Steal the sky

Chapter 288 Moon Night Enmity

It's night... light rain, mist.

Outside Mengjiabao City, on the top of the mountain where the Rift Sword Sect is stationed, there is a stone table and four stone piers. Don't beg to sit by the stone table, carefully waiting for a small red mud stove and a small purple sand teapot. Don't beg is the first time to know that Momen actually has special disciples who make tea sets. The tea sets are all exquisite, just like Momen's achievements in war sets.

The fragrance of tea floated, and Lu Chengfeng, Nie Yaonu and Nie Baihong, who were sitting at the stone table, couldn't help twitching their noses at the same time. Good spring water, with good tea, and the skill of making tea is not bad. This good tea from the thousand-year-old tea tree in the depths of Mengshan Mountain is also tosed by him with a fragrance, which is attractive enough.

The raindrops fell from the sky and were pushed away by the invisible gas above the heads of the four people, and the stone table was within three feet.

Don't beg to pour a cup of tea for each person, then pick up the teacup at the tip and suck it deeply. The tea is fragrant, and then drink the hot tea all at once. A scorching fragrance rushed straight from the throat to the abdomen and slowly churns up from the stomach. The heat mixed with the fragrance of tea instantly penetrated the internal organs and sprayed out along each pore, floating like a feathered immortal. The strong aura in the tea spreads in the body*, and even Zhenyuan's cultivation has strengthened such a little.

"Good tea!" Nie Yaonu raised her hand again and exhaled deeply. The blue sword storm behind her gradually converged, and only heard the sound of the sword. The omen of the golden elixir on her body completely disappeared without a trace. There was a sharp sword breath all over her body. The whole person was like the world embedded in the world around her, but the heaven and the earth were still the earth, and she was still her. Although

Nie Baihong and Lu Chengfeng were shocked. They stood up together and saluted Nie Yaonu and said, "Congratulations to my mother (Elder) Yuanying Dacheng!"

Nie Yaonu put down the teacup and smiled reservedly. Don't beg, he shook his head and poured a cup of tea for himself and Nie Yao's daughter." He said lightly, "It's been a year and a half since the elder became Yuanying, right? Well, over the years, I have to pretend to be a golden elixir fairy, always release sword spirit, simulate the strange omen of the golden elixir of the sword storm, and think a lot of sword elements that are usually consumed. I'm afraid that the elder is already..."

Don't stop begging to stop talking. You raised your head and took a deep look at Nie Yaonu.

Nie Yaonu also took a deep look at Don't begging. She said in a low voice, "The little guy is shrewd, but why has Bai Hong's child always been so stupid?" She didn't even think about it. If his mother was only Jindan's cultivation and the Rift Tianjian Sect was only a few hundred Although the thirteen immortals are all Jindan monks competing with each other, how can the ancestors of Yuanying behind other sects ignore it?

Nie Yihong's face turned purple. He looked at Nie Yaonu and said with a dry smile, "Mother" this...

Nie Yaonu raised her head, her eyes flashed with a sharp cold light, and said indifferently, "270 years ago, the old woman became a sword baby." That's because the ancestor immortal left a sword Yuanshen elixir, which can help people quickly condense the sword yuan and achieve the realm of Yuanying. I wait for the swordsman, unlike the monks of other sects. As long as the sword is enough, what is the constraint of the realm of Taoism, and the sword is broken. "Break through Yuanying, it is not a waste of the old woman's strength *..."

stared at Nie Baihong, who was at a loss, and Nie Yao's daughter sighed: "Over the years, there have been Yuanying of the Great Yan Dynasty who intended to deal with the Rift Tianjian Sect. But every time before they started, they were secretly injured by the old woman, forcing them to vow to retreat and pay attention to outside affairs. These stupid things, they thought it was His Majesty Yandan who sent a tribute to warn them. Sure enough, they dared not act rashly one by one.

Don't beg the leader and said, "So that's it. The elder hides it so well. Why don't you pretend to be it today? *..."

Nie Yao's daughter laughed, straightened up her chest and laughed and said, "In those years, she had to protect the Baihong child and the foundation of the Rift Tianjian Sect," so she had to pretend. Fortunately, the sword practice is very different from other monks. The sword baby formed is also like a flying sword. It was integrated into the portable flying sword by the old woman. "It has been sacrificed into a flying sword of human swords. There is indeed no sword baby in the body." This has been hidden from many courtiers in Dayan *..."

He raised the teacup and drank all the tea. Nie Yaonu said in a low voice, "From today on, we are all disciples of Baiyun Xianmen. We are no longer bound by the Dayan Dynasty. Why does the old woman pay attention to the rules and regulations of the Dayan Dynasty? What kind of cultivation, what kind of cultivation, draw the sword to kill, draw the sword to kill!"

A sneer came from the shadow, and Yan Li came over with a few confidant Jindan monks. He said coldly, "Pharmaceu Nv, who are you going to kill? Humph, don't pay attention to Dayan's rules and regulations? I'm here to tell you that you have some precepts.


Nie Yaonu suddenly flew up, and a green sword shadow flew out of her body. Her whole body exploded and turned into a pure sword spirit and integrated into the sword shadow. A flying sword that was only one foot and two inches long flashed in the air, instantly piercing Yan Li and the eyebrows and Dantian of several other Jindan immortals. Yan Li's eyes widened in despair. He didn't figure out how Nie Yaonu killed him until he died. He has never heard of Nie Yao's body and sword combination at all, and he has never seen Nie Yao's use of it. How did such a strong and domineering sword secret come from?

