Steal the sky

Chapter 255 Bailing Zhantian

Zhang Yi fled quickly in front of the black escape light. Don't beg to control the greedy wolf sword, turn into a shadow, and follow closely.

Because he was seriously injured by Wan Ying Laolong, Zhang Yi's escape speed is getting slower and slower, and she is about to be caught up by Don't begging. In the escape light, Zhang Yi scolded angrily, and his black escape light suddenly dispersed. Seven thin black streamers were separated from it, escorting the seven Yuanying's subordinates around him to fly forward. The magnetic power of Zhang Yi's body suddenly restrained, and his body flashed in front of Don't beg.

The black light flashed in his eyes. Zhang Yi stared at Don't beg and sneered, "Don't beg. Do you think you can do anything about me?"

Don't beg to put away the sword light. Looking at Zhang Yi without fear and smiling, "If you don't try, how do you know? The boy is pregnant with the five elements of the day after tomorrow, and also practices the five elements of the day after tomorrow. However, except for the secret of returning the sword spirit of the sword spirit of the Rift Sword Sect, the boy has no other magic skills in his hand, and he is very sorry for this Zhenyuan.

So, I just want to get the formula of the geocentric magnetic method from the old gentleman's hand." Zhang Yi looked at Don't beg in constered in constered. After a long time, he looked up to the sky and said with a long smile, "You chased me in order to seize the magic secret method in my hand? I thought that you were trying to stop me from losing the map of the dragon-killing array.

Don't beg, shake your head repeatedly and say, "The boy doesn't care whether the map is lost or not. The two countries of Dayan and Dayu joined hands to lay a huge ambush to kill the victory of the government. If they all escape from him, this is the fate of winning the government. The boy is just a little man and doesn't care about these national affairs *..."

He smiled strangely at Zhang Yi, took a deep breath and smiled and said, "What the boy cares about is his own cultivation and his magic power. Hey, the boy has the treasure transformed by the essence of the innate garrison with him. If he can practice the magic power of the geocentric magnetic method, his future achievements will be hundreds of times stronger than the old gentleman!" Zhang Yi's face twitched with anger. He cursed in a low voice, "... Buzi is rude." As an old man, you are a dead dog. Can you cook at will? The essence of the innate garriage actually fell into your hands, which is simply a pearl. Hateful, hateful. Over the years, Daqin has also collected more than 30 innate spirits, but most of them are the genera of gold and wood. It's the first time I've seen this innate earth garributaries!" Staring at it, don't beg, Zhang Yi rolled up her sleeves with some malice. As he rolled up his sleeves, he sneered and said, "Well, I'm shameless today." He forcibly took your innate garriin essence. And the five spiritual beads of the day after tomorrow. Hey, take them back to reward their children and grandchildren, which is also a treasure. Although I, Daqin, am rich and evenly spread out, each rich clan can't be divided into a acquired spiritual bead*..."

Countless magnetic forces ejected out, turning into black flying swords and shooting densely at Don't beg. Zhang Yi laughed and said, "There is also the Black Dragon Ring" to take back the Black Dragon Ring. This is your majesty's orathe ora to Zhang Yi! If you follow the old dragon back into the water, Zhang Yi can't help you. How do you know that you took the initiative to send it to your door, and I can only bully your descendants!" The flying sword front transformed by the power of Yuan Magnetism is incomparable, heavy and abnormal, and the flight is also extremely fast. These meta-magnetic flying swords and the dragon scales on the dragon scale shield are really similar. With a cold air and a heavy pressure like a mountain, the flying sword transformed by the magnetic force of tens of thousands of the earth's heart almost blinked to the side of Don't begging side, flying around him, and was about to strangle him into meat sauce on the spot.

Don't beg your left hand to lift it at will, garrithe earth dragon scale shield launched, and a strong nasal air wrapped around the whole body. Tens of thousands of dragon-scale-shaped golden light circled quickly, and quickly rubbed and collided with countless palm-sized meta-magnetic flying swords. The dull explosion kept ringing, and the Taoist magnetic flying sword had no entity. After colliding with the golden light of the dragon scales, it exploded into pieces one after another. The golden light of the dragon scales is just a little dimmed by the light." But with the manipulation of the begging mind, the golden light of the dragon scales, which was hit hard, quickly returned to the garributary dragon scale shield, quickly replenished the essence of the innate garributary soil, and shot out again.

