Steal the sky

Chapter 308 Consignment

The drum music in the Tibetan Sword Pavilion is so heavy that thousands of guests can drink to their heart's content. Don't beg leaning on the soft Sanskrit. The divine consciousness gently and skillfully penetrated the inferior prohibitions outside several private rooms upstairs and eavesdropped on the conversation in the private room. Unfortunately, there was also a burst of warbler in the private room. The three princes and the people around them didn't say anything serious. Don't beg to listen for a while. I felt very boring and shook my head to take back the divine consciousness.

In the middle of the platform of the giant patio, a group of juggler began to perform all kinds of strange juggling programs. Don't go out of the private room with a jar of wine, stand on the porch, and look down on the performance of these juggling artists. All kinds of things such as throwing fireballs, soft ropes, flying knives, etc. are emerging one after another. Don't begging is also watching it with great interest.

On the surrounding corridor, there were also guests holding a beautiful woman with huāhuā green to enjoy the performance, drinking and having fun. When they saw the benefits, those guests threw out a lot of golden pieces of gold and silver coins. The artists on the high stage worked more and more hard to perform all kinds of thrilling tricks. The fire and smoke on the high stage were just like the birth of demons.

Don't beg and laughed, took out a few golden keys and threw them down. He was on the fifth floor, and the terrain was already high. The heavy gold nugget was thrown down and smashed on the slate of the patio on the first floor. It thug and rang, which scared the servants who picked up the money with scoops and rushed around. Some people around looked over with surprised eyes. Don't beg for embarrassment. Ha ha, he giggled a few times. The corners of his eyes glanced at the three private rooms on the sixth floor, and secretly made a decision in his heart.

Whether these princes are good or not, as long as they are in collusion with the people of the six kingdoms, none of them can make them emperors of the ancient Thai dynasty. This emperor must be the one who doesn't beg for his eyes, and the premise of his eyes is that the emperor can only be loyal to him and don't beg!

"If people don't do themselves, heaven and earth will be destroyed!" Don't beg, shake your head, take out a large handful of red sapphire, and throw it down. These things are in the car under the East China Sea of Wanxianxing, and many undersea canyons are filled with this kind of gem ore. "It's really easy not to beg, and I don't treat this thing as money. The monks only value spiritual stones, elixirs and all kinds of magic weapons, gold and silver vulgar things, and they don't take it seriously at all.

A large handful of red sapphires sprinkled with brilliance, and suddenly more strange eyes around him came. Don't beg and smiled, put on a qualified tycoy prodigal face, hugged the maid beside him and scratched **. A pair of thieves' eyes swept around.

Those people looked at Don't beg for a while and found that he was a complete prodigal son, and immediately moved to him without thinking about it. Only in the three private rooms on the sixth floor, several examining eyes stared at Buqi for a long time, and then slowly moved away.

After playing for a while, those juggling artists walked out of the stage panting. Then a beautiful woman in a light cyan palace dress, graceful and like a concubine of the forbidden palace, slowly went to the high platform, and gently saluted around in turn. The woman smiled and glanced around. Her eyes were like water. Unexpectedly, she looked at everyone without pulling, which made people feel that this beauty was looking at me specially!

Don't beg to nod secretly. This is also a good kung fu, and it will not offend any guest." Instead, it makes all guests feel that they are valued. The difficulty of this kung fu is no less than some magical skills such as some ecstasy magic eyes among monks.

With a soft smile, the beautiful woman said softly, "Guess, the young lady is polite here." Twisting her slender waist and walking a few steps on the high platform, Qingniang pointed to the five three-foot-diameter wheels on the platform and smiled, "You have all seen it." Why did we put five wheels here in the Tibetan Sword Pavilion? Qing Niang has something to say here. If any guest can turn these five wheels with **, "it has the benefits of the British University!"

Qing Niang said slowly, "This is a rule set by a distinguished guest, and the owner of our Hidden Sword Pavilion found it interesting" and set it up in accordance with the law. Guests who can wear wooden wheels to rotate, in the future, our hidden sword pavilion will cost 20% off, and we can call the red girl in the hidden sword pavilion to accompany us. This is the treatment that many guests want but don't have.

Many guests in the Tibetan Sword Pavilion gasped at the same time, and then someone laughed and scolded. Use that thing to rotate against a wheel. Even if it's a wooden wheel, it weighs hundreds of pounds. If ordinary people are not careful, won't that thing be pulled off?

Qing Niang, hee hee, laughing, also said the benefits of the stone wheels in the sound of countless people. Once the stone wheels can be rotated, she can enjoy a 30% discount in the Tibetan Sword Pavilion, and she can also go to the back garden of the Hidden Sword Pavilion to spend and enjoy the most romantic gentle battle.

Guests who can support the iron wheel can enjoy a 50% discount, and can go directly to the Tibetan Sword Accord in the back garden of the Tibetan Sword Pavilion, and have a good night with the ten most famous gold medal girls in the Tibetan Sword Pavilion.

Guests who can support the silver wheel and gold wheel can not only get all the benefits in front of them, but also get the great benefits provided by that distinguished guest.

Many guests in the Tibetan Sword Pavilion immediately stopped collectively and secretly bowed their heads one by one. The owner behind the Tibetan Sword Pavilion, everyone in Taicheng knows that he is a supervisor in the prince's mansion. To put it bluntly, the Tibetan Sword Pavilion is the business of the eldest prince. It's just that a prince opened a brothel with a bad reputation, so it was hung under the name of a royal palace supervisor.

The guest who can be called a distinguished guest by the owner behind the Hidden Sword Pavilion is a real nobleman. What additional benefits does he offer? What is it? Is it the direct title of worship or other benefits? It's possible, everything is possible! The prince's distinguished guest, how can the benefits he promised be the same?

