Steal the sky

Chapter 305 Wangfu Jiashi

Oh, celebrate the book friends again, wait for the students to upgrade smoothly! Since then, there have been many children and grandchildren. The branches and leaves are luxuriant!

Another smooth upgrade! Nearly eight catties of female dolls! ..................

Looking up at the breath over the city, don't beg to walk into the city of Thailand step by step.

After tens of thousands of years of ups and downs, the wall of Taicheng is still the same as when it was built at the beginning of the year. The bronze wall emits a soft and heavy light under the re-light, and the traces left by the rune prohibition can be faintly visible on each brick. As the capital of the most powerful country under the rule of Baiyun Xianmen, the city defense strength of Taicheng is several times stronger than that of Jidu, and the immortal weapons cannot be conquered by immortals.

Don't beg and sway to make a look of a prodigal, and enter Taicheng from the gate. When he entered the city, he found that the atmosphere here was not right. The pedestrians and cars in and out of the city gate were in a hurry, and all of them looked panicked or even desperate.

The soldiers and gate officials guarding near the gate were also as uneasy as a frightened bird. They didn't even notice that such a living man had gone over.

He frowned and shook his head. Don't beg to enter the city and looked around. It happened that a carriage was waiting for guests near the gate. Don't beg waved to the rental carriage and casually lost a piece of refined gold: "The best and busiest brothel in the city, send me there!"

Gold and silver, which is a common currency among mortals everywhere, and it is no exception in the Yuan Star Domain, it is just a matter of value. Don't beg to throw away this piece of gold, which is refined by the golden elixir immortals with elixir fire. It is a pure gold nugget without impurities. It is half a catty-sized golden key. The big man who drove the car smiled and hurriedly drove the carriage to meet him.

Get on the carriage and let the big man drive forward. Don't beg lightly and say, "Remember, it's the best, but it's also the most lively brothel. Those who listen to the tune of the little girl playing the piano under the banana leaves in the small courtyard. "Don't take the uncle to me. Lively, it must be lively. There should be a large lobby, a large patio, and at least hundreds of prostitutes drink and listen to small songs together!"

The big man who drove the car looked back at Don't beg in surprise, and hurriedly nodded and smiled, "Listen to you, the best and busiest thing is the Tibetan Sword Pavilion in Taicheng, which is the busiest, largest and best brothel." The big man laughed and said, "There are also those unique courtyards in Taicheng. The girls in "Yueyin Xiaozhu" are all first-class. Today's fragrant country color, are you really not going?"

Don't beg and shake his head. He really doesn't go to that kind of clean and high-end place. Jiang Chengzi's task to him was to examine and find out which of the eight princes of the ancient Thai Dynasty had the best character, which is the most suitable for taking over the throne. If you want to inquire about such news, it is natural to go to the most well-informed place. Where can there be a more lively and well-informed place in the world than that kind of brothel? That kind of private meeting-like place is not as good as his will.

Sitting in a carriage and looking around through the window, it is a magnificent but elegant city of Thailand. Even those shops selling firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea on the edge of the street, don't sweep their signboards. At least they are ancient objects for more than a thousand years. It can be seen that these shops How long is the history of Zi. The stepping bricks and stones in front of these shops are carved with green bricks, which is very elegant. It has a special charm.

When I passed by a raw medicine seller, it happened that a boy in blue and a small hat went out to buy medicine. The boxes for packaging medicinal materials in this herbal medicine shop are made of thin fragrant wood pieces, and Baicao Huāen is carved on it. This is the most important thing in the industry in Thai city.

Secretly nodded. "Sure enough, it is the ancient imperial dynasty that has been the strongest country on the White Cloud Star for tens of thousands of years. The elegant style accumulated over tens of thousands of years is not comparable to a city like Jidu.

It's just the pedestrians on the road, the shopkeepers in the roadside shops, all look panicked, as if the sky is about to fall." An uneasy atmosphere permeated around. Everyone is like an ant on a hot pot. They feel uneasy. Disasters may come at any time, but no one knows where the disaster comes from and what kind of disaster it is. Everyone just passively waited for the disaster to come.

After frowning, don't beg at the man who drove the car and shouted softly, "Brother, please speed up."

The big man turned back with a smile and said, "Son, don't worry, I can't miss your business. Although he is also open to welcome guests during the day, the good girls are resting. The Hidden Sword Pavilion is just an ordinary restaurant during the day. If you want to have fun, you have to wait until night!"

Is it a restaurant during the day? That's the place with the most gossip. Don't beg for a move, and another piece of gold smashed down: "Don't talk, uncle, what should I do? Do you want you to make noise here? Send me to the Hidden Sword Pavilion, and I'll reward you when I get to the ground!"

I got two large pieces of gold in a row, and a heavy catty of gold, which is not necessarily the income that this big man did not have in his busy year. The big man who drove the car grinned happily and hurriedly waved his whip to drive the carriage forward. The two dark horses pulling the cart also seemed to feel the joy of their masters, and they rushed forward with all their strength. The sound of their hoofs was clear, and they rushed along the road with Don't beg.

After walking forward for less than a cup of tea, a hoarse cry suddenly came from the fork in the road: "Dad, m ~ mom ~ m, help!"

Screams and fights approached all the way. Not long after, I saw more than a dozen armored armored waist hanging teeth to pull a girl who was about twelve or thirteen years old and was as beautiful as a little jade and a pendant. The girl struggled crazily, but how could she get rid of the two big hands holding her arm? Behind this group, a pair of old people in gorgeous clothes chased after them all the way with the help of many servants and maids.