Feeling the huge impact of the mountain on the meta-magnetic flying sword, and the sharp breath of the meta-magnetic flying sword, which is several times sharper than the golden light of the dragon scales, don't beg repeatedly nodding and praise: "Wonderful" is wonderful. If you can practice the meta-magnetic method, the power of the Mr. Zhang Yi, you just follow me!" He laughed and said, "Don't beg to wave it casually. A thick circle of yellow light gushed out from the earth dragon scale shield, and quickly swallowed up the metamagnetic flying sword that was stabbed around. The essence of the innate garribation is the root of all earth in heaven and earth. The power of the original magnetism is also a kind of native energy. Don't beg to manipulate the innate earth essence to devour the original magnetic flying sword, just like human beings eating and drinking, transforming the power of the original magnet into the nutrients of the soil dragon scale shield.

The yellow gas rolling around the body became thicker and thicker, but the magnetic force released by Zhang Yi was constantly weakening.

Zhang Yi looked at Don't beg in anger and horror. Suddenly, he sneered and said, "Okay, okay, you want to take my original magnetic method, and I also want to take the treasure all over your body. Today, I will let go of my means and compete with your younger generation. You have the innate essence of the earth to protect yourself. Although it is only the cultivation of Jindan, it is no wonder that I bully the young with the old*..."

With a wave of both hands, the aura of the earth within a thousand miles and all the aura between heaven and earth fluctuated rapidly and gathered to Zhang Yi one after another. Zhang Yi's body seemed to turn into a huge black hole, quickly devouring all kinds of aura. A black light ball of light composed of the magnetic force of the geocentric element in diameter covered Zhang Yi and Don't beg, and quickly drilled to the ground. The power of metamagnetism is like a drop of water integrated into the sea, quickly integrated into the ground, and soon disappeared thousands of miles away with the underground qi veins.

Don't beg for peace and quietly suspended in the black light ball, look at Zhang Yi with a smile, and let Zhang Yi use his magic power to take him away.

Zhang Yi took out a medicine bottle and ate a few healing elixirs. While adjusting her luck, she smiled indifferently and said, "In order to make your majesty enter, you are really cruel. Your subordinates who fight each other and lose each other are all dead, right? It's okay to kill and injure some dead soldiers. In order to let us believe that you were really staring and fighting, you actually made yourself seriously injured all over, and you were really cruel.

Don't beg for a smile and the leader said, "If I can't be cruel to myself, how can I deceive you?" Touching the wound on his belly that had just been cut by the sword light, don't beg and sigh: "If Qu Ping, the emperor of Chu, hadn't taken out the elixir "Xiangzhu Ningyu ointment" that was enough to calm all the wounds in an instant, he would never have agreed to their damn plan to lure the enemy I almost broke my spine by the flying sword. It's very painful!"

Zhang Yi looked at Don't beg's head with a smile and said, "Is there any other benefit besides this plaster?"

Don't beg for a continuous nod and said, "Of course! Our majesty promised me that if I could successfully introduce the victory into the ambush circle, he would make me the highest jade-printed purple silk duke among the thirteen dukes of Dayan. Qin Qingshui and others can also be awarded the position of marquis. After all, this is to risk killing the head. With a deep sigh, he said, "People die for money, and birds die for food. In addition to the reward of our majesty, there may also be a promise of His Majesty Qu Ping. As long as we can introduce the victory into ambush, no matter what the success or failure is in the event, we can reward me, Qin Maohu and Qin Qingshui Chongbao.

After rubbing his hands happily, don't beg for a smile and said, "The so-called heavy treasure of the emperor of Dachu will not be any worse, right?"

Zhang Yi's face moved slightly. He pointed casually, and the black light ball suddenly came out of the ground with the two people. This is a swamp in the middle of the mountains. It is about a hundred miles round. The sky is filled with miasma, and the odorous poison gas is scattered everywhere. There are countless poisonous insects swimming in the swamp. Some long grass and dead trees in the swamp look strange, and obviously they are not kind and good.

