Steal the sky

Chapter 370 Preparation

Late at night, the big swallow thistle is Yanle Mansion.

Don't beg and Lu Chengfeng lay on the wooden platform in the small lake in the back huā garden, quietly looking at the twinkling stars in the sky.

Both of them were carrying wine jars in their hands and sipting wine. Don't beg just told Lu Chengfeng some of his plans with Yan Dan, as well as some causes and consequences. Lu Chengfeng's mood was very heavy, and he siped the wine and exhaled the breath of wine.

"This trip is dangerous, you must be careful and careful!" After a long time, Lu Chengfeng said in a low voice, "Here, Dayan, don't worry, I will help you keep a closer look at your Star City. The world's first martial arts hall, as well as Meng Xiaobai and others, will help you take good care of them. They are all my brothers, and they won't make any mistakes.

Don't beg and say in a low voice, "Well, take care of yourself.


threw a small Yuling ring to Lu Chengfeng. Don't beg said, "This is a Yuling ring I have refined myself. The territory inside is a little smaller, that is, a hundred mu in size. There are a hundred dragon uncles I have newly recruited, all of whom have survived the thunderstorm and become golden elixir. Once they form a battle, they have the ability to kill the Yuanying monk, and you can take it to defend yourself.

Lu Chengfeng was not polite. He put the Yuling ring on his finger, then took out a piece of silk from his neck and threw more than 30 storage rings on it to Don't beg. A long piece of silk, more than thirty shining storage rings, don't beg to almost laugh out loud. Why did Lu Chengfeng learn this hobby?

God's mind explored the ring, and more than thirty lengths, widths and heights are in the storage rings of about 100 feet, which are densely stuffed with countless spiritual stones. There are all kinds of best, top grade, middle grade and lower grade. The lower grade spirit stone has the number of three storage rings. The rest are the spirit stones above the middle grade.

Lu Chengfeng smiled and said, "In the past few years, I have always had some advantages in being the head of this mine. You should take these spiritual stones with you. If you have a poor family and a rich road and walk outside, you should always bring more good things to take advantage of. Besides, we are not poor people. How can you go out to walk with less spiritual stones?

Don't beg and nod, the divine consciousness swept, and turned all the spiritual stones in the ring into the black dragon spiritual ring. A small black dragon soul rushed out and swallowed all the storage rings one by one. The storage space in the black dragon ring expanded again, and the black dragon soul made an extremely comfortable dragon sound.

patted the soul of the black dragon, stuffed him back into the ring, jumped up, and said in a low voice, "Everything at home is left to my brother!"

Lu Chengfeng stood up and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, everything has me!"

Nod, don't beg for a cloud, and quickly fly in the direction of the palace. It is only a few miles away from the palace. Don't beg for the clouds to go to the forbidden palace in a flash." Shi Shiran lowered the clouds at the gate of the secret library of the forbidden palace. Princess Bu Le had been waiting outside the secret library with Ma Yi. Seeing that Don't beg, Princess Bu Le flew to him and hugged his arm without saying a word.

Ma Yi respectfully bowed to Don't beg and whispered, "Your Majesty said that everything in the secret library can be arranged at will!"

Nod "Don't beg to go to the gate of the secret library, take out the Jiuyan forbidden card given by Yan Dan to him, and embed it in the dent in the middle of the secret library gate. The flowing light flowed out of the forbidden card and spread around along the heavy secret library gate. The door opened silently, revealing a 20-foot-long and 20-foot-wide closed space at the door. There are 30 worship guards of the Dayan Dynasty, and there is a short-distance moving array underground.

Pull Princess Bule into the moving array, several attendants launched the moving array, and changed the coordinate direction of the moving array. The strong light flashed, don't beg the two of them to be light, and the brilliance in front of them has changed for a while" in front of another gate.

There is no one around here, and there is a huge cave with a length and a width of a hundred feet. There is only a black and cyan gate about ten feet high in front of it. There is no decorative pattern on it. The two were ten feet tall, their eyes were dull and dull, and their bodies stood in front of the door with metal forged ink door war puppets, emitting suffocating hot waves all over their bodies.

Don't beg for help. He hurriedly took out the Jiuyan forbidden card and lit up the two puppets. Then he pulled Princess Bule close to the door and gently pressed the door with his right hand a few times. Every time you press the button, a light spot will light up on the door. Soon, the light spot will form the pattern of the Big Dipper. The seven stars rotate for a while, and the door opens silently, revealing the secret library of the Forbidden Palace of the Great Yan Dynasty behind the door.

This secret library has been expanded and operated by the Dayan Dynasty for more than 2,000 years. It has nine floors, each of which is about 100 miles in size. For more than 2,000 years, the taxes collected by the Great Yan Dynasty and the tributes of the vassal states of the world have been stored in it. There is a secret library, which specially stores a large amount of food, wine, meat and other livelihood supplies. The grain stored in the warehouse, which is about a hundred miles high, is enough for the Yan Dynasty to cope with the natural and man-made disasters of several vassal states at the same time.

