Steal the sky

Chapter 316 Facing a desperate situation

The woman seemed to be thin and tall and had no strength, but in fact, she was so powerful that she was simply horrible. He Qianqiu was also a yuan god, but the woman punched out and actually penetrated his chest and leaned out from behind him with a large amount of blood. The crane howlsed in pain, and instinctively turned into its original shape. A large white crane with a wingspan of more than ten feet screamed to the sky, and a large piece of blue light spilled down in one mouth.

The blue light is like rain, and the blue light is like a light rain in the spring night. But these pattering blue lights have a piercing chill, which is comparable to the lower magic weapon. This is a blue cloud that contains a wisp of gold in the western sky. It took a lifetime of hard practice to achieve a magic power. The blue light turns into rain, and the rain is like a sword. It is pervasive, indestructible and powerful.

Originally, He Qianqiu's skills were extremely powerful. In addition, in the past three years, He Qianqiu has received the inheritance of the secret skill of Baiyun Xianmen. Guiyuan's secret skill is an orthodox Taoist qi refining classic, which is best at stabilizing the foundation and cultivating vitality. Three years of hard work" He Qianqiu's demonic spirit has been eliminated, and the power of this life magic power has been added to three points. The blue light comes out. Naturally, there is aura of heaven and earth attached to the blue light, which strengthens the penetration of the blue light a lot out of thin air.

The blue light is like a spiritual living creature, chasing the woman's figure.

But the woman moved too fast. She punched He Qianqiu. Before He Qianqiu could rise into the air, she had rushed to Xiong Wanling. The palm knife picked up a white rainbow and hit Xiong Wanling's body fiercely. Only a sound of bone and flesh breaking sounded, and Xiong Wanling's thick waist was split more than a foot deep by the woman's slap. Blood splashed everywhere. Xiong Wanling howled with pain. Like He Qianqiu, he couldn't help but turn his body into a big subway armor demon Kumamoto. It was a big black bear about ten feet high. The dense black hair of the old man poked out of the cracks of the scales.

The woman in blue was caught off guard. Her left hand was still trapped in the body of Xiong Wanling. Xiong Wanling suddenly turned into its original shape, and her muscles suddenly tightened. She clamped the woman's hand tightly and took the woman's body more than five feet high. The woman's left hand was embedded in the bear's Wanling muscles and hung in the air five feet from the ground. A large piece of blue light ejected by He Qianqiu hit the woman firmly.

A clear roar came from the woman's mouth. "Her eyebrows were white and cold, and the silver juice flowed quickly along her skin. In the blink of an eye, it condensed into a thin tight soft armor on her body. The white soft armor is beautiful, with countless soybean-like bulges on the surface. Each raised top is a rune shining with a faint white light.

The rune shape is simple and elegant, with a bit of dust-free elegant charm, which is very different from the rune seal prohibition that ordinary monks are familiar with. Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu, as the demon king of Mengshan, also have relevant knowledge in the memory inherited from generation to generation. As soon as they saw the shining runes, the two immediately shouted at the same time, "Fairy Fu! This is a fairy weapon!" The blue light hit the woman hard, so that the faint white light on the surface of the armor splashed countless ripples. Every trace of blue light hit the armor, and there was a dull thunderous roar. The woman's body did not move at all. The armor did not change at all.

With a mocking sneer, the woman shouted in a low voice, "Remember, I'm Lin Qiuluo." The left palm was white, and the silver juice spread rapidly along her palm." In her palm, she was marginalized into a strange-shaped knife as thin as paper, three feet long and one palm wide. She dragged casually, and the strong and strong body of Xiong Wanling was suddenly like the tofu under a steel knife, which was torn open by a large mouth of a long length by her. The muscles, bones, scales and long hair where the knife passed were all broken, and a large amount of blood spewed out like a fountain. Xiong Wanling howted miserably, and a bear's palm slapped Lin Qiuluo heavily. "Hit her far away." He held the huge wound that almost cut him in his waist and howling and retreated back.

Fortunately, in the past three years, everyone has been hanging out in Baiyun Xianmen. Although Jiang Yun's ancestors did not like the outer disciples, because Wanxianxing's property is too rich, the welfare benefits of all disciples of Baiyun Xianmen have increased by more than a hundred times in the past three years. Therefore, Xiong Wanling also has a good life-saving elixir. He struggled to turn into a human figure and covered the wound with one hand. One hand crushed a light blue jade bottle and took out a light green elixir shaped like a small bud.

The elixir has a spirit, so the elixir is shaped like everything in heaven and earth. This kind of elixir, shaped like seedlings, buds and seeds, is often a great elixir that can save lives in times of crisis. A ball of real fire spewed out of the palm of the bear's Wanling's palm. When the elixir touched the real fire, it immediately turned into a light blue fog and wrapped his whole body. The wound that was originally bleeding like a fountain healed quickly." Xiong Wanling gasped heavily. Angry, pointing to Lin Qiuluo, who was blown away, howled, "kill her!" Xiong Wanling's head suddenly turned into a huge bear's head. He opened his mouth and roared out a bright black light from his mouth. In the light mass is a small black double-edged tomahawk. The crescent-shaped axe blade is emitting a strong light. As soon as he met the wind, the tomahawk quickly became bigger. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge axe about eight feet long.

Being slapped away by Xiong Wanling, Lin Qiuluo's armor is a fairy-level treasure. Xiong Wanling's palm is enough to smash a mountain, but even her protective treasure has not been shaken. Seeing the big axe on his head falling into the air with a harsh roar, Lin Qiuluo sneered disdainfully, turned his hands into snow-colored knives at the same time, and casually wiped the void.