The blue light flashed, and Nie Yaonu's figure reappeared. She looked at Yan Li, who was still stiff until her death, and said coldly, "Baihong, don't beg, take advantage of the wind. You should watch it. This is the secret of Rift Sky Sword Sect's swordsmanship. The secret of returning to the sword spirit is just the introductory method of the secret of splitting the sword. This old Yan Li thief, did he really think that he had figured out all the cards of the old woman?

Yan Li suddenly arrived, and Nie Yao's daughter violently killed people. Everything happened so quickly that Don't beg and others had no time to stop them, and they couldn't stop them. On the night when the whole Yan Dynasty was wrapped up and turned to Baiyun Xianmen, Nie Yao Nv showed her cultivation that was not weak to the peak of Yuan Ying, and killed Yan Li and his confidant with one sword.

Taking a deep breath, Nie Yaonu reached out and grabbed Yan Li's head, twisted his head, and twisted his whole head off Yan Li's neck. She led the head to the edge of the cliff on the top of the mountain and dropped the head off the cliff. She shouted sharply, "Dead ghost, you can see clearly that the culprit who murdered you in those years, Yao Nv has killed one for you! Anyone who participates in the murder of you will not let go of the medicine girl! Today, the medicine girl can let go and kill people. There is no need to worry about their revenge. There is no need to worry that they will hurt you and my child!"

Nie Yao's voice was as sad and sharp as the cuckoo's blood. Hearing that Buqi and others stood up fiercely all over, she felt a trace of cold air constantly getting into her body, as if there was really such a ghost hiding beside everyone and quietly staring at them. Don't beg for a burst of contraction in the heart. Nie Yaonu, with the help of the sword Yuanshen elixir left by the immortals, became Yuanying 270 years ago, and now her cultivation has reached the peak level of Yuanying. The skills of the Rift Tianjian Sect, as expected, the mysterious elixir is really infinitely powerful

Fortunately, she has been able to endure it for so long!

A knife on the head of the word ninja, this beautiful and white-haired old lady, how many sharp knives have been inserted in her heart, so that she can endure for so many years. Watching Yan Li show off her power in front of her and engulf the foundation of Tianjian Sect step by step in front of her?

How strong and forebearance does she have to be under the interference and spying of Yan Li, and secretly develop so many Jindanmen people of the Internal Sect of the Rift Tianjian Sect, so that she can cultivate the lord of a city like Ye Ziqi among the disciples? Nie Yao's daughter is very tolerant, especially under her strength to kill Yan Li easily. This old lady, she is really terrible.

Once the time comes, killing the enemy is like killing a pig or a dog. You can easily kill it with a sword. Don't give the enemy a chance to escape, and you won't waste your words to show off your success today in front of the enemy. Kill it with one sword, clean and neat, and enmity, but there is really the ancient hero who kills people in the downtown, and is happy to be angry!

Don't beg to stand up with a long sigh, and said respectfully to Nie Yao's eldest woman, "Elder, don't beg, admire, admire. Killing Yan Li is difficult for him. After all, he is the son of the prince. Don't beg that he is now the prince's future son-in-law. It's also difficult to deal with it. In today's plan, the elder immediately concentrated all his confidants and went to the Baiyun Fairy Gate now.

Shadows appeared in the dark shadows around, but many of Nie Yao's confidants came one after another, and some of them were carrying bloody heads. Looking at the appearance of those people's heads, Yan Li's confidants, including Qin's blood kiss, were killed by these disciples of the inner sect of the Rift Tianjian Sect. Don't beg, you can't help but be surprised, and look at Nie Yaonu more and more in surprise.

Nie Yaonu laughed and said, "The old woman will take all the reliable doormen to Baiyun Fairy Gate. Hey, remember that Bai Hong has a fight with your master and apprentice. Although you have worshipped the immortal as your teacher now, you have to bear the spiritual stone and elixirs needed by the future old woman's disciple!"

Don't beg for a salute, and solemnly said, "There is no need to remind the elders too much. I have no choice but to worship Jiang Yun's ancestor as a teacher. Master Nie is still the master who does not beg.

In the future, the elders, masters, and brothers will do not beg for what they need.

With a deep salute, don't beg to take out a letter seal of Baiyun Xianmen. After reaching out and writing the name of Jiang Chengzi on it, he shook it casually, and the rune immediately turned into a line of fire. Before long, Jiang Chengzi flew over the clouds and stood in front of Don't beg.

Don't beg for a few words, which explains what happened here and the old feud between Nie Yaonu and Yan Li. Jiang Chengzi was awe-inspiring. He saluted Nie Yao's daughter, and then whispered, "Come with me quickly." In the future, you will practice at the Wujian Peak of Baiyun Star, which is one of the core territories of my Baiyun Xianmen Jiang clan, and absolutely no one dares to harass you. When she settled down, he went to beg Qingwu's grandmother and asked her to accept the elder as her disciple. When Qingwu's grandmother walked around the world, she was happy to kill people with a sword. The elder will definitely be loved by her!"

Jiang Chengzi hurriedly left with Nie Yao's daughter and others, and rushed to Baiyun Xianmen to build a proper void in the past few days. With him helping to settle Nie Yao's superiors and subordinates, there is no need to beg to worry about it.

He waved out his sleeves and rolled the bodies of Yan Li and others off the cliff. Bu Qi suddenly looked up to the sky and sighed.

"My brother, take advantage of the wind, let me stay behind Dayan and be the general manager of Baiyun Xianmen Mine. Would you like to do it?"

The appearance of evil immortals and the appearance of the two immortals are... Pit!

Er, Pig Head is working hard to write a follow-up plot. Let's wait and see!