Steal the sky

Chapter 355 The Heart of the Earth


After flying nearly a hundred miles along the corridor, Buqi suddenly saw a dilapidated lavender flying sword that fell to the ground and was sealed by Xuanbing. The quality of this flying sword is obviously excellent. Although the nine-inch-long small flying sword has cracked into seven or eight sections, each section of the flying sword is still a fairy spirit, and from time to time a few cold air spewed out of the flying sword.

Don't beg and even feel that this flying sword is breathing autonomously. It swallows the aura of the ice around it and gradually repairs its wounds. If it is given enough time, it can even repair itself with the help of the huge aura around it and reintegrate the broken sword body.

The flying sword that can repair itself, according to the records in the stolen scriptures, this is no longer the realm that can be achieved by the lower immortal weapon. At least it is also a portable fairy weapon with more than 18 immortals. Don't beg to fly to the fairy sword, dig up the Xuanbing, and pick up the fragments of the fairy sword broken into eight sections one by one. The spirit has drifted away, and only the most basic imprint of consciousness is still ignorant. Don't beg to meditate for a moment. In front of so many people, he handed these fragments to the garricade dragon scale shield.

A khaki fog spewed out of the wrist shield and wrapped all the fragments of the flying sword. Gradually, these fragments of the flying sword, which had lost the control of the spirit, gradually turned into a little purple juice and integrated into the earth dragon scale shield. On the original light yellow wrist shield, there was an extra layer of bright lavender light, and on the body of the wrist shield, there were countless purple spots that flashed rapidly like needles.

A faint cold air oozed out of the wrist shield, and a wisp of consciousness fluctuation in the soil dragon scale shield became clearer and clearer. Don't beg hurriedly penetrated a wisp of distraction into the wrist shield, which moved slightly. Gradually, like the fairy armor that Don't beg took off from Lin Qiuluo, it turned into a ball of yellow with a light purple juice, slowly integrated into Begging's skin, leaving a small dragon scale mark on his skin.

Don't beg for a smile. The quality of this broken fairy sword is really extraordinary. The garriarch dragon scale shield is only a preliminary fusion of part of its essence, which actually promotes the upgrading of the garriarch dragon scale shield to the immortal weapon. After the garriton dragon scale shield completely digests it, I don't know what it will look like. In the Xueyuanxing line, the benefits of the garriel dragon scale shield are too great. The characteristics of the innate garriguard essence are all-inclusive and all-inclusive, which also gives it infinite evolutionary potential.

Everyone else saw what Don't Beg did, but no one said anything. Including Xiong Wanling and several old demon kings, I don't think there is anything good about this broken flying sword. In their concept, the flying sword is completely destroyed when it is broken, and it no longer has any value. Don't beg to integrate it into your own body protection magic weapon. At most, add a little raw materials to the body protection magic weapon, which has no other effect.

Don't beg to feel the fluctuation of the light machine emitted by the dragon scale shield of the garriel. In a happy mood, he laughed and said, "Go" and continue to move forward. I'd like to see what's wrong with this! Hey, it was Lan Xiangzhi just now. Now it's a broken fairy weapon flying sword. What's behind it? A dead fairy?"?

Don't beg for a word. Continue to move forward less than five miles. There is a huge circular hall with a diameter of more than ten miles in front of you. In this hall, three corpses are still emitting a faint light all over the body, and they are lying on the ground in front of the corridor when they came. They had a wound behind them. Obviously, they were about to rush into the corridor when they were killed from behind.

The group carefully walked to the three corpses. Don't beg to tear open the broken robes on their bodies, revealing the fatal wound on their backs: the wound is three inches wide, as thin as paper, the flesh and blood near the wound is water blue, and the muscles have crystallized.

Obviously, a strange cold fairy sword with extremely strong power tore open their bodies from behind" instantly took away all their vitality.

Looking at the people around him, don't beg to open your mouth and spit out the greedy wolf sword. He held the hilt of the sword and gently scratched the back of a dead body along the wound. The greedy wolf sword splashed a large area of sparks, but it brought a white mark on the man's body, and even his skin could not be cut.

Don't beg and say, "The body of the fairy is indeed the body of the fairy. "The bodies of immortals are likely to be the corpses of high-level immortals, so it is impossible to cut their bodies unless they are fairy-level sharp weapons."

Zhao Kuo's eyes turned and suddenly looked at a delicate ginger-colored stick ring on the body's finger. But before he reached out to grab it, "Don't beg has already grabbed the ring in his hand. A black dragon soul on the black dragon ring suddenly flew up and opened its mouth to swallow the ring. The black dragon soul made a satisfied hiccup, and the blue ring only disappeared in a flash in his translucent body.

Zhao Kuo was stunned. He looked at Bu Begging and asked, "Why are all these things on you so strange?"

