Steal the sky

Chapter 224 The Disaster of the Spirit

Hong Tao poured down" Countless bloodthirsty spirits hugged into red meat balls in Hong Tao, and rushed into the big dream cloud with Hong Tao rolling. For other creatures, the mud and dirty water of Dameng Yunze are extremely poisonous and smelly. Once touched, even the flesh and blood will be completely digested. However, the bloodthirsty worms are even more vicious and fierce alien insects. The poisonous swamp of Dameng Yunze not only failed to kill them, but also added their fierce flames out of thin air.

A large number of highly poisonous poisons were sucked into the bodies of the spirits*, their red bodies suddenly turned dark, and the poison gas kept spewing out of their mouths. Hong Tao rushed into the big dream Yunze with countless meat balls. At the urging of hundreds of millions of aquariums, he quickly rushed to the island where He Qianqiu was trapped.

Countless squirming meatballs flew up to the sky, suddenly withdrew and cracked, turning into countless twisted bloodthirsty spirits and pounced on the Qin soldiers who were in a large array in the sky.

Poor Qin soldiers with cultivation ranging from the innate realm to the acquired realm. Before they had time to urge their armor to release the prohibition to protect themselves, they were thrown on the bodies by countless spiritual realms. Every Qin soldier was probably attached to the body by 100,000 thin, squirming and extremely long spirits, as if their bodies were suddenly covered with long, black and red hairs.

The howl kept ringing, and the blood in the body of the Qin soldiers was quickly drained by the bloodthirsty spirit. However, with a few flicks of time, tens of thousands of Qin soldiers were sucked into mummified corpses, and their stricky bodies fell from the sky and fell into the rolling waves. Hong Tao came too fast and suddenly. The Qin army even had no time to change the array, and was already broken by the flood and countless spirits.

There are many places where the waves raised by the Yuanying-level water demon hit the head like a heavy mountain. The Qin army's array was like a walnut under a hammer, which was smashed by waves that were several times stronger than steel. The large array was smashed, and the Qin soldiers who formed the large array were also broken and fell into the flood. Countless spirits rushed along the flood and sucked the blood ejected from the body of the Qin soldiers.

Wanzhang Hongtao surged down from the top of the mountain, which was already as invincible as thunder. In addition, a large number of powerful monsters used demons in the flood to enhance the power of water waves. The power of the big wave was even more frightening. The Qin army's array was smashed in an instant, and more than 200,000 Qin soldiers were killed and injured. Fortunately, several people who escaped from the flood were also quickly entangled by countless spirits and sucked their blood clean.

Zhang Yi and others were also caught off guard by the sudden flood. He scolded angrily, and suddenly a black spiritual light gushed out of his body. Half of the big dream Yunze trembled, and the infinite black gas in the ground rose to the sky and integrated into Zhang Yi's body * "transformed into the boundless magnetic power of His thoughts condensed into a big net and wrapped it around fiercely.

The meat ball about a dozen miles in diameter was wrapped in a large net composed of the power of meta magnetism. Zhang Yi gritted his teeth, and the invisible metamagnetic force merged inward. The magnetic force quickly rubbed and collided, and a large number of dark thunder bred out of thin air. More than a dozen meatballs surrounded by magnetic force were blown to pieces by thunder, and countless spirits were wiped out by thunder.

The harsh "sneer, the sound sound sounded from all directions, and hundreds of slender spirit worms flew up to the sky, winding around Zhang Yi like a spirit snake. When these strong men of the spirit clan saw that their descendants had been killed and injured by Zhang Yi, they were immediately furious and took action together.

Zhang Yi sneered a few times disdainfully. He casually compared it with the virtual banquet. Countless flying swords condensed with the power of meta magnetism condensed out of thin air, and strangled those spirits with harsh cracks. Only the sharp howls kept ringing, and the flying sword condensed by the power of the original magnetism was invisible, extremely heavy, and more sharp. Countless sword lights flashed, and immediately dozens of demon elixir realms and three Yuanying realms were cut into countless sections by Zhang Yi.

