Steal the sky

Chapter 312 The Conspiracy of the Six Kingdoms

The golden horns and silver horns let out a long hiss of joy, and suddenly red clouds and white fog soared up under their abdomen. They flew up in the air and rushed to Yan Bujiu and others. Don't beg hurriedly shouted, "See clearly, the two demons in the back are the enemy. Do you dare to touch a piece of meat from the man in blue in front of you? Will you give it to me when you go back? It's over!"

The water dripping from the corners of the golden horns and silver horns of the mouth stopped abruptly.

Jin Jiao said depressedly, "I thought I could eat a piece of human flesh!"

The silver horn looked up to the sky and sighed: "human flesh! I've been with this master for so long, human flesh! It's fragrant, human flesh!"

With a belly of anger, the two big pythons rolled up a gust of wind and rushed to the front of a group of people in blue led by Yan Buli. The long tail of the golden horns pulled heavily and smashed several rocks around them into pieces.

He shouted harshly, "Dear in blue, go that way, our master is waiting for you!"

Without saying a word, the silver horn spewed out dozens of long cold air when he opened his mouth, and greeted the two demon practitioners who were chasing him. The cold air was cold to the bone, and thick ice quickly formed on the ground. The swallows on their backs on their backs were shivering, and the upper and lower teeth were hit by the cold. He gasped and hurriedly pointed in the direction of Begging: "Go this way, these are the two great dragons under the throne of Tianyun. Go this way, Tianyun Gong is here, we don't have to worry!"

A group of secret agents of the wind patrol department roared in unison. The blue light rolled behind them, and the soul of the wind-breaking green wolf beast roared in the air. The group of people suddenly accelerated and ran away in the direction of Begging with their last bit of strength.

The two demons of Yuanying's mid-life cultivation were proud to chase and kill Yan No. They were still a little joking. Some of them hurt people with demon thunder for a while, and they were ready to devour their flesh and blood after they were exhausted. The sudden golden horns and silver horns rushed out, and they immediately felt the huge power of medicine contained in the two pythons. The two demons no longer dared to play. They hurriedly spewed out two green sword lights and greeted the golden horns and silver horns.

The two demon practitioners are also monks of the same vein of demons and snakes. Their sword light is tempered by them with their own venom. The quality of the flying sword itself is extremely poor, but the evil poison contained in it is extremely powerful. If the ordinary Yuanying monk is injured by the flying sword, the body will immediately disintegrate. Even Yuanying will be contaminated by snake poison, causing Yuanying to collapse and die.

But the cold air spewed out by the silver horn is transformed by a wisp of yin qi he innately brought. The cold is piercing to the bone, and he is not afraid of any evil poison at all. The two sword lights were strangled by dozens of cold air, and froze into countless green powders on the spot. The strong poison contained in the flying sword had long been washed clean by the cold air. The two demons spewed out a big mouthful of blood and were so scared that they turned into their original form and fled quickly.

This is a snake demon made of two silver-ringed snakes with a thickness of two water tanks and a length of more than 20 feet. Originally, they were suppressed by the faint dragon smell emanating from the golden horns and silver horns, but now their greatest dependence has also been frozen by the cold. It's no wonder you didn't run away.

But the golden horn's body suddenly rushed forward, blocking the two big snakes like lightning. A large ball of about ten feet in diameter suddenly bulged near the golden horn's throat. He cooed and roared, and a red dragon spewed out of his mouth, wrapping the two big snakes in a hevy flame. The poor two easily turned into a human-shaped snake demon, which was burned to pieces by the fire dragon, and even the bones were baked crisply at high temperature.

The golden horn and the silver horn rushed up with great interest, and gnawed at the bodies of the two snake demons.

The two green lights suddenly rushed out of the snake demon's body. It was the two demon-cultivated Yuan Ying who wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but how could the golden and silver horns allow them to escape? The two big pythons opened their mouths, and two tangible whirlpools suddenly formed in the air. The two snake-shaped babies, each length, were swallowed by the golden horns and silver horns, and the brothers' bodies suddenly lit up, as if they had swelled a little.

Satisfied, he burped. The two brothers ate the two big snakes with the belt meat and bones, so they twisted their bodies lazily and swam all the way back to Begging. The golden horn and the silver horn affectionately wiped a trace of blood from the corners of his mouth on the begging thighs, curled up comfortably beside him, and snore very comfortably.

The brothers killed the demon cultivation, devoured the Yuanying, swallowed the bodies of the two large snake demons, and took a few moments of breathing. At this time, Yan No. Gui and others have not even recovered it. When the golden horns and silver horns began to snore, there were more than 30 wind patrol detectives under Yan's belongings, and then they fled breathlessly with Yan's back.

As soon as they arrived in front of Don't begging, these secret agents were all soft on the ground and couldn't move. Only the spy who staggered down in front of Don't begging and howled, "Mr. Tianyun, our adults were injured by demons. Please treat us as soon as possible."

Don't beg to pick up the swallow and tear open the clothes on his upper body with one paw.

His right half of his body was black, his skin began to fester, and even the muscles under his skin showed a honeycomb-like erosion. Yan Bugui, who was dying, raised his head and said to Don't beg. Hey hey, he smiled and said, "Oh, it's a shame to the alien. I took my brothers to stab and kill people. Unexpectedly, Da Zhao's worship was guarded at that point. Most of the brothers were damaged, and they almost died!"

Shaking his head, don't beg to reach out and hold Yan Bugui's black body. The big winding hand is launched, and the strong suction with sneering, inhaling the poisonous gas in Yan Bugui's body into his palm. The silky black gas kept spewing out of the swallow's body, and gradually condensed into a black ink-like liquid ball the size of a duck egg in the palm of Don't begging. When all the venom is taken out, Yan Bugui's body has returned to its normal skin color. Don't beg for a flame in the palm of your hand, burning the venom clean and turning it into a pungent black gas and drifting away.