Don't beg to laugh a few times and don't say anything. He thought about it, and it seemed that these treasures on him were indeed strange. The garrison dragon scale shield can devour the fairy weapon to improve its power: the greedy wolf sword can simply devour the monk's Yuanshen and yuan baby; the cold electric mirror can also devour the essence of the same attribute of the fairy weapon: and the eighteen demon god puppets are basically not rejected by those who come. As long as

Shaking his head, don't beg to take off the storage rings on the fingers of the other two corpses and feed them to the black dragon ring.

Then he waved his hand and said indifferently, "In the three rings, there are thirteen damaged fairy artifacts, two intact fairy artifacts, and thirty-two bottles of elixir, but all of them have been rotted to ashes. In addition, there are also some spiritual stone fairy charms. The elixir is useless. Everyone doesn't like the spirit stone fairy charm. The damaged fairy artifacts are all mine. Are they intact fairy artifacts? How about we distribute them after we keep them out?

The black dragon ring devoured three storage rings, but all the odds and ends in the ring were transferred to the black dragon ring.

Don't beg for God to know what is in the three rings. After listening to his words, no one said anything right, so they all followed his opinions. No one dares to oppose the opinion of not begging. They either owe no begging a great favor, or their lives are controlled by not begging. Naturally, what he says is what he says.

After turning over the bodies of three people, I didn't find anything valuable. Don't beg for a wave." The three immortal corpses were also stuffed into the Yuling ring. Although they have been dead for many years and the fairy souls have long dissipated, their bodies are so strong that with the forbidden law of Shenyan, they can still extract some blood crystals containing powerful blood essence and fairy power. This is the same as waste recycling. Don't beg will never be wasted.

After tidying up the three corpses, don't beg for a group of people to pay attention to the hall around.

This is an obviously artificially processed hall, which is in line with the saying that the sky is round. The four walls are the whole ice attribute spirit stone. There are some wonderful patterns of birds, insects and fish carved on it. There were originally a large number of fairy magic prohibitions in the hall, but looking at the dilapidated appearance around, it is obvious that these prohibitions have been cracked by violence as early as how many years ago.

In the middle of the hall is a hole with a diameter of 100 feet straight down. The water vapor in the cave rises, and the strong aura rushes high. The ground near the entrance of the cave was originally inlaid with 1,280 fist-sized blue beads, but now all the beads have been broken. The circle closest to the periphery was simply broken into fine powder.

There should also be a strong prohibition and defense here, but it seems that all prohibitions have been violently broken.

Don't beg and say, "Let's go. Let's go down and have a look. Maybe there are other surprises. It seems that someone has cleared a road for us a long time ago. It's safe to go on like this.

In this way, Bemao still greeted Zhao Kuo, let Zhao Kuo sprinkle a handful of silver beans, and recruited more than a hundred tall armored men to lead the way. "Everyone followed these armored men and carefully stepped on the clouds and flew down.

This corridor is straight up and down, and it is thousands of miles deep. The further you go down, the colder it will be. Ming Ju and his son were shivering and couldn't stand the chill around them, and they were about to be frozen into ice. Don't beg to see that they can't resist the cold around them." He simply waved his hand, and a white light involved them in the breeding ring and threw them with the bodies of the three immortals.

It fell down more than a thousand miles, and the bottom suddenly lit up, and a pool of good water suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This is obviously the underground world opened up by an immortal with his great magic power. The underground space of a thousand miles is about a hundred miles high. The light of the sun, moon and stars flashes on the rock wall above his head, which is also the work of the immortal's magic power ban. The huge underground world is a pool of blue water waves as calm as a mirror, and the divine consciousness sweeps through the clear water. This pool is about ten miles deep.

Countless pale gold, huge leaves shaped like lotus leaves spread flat on the water. The leaves are connected by golden rhizomes. Under those thick rhizomes, there are countless hair-like tiny air roots. These white and slender air roots are like countless hairs swaying in the water. Some air roots are several miles long, at their ends. There are countless fists the size of pomegranates that are crystal clear like gems.

And in the middle of this pool of water, just below Begging and others, a thin leaf carved from emerald jade is spread flat on the surface of the water, and a delicate lavender palace stands firmly between the leaves. There are only three entrances to the front and back of this palace. There are side halls on the left and right. On the roof of the highest and largest hall, there stands a clean bottle with an exquisite shape and a height of about three feet. The rich water attribute aura is constantly spewing out of the clean bottle.

Don't beg and others just fell from the channel, and suddenly there was a strong attack from the air.

This force was shockingly large. Buqi and others did not have time to react, and they did not have any resistance. They just had a huā in front of them, and their bodies suddenly became heavy. When they came to their senses, they had appeared in a tall and spacious lavender hall. On the jade platform in the middle of the hall, a beautiful woman in a lavender robe was floating lightly on a lavender lotus.

Don't beg and others just looked at the woman. She hummed gently, and the huge pressure fell from the top of her head. Don't beg and others immediately knelt down to the ground.

In the dull impact of the knees and the ground, the knee skin of Don't beg and others cracked, and a large amount of blood splashed out.