Steal the sky

Chapter 385 Congenital Yuanying

The purple thunder rushed down, and the catfish, who was sleeping in the dark, suddenly opened his eyes, shouted 'Oh my God' and turned around and fled. She is the body of a demon dragon. Although she can also control the wind, rain and lightning, she is also most afraid of the thunder. This kind of thunderstorm automatically generated by the Avenue of heaven and earth will cause more than a hundred times the killing of normal thunderstorms to all demons of improper origin.

The Holy Spirit King looked up in a war. A water light in his hand rushed out. The seal seal of the Dragon King, who was granted by the Lord of the Longyuan River in the heavenly court, suspended on the water wave, and a vast breath rushed straight up. The Holy Spirit King, who was also locked by the thunder, suddenly escaped and was no longer affected

This is the special right of the immortal official of the heavenly court. Unless the heavenly disaster is specially lowered for this immortal official, even if you watch others cross the thunder at close range, as long as you sacrifice your own seal, you can not be harmed by the thunder.

At some time, Princess Le and Beggars were shrouded in thunder together. Don't beg to close your eyes and meditate. Zhou Yu's body has five colors of strange light from Zhou Xinxiang's nose, and there is a white juice oozing like ghee in his pores. These liquid juice flowed out of the body and flowed to the ground along the white jade pier. The fine grass near the white jade pier absorbed the liquid juice. Unexpectedly, it gradually swelled and grew from an ordinary weed without a temple to a fat and plump ganoderma grass.

Although it is only the worst grade of Ganoderma lucidum, the kind of mushroom-like Ganoderma lucidum used by mortals to take medicine, it has changed from weeds to Ganoderma lucidum - it can be seen how magically effective this white delicate juice is. And Begging also seemed to be in a certain state, and he didn't feel the arrival of the thunder in the void at all.

Princess Le suddenly opened her eyes. The colorful light in her eyes flashed rapidly, and the purple thunder turned into a streamer and fell into Princess Le's hands with a move of purple thunder. In the shocking eyes of the Holy King and the catfish, the purple thunder was absorbed clean by Princess Le, and the mysterious and unfathomable smell on Princess Le was strong again.

With a happy smile, Princess Xule said in a long voice, "Isn't it just a thunderstorm? Well, why is it such a strong thunderstorm?

'Kick-k-k-k' dozens of thunderbolts in a row, Princess Le tilted her crooked little mouth, flew indifferently and firmly protected the head of Don't begging.

All the thunder hit Princess Le's body, but she was sucked into the body by her. The colorful divine light behind her turned into a cloud and swirling and flying, and the Yuan Ying of Princess Le simply flew out of her body, staring at the thunder that kept falling from the sky.

Suddenly, Princess Yule waved her hand to Tianlei, and a thunderbolt fell on her Yuanying.

The Monkey King and the cat cattle were so scared that they exclaimed in unison - with Yuanying to regret the thunder? This is something that the immortals dare not do. You ask a fairy to release the fairy soul that he has worked so hard to cultivate and fight against the thunder outside the body. He will definitely beat you to the soul first. Yuanying, Yuanshen, and fairy soul are all the cohesive of his own soul, but the level is different.

As long as it is a soul, it will be afraid of thunder. Unless it has been cultivated into the golden fairy road, the fairy soul has been completely integrated with the flesh body. The fairy body exists in the absence of nothing, and the fairy soul becomes pure yang condensation, so that there is no fear of the attacks of ordinary thunder, wind, Xuanbing, Tianhuo and other things.

Princess Le actually provoked Tianlei with her own Yuanying with the peak cultivation of Yuanying. She can also say that she is different from ordinary people, and that she has learned some unique royal thunder methods. But use Yuanying to fight against the thunder? Is she crazy or suddenly stupid?

In the appalling eyes of the Holy King, Princess Yule's Yuanying suddenly burst into a colorful light. Her Yuanying was not only not cut into a wisp of green smoke by the thunder, but also condensed a little. Yuanying's face became very good, flying around Princess Kangle, and then waved to the clouds in the sky, and another thunderbolted down.

