Steal the sky

Chapter 321 Arriving at the Snow Abyss

Sitting in the Xuanniao Xingdan, don't beg to suddenly notice a huge and suffocating thunderbolt hit his head. This thunder is very different from the thunder method used by ordinary monks, and it has faintly touched a trace of the true meaning of thunder. There is a faint line of golden light in the cyan thunder light, which is the unique color of the fairy power.

Tianxian gold, Jinxian purple gold, Taiyi Jinxian pure purple. This is the characteristic of the three-level immortals.

There is golden light in the blue thunder, which proves that the peak monk of the yuanshen has begun to quench the body with immortal power. Even if it is an ordinary thunder formula, it is more than a hundred times more powerful than the ordinary five elements thunder method.

Don't beg for a large number of spiritual secrets in the Xuanwu Star Boat, and countless spiritual lights bombarded into the Star Boat one after another. By the way, he filled a large pile of best spiritual stones in the energy core of the Star Boat. Don't beg and roar, "Three million, you have to be worthy of your three million!"

A loud noise came, and several shocking rainbows split heavily on the Xuanwu Star Boat. The sword light shot by several Yuanshen monks together hit the Xingdan, which made the surface of the Xingdan splash everywhere, but it only smashed the first formation of the Xingdan!

Immediately after the sword light, the cyan thunderbolt down with huge pressure, and collided with the black golden strong light transformed by Xuanwu Xingdan. The strong light flashed in the void, and the surrounding clouds were blown away by huge force. The strong sunlight penetrated through the cloud hole of thousands of miles in diameter. The sun was bright, and the strong light transformed by the star boat shattered the blue thunder. The blue thunder of countless group chair-sized thunder roared from the sky and fell heavily into the mountains .

Countless fire lights rushed up from the ground, and each blue thunderbolt made the ground collapse, and the huge explosive force made an inch of grass in the range of Lixu. At least thousands of shattered thunderbolts fell to the ground, and the mountains around Huixianfang shook, and large areas of mountains were razed to the ground in an instant.

Xuanwu Xingzhou trembled violently and rushed straight to the sky with a frightening high speed, breaking through the atmosphere of the Black Star in an instant.

The full-out blow of the Yuanshen Peak monk only smashed the 39-fold defense ban of Xuanwu Xingzhou, and did not hurt the Xingzhou body at all. Don't beg to sit in the cabin. The divine consciousness felt all kinds of information fed back from the Xingdan, and couldn't help laughing: "It's worth it, it's really worth it! Three million top-grade spiritual stones, your defense is a hundred times stronger than the top-grade magic weapon!"

Star elixir is used to make monks whose strength is not strong enough to teleport in the void. There are countless dangers in the starry sky. Meteors, skyfires, winds, and even sudden explosions of stars will pose a great threat to the lives of monks. Therefore, the star boat has a heavy speed and double defense, especially the absolute defense that breaks out in an instant, even the immortals are difficult to break through.

On that day, Jiang Chengzi escaped to Wanxianxing by relying on Yunying Xingzhou. The cold night immortals chased and killed him. He also exhausted the pre-filled spiritual stone in the Xingdan with water grinding, which finally broke through the defense of Xingdan and captured Jiang Chengzi alive. It can be seen how amazing the defense of Xingzhou is!

Don't beg to sit in the cabin and put a lot of the best spiritual stone villages into the power core of Xuanwu Xingdan. He looked up to the sky and smiled and said, "A few Yuanshen monks, don't touch my hair! A bunch of bastards, Fengjia, Yujia, wait, don't beg the uncle to come back to settle accounts with you!

Suddenly, there was a strong light coming from the back room. Don't beg hurriedly hit a trick. A water wave in the cabin lit up, showing the movement behind the star boat. The stardan, which is only about five feet long, is breaking through the atmosphere of the smoked star and chasing it this way. Come on. The two star boats are black hulls, shaped like ordinary Wupeng boats. The bow of the ship is carved with seal text, wind, harmony, rain and words respectively.

