Steal the sky

Chapter 216 Goodbye, cattle

The once remote village has now become crowded, just like the scale of a metropolis. A large-diameter moving array stands in a razed mountain forest outside Meng Village. Thousands of large and small spiritual stones and jade plates are suspended in the air, and all kinds of flames are constantly flashing. After each flame flashes, more than 10,000 people came out of the moving array. Under the command of a group of officials in black official robes, these People quickly lined up and walked in all directions.

The human figures that come out are extremely complicated. There are bloody swallows in armor, and there are also black swallows in fully enclosed black armor, riding on black bullheads, and murderous all over. There are more craftsmen and husbands who hold all kinds of tools and are energetic.

Responsible for controlling the moving array are 30 Yuanying immortals and 120 Jindan immortals. The leader is a land fairy figure at the peak of the Great Yan Dynasty clan and Yuan Ying, Yan Qijun's ninth son, Yan Hao. He held a positioning star disk that controlled the large array, and the monks under his command shouted from time to time adjusted the position of the jade version of the moving array everywhere, so that it echoed with the moving array hundreds of thousands of miles, millions or even tens of millions of miles away.

From Jidu, from other big cities in the mainland territory of the Great Yan Dynasty, and from the capitals of the vassal states, a large number of soldiers, craftsmen and husbands came to Mengcun through relocation. In just three days, millions of people have gathered near Mengcun. Although the moving array used a large amount of empty spiritual gold as the core, the large-scale air migration of more than one million people in three days still consumed a huge amount of resources of the Great Yan Dynasty. The spiritual stones stored over the years were spent like a tide.

Don't beg to stand on a newly built arrow tower on the wall of Meng Xiaobai's house, looking at this full-loaded moving array, he couldn't help but be shocked by the national strength of the Dayan Dynasty.

It has been three days since he came here. Lu Chengfeng stayed in Xiaomeng City and was responsible for supervising the construction of the defense system in Xiaomeng City. And he came to Mengcun with a group of people. He was responsible for the construction of the outpost defense line of Mengcun. He was always in charge, so in fact, he didn't need to do anything. All affairs are shared by middle and lower-level officials from Jidu, and everything is carried out in an orderly manner.

Don't beg is the middle and lower-level officials in charge of various affairs in Mengcun, the latent power of the Dayan Dynasty, who directly taught the Yumen School Palace. Among them, 40,000 people came from the Yumen School, all of whom were disciples of Yuwende. Because Yu Wende was seriously injured by the assassins of Daqin Dynasty, these people work like chicken blood. They forget to eat and sleep day and night, one by one like wind demons, screaming and kicking the buttocks of those soldiers, craftsmen and husbands, making the mountains and forests around Meng Village hot.

In just three days of arsenic, with Mengcun as the core, a large city with a length and a width of 20 miles has begun to see the scale. In the depths of Mengshan, 50,000 miles, 30,000 miles, 10,000 miles, 5,000 miles, 3,000 miles, 1,000 miles, 500 miles, 300 miles and 100 miles from Mengcun. With these nine distances, 270 outposts have also begun to start construction.

Under the strong execution and management ability of these officials, the construction of Mengjiabao and the construction of 270 outposts started almost at the same time, and the progress was almost the same, without any difference. How many building materials are needed, how many craftsmen and husbands are needed, how many arrays and mages are needed. Under their deployment, it is like the most elite Swiss clock, running accurately without any error.

Don't beg for a day before, the work standards of these officials were reviewed. The result surprised him. Under the desperate work of the officials who broke out all the enthusiasm for work and vowed to teach a fierce lesson to the Qin Dynasty, their work accuracy was simply shocking. The material allocation and personnel distribution of the 270 outposts were accurate to a brick, an iron nail and even a rice. Degree. There is no delay, no waste. These perverted officials, even considering the difference in experience, technology and physical strength of every craftsman and every husband, the manpower and material resources of all outposts have basically reached a precise balance.

In the face of all this, Don't beg can only stand here in a daze, watching a large number of people gushing out of the moving array, so as to slowly absorb the aura of the heaven and earth around at the same time, in a hurry to enhance the cultivation, and supplement the essence and soul consumed in the previous few days. He directly understood the threat of the Yumen Palace. There are only 40,000 disciples of the Yumen Palace here, all of which are so terrible precision, efficiency and powerful effectiveness. How many low-level officials in the whole Yan Dynasty came from the Yumen Palace? Once they all make trouble, I'm afraid that the Dayan Dynasty will really be in big trouble.

The disciples of the Yumen School made Buqi vaguely think of the Confucian disciples on the earth. These are all school forces that are enough to control an imperial dynasty and the government of a country. Unlike the Confucian disciples who are infighting with each other, the disciples of the Yumen Palace have a common spiritual leader. Their cooperation is endless, which is a more terrible political force.

If it hadn't been for the Great Yan Dynasty, it hadn't been for the fact that Yan Dynasty and others had mastered enough power to destroy the whole Yu family in an instant, the Yumen Xuegong would have completely mastered all the political power of the Great Yan Dynasty. Even so, Yu Wende also had a detached identity in the Dayan Dynasty because of the existence of these disciples. He can even discuss the marriage of Princess Po Le with Yan Dan, and also proposed his favorite candidate to Yan Dan!

"Qinggui Home, hey, hey!" Taking a deep breath, he pulled the aura of heaven and earth within a few miles, and suddenly sneered gloomily.