Take out a bunch of spiritual ointments that you have been begging for in the past few years. Don't beg while applying ointment to Yan Bugui's wound and asking, "Go to stab and kill? When did the patrol officer work part-time as an assassin? Where is Da Zhao's offering? Why are you going to assassinate that man?

Don't beg for the strong ointment, but don't beg too lazy to consider the medicinal collocation such as the assistance of the monarch and minister. He only wants the strongest medicine, so that the injured can't stand it. The pale cyan ointment was applied to Yan Bougui's rotten skin. Yan Bui only felt that countless steel knives were fiercely stabbed into his body, which made him so painful that he howted. The secret agents of the wind patrol department looked at each other and couldn't make their head hurt like this. Is this a healing ointment or a deadly poison?

After the ointment was applied, Yan Bui, who was so painful that tears flowed out, suddenly felt that the hot and severe pain had turned into a refreshing coolness. He could feel that the skin was healing rapidly, and the injury was recovering quickly. He couldn't help shouting, "Have fun, this medicine... It's wonderful. Don't beg your brother to get us some for the wind patrol department?"

Don't beg to throw the medicine jar in his hand to Yan Bugui. He hummed coldly and found a mountain rock to sit down. He crossed his legs and smiled, "Give me some, but you can't give it for nothing. Let the general exchange it with a spiritual stone. A can of life- The price is very fair and reasonable.'

Don't beg for a moment. Zi Qianyan and Li Yifeng pointed and smiled and said, "My two new apprentices, let's see if there is any style of the emperor and queen of the ancient Thai dynasty? I think it's good! Qianyan must be the demeanor of the mother's world. This male apprentice is a little stupid, but he is still very qualified to be a puppet emperor!"

Zi Qianyan bowed slightly to Yan Bugui and saluted Li Yifeng, who looked at Don't beg bitterly.

It's okay for the master to be biased. How can he be so biased? Can you only be a puppet emperor?

This is so hurtful!

Yan did not return, nodded and smiled, "Oh, you were born well. It's really the emperor.

.. Huh?, 'Yan Bugui suddenly came to his senses. He stared at Don't beg and shouted, 'Do you want to support them to be the emperors of the ancient Thai dynasty? Well, what is King Changxin still tossing around the Sixth Prince?

Don't beg to look at Yan Bugui in surprise. He frowned and said, "I still feel strange. Jiang Chengzi came to me to the ancient Thai imperial dynasty to see which of the eight princes is suitable to be the emperor, and let me appoint one person to inherit the throne. As a result, as soon as I arrived in Taicheng, I met a lot of old acquaintances. What are you doing here? Who are you going to assassinate? Why did you assassinate the murderer? Haven't you made these things clear to me?"

Yan didn't return to look at Li Yifeng and Zi Qianyan.

Don't beg slightly stunned and waved to Li Yifeng and Zi Ganyan. Zi Qianyan pulled Li Yifeng and left. Li Yifeng was still stunned and wanted to stay where he was and hear it clearly. As a result, he was pulled dozens of feet away by the angry Zi Qianyan and pinched his ear with his hand to teach i1.

Yan Bugui lowered his voice and whispered, "In the past three years, don't beg, brother, you have enjoyed all the blessings. There are several old immortals taking care of you, and you have a carefree life. But we can't. Because of the matter of He'ao Xianfu, we mistended several old immortals. As a result, His Majesty of the Six Kingdoms has become disciples of the outer door. This disciple always feels unsteady.

Don't beg and say, "So what?"

Yan won't return 'Hey hey, with a smile, he said proudly, "So, our six countries negotiated privately and sent capable people to leave... That place, first the white cloud star, and then it may be other planets. In a word, they do their best to cheat, burn, kill and loot. In a word, they open up new territory, open up new land, and open up new foundation.

Don't beg for a thoughtful nod: "Jiang Yun's ancestor said that when the six countries feel the opportunity, they can start their own business?"

Yan did not return to his head and said, "Yes, when the opportunity comes, he will start his own business. Several countries on the White Cloud Star have been in turmoil recently. Er, it's just that we haven't been active for a long time. Let's practice these imperial dynasties of the White Cloud Star first. Like the old emperor of the ancient Thai Empire, he didn't have to die so quickly, but he was squeezed out by the soul-soul method by the Master of the State of Su, and there was only one breath left!"

Don't be silent. As he expected, it's time for these demons to dance.

The leaders of the two immortals, such as Jiang Yun Laozu, only wanted to occupy the power of Wanxianxing's reassuring development. And the kings and ministers of the six countries, which one is willing to live under others? The two immortals are powerful, and now the six countries are unable to resist, which does not prevent the six countries from doing something else!

Yan Bugui said excitedly, "Don't beg the brothers to know that the emperors and princes of the major imperial dynasties on the White Cloud Star are all as stupid as pigs and dogs, and we can easily control them.

Now there is a fierce battle between the people of our six countries. On the contrary, the emperors and princes of these empires are completely puppets!"

Don't beg, I'm speechless again.

He medited for a while and sighed, "It is said that the people of the six kingdoms, the ancient Qin Dynasty, I want it, and no one is allowed to rob me, otherwise I will inform Jiang Yun's ancestors to let you fly eggs, and no one can take advantage of it."

He snorted coldly, and a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind. He asked in surprise, "How did you get out of that place?"

Don't beg. Only then did you think of a terrible question. How on earth did so many people in 16 countries leave Wanxianxing? Do the people of the two immortals let them come and go like this?