Don't beg for a cold look, and those Yuanshen monks of the Feng family and Yu family really refused to give up.

With a cold snort, God's consciousness locked the power core of the Xuanwu Star Boat. Don't beg to gradually slow down the flight speed of the Xuanwu Star Boat, and gradually kept the speed forward consistent with the last two stardans, so that the last two star boats followed closely at a distance of less than a hundred miles.

The flight of Xingdan mainly relies on the consumption of the spirit stone to provide powerful power. As long as the spirit stone is enough, a monk in the early stage of Yuanying can also control the star boat to shuttle freely in the void. If there are not enough spiritual stones, you must rely on the monks to provide all the true elements of the starboat flight and defense. In addition, to control the star elixir, you must also have a strong divine consciousness. The divine knowledge of the golden elixir monk is absolutely not enough to drive the forbidden complex star boat.

Don't beg for the power of the divine consciousness. It has condensed the Yuanshen with the help of thunder. The essence of the divine consciousness is no different from that of the Yuanshen monks. He has a lot of spiritual stones to waste, so he is extremely relaxed when he flies.

He hung the next two star boats slowly and flew at the snow abyss star at a speed equivalent to that of the Xuanwu star boat. Later, Xingdan has used the strength to eat milk, but the quality gap of Xingdan is put here. Don't beg without any effort, and you can maintain the same speed as them.

Looking coldly at the two star elixirs behind, don't beg for another evil fire.

He can tolerate the robbery of customers in the treasure building for profit, and the Taoist Yi Xuan and the rain scarf robbed themselves as meat. However, the Feng family and the Yu family are unforgiving. No matter what they are, they have dispatched so many Yuanshen monks to chase after them, which makes Don't beg for the anger go straight to the sky.

Fortunately, he didn't beg. If it were other Jindan monks, wouldn't he be killed for money?

Fortunately, he didn't beg. If it were other ordinary monks, wouldn't it be delayed?

Thinking of the early death of Princess Huanle's mother, if Yan Qijun also died in the snow abys star, Princess Huanle, still doesn't know how to be sad. Don't beg for the fire in your heart, and it will burn three feet high through the heavenly spirit cover. Being a person can be mean and shameless, but you can be shameless to others and despicable to others. If you provoke don't beg, this is the idea of self-containing.

Snorted coldly, don't beg to put on a posture of insufficient rear strength, slowly reducing the flight speed of the star boat, so that the last two stardans gradually caught up with him. He took out a fairy charm made by Jiang Yun's ancestor from the ring, slowly recited the truth, and carefully sacrificed the phoenix fire bag from the middle of his eyebrows.

The phoenix fire bag turned into a phoenix-shaped palace lamp is holding a group of forbidden magic fire that swells to three feet high and the thickness of the arm. Don't beg out of the body. Don't beg carefully hit a trick on the phoenix fire bag. Suddenly, the group of forbidden law gods fluctuated slightly, and a hair was as small as a three-foot-long flame flew out gently like a water wave, following the pattern of the rune forbidden on the fairy charm, and merging with the fairy charm.

snorted coldly and took back the phoenix fire bag from the sea of knowledge. Don't beg for fear that the lethality of the fairy charm was not big enough. He took out more than a dozen poison packs of Mengshan specialty poisonous monsters from the black dragon ring. After silently reciting a few spells, don't beg for a few strands of black gas in the palm of your hand. The barbarian ancestral poison technique obtained from Princess Pangle was launched. With the sound of spells, don't beg harsh but full of ancient floods, these fist-sized poison sacs quickly dissolved, The dark crystal clear venom ball is suspended on the fairy charm.

Don't beg carefully to use a ban and hang this group of mixed venom on the fairy charm.

After finishing all this, half an hour has passed. The last two star boats have been chased to less than ten miles behind Don't beg.

Don't beg for a sudden pat on the star boat, and the star elixir suddenly stopped in the air. The last two star elixirs were caught off guard, rushed out with a strong light, and rushed more than ten miles away in front of Begging.