Two white rainbows were heavily cut on the big axe. Xiong Wanling's ancestral magic weapon-level toma axe "Dang thump, a big strange spark" The handle of the axe was split into two by Lin Qiuluo's force. Xiong Wanling's eyes stared out, and he roared and opened his mouth and a spring Lin Qiuluo was also shaken by the huge force carried by the big axe. She staggered back hundreds of feet away. Along the way, she penetrated dozens of houses. Several unlucky people along the way were hit by Lin Qiuluo, who was retreating, and her body was immediately shaken into pieces.

Xiong Wanling stared at the big axe that Baoguang fell to the ground, and his heartache trembled. Demon cultivation is different from human monks. Xiong Wanling and others are a litter of bear blind spirits. Although they occupy the vast area of Mengshan, they are not good at refining weapons. This big axe is still a magic weapon left by their ancestors. Although he was the national teacher of the Great Yan Dynasty, Xiong Wanling and Mo Zhai, who was good at refining, had no friendship. For more than 2,000 years, he did not pull down his face to ask Mo Zhai to refine a new magic weapon for him.

The sudden ancestral objects were destroyed here. Xiong Wanling's eyes turned red.

, wow, with a roar, the bear's body turned into a bear shape again. With a wave of his hands, the aura rolled around the snow city and integrated into his body one after another. Xiong Wanling roared at Lin Qiuluo, who retreated rapidly, "B bitch, my ancestors are going to devour you alive!"

Two huge bear paws waved, "Cours, two loud noises, two black lights flew out of the two black lights above the two palms of the bear Wanling, turning into two square acres of extremely thick, with the huge palm seal of the rolling demon thunder wind, rushed to Lin Qiuluo, who retreated one after the other. This is the palm of the bear's proud magic power to shake the mountain, and the palm of the mountain with all his best efforts. Every palm can completely destroy all creatures within thousands of miles.

If you concentrate your palm to attack a little like now, your palm will cover it, and even the strongest golden armor in the five demon kings will not dare to resist the attack of the bear.

As soon as the mountain palm came out, ninety-nine of the buildings in the snow city collapsed, and the people in the city were killed and injured. The monks below the realm of Yuanying were stimulated by the fluctuation of the great demon power hidden on the two palm prints, and their bodies exploded into plasma and scattered one after another. Xiong Wanling's reckless blow almost killed everything in the Snow City.

Lin Qiuluo's eyes were suddenly covered with a thick layer of blood. She looked up to the sky and roared sadly: "How dare the thief" destroy the foundation of my snow city?" Like a crazy female tiger, Lin Qiuluo met the shaking palm of the mountain shot by Xiong Wanling.

In mid-air, He Qianqiu, who had just taken an elixir, looked up to the sky and hissed. His his wings quickly, and his body rotated like a top. With his long crane's mouth as the core, He Qianqiu's body rotated rapidly, bringing a gray-white rainbow to hit Lin Qiuluo's whole

He Qianqiu's crane's mouth burst into a dazzling light. "The spirit of his whole body was concentrated on his crane's mouth, and he also broke out with all his strength like Xiong Wanling. He Qianqiu's body swirled rapidly, and the air within a hundred miles was stirred by his body, turning into countless wind knives sweeping around. The dense wind knives fell all over the snow city. Except for more than a dozen houses guarded by powerful arrays, all the other buildings in the huge Piaoxue City have been smashed. All the people in the city, unless they are sheltered in more than a dozen houses, are all smashed by wind knives.

With a muffled sound, Lin Qiuluo was concentrated by two shaking palms almost at the same time, and the hazy white light emitted by the fairy armor suddenly darkened. Although the defense of Xianjia is amazing, after all, Lin Qiuluo's cultivation is not enough. "can't give full play to the full power of Xianjia" is at most about twice as strong as the defense of the top-quality magic weapon. The two palms shot by Xiong Wanling, and even integrated a part of his own life essence into it. "The power directly chases the casual blow of the thirty-six immortals that have just soared, how can the power be small?

Lin Qiuluo's body trembled. "The fairy armor offsets 80% of the palms of the bear's Wanling." The remaining 20% of the strength fell firmly on Lin Qiuluo, so that her internal organs almost exploded, and the seven orifices sprayed out a large amount of blood at the same time.

, squeak, the sound of drilling sounded quickly. He Qianqiu tried his best to use the strongest crane mouth on his body as a weapon, and the attack launched by mobilizing all his mana also fell heavily on Lin Qiuluo's heart. The white treasure light on the surface of the fairy armor suddenly smashed, and He Qianqiu's long mouth collided with the fairy armor fiercely. Two screams sounded almost at the same time." A large amount of blood pierced people's eyes.

He Qianqiu's crane's mouth exploded, and he turned into a bald white crane without a mouth. He fell into a semi-coma and bounced back.

Lin Qiuluo spewed out a blood arrow again. He made a few spins on the ground in the dark, and he sat on the ground and couldn't move. The fairy armor on her body was intact, and He Qianqiu's blow did not cause substantial damage to the fairy armor, but Lin Qiuluo's internal organs were once again severely shaken.

Yan Qijun, who was firmly protected by his followers, struggled to jump up. He pointed to Lin Qiuluo and shouted, "Kill her! Hurry up!" Lin Qiuluo has a fairy armor to protect himself. The origin is obviously extraordinary. If you don't take the opportunity to kill her, God knows what other killers she has at the bottom of the box? Dozens of accompanying Yuanying guards shot the sword light at the same time and killed Lin Qiuluo in a mess.

But suddenly there was a huge impact of consciousness on the top of the head, and twelve figures swooped down from the sky.

Twelve monks of the Yuanshen realm, like a group of evil dragons, roared and killed from a high altitude.

"How dare you hurt the master's wife, a bold thief?"