Steal the sky

Chapter 286 The Pity of Long Bo

In the council hall of Mengjiabao City, Jiang Yunzu and other six immortals are high in the master * banquet, and the six immortals are wrapped in fairy spirit all over their bodies. If there is no fairy power, everyone in the lobby can hold their breath. "I dare not have the slightest disrespect.

Especially after the monarchs and ministers of the six kingdoms sitting below, facing the terrible strength of the six evil immortals, they really understood the gap between immortals and mortals. With various magical secrets or powerful original magic weapons, the kings and ministers of the six kingdoms may be able to fight against today's immortals, but the six immortals are enough A coalition of monks from all six countries.

What's more, Baiyun Xianmen and Qingjing Lishimen have also brought nearly 200 Yuanshen monks and more than 2,000 Yuanying monks. Unlike the monks of the Six Kingdoms, the monks of the two immortal sects are fighting with other monks for various reasons all day long. Their experience is more advanced. Under the same situation, the monks of the two immortal sects are enough to fight against the two or even three monks of the Six Kingdoms.

Before the war of the Six Kingdoms, the monks of the Six Kingdoms basically did not have much fighting experience. For example, the court worshipers of Dayan Yanyun Pavilion, many people have practiced smoothly to the realm of Yuanying. "All the way, they are well-dressed and well-fed, and many of their hands have never been stained with blood. People with national teachers such as Gui Guzi, Mo Zhai and Xun Kuang have not taken action at all .

And the monks of the two immortal sects, they fight with other monks, they fight with demons, they fight with monsters, and they are fighting and fighting all the time.

For example, Jiang Chengzi, runs around every day, looking for all kinds of elixirs and treasures for Baiyun Xianmen. He is born to death, and has an amazing experience in fighting, so Jiang Chengzi can escape from the pursuit of the immortals.

Not to mention the six immortals, only the ordinary disciples of the two immortals can completely suppress Yan Dan and others. Unless they use their original magic weapons, such as Yuding, Chuanguo Yuxi, Tiandao reincarnation and other heavy treasures, it is possible to fight against the gatekeepers of the two immortals. But once the six immortals participate in the war, the monarchs and ministers of the six kingdoms will definitely be destroyed in an instant.

Jiang Yun's ancestor and other immortals sat in the hall without saying a word, and the eldest disciples standing beside them also did not say a word. Yan Dan and others exchanged glances with each other, and from time to time, they used the secret method of voice transmission to discuss various issues with their courtiers. The eyes of the monarchs of the six countries, such as Yan Dan, Qu Ping, Ying Zheng, Wei Wuji, Tian Wen and Zhao Sheng, were even more uncertain. They quickly exchanged eyes with their allies, but they would never touch the eyes of the enemy monarch.

The atmosphere in the hall is very strange, depressing and extremely secretive.

But at this moment, in the distant ocean in the distance, don't beg for a group of Baiyun Xianmen and a group of yuanshen monks flying forward with a smile. Several Yuanshen monks of Baiyun Xianmen flew forward with magic magic, so they flew extremely fast. It was really a thousand miles in a flash. In a short time, they leaped over the ocean and came to a huge island in the ocean.

The island is more than 10,000 miles long, and the island is surrounded by islands of large and small stars. The edges of each island are as steep as a knife. The main structure of the island is gray-white solid rock, and there is only little vegetation and soil on the island. Instead, the desert and Gobi occupy most of the island. This is the case with the small islands around, and so does the big island in the middle.

On the cliffs as high as thousands of feet on the edge of the island, huge nests were carved out one by one. From the bottom of the cliff, from the height close to the sea to the entrance of the nest, steep stairs were cut. When Buqi and others arrived, they happened to see a large number of Longbo people climbing up the cliff along these stairs and throwing a big fish into the nest.

There was a woman in the nest who walked out with a big knife. They squatted at the mouth of the nest, cut off the head of the big fish with a sharp knife, cut open the belly of the big fish, picked out the internal organs of the big fish, and threw them into the ocean below. They stringed these big fish from tens of feet to tens of feet with thick ropes and hung them outside the nest. A large number of iron pillars were nailed to the ground at the entrance of the nest, and the big fish hung on these iron piles with ropes. The sea breeze blew, and these big fish that had been split swayed in the wind, hitting the cliff and making a loud noise.

At a glance, the coastal cliffs are densely covered with big fish, and some fish have been dried by the sea breeze and the scorching sun. In addition to fish, there are also the corpses of large sea beasts and turtles, all of which are stored by these Longbo people.

Under the cliff, some dragon uncles used their talents, and their bodies became hundreds of feet high, standing naked in the sea." They laughed loudly and chased the big fish swimming in the sea. The sea was only close to their waist. When they ran freely and chased the fish, they brought a lot of water, and the waves beat the water and made a huge roar.

A big whale more than two hundred feet long jumped up from under the sea. A dragon man laughed a few times, shook his body forward, and teleported to the front of the big whale. Two huge fists blasted out with a terrible crack and hit the big whale's head heavily, causing the whale's brain to burst to death on the spot. The dragon man proudly picked up the whale's tail and dragged it to the nest on the cliff.