The terrible part of the bloodthirsty spirit was suddenly reflected. These severe limbs of these severed spirits fell into the flood one after another. Under the nourishment of the essence and blood gushing out of the body of the soldiers of the Qin soldiers, each limbs were reborn into a new spirit. According to the proportion of body length, they shared all the cultivation of the body.

One of the spirits in the early realm of the Yuanying was cut into 18 sections. The eighteen newborn spirits divided all the cultivation of the body evenly, and each spirit became a newborn spirit with the peak cultivation of the golden elixir, with the screams and fled into the flood. Then eighteen small mouths poked a little out of the flood, and the mouth spewed out a black poison gas as sharp as a needle and as powerful as electricity. All the poison gas is extracted from the silt and sewage of the big dream cloud. It is extremely poisonous and filthy. Once the monks encounter not only the body, but also the soul spirit will be greatly damaged.

Zhang Yi was shocked. He spewed out three shining flags all over his body to protect his body. He shouted sharply, "Be careful, these insects can't be cut off." They must be smashed with thunder to really kill them!"

Because of the forced urging of Yinglong's horn, Bai Qi, who was directly reduced to the middle level of the Yuanying, snorted coldly and casually pulled out his sword and waved at the void. He shouted harshly, "The worm bag, and I dare to compete with my big Qin iron armor, and die quickly!" With a loud shout, the violent smell of killing rushed out. All the spiritual insects in Bai Liyuan suddenly stiffened, and all the anger was completely recorded, turning into a bloody spirit of killing rose to the sky and integrated into Bai Qi's body. .

With a long roar, Bai Qi's breath suddenly flourished, and there was a faint tendency to break through the middle of the first half of the first half of the baby and return to the end of the first half of the first half of the baby. The long sword in his hand kept waving, and the dead meaning of killing was sprinkled everywhere. Wherever he passed, all the spiritual dragonflies within a hundred miles were sucked out of the body *, and they turned into the intention of killing and returned to the white body *. The more Bai Qi kills, the more powerful the inner breath of his body becomes. His body is like the Yangtze River rushing up, and gradually there is a deafening shout of killing from every pore around him.

