Steal the sky

Chapter 251 Qin Huang's Outing

"Catch up and kill him! Shimizu, kill him, you must kill him!" Qin Maohu held his arm, which was broken shoulder by shoulder, and howling sadly: "He is the deputy head of the Western camp. If he is brought back to Mengjiabao, we will all be severely punished by the military law, at least for life! You must kill him. He has been seriously injured, and Zhenyuan is exhausted. You must kill him!"

He roared a few times at Qin Qingshui, who was running wildly from the rear. Qin Weihu hissed, "You two offerings, save me quickly!" Help me! ! Connect my arm, connect it to me! Alas, help quickly and wake them all up!"

The two Yuanying earth immortals spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time, forced their bodies injured by the begging charm, and swaying back. [Produced by Baidu Tieba] They hurriedly found Qin Maenghu's broken arm and helped him take it on his shoulder. It's just that the domineering sword light not only cut his arm, but also corroded and devoured part of the flesh and blood near his wound. The Qin-like tiger, who was found by the two immortals, had broken limbs and was like a reed stick.

Without some rare elixir, even if Qin Weihu's arm is connected, he can't use it freely in his life, which is also a great obstacle to his future cultivation. Looking at his inno-shaped arm, Qin Haohu was so angry that he looked up to the sky and howled angrily. It's just that after being seriously injured, Qin Maenghu was a little short of breath. His howling and scolding voice was just a little louder than that of a cat.

In addition to the severed injured spring tiger, there are also twelve golden elixir immortals who are seriously injured on the ground. The power of the begging spirit charm is comparable to the full-out blow of the immortals in the middle of Yuanying. Although two monks with Yuanying cultivation have carried more than 70% of the spiritual charms, the remaining 30% of the strength is still blown up to break their limbs, and several Jindan immortals can't die. The two Yuanying immortals struggled to run back, hurried to save the dead and help the wounded, and took out a lot of elixir and stuffed them into the mouths of these immortals, lest they die a few more, and Qin Maungu could not communicate when he went back.

"Don't beg, I'm going to break you into ten thousand pieces!" Qin Qingshui, with a large number of beasts, ran past Qin Fenghu like a group of crazy bulls.

As he ran, he roared, "Ance, don't worry, don't beg. I'm going to die today!"

I'm going to say goodbye to him!"

A snake sound rose to the sky, and the enamel python soul behind Qin Qingshui shook three huge snake heads and flew out. Qin Qingshui's yin wind suddenly rose, and his breath suddenly rose to the peak of Jindan. The soul of the python almost condensed into an entity, spitting poisonous fog and the wind chased after it hurriedly.

Ying Zheng couldn't wait to get up from the dragon seat. He looked at Qin Qingshui in the light curtain and praised, "Yes, we in Daqin also have a way to practice the symbiotic cultivation of beast soul beasts. However, Qin Qingshui, who can cultivate the beast soul to the extent that it can be compared with the Jindan immortals, is obviously vigorously cultivated by Qin Wuyang. The beast soul is not so easy to cultivate!"

The three snake heads behind Qin Xiaoshui swayed and chased with dozens of wind patrol beasts in the direction of don't beg to escape.

Don't beg. With the help of the elixir this time, he condensed a little Zhenyuantong to escape more than two miles away, and escaped from the ground from the distance. A sword mark on his chest was constantly spraying blood, and a large amount of blood flowed out of his waist and abdomen. It could be faintly seen that some things suspected to be intestinal viscera flowed out of the wound. As soon as he id his net out of the ground, Qin Qingshui chased after him with an angry scolding voice. Don't beg less than a hundred feet away.

Suddenly turn around, don't beg to open your mouth. The spirit earth beads and the spirit wood beads of the day after tomorrow turned into one yellow and one green two groups of strong light and spewed out. [produced by Baidu Tieba] hit Qin Qingshui heavily. Originally, the powerful acquired spiritual beads, but because of the lack of begging for real yuan, the speed of the two groups of treasure light flying was extremely slow. Qin Qingshui turned sideways and avoided the blow of the heaviest spiritual earth bead. Lingmu beads hit Qin Qingshui, and a blue thunderbolt exploded, which made the ghost python behind Qin Qingshui look up to the sky and hiss, and a large number of poisonous fog kept spewing out.