Looking around, under the enthusiastic work of those officials, the foundation of Mengjiabao has begun to take shape. The length is 20 miles, the width is 15 feet, and the height is also 15 feet. The prohibition and formation of the wall soil will be arranged according to the defense level of Jidu, which is enough to fight against the strategic defensive prohibition of the monks in the realm of Yuanshen.

The core of Mengjiabao, that is, the center of the village of Mengcun, the original Meng people's council hall, has dug out a deep pit of length and width. A high platform will be built here, together with the other 80 high platforms in the four miles, which will constitute the most powerful strike force of Mengjiabao. A group of Momen disciples sent by Mo Zhai are taking a group of palace construction masters for the imperial capital of Jidu, and they are busy there.

With the help of the underground spiritual vein, the eighty-one door absorbs the power of the ground fire, and the "fire dragon broken star crossbow" that can emit a killing power equivalent to the peak of Yuanying's immortals will be placed on these high platforms. The huge fire dragon broken star crossbow, once eighty-one shots are shot in unison, the power is comparable to the full-out blow of a monk in the early Yuanshen, with the terrible power of killing Yuanying immortals in an instant.

"Qinmen is unparalleled in the world. Once Mo Zhai, an old man, let him step into the way of cultivation, he didn't expect it to be like this... Pervert!" Don't beg to think about the powerful fire dragon broken star crossbow, and you can't help but be frightened. Such a terrible thing is actually only the ninth of the ten most powerful killers made by Momen. What else can you say about the terrible Momen?

Suddenly, a sword light flew this way in the distance. Don't beg for the tip of your eyes. Seeing the first light, it was Lu Chengfeng.

The sword light soon fell, and Lu Chengfeng stood beside Begging. He looked at the bustling construction sites and the bustling flow of people around him, and couldn't help shaking his head: "The disciples of Yumen Xuegong are very capable. I have nothing to do in Mengcheng. As long as I give them the planning drawings, they will handle everything. Even the things that urged the Western vassal states to mobilise troops, materials and craftsmen were clearly handled by them, and they suddenly found that I had become an idle person.

Don't grin helplessly, nod and said, "Yumen School, it's really terrible.

The scene of hundreds of thousands of scholars kneeling in front of the palace gate and begging for a wish, tut. If I were Your Majesty, I would have done it a long time ago!" Don't beg to raise your right palm fiercely and gently lower everything. At the thought of Yu Wende's father and daughter, he actually made an idea not to beg. Isn't it your own fault?

Lu Chengfeng recalled the scene he saw when hundreds of thousands of jade apprentices asked for a wish together, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

The two looked at each other and were about to say something when they suddenly saw the sky not far from the east, and a watery bird cloud suddenly rolled up and rushed to this side. Dozens of evil spirits of demon clouds chased after the bird cloud, and from time to time strange treacherous laughter came from the demon clouds.

I faintly heard a sharp and harsh voice laughing wildly: "Little girl, the uncle likes you. Follow the uncle back and eat delicious and spicy food. There are fresh and hot boys and girls eating meat every day. Isn't it much better than being alone? Hey hey, why do you look so watery?"

With the laughter, dozens of blue and faint thunder roared out and bombarded the fleeing dark clouds. The heavy thunder sounded, and the dark cloud was suddenly blown away, revealing the body of a fat catfish more than 300 feet long.

Bomao's face suddenly wrinkled into a ball: "Old acquaintance! However, some people actually say that she was born with water? What kind of vision is this?"

A fat catfish with a body length of more than 300 feet has a head with two horns, a few shiny dragon whiskers on its jaw, and four dragon claws on its abdomen. There are faint dragon scales under the smooth and greasy skin all over the body. This is not the mountain king catfish of Surabaya Lake, but who is it However, in terms of the aesthetics of not begging, cattles can't match the word "sming" in any case. You can say that she is divine, powerful and heroic, but the word "water spirit" is really wrong.

The demon cloud that released the thunder in the rear suddenly closed, revealing a huge black fish that was extremely ugly.

The black fish is about 500 feet long, and there are three ugly huge fish heads. The huge mouth is full of sharp teeth, and there are continuous slim drops on the slippery black fish skin. It is so far away, and there is a fishy smell coming to the face. He also has horns on his head, only one single horn, and dragon claws in his lower abdomen, which is also only one. Behind him, there is a sharp fish fin as tall as a knife, which is full of water and arrogant.

With the sharp and unpleasant laughter, the black fish spewed out a large amount of mucus from his three big mouths at the same time. Three extremely long tongues popped out of his mouth, swallowed for a while, and then from the tip of his tongue, hundreds of huge blue thunder roared out.

The fleeing cat cat cat was hit by the thunder, which made her splash blood all over her body, which made her swear angrily. The huge body of the cattle, which was completely defeated by the demon cloud, could no longer rise into the air. It drew an arc and smashed it down to the Mengcun construction site.

Don't beg for a sword light to rush out of the sky. He shouted harshly, "Bold evil, this is my territory of Yan. How dare you invade it? Do you know the prestige of His Majesty Yan Dan?

He gave way to the catfish, but stood in front of the black fish and the dozens of demons led by him.

The black fish opened its mouth and shouted, "What kind of bullshit swallow? I've never heard of it! What kind of bullshit Yandan? Is he famous? Uncle, I am his ancestor! Boy, you are a little Jindan fairy, and you dare to provoke the old man? Let me eat something obediently!"

The black fish scolded, but he laughed happily. Are you the ancestor of Yan Dan? That's so wonderful!

Seeing the sudden change of the atmosphere around Mengcun, dozens of Yuanying immortals and hundreds of Jindan immortals from the Dayan clan, with fire in their eyes, the clouds and the sword light soared into the sky.