Bai Qi was suppressed so that the spirits around him did not dare to show up, and they emptled into the water one after another to attack thousands of monsters led by the cold earthworms. However, except for Bai Qi, other people, including Li Si, Zhang Yi and others, none of the magic spells they are good at can cause effective killing and damage to the magma. Especially Li Xin, his magic is on the bow and arrow. If he confronts the enemy head-on with human monks, his arrow method is almost invincible. But in the face of the endless crazy rush of the magma, he shot all the spare arrows and failed to kill a few magma. In desperation, after randomly exerting magical power to kill and injure a group of spirits, Li Si, Zhang Yi and others stepped up one after another and flew back to the chariot of Yingzheng. Ying Zheng looked at Wanqing Hongtao below thoughtfully and shook his head puzzledly: "It's strange. Yan Dan's army didn't see it. How did it become the demon dragon last time? Xu Fu, are you sure to drive Yu Ding again? Xu Fu bowed in awe and said helplessly, "Your Majesty, drive Yu Ding, I don't have that magic power. It takes a large amount of blood for blood sacrifice to stimulate Yuding's weapon spirit and give full play to Yuding's divine power. However, these demon insects swallowed up all the blood below, and I had no choice but to make a blood sacrifice." Yingzheng frowned and snorted unhappily. He looked at the raging Hong Tao below and said coldly, "Well, just wait. Wait!" A word of wait made Li Si and others shut up. They stood high above the empty clouds, overlooking the nine cold earthworms below and the countless spirits led by the king of the spirit. The water waves turned red, and countless spirits tosed in the water waves and ravaged thousands of monsters brought by the cold earthworms, tried their best to kill millions of small spirits, and then were completely submerged by the endless spirits. Because the body of the spirit is extremely small, and at the same time, there can be millions and tens of millions of spirits attached to the body of the huge monster to suck their blood. One monster after another rolled and howled and was rushed to the side by the spirit, extracting their blood drop by drop. However, in just a quarter of an hour, nearly a thousand powerful monsters were killed by the spirit. Those spirits that have absorbed a sufficient amount of blood take out part of the essence to catalyze their body's continuous strength, and the other part of the essence has become countless eggs, ejected from the tail of the magma. In the blink of an eye, trillions of spiritual eggs were laid. After being spawned by the spiritual king, these spiritual eggs quickly hatched into newborn spiritual eggs and rushed to the monsters. As for the king of the spirit, he was the spirit of a large group of Yuanying, who was entangled in the cold earthworm. The king of the dragonfly, which has been long for hundreds of miles, is like a sharp wire densely wrapped around the cold earthworm. He tightened his body and strangled the cold earthworm's body with thin blood stains. Bits of blood oozed out of the body of the cold earthworm and was swallowed up by the crazy plunder of the spiritual dragonfly in the realm of Yuanying around. The cold earthworm trembled with pain all over and desperately wanted to drill under the mud. With other monsters and decorations, as long as the cold earthworm enters the mud, it can no longer chase him. But the body structure of the spirits is strange and talented. The magic power is strange and fierce, and no matter how poisonous it is, it can't hurt them. Countless ghosts followed the cold earthworms into the deep mud, constantly entangled and strangled the cold earthworms. Even if the cold earthworm monster spewed out a large area of frost and shattered countless spiritual dragonflies, it could not stop the king of the spiritual dragonfly from strangulation. I'm born to overcome the cold earthworms!" Yingzheng coldly watched the earthworm monster get into the mud and said coldly, "Who has a way to deal with these poisonous insects? Huh? Yu Ding can't use it. What about the keel?" Li Si frowned and said hesitantly, "Your Majesty, although these poisonous insects come with the waves, they are not necessarily aquatic demons... Ying Longguhao, I'm afraid there's nothing they can do about it." When Yingzheng and others were hesitating, Hong Tao had swept the big dream Yunze and rushed to the outside of the big city built by the Qin army on the bank of the big dream cloud. The city built by the Qin army is about a hundred miles, and the wall is thirty feet high. It has been completely formed, and countless ancient runes are engraved on it. At this moment, I don't know who is presiding over the defense work in the city. As nearly 10,000 warlocks fly to the sky, the sound of dull spells keeps coming, and the city wall is full of light, turning into a thick light curtain to cover the whole city. The Qin army camp in the city remained motionless, but the hundreds of thousands of barbarians working outside the city were unlucky. Countless spirits rushed up, and hundreds of thousands of barbarians had been sucked into mummified corpses by the spirits before they could make a miserable howls. On the island where Crane Qianqiu was trapped, a big white crane about a hundred feet long rose to the sky. This is the essence of Crane Qianqiu. I only heard a crisp crane ringing from the sky: "Old demon dragon, I didn't expect that you were the first to come to save Lao He! Strangely, where did Lao Xiong and his group of unrighteous bastards go?" He sat behind the iron armored turtle and looked left and right. Suddenly, he cursed angrily: "The old guy Su Qin, he assigned me to be the first to come out to harass the Qin army. Now I have broken through the Qin army. What about the others? Question mark What about the others? Did he fool me?" High in the sky, when Yingzheng saw that he didn't beg, he suddenly rushed to his forehead with a burst of anger. Tonight 8th, Saturday, Pig's Head will meet you on YY Channel: 2935, 2935! If you are interested in listening to the pig's head howling and have time to run up, just go in and out of the channel to chat with the pig's head! It's been more than an hour, hehe! Anyway, the pig's head is very kind and howls for a long time every time. Except for issues related to private life, everything else can be fooled! Well, by the way, ask for a monthly ticket or something, recommended tickets and monthly tickets, don't forget it!