo, Mr. Su, Mr. Xun and Mr. Han Fei, please come up and drink with Dan."

Mo Zhai and Su Qin, don't be surprised. However, Han Fei and Mr. Xun were so shocked that they were stiff all over, as if there were countless lightnings in his body. Han Fei doesn't need to say more, Mr. Xun, is it Xun's condition?