The big man who drove the car hurriedly grabbed the reins and stopped the carriage. In his voice, he suddenly brought an unconcealed panic: "Is it the armor of the eight kings to come out to find a woman again? Alas, Uncle Hu's family has accumulated good deeds in all dynasties, but it has been passed down from generation to generation. It's easy to have a son in this generation and raise an extra daughter. Why did they like him?

The two old men staggered with a group of servants and maids to chase the group of wolf-like armored soldiers. Suddenly, an angry roar came from behind them: "Langlang universe, in the light of day, you rob the daughters of the people, even if you are the bodyguards of the eighth prince's mansion, you can With this rebuke, a man in a robe and a deep opening on his head. The seventeen- or 18-year-old young man with blood on his upper body carried a wooden bar, rushed straight up with his eyes and rushed straight to the armored soldiers.

The big man who drove the car exclaimed, "Uncle Hu's only son Hu Xin, how can he survive the hands and feet of these people? It's over, Uncle Hu's family is going to die!"

Before he finished speaking, Hu Xin had raised a wooden bar high and fiercely hit the armored men.

A Jiashi in the rear of the palace smiled gloomily, pulled out his sword casually, and cut it at Hu Xin's waist. The aura of the White Cloud is less than 30% of the immortals, so these warriors are not as fast as those immortals. The highest cultivation of these armored soldiers is not as hot as the fire of the 30 years after tomorrow. It is far from the grand occasion that the immortals are innate and the peaks of the day after tomorrow are as many as dogs. Even so, 30 years of internal strength cultivation is enough to deal with Hu Xin, a weak scholar.

Don't beg shook his head. He flicked his finger casually, and a strong wind shot out. "The volley suddenly burst into more than a dozen thin sword spirit. The invisible sword breath tore the air, bringing a "sneer, a fine sound. More than a dozen Jiashi, who laughed grimly, suddenly stiffened, and the temples were pierced through a transparent hole with a thin thumb, and blood and brains spewed out like a fountain.

All the soldiers fell to the ground together. Hu Xin, holding a wooden bar, trembled all over and stared at the body on the ground for a while. Then he rushed up and pulled the scared girl and shouted, "Dad, mother, look at the girl being scared!"

The big man who drove the car shouted in panic, "It's over, it's over, Uncle Hu's whole family is over!" The eight kings are in charge of the military power of 300,000 troops around Taicheng, with high power. The warriors in his palace were killed here. Uncle Hu's whole family are over!"

Don't beg to look at the big man driving the car in a daze." He asked like an idiot, "The eight kings are so reckless that no one can cure him?"

The big man looked back at Don't beg and said with a wry smile, "Didn't you hear about it? The eight princes in power..." After a pause, the big man's face turned blue, and he shook his head and dared not say more. He looked at the corpses of the armored soldiers on the ground and muttered in a low voice, "I don't know who killed them, but Uncle Hu's family is over."

Uncle Hu's family of four hugged each other and cried bitterly, while the maids and maids looked at the bodies of the soldiers in horror. Suddenly, the timid maid also cried together. Gradually, even the eyes of those family began to turn red.

Don't beg to shake his head and meditate for a moment. He took out a token from the ring, representing the identity of the deacon's disciple of the Baiyun Xianmen Precept Hall, and threw the token out. The heavy token fell on the ground in the middle of the family of four. Don't beg to tell them: "Hang the token in front of the door and see who dares to touch your family. Don't worry, this matter is over.

The eighth prince of the ancient Thai dynasty? Don't beg to sentence him to death in your heart. This kind of person can't make him the king of a country.

The four members of the Hu family looked at the palms on the ground, but there were dozens of pounds of heavy white jade tokens, which were carved with countless white clouds rising. On the back, there was a figure of an old man dressed in Taoist dress sitting on his knees, and on the front was two rows of raised characters ~ Don't be a

A family of four, coo-dong, knelt on the ground with a sound. They kowtowed like garlic to thank the sky, with a relaxed smile on their faces. The prestige of Baiyun Xianmen was also heard by everyone in the ancient Thai Dynasty. This is the patriarch sect of the ancient Thai dynasty, the royal children of the imperial dynasty, most of whom are disciples of Baiyun Xianmen. The immortals of the precept hall came forward, not to mention that more than a dozen royal palace warriors were killed, even if the eighth prince was killed, the matter was over.

Don't beg to shake your head. Being forced to show your token so quickly is suspected of frightening the snake. However, if you are shocked, you should be shocked by the snake. Don't beg. He has never been a follower. Make him anxious. Who said that it was necessary for the princes and grandchildren of the ancient Thai dynasty to be emperors? He saw that Uncle Hu was a good man and could also be an emperor. This big man who drove a car was kind-hearted and was also a good choice for the emperor!

"Damn it, I hit it. If you don't have a good bird, don't blame me for making trouble for you today!"

With his eyes, Don't beg to pat the big man driving the car hard: "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up, where is the Hidden Sword Pavilion? Uncle, I used the wine and vegetables first, and it's good to have fun in the evening.

Don't beg's facial muscles began to move slowly. According to the secret method of changing his appearance, he adjusted his appearance slightly.

Uncle Hu's family of four looked at Don't beg in consteridation, especially the beautiful and lovely girl, who turned her head in disgust. Going to the brothel at noon to have fun, this kind of prodigal son is really hateful to the extreme.