Behind this cliff, "in a small desert about one hundred and eighty miles inland, a group of people who are several feet tall" are probably just children, playing a dangerous game. They laughed and teased a group of huge double-tailed scorpions and all-black poisonous desert vipers. The irritated scorpions and poisonous snakes spewed out a lot of venom. The dark venom was sprinkled on the ground, corroding the sand on the ground, sling and sling.

After a while, the group of young dragons were impatient." They suddenly pulled up the boulders on the ground, smashed the unlucky scorpions and snakes, and smashed them into a ball of meat sauce. The laughing teenagers dispersed around in groups of three or five. Soon they matched the team of men and women, found a cool place in the desert, and took off their clothes to carry out the most primitive breeding of human beings.

When I swept through these teenagers, I couldn't help looking over there in surprise. According to their breath of life, they are probably equivalent to ordinary human seven or eight-year-old children who have begun to do this kind of family transmission? The strong vitality of the Longbo people is really extraordinary. Has it matured at the age of seven or eight?

More than 20 Yuanshen monks from Baiyun Xianmen and Qingqimen were surrounded by Don't beggars, and the clouds suspended over those Longbo people who were busy chasing sea fish. There are about 300,000 people in the Longbo Kingdom here, which can be regarded as the most powerful top tribe in the Longbo Kingdom tribe. According to those slave traders, there are about three or four million people.

Don't beg to look at the Longbo people below, and bowed to the Yuanshen monks with a smile, "Please help me and capture 9,9 hundred Longbo people. Four thousand and nine hundred of them are men. The other five thousand are women, and they all want to be young and strong. After being captured alive, they have to force them to open their souls, so that I can leave a soul control ban in their souls..."

While saluting these yuanshen monks with a smile, don't beg while handing them a storage kit. There is nothing else in the storage kit that is the size of five rooms. "All of them are piled up with spiritual stones" and millions of spiritual stones. These yuan gods and monks swept into the kit, and suddenly everyone's color changed, and then their faces were full of smiles.

A Taoist who was at the peak of the yuan god of the pure dirt gate smiled and said, "Don't beg your brother to be polite." It's too polite.

Brothers, we are under the order of the teacher to help the beg brothers to come here to capture the dragon Bo Guo. As the mountain patrol guard who will guard the cave in the future! Everyone has to work harder. Don't choose those who are not in the stream. It's better to be those who have formed a golden elixir..."

A group of Yuanshen monks laughed loudly and used their magic powers one after another.

The people of Long Boguo below were horrified and moved. They issued a rapid warning one after another. However, the monks who come here are all the most elite Yuanshen monks of Baiyun Xianmen and Qingjing Liqimen, among which there are as many as 18 monks at the peak of Yuanying. The Long Bo people have a long life and amazing talent, but when they broke through their cultivation, the thunderstorm was extremely powerful. Among the more than 300,000 Long Bo people below, there are only a few more than a hundred people who have formed a golden elixir. Where are the opponents of so many Yuanshen monks?

I only saw countless Long Bo people exclaiming and being caught by a shining big hand. "The powerful divine power forcibly split their souls, so that don't beg to leave a god-control ban in their souls. It's just a day and a night. Don't beg to make up 9,900 Longbo people together with the 100 Longbo people in his spiritual ring.

As long as they take the back to their ancestors to trace the blood soup, and spend the golden thunder disaster with the help of begging. The lark array of ten thousand dragons can almost have the power to compete with the immortals. Even if it is not the enemy of the immortals, the monks in the realm of the Yuanshen, even the monks at the peak of the Yuanshen will definitely fall into the battle.

The scale of tens of thousands of people is already the limit of the lark battle array. No matter how many people there are, it will only interfere with the operation of the array, and it is impossible to let the array run through the whole. Don't beg for confidence." As long as these Longbo people are promoted to the cultivation of Yuanying in the future, the ten-thousand-scale lark battle array will have the strength to kill the immortals.

He subdued 9, 900 Long Bo Guo people here. Over there, two fairy monks are still catching Long Bo Guo people. They have captured about 10,000 Long Bo Guo people, all of whom are men and women in pairs. All of them left a god-control ban in their souls.

The people of Longbo Kingdom are almost extinct in the outside world. At least Xiaodongyuan Heaven has never heard of the appearance of the people of Longbo Kingdom. The price of this ancient race with strong potential is several times higher than that of those powerful monsters. Whether it's the hard labor of Xianmen or the ceremonial guard team, it's very useful. "Who told them to be so tall and powerful?

When Don't beg and others went far away, countless cries came out of the nest where the people of Longbo lived. Every year, the people of the Longbo Kingdom are robbed by the slave traders of the Dayan Dynasty, but more than 20,000 people are robbed at a time, which is the worst loss in the history of the people of the Longbo Kingdom.

When the bold people of Longge came out of the nest tremblingly to inquire, Buqi and others had gone far away.