Don't beg and snorted coldly, a wisp of real fire on your fingertips ignited, lit the fairy charm, and then shook the two star boats from afar. Snored, a roar sounded the fairy charm turned into a wisp of spiritual smoke and outlined a circle in front of the begging. The endless white clouds spewed out of the circle with a harsh roar, brought a large white aura, and rushed to the two star boats fiercely. The strong light flashed on the surface of the two star elixirs, and dozens of prohibitions were smashed by the great power of the fairy charm in one fell swoop, leaving only a ban closest to the body of the star boat, which still flashed with a dazzling strong light.

A wisp of purple and clear fire flashed, and the forbidden law Shenyan, which was integrated with the white spirit cloud, broke through the last prohibition of the star boat in one fell swoop, and the body of the two stardan black spoons suddenly began to dissolve.

The hull, blown by the front of the white spiritual cloud, has been quickly melted into black metal juice by high temperature.

The six yuanshen monks in the cabin screamed in unison. They used their magic power to teleport and want to escape, but the white spirit cloud is a powerful forbidden system in the fairy charm made by Jiang Yun's ancestor. Within the scope of the white spirit cloud, unless the divine consciousness is several times stronger than Jiang Yun's ancestor, it Lingyun seemed to be light and fluttering, but in fact it was heavier than Mount Tai. Several Yuanshen monks could not teleport their bodies in a flash, and the sound of a large number of bone fractures suddenly broke out inside their bodies.

The howling sounded, and the four monks in the middle of the yuan god were burned by the forbidden law god, which made them roll around in the void with their heads in pain. The other two monks at the peak of Yuanshen said harshly, "Taoist friends, when we know our mistakes, please open the Internet. I, Feng and Yu, dare not be in a dilemma with Taoist friends!"

Don't beg for a sneer and cursed in a low voice, "Fuck you!"

He passed these four words into the ears of those yuanshen monks.

In the white spiritual cloud, a black air mass suddenly exploded, and the gas venom with an amazing concentration quickly spread, splashing six monks all over his body. These venoms are all highly poisonous monsters from the depths of Mengshan Mountain, and they are poisonous enough to threaten the Yuanshen monks. Lingyun, divine fire, highly poisonous, in three-pronged way, the six Yuanshen monks were beaten by the ruthless Don't beg without even seeing the appearance of begging.

Six Yuanshen monks howled and rolled in the void. Don't beg for a finger. Fourteen wolf heads shot out with six dark swords, piercing the eyebrows of the six monks.

The greedy wolf sword devoured the spirit of six people crazily, but today the greedy wolf sword has had a full meal and can no longer digest more essence in the short term. A large number of pure original essence elements were injected into the body with the connection between the begging and the greedy wolf sword. The ten golden elixirs of the begging quickly rotated rapidly, quickly devouring this large amount of essence.

A large number of naives gushed out of the golden elixir, and the begging golden elixir s swelled slightly. The huge flesh and blood essence is surging all over the body. Don't beg to run the dragon's transformation skills silently. There is a faint dragon scale-like light flashing under the skin.

After three hours, Don't beg to barely digest part of the essence and store most of it in the body.

Take a deep breath, don't beg for the Xuanwu Xingdan, bring a strong light, and run towards the snow abyss star visible to the naked eye in front of you at the highest speed.

After twelve hours of running, Xuanwu Xingdan bumped into the atmosphere of Xue Yixing and rushed into the airspace of Xueyuan Star.

Put away the star boat, don't beg for the clouds to hover in the sky. Just as you are about to distinguish the direction to find the direction of the Snow City in the jade ultimatum information, you can see more than a dozen escapes flying this way in the sky a hundred miles away in the west.

If the faint Xianwei came to his face, a cold voice shouted harshly, "Who is coming? Why did you break into Xueyuanxing?

Are there immortals? Don't beg without saying a word, fall down from a high altitude like a stone.