The python's huge eyes opened, and three dark ink-like air arrows in the three big mouths shot out. The two air arrows hit the spiritual earth beads and the spiritual wood beads far away, and the last air arrow was shot through the air, accurately hitting the back of Don't begging and getting into his body. The soul of the python contains the poisonous gas, and the skin of Don't begging suddenly turns black. His blood flowed out of his body, which also changed from bright red to light black.

Don't beg's body suddenly slowed down, and he didn't even have the strength to run. The three wind patrol beasts roared, and the red clouds behind them were wrapped around them, turning into three groups of flames and rushing straight to beg. Wave the long knife and cut the begging neck, waist and knees flat.

Don't beg for a flying over to avoid the attack of the three beasts. The greedy wolf sword flew out with a harsh roar, and a sword light was flattened. The three beasts were cut off by the sword light. Blood splashed everywhere. The three beasts sounded in anger, and their Dantian suddenly swelled up, banging, three times, their upper body exploded, and the three innate peak beasts were close at hand, blowing up dozens of feet away.

Ying Zheng laughed more and more happily. He looked at the bloody fighting on the light curtain, and a large black cloud had appeared under his feet.

Qin Qingshui sneered and laughed strangely: "Don't beg. If you hadn't peeked at the beautiful woman bathing, how could you have been seriously injured by my 'assination'? Hey hey, is that woman the favorite girl of Xiang Yu? You were so beautiful last time, but you were blessed!"

Qin Qingshui rushed up with great jealousy, and kicked the door of the begging face, which had not yet landed. With a crisp sound, the begging cheek muscles were cracked by the heavy blow, and a large amount of blood splashed up. Don't beg for a miserable howl, stared at Qin Qingshui resentfully, reluctantly recalled the spiritual earth beads, turned the spiritual earth beads into a mass of yellow gas, wrapped himself, and once again emptied into the ground.

But this time, Don't beg and just disappeared into the ground. Qin Qingshui has looked up to the sky and hissed like a giant python. His fists suddenly wrapped a strong dark green poison gas, in which there was a faint flash of thunder. Two poisonous thunderbolts flew out of their hands and bombarded heavily into the ground. With a thunder, the ground in the circle was blown up, and the earthy mountains and rocks as thick as a hundred feet roared and were blown up in the air. Countless earth and stones were smashed and scattered. Don't beg for blood sprayed from the ground, and the soft collapse seemed to be in a coma. [produced by Baidu Tie

"Don't beg, Tianyun Gong, you are destined to die in my hands!" Qin Qingshui's eyes were shining, and the ghost of the python behind him suddenly swelled to a hundred feet high, opening his mouth and swallowing forward. He swallowed the whole beggars into his belly. The body of the python squirmed for a while, and suddenly there was a large amount of black saliva dripping in its mouth, which blended into Qin Qingshui's body bit by bit.

Qin Qingshui's breath suddenly expanded. He looked up to the sky and roared sharply, and his eyebrows suddenly cracked a small gap, from which he shot out a small human figure three inches high. Looking at the appearance of that human figure, it is clearly another Qin Qingshui. The human figure flew up in the air and landed in the middle of the head in the middle of the python. The small humanoid feet melted into black smoke clouds, and merged with the beast soul of the python.

Ying Zheng smiled more and more brilliantly: "Oh? The thief who stole my spiritual thing was killed like this? Hey, the beast's soul devoured and turned into a condensed element. Qin Qingshui is a good luck. There are very few beast martial arts that can break through the limitations of Jindan and grow into the realm of Yuanying. He is lucky! Don't beg, there must be other spirits, otherwise it is impossible to provide him with such a huge aura for him to break through!"