Zhang Yi looked around and smiled with satisfaction. He looked at the begging and said, "The Duke of Jade Seal Purple, the first-class Duke of Dayan? And the treasure promised by Qu Ping? But you haven't thought that you would come to chase me and seize my original magnetic method. If you are captured by me, or simply killed by me, how can you enjoy the great treasure?

At the beginning of his hand, the black and yellow seal on Zhang Yi's head rose to the sky, and the surrounding mountains and rivers suddenly trembled together. Zhang Yi pointed to the big seal on his head and said with a smile, "This is Qianshan Yineng Town * pressing the spiritual vein of the earth, attracting the power of mountains and rivers within thousands of miles for me."

With a wave of his hand, a golden light and a sharp golden bell appeared in Zhang Yi's hand. He looked at Don't beg and smiled and said, "This treasure is called driving the mountain front. It can drive the earth, mountains and rivers to run as I want. If I have reached the realm of immortality, I can turn mountains and rivers into gods and drive mountains to fight with people. Staring at Don't Begging, Zhang Yichang smiled and said, "Don't beg, don't beg. Even if you have the innate essence of the earth to protect yourself, your cultivation is far less than that of the old man. I have ancient treasures with you. How can you get me?" Zhang Yi snorted and scolded, "Give all the treasures and surrender to my Daqin. I can still keep you a bright future. Daqin is destined to sweep the six-in-one unification in all directions, and you have no future in Dayan!"

Don't beg and laugh. With a wave of your left hand, a large area of white light spewed out of the ring of Yuling. A hundred hairs were silvery white, and their whole body was as white as jade. The silver light in his eyes flashed like a flame. The roar of the dragon man rushed out of the white light like When you don't beg to buy them, these Longbo people are only ten feet tall, but since they took the ancestor's quenched blood soup and formed a golden elixir, in just a few months, these Longbo people have grown up to a hundred feet high.

Especially the first Long Yuan to form a golden elixir, his height has reached 150 feet.

These huge Longbo people only surrounded a huge animal skin in the crotch, and all the other bodies were exposed.

They had complex golden rune lines on their front of the door, which extended all the way to their arms. On their necks, the golden rune road seems to have a tendency to drive to the body. Several branches have been extended from the main rune, faintly covering half of their bodies.

Long Bo people, with a naturally powerful body, a real yuan reserve of thousands of times larger than ordinary human monks, and a naturally powerful soul, they have always been able to jump to a large realm to fight with human monks. The people of Longbo in the Jindan period can compete with the human monks in the Yuanying period. The people of Long Bo in the Yuanying period can fight against the human monks in the realm of Yuanshen. The people of Long Bo who have become the yuan god have the ability to resist the immortals!

This is a powerful and perverted race today!

As soon as a hundred Long Bo Guo people who formed Jin Dan rushed out, Zhang Yi was so scared that she screamed strangely and turned around and fled without saying a word.

But Zhang Yi escaped quickly, and these huge dragons were faster. As soon as they jumped out of the white light, they teleported into mid-air and formed a powerful and mysterious array of larks!

Teleportation, as soon as these Longbo people formed a golden elixir, they have mastered the teleportation magic power that human monks can only use in the realm of Yuanshen! Their talent and power are completely revealed at this moment. Zhang Yi, who turned into a black long rainbow and ran away, never dreamed that these giants could teleport in the Jindan realm. He simply took the initiative to send them to the door and bumped into the lark battle array.

Don't beg to laugh three times, straighten up your chest and scold loudly: "Catch it alive, just don't kill it!"

A thunder sounded, and the array was immediately launched. Countless dragon-like thunder and fire spewed out of the huge body of the Dragon Bo Guo. After these giants, golden elixirs emerged one after another, all of which were exactly the same as them, but the giants who were thousands of feet tall. Let's update it again.

The pig's head is not clear, and there is no sweat on his body, but his skin is hot and he is uncomfortable all over.

Alas, it's uncomfortable. The pig's head rested for two days, and then resumed the regular update.

I took the medicine, but it didn't seem to be useful.