Steal the sky

Chapter 301 Heavy Lv Shi

Incense case, wine vessel, three animals, incense candle.

Zhao Kuo's storage ring is completely a warehouse of a grocery store. Don't beg for all kinds of unexpected things have been found out of it. In a word, a nearly perfect ceremony of Jinlan knot was successfully completed. Witnessing to this sacred ceremony of Jinlan's righteousness, in addition to God, there are also two pythons drooling desperately, staring at the two muscleless pythons on Zhao Kuo's buttocks.

Although it is the ceremony of the golden orchid knot, the vows of the two brothers are very different.

The oath of not begging is very simple. He just swears to the heavenly alliance. As long as Zhao Kuo is loyal to his brotherhood, don't beg will not take the initiative to trap Zhao Kuo. When Zhao Kuo is in trouble, don't beg will try his best to rescue him. Zhao Kuo's oath is very complicated, so complicated that it is like a body-selling deed. Among them, all kinds of unreasonable hegemonic clauses made Zhao Kuozhen want to cry without tears.

In view of Wei Xiaoxiao's use of the soul puppet to avoid the punishment of the oath, don't beg Zhao Kuo's original vow to become the following situation. If Zhao Kuo betrays the alliance, don't be beg for his brother, he will be punished by the thunder all the time. Yue, Zhao Kuo is not immortal, and the oath is endless. If there is any magic weapon to replace the puppet on Zhao Kuo's body, the oath will take effect immediately. Heaven testifies that Zhao Kuo will be wiped immediately!

Such a vicious oath, after Zhao Kuo made the oath, his eyes were green when he looked at the begging.

Don't beg happy to untie the forbidden rope and hugged Zhao Kuo, who was half a head taller than Don't beg, said, "Second brother! In the future, brother, I will take care of you. In this world, you can rampant!" He patted Zhao Kuo on the shoulder hard. Don't beg and took out a Tianzhi fruit without hesitation and handed it to Zhao Kuo: "Eat it, this is Tianzhi fruit. After eating it, you can enhance your intelligence, and you can also enhance your ability to understand the way of heaven, which can be increased by about three to ten times!"

Zhao Kuo's eyes were about to jump out of his eyes, and he grabbed Tian Zhiguo and swallowed it into his stomach. He immediately crossed his knees and sat on the ground trying his best to absorb the medicine. Meng Meng's spiritual light spread from Zhao Kuo's body, and a dazzling spiritual light sprayed out of his eyebrows, shooting more than ten feet away. Zhao Kuo's figure became vague, as if it was embedded in this world.

An hour later, Zhao Kuo opened his eyes and slowly stood up. He took a deep breath and saluted Bu Begging for a deep fist: "Zhao Kuo has seen his brother. Such a rare world, sure enough, sure enough..." After thinking for a long time, I couldn't find the right words to describe this feeling." Zhao Kuo shook his head and praised, "It's really amazing. With this spiritual fruit, Zhao Kuo Tianxian is hopeful, and everything is the favor of his brother!"

Don't beg and shake his head disapprovingly. He said indifferently, "It's easy to say, good to say, my brother, don't say this. In the future, we will divide the Baiyun Fairy Gate and the Pure Scale Gate, which are also divided into two major alliance groups. In the future, we will have to be more smart *..."

Zhao Kuo was impressed. He smiled and said, "If Lv Buwei's old man calculates his brother again, or someone else wants to deal with his brother to ensure that his brother can get the news in time. If there is someone here who wants to calculate, or the father or brother, please inform him in time *..."

Don't beg for a smile on your jaw, and also lowered your voice and said with a smile, "This is the reason. My brothers will work together in the future. Is there anything else we can't do?

After mediting for a moment, don't beg and said in a low voice, "How many powerful crossbows are there in your ring, which seem to be Da Zhao's system?"

Zhao Kuo took out several giant machine crossbows shaped like dragons with powerful bow arms in the shape of phoenix wings on the left and right. He pointed to these crossbows and said with a smile, "Yes, this is used by the imperial guard of the Great Zhao Palace, broken star crossbows," the arrows forged by the best Name. Although it is a little exaggerated, it also has a strong deterrent to Yuanying Dixian.

Grab a few machine crossbows in a roll. Don't beg the leader and say, "Okay, you can do whatever you want. I'm going to find someone to be unlucky*..."

collided with Zhao Kuo's fist. Don't beg to stuff the golden and silver horns into the ring of the spirit, and then turned into a yellow gas and empt into the ground. Zhao Kuo's face twitched. He looked at the place where Beggar disappeared and couldn't help but be surprised: "In this fairy house, he can actually walk through at will. No wonder he didn't find out how he sneaked behind his back. Terrible, terrible, it's cost-effective for such a person to be a brother, and his father also has a strong help. With the help of the spiritual fruit, maybe it won't take a hundred years...

With a flash of cold light in his eyes, a large number of soldiers suddenly appeared in the light curtain after Zhao picked up the neer, and the murderous atmosphere swept around.

Don't beg to take the broken star crossbow donated by Zhao Kuo through the ground quickly and walk all over the fairy house. His next assassination target was not only on the generals and monks of Dazhao, but also on the generals of Dachu. Nearly a hundred of the warlocks and generals of Daqin were killed by secret attacks.