Before he finished speaking, Qin Qingshui's body in the light curtain suddenly trembled. He opened his mouth with three giant pythons on top of his head, and suddenly two more heads came out of the python's neck. The heads of the five giant pythons slowly opened, and the five bright and radiant spiritual beads loomed in the python's mouth, releasing a huge acquired five elements of semanic aura.

Many ministers around Ying Zheng gasped in unison and scolded angrily, "No wonder this boy is so difficult to deal with. Unexpectedly, [produced by Baidu Tieba] actually gathered the five elements of the day after tomorrow, but it's a pity that it's cheap to Qin Qingshui! B bastard, bastard, the five elements of spiritual beads the day after tomorrow, there is no such treasure in the hands of the king!"

Ying Zheng looked at the changing expressions of many ministers and generals around him, and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "It is my will to let the Yulin army follow the direction of not begging them to chase and escape to find out the details of the way to see if anyone is bathing in the mountains. Zhang Yi, you took someone to capture that boy alive! I remember that the boy still has a mass of innate garrison spirit in his hand? You take it and take it to nourish it day and night, which is enough to raise the magnetic power of your future world to a level!"

Zhang Yi was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed to the promise. He laughed and said,. I will definitely take back your majesty's spiritual objects. Please rest assured!,'

On the light curtain, Qin Qingshui took out a black ring from the big mouth of the beast's soul, like a dragon coiled ring, and was holding it in his hand and playing carefully. Ying Zheng looked at the black dragon ring, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly. Zhang Yi also snorted coldly, set up a cloud light, and hurriedly chased in the direction of Qin Qingshui and others with dozens of monks under his command.

Ying Zheng arched his hand to Yu Yao and smiled and said, "Yu Yao, you also need to help me to help Yu Ji..."

Yu Yao sneered and shook her head and said, "Your Majesty is not going to capture Yu Ji alive, but to touch Li Leyan, right? Yu Ji is there, and Li Leyan is probably also there. However, it's okay, our three sisters can get together again this time!" He sneered a few times and gave Ying Zheng a fierce glance. Yu Yao directly ordered Bai Qi, Wang Jian and other Qin army generals, and dispatched a group of Qin's top elites to guard Ying Zheng's chariot, and quickly rose up.

Under the clouds, the scouts of the Qin army and the Yan army are still fighting against each other.

But suddenly, a large group of Qin warlocks and monks of all factions gushed out like a tide, eradicating all the Yan army scouts in an instant.

Where Ying Zheng's car passed, the Yan army sentry detective, who had just been entangled with the Qin army's scouts in the mountain forest, was killed cleanly in an instant.

In just a quarter of an hour, Ying Zheng has come to the feng shui treasure chosen a few days ago.

Several famous Chu soldiers were quietly stationed in a hillside ten miles away, and all the soldiers sat on the ground motionless.

In the hot spring pond with 17 mouths like a string of pearl necklaces, Yu Ji, Li Leyan and dozens of cute maids are lazily soaking in the hot spring. Across a rocky hill, on the small grassland near the lake, a huge curtain was tied with luxurious black brocade. The two women with red temples and [produced by Baidu Tieba] with green eyebrows were sitting in the curtain with dozens of maids with high crowns and black robes, drinking tea and enjoying the scenery.

At the edge of the curtain, there are hundreds of hidden shadows of mountains and ghosts floating.

On the chariot, Ying Zheng looked at the curtain from a distance, and his eyes couldn't help squinting into a line: "Those two women, what they saw when they killed Chu Xiangxiong's soldiers, the imperial concubine of Chu?"

Yu Yao sighed gently and shook her head and said, "Yes, it's cheaper for you again! In those years, the harems of the six countries gathered in Xianyang. Do you still want to do this today?

Ying Zheng just laughed loudly and hugged Yu Yao's waist.

It suddenly occurred to me that Ying Zheng should also be a pervert. Otherwise, in the Afang Palace, why did he gather so many women from the six countries?