In addition to the grain in the secret warehouse, there is also the salt and herbs in the half-layer secret warehouse. The gold of the secret library. Silver in the first floor of the secret library. The remaining layers of secret caves are stored in all kinds of genius treasures that the Dayan Dynasty has searched over the years, and only practitioners can use all kinds of rare materials.

Entering the secret library, Don't beg stood directly at the entrance of the secret library where all kinds of rare metals were stored. A burst of water flowed on his body. Eighteen demon puppets came out of the don't beg' [body] with a low laugh, and the same face as Don't beg was born, with a Don't beg to go to the secret library and sigh, "Don't save money for the Dayan Dynasty. You can devour as much as you can." 〖 You can store as much as you can. Well, try to refine it and improve your cultivation as soon as possible. I have two Yuanying now, both of which are the peak cultivation of Yuanying. Try your best!"

Eighteen demon god puppets made a roar of [Xing], and rushed into the secret library with a trace of shadows. Soon, there was a sound like a mouse gnawing on soybeans in the secret library. In the sound, the rare metals stored by the Great Yan Dynasty for so many years were being rapidly consumed.

I ignored the eighteen demon god puppets, and didn't beg to go to the secret store of the monster's inner elixir, blood, fur bone skull and other materials. A white light flashed in the Yuling ring, and the golden and silver horns rushed out with saliva, and then Longyuan and other 10,000 Longbo people also ran out.

Point to the secret library, don't beg and say in a low voice, "Empty! If you can swallow it now, swallow it now. If you can't swallow it, choose the one that is convenient for storage. We don't know when we can come back in the future. When we go out, we want to collect so many good things. It's difficult!"

The golden horn and the silver horn shouted happily twice, and rushed in with a group of wolf-like dragons and tigers.

As you said, it is almost impossible for them to collect so much materials when they go out in the future. Don't beg a person, even if he is a miner every day, how much material can he collect? Such a huge imperial dynasty as the Great Yan Dynasty, with more than 2,000 years of savings, did not help him sell some well. Don't beg, I feel very sorry for the agreement reached between himself and Yan Dan.

Then Don't beg took Princess Bule to the secret library where all kinds of elixirs were stored. Don't beg to stride in, and the divine consciousness swept around. All the materials he knew that could be used in the ancient prescriptions, no matter whether they were good or bad, he grabbed them up with divine consciousness and sent them into the Black Dragon Ring. The black dragon soul hurriedly classified these herbs in the spiritual ring, and neatly divided the storage space according to the category to store them properly.

The efficiency of divine consciousness is much faster than that of artificial energy. In just half an hour, don't beg to search all the secret library of the spiritual herb storage and scrape out 30% of the elixirs in it. In this, there are millions of jins of elixirs that can be equipped with nine-pin Zuilongxiang. Don't be sure to use the side-door elixir like Zuilongxiang in the future.

After searching for the elixir, don't beg to enter another layer of secret library. What is stored here are all kinds of strange things, strange things that even old demons like Xiong Wanling can't recognize. Although these things are strange, in the view of Begging, all kinds of effects are clear. There are illustrated documents of Zhoutian's spiritual objects in the stolen scriptures, and all kinds of treasures of heaven and earth. As long as it is valuable, there is no one who can hide it from begging.

Just like a mouse falling into a rice jar, don't beg to search more than half of these strange genius treasures. Except for some things he didn't like very much, he searched all the other things.

After a busy day and a night, Don't beg for a clear roar.

The eighteen demon god puppets slowly returned to Begging at a heavy pace, and they melted back to Begging's body without saying a word. Don't beg to clearly feel that these demon puppets are full! In addition to the rare metals they can digest now, they have also opened up a large storage space in the body, storing a large number of rare metal blocks in it. This takes up a lot of their strength, so they have some mobility difficulties.

Under the leadership of Long Yuan, the people of Long Boguo came back one by one. In order to quickly enhance their skills, these big guys swallowed some treasures such as the elixirs of powerful monsters. As a result, the anger rose and the nosebleed dripped down.

And the most embarrassing ones are the golden horns and silver horns. They rolled their eyes and were carried out by Long Yuan. The two greedy pythons were spitting blood, and there were all kinds of strange flames in the blood, emitting surging mana fluctuations.

The two brothers are also full! Have they ever seen a warehouse of demon elixir, essence and blood and other treasures that can greatly replenish vitality and enhance cultivation? They didn't care whether their bodies could stand it or not, and swallowed hundreds of demon elixirs of Yuanying realm monsters in one go.

The consequence is that their bodies almost didn't explode, and their internal organs were almost burned.

However, both brothers are ancient alien bloodlines. Although they are about to die, their vitality is extremely tenacious, that they can't die in one breath. Don't beg to check their situation, but he was relieved and stuffed them straight back into the Yuling ring.

The people of Longbo Kingdom also walked into the ring of Yuling one by one. Don't beg to meditate for a moment, and then took a large amount of gold, silver, jewelry, grain, wine, rice and so on in the secret cave. Only then the satisfied Princess Hebu Le left the secret library.

Outside the secret library, Yan Dan and Yan Qijun are waiting there.