He'ao Xianfu is already full of prohibitions. These killed monks have spent more than 90% of their efforts to cope with these prohibitions. Don't beg and blamidiously attack from behind with fairy weapons. Who can stand his attack? As long as you are touched by Don't begging, and those who have a grudge against Don't begging will be killed one by one. Of course, powerful characters like Li Si and Xu Fu are full of thorns. Don't beg and provoke them. If you meet them from afar, you will avoid them early.

All those who are killed by beggars are divided into five horses. On the ground near the body, the murderer Lv Buwei is also written a few big words. This kind of blame strategy is useless for the cunning people such as the monarchs and ministers of the six countries, but it is disgusting enough that Lv Buwei can't eat for half a year.

Another half month has passed, and the prohibitions everywhere in He'aoxian Mansion have been basically broken by the people of the two immortal monks. Many areas have been opened up, and a large number of monks have gathered together. The bodies of those monks and generals who were beheaded have been found, and the monarchs and ministers of the six countries have been horrified. How could someone actually take action against their peers in the fairy mansion?

On this day, Don't beg dragging a broken star crossbow, passing through the ground aimlessly, and the extremely familiar cold ghost spirit of Don't Beg came down. He sneaked out half of the ground and looked at the Guang* field in front of a high tower in the distance. Sure enough, Lv Buwei and more than 30 Lv clan members were attacking the prohibition of the main gate of the tower. Among these Lv clans, there are eight Yuan Ying's cultivation, and all the others are Jin Dan's strength. In addition to one Lv Buwei, the group hit the golden flame at the main gate of the tower, and the huge mana shock shook the surrounding ground to faintly.

This tower stands on a flat green brick wide * field. It is also a huge space constructed by the means of Tianxian Xumi mustard seeds. On the field, which is nearly a hundred miles long and wide, there are towering walls in the distance. In the middle, the tower is 36 floors high, four or four. The square tower gradually shrinks layer by layer, and the outline of the tower is full and thick, full of a sense of unspeakable power.

On the lintel of the main gate of the tower, three large characters are written on the plaque, exactly, Lingdan Pavilion, three large characters.

The five-colored ghost around Lv Buwei showed his origin, and he was waving his ghost claws at the golden light outside the main door. Lv Buwei sat on a gold plate and looked up to the sky and laughed, "The elixir left by the ancient immortals is different from our own alchemy. Hey, hey, it would be great if there were a few prescriptions.

Don't frown slightly. The two elixir pavilions before the disaster, even if there is an elixir left, it has been turned into ashes. Unless it is an elixir refined by Taiyi and Daluo-level immortals, the elixir has been psychic and biological, and can absorb the aura of the outside world and practice by itself. Otherwise, the elixir refined by other immortals is only dead. The two have been robbed for more than 10 billion years, and any elixir

But what Lv Buwei said about Danfang is really possible. The stolen scriptures only recorded some of the elixir houses on the left side door, such as countless incense, anesthetics and so on. The serious and useful elixir is also a strange prescription such as the ancestor quenching blood soup. There is no serious orthodox elixir. Don't beg to hang out in the cultivation world. How can you not master a few good elixirs? You can use it yourself, and there is no shortage of people around you.

After meditating for a moment, there was a wave of water behind Don't beg, and the eighteen demon gods puppets slowly separated from the body of Don't beg, showing their figure. The bodies of these demon puppets moved for a while, and gradually changed into the appearance of Zhao Ling and some other generals of Zhao who were begging to kill.

handed over the broken star to the demon god puppet, don't beg to quietly point to Lv Buwei and others, and he himself has sunk into the ground.

The eighteen-headed demon god puppet rushed to Lv Buwei and others with heavy steps, and the demon god puppet transformed into Zhao Ling shouted loudly: "Mr. Lv, I think that just one Lv Le'er is not enough to make you excited!"

Seven broken star crossbows were launched, and the broken star crossbows forged with the best spirit stone roared out, and rushed to Lv Buwei and the people around him with a cold light. The Yuanying immortals of the eight Lv Buwei clan shouted fiercely and set up the magic weapon to welcome them. Lv Buwei suddenly turned around and suddenly saw the broken star crossbow in the hand of the demon god puppet. He couldn't help shouting harshly, "Breaking the star crossbow, don't take it!"

Before the words fell, seven crossbows of one foot and two feet long hit the people of the Lv clan. The crossbows burst, and the strong fire swept a radius of ten miles. Several people of Lv Buwei's clan were shaky by the crossbow, and the flame of the magic weapon of protection suddenly dimmed and was almost smashed by the broken star crossbow.

A dragon roar came, and dozens of purple lights swept out of the ground, trapping Lv Buwei and others in it.

He was covered with a piece of animal skin, and his face was wrapped in white cloth. Don't beg, who covered his figure and face, rushed up from the ground. His eyebrows burst into purple light, and the cold electron microscope silently sprayed out hundreds of thunder, which fell heavily on Lv Buwei and the people. The thunder and fire flooded everything. The magic weapons of Lv Buwei's clansmen were smashed by the thunder one by one, and the body was completely wiped out in the thunder that swept in like Hong Tao.

Lv Buwei, who didn't have time to release the magic weapon to protect his body, also howled. His lower abdomen was continuously bombarded by a cold electron microscope with 72 thunder lights, which blew up his lower abdomen.

In the blink of an eye, Lv Buwei's lower abdomen was blown up with a large transparent hole.