Don't beg to look down at the guests who are surging in the corridor below. They can't help shaking their heads coldly and suddenly, and a burst of laughter came from the front of a private room. A big man with a tall horse and about 40 years of internal strength jumped directly from the corridor to the high platform. As he undressed, he laughed wildly and said, "Uncle, come here for fun! Hey, it's not a scandal to show the guy. Hey, uncle, I can hold up this wheel to prove that I am gifted. In the future, when the girls see the uncle, won't they look at each other with new eyes? The young lady covered her little mouth with her sleeve." She sneered and laughed softly, "This uncle said, as long as you can hold up a wheel at will, you Jie, won't the young lady's daughters love you to death in the future? This is a good thing to be famous. Uncle must work hard and lift a few more wheels!"

Don't beg to take a deep breath" Does anyone really jump up to play this? For monks, this kind of thing is nothing. The monk's body is tempered by aura day and night, which has long been much more than ordinary people. But for ordinary people, it is too difficult to turn the wheel with Chinese toys! Don't sweep the five wheels. "I found that these wheels are all special goods." The lightest wooden wheel also weighs 300 pounds! The heaviest golden wheel weighs 3,600 catties!

In front of thousands of guests and girls, the big man proudly took off his lower clothes, bulged the real qi, urged his lower body, and then picked up the three-foot wooden wheel and put it on his lower body. He pulled it hard, and suddenly the wheel slowly rotated.

Countless guests and girls around cheered in unison and broke down one after another.

Don't beg to see the maid and Su Meier walk out of the private room and are examining the big man on the corridor. Yan's eyes were single-minded and focused, just like an old scholar who was doing learning. He commented on the color, volume, length, blue veins and so on of the man's lower body to Su Meier around him. Countless professional words come out of your mouth. Don't beg to listen to them.

In the comments of this big man, he is just the lowest-grade single-headed dragon in the nine-grade **. It is not a good thing, but compared with ordinary people, it is also a good treasure. He can support 300 pounds of wooden wheels. What's more important is that he has 40 years of internal strength, otherwise it will be difficult for him to turn the wheel.

Sure enough, the big man completely failed when he tried the stone wheel weighing up to 600 catties in the back, and almost torn his lower body. The man covered his lower body awkwardly. In the admiration of many guests, the big man smiled and returned to the private room where his friends were.

Subsequently, dozens of guests who thought they were gifted came to the stage one after another. As a result, some succeeded in lifting the wooden wheel, while others could not even lift the wooden wheel.

Those guests who picked up the wooden wheel were applauded and cheered by everyone around them. Those who could not be picked up the wooden wheel were laughed at by countless people on the spot and rushed out of the Tibetan Sword Pavilion one by one.

Who can stand the ridicule of outsiders in this regard?

The atmosphere in the patio reached its peak. When a handsome white-faced scholar successfully picked up the stone wheel and rotated quickly, everyone present applauded and cheered enthusiastically, and even begged and scolded: "It's simply an animal. This guy looks like a white face. Don't you think so? It's really a good product for a donkey!"

When the white-faced scholar walked off the high platform, several red girls from the Hidden Sword Pavilion greeted him with a breeze and pulled him to a private room on the fourth floor. The success of this scholar made the atmosphere of the scene reach a boiling point. More romantic veterans tried to play. As a result, most of them returned, and there were few who could support the wooden wheel.

In the shouting laughter of many guests and girls, a servant in blue, dressed in handyman's clothes and tall, but with an ugly face, carefully walked onto the high platform. There was a sudden silence around. The Qing Niang on the high platform looked at the young man in blue and scolded harshly, "You desperate splatter, who let you come up?"

The man in blue was so scared that he stepped back a few steps. He stared at Qingniang's towering chest and said shiveringly, "Little, small, try... Try it..." With a trace of indescribable madness, the boy in blue gritted his teeth and said, "Little, I want to try it. If it's done, that noble guest will also give small benefits, right?"

Don't beg and frown. The man in blue is ugly, and the wisp of madness in his eyebrows is even more unhappy.

The young lady was about to scold the boy, and she shouted sharply, "Let him try!" Son, you can support the golden wheel, and I will take you as an apprentice!"

There was a dead silence around, and everyone recognized that the concubine was a nobleman who came in with the sixth prince and walked side by side with the six kings. He opened his mouth and spoke, and the young lady respectfully stepped aside. The boy in Tsing Yi gritted his teeth and untied his belt, revealing a lot of burdensome things.

I raised my eyebrows and laughed: "It's wonderful to hold the jade stem in Kowloon. I didn't expect that there was a good treasure like me in the world!"

Don't beg. He raised his head and shook his head gently. Will this old demon really find an apprentice here?

The boy had already roared, struggled to lift the golden wheel, then put it on his lower body, and rotated the golden wheel hard to let the golden wheel turn slowly. This young man did not practice any internal power skills. He was completely a natural divine power, coupled with a gifted good object, which made him complete the miracle that many martial artists could not achieve.

Don't beg, the corners of your mouth twitch. This little boy is really extremely powerful.

He laughed loudly. He looked at the boy and laughed and said, "What's your name?" In the future, you will be the only personal heir to me!"

The boy shivered and put the golden wheel on the high platform, and knelt down and kowtowed on the high platform: "The little surname is blood, and he has been nameless since he was a child, because fighting is desperate. They are all called little madmen!"

Bloody maniac, don't look at the shovel thoughtfully, and then look up at the cob.

Don't beg your fingers to bend, you have to shoot the blood madman with one finger.

Mad student, your vest is on the stage! What a good vest! Er, my apprentice, the pig's head is not good to you!

Hey hey!

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