The saint Lingjun and the catfish were all dumbfounded. They looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

The catfish whispered, "Don't beg for a monster, and Princess Zixuan is also a monster!" Use Yuanying to fight against thunder? Xiansheng, you can have a try.

The emperor was so angry that his teeth were itchy. He stared at the cat cat and cursed in a low voice, "Why don't you try it?"

The catfish shook its huge catfish's head and muttered in a low voice, "I'm afraid of death!" Will you try it?" Xian Sheng Lingjun had nothing to say. He turned his head angrily and looked at Don't beg, and no longer paid attention to the cattle that lacked roots in his mind. Are you afraid that you will think that I am not afraid of death?

Don't beg for the white juice flowing out of his body gradually dried up, and his body slowly dried up and collapsed, as if the blood of his whole body was absorbed by some strange existence, and soon he became a skeleton of skinned bones. But his skeleton shelf is wrapped in colorful light, and there is a faint golden light inside.

Get the nourishment of a huge number of fairy blood crystals and soul crystals. Don't beg for the ten innate spiritual fetuses in the seven Xuan Thieves' veins gradually grow and grow up, just like the embryo in the egg got enough nutrition and gradually grow up. He even entered the realm of enlightenment. In just 36 days, he gradually integrated the enlightenment of the eternal martial arts into his innate spiritual fetus, just like ordinary monks who have practiced for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years.

If you don't beg yourself to understand the way of heaven, even if you enter the realm of enlightenment, thirty-six days is equivalent to tens of thousands of years of hard work by ordinary monks, and the income is also limited, because he started from nothing and went to find and capture the way of heaven by himself.

But with the memory of the Xuanjin jellyfish and the inscription of the Tianqi Road in the immortal soul of Yongwu Immortals, don't beg is equivalent to stepping on the shoulders of these immortals. As long as they understand the wonderful principles of the Tianqi Taoism they have gained, it is enough.

The realm of enlightenment in the thirty-six days, so that the innate spiritual fetus that do not beg has received enough to improve the realm.

A few crisp sounds, the innate spiritual fetus, which is not begging, suddenly cracked countless cracks, and a faint colorful strong light gushes out of the spiritual fetus. The spiritual tus is broken, and some useless spiritual fluid oozes out of the body along the begging body. This is the white juice that emits a strong fragrance. These juices flowed out of the beggars' body, and by the way, they took away some impurities in his body and clarified his flesh.

Ten Yuanying, the size of sesame and mung beans, quietly suspended in the Qixuan Thieves't Vein. They either cry, laugh, or dance, or sit still, with all kinds of colors, and all kinds of expressions change rapidly. Ten innate golden elixirs, corresponding to the evolution of the innate spiritual fetus of the three souls and seven souls that do not beggar, are naturally ten innate babies.

As soon as the congenital baby was formed, the heaven and the earth immediately felt it. The heavenly disaster roared down, but it was intercepted by Princess Le, which could not cause any harm to begging.

But the dangerous opportunity of don't begging also came one after another. The achievements of ten innate babies immediately broke out a wild gravity that was enough to scare ordinary immortals people to death. Don't beg for everything in the body was sucked into ten innate babies. In the blink of an eye, all his strength was sucked clean, and Absorbed all of them, and almost disintegrate the bodies of the two fake babies. When the begging Zhenyuan was sucked out, the congenital Yuanying immediately began to absorb his flesh and blood essence and the origin of his life. By the way, he also sucked the Yuanshen condensed in the sea of knowledge with the help of the secret method into the Yuanying.

Don't beggar's body suddenly dry and collapse, which is the vision caused by Yuanying's absorption of his life essence.

Seeing that the bones and bone marrow were about to be sucked out by ten congenital babies, he moved his fingers, and all the immortal blood crystals and souls stored in the black dragon ring were integrated into his body. Yongwu immortals, Qingyi scattered people, Xuanyang immortals, and the blood crystals refined by the three immortals who collapsed in the Yongdao of Tianshui Xuangong were all integrated into his body at that moment.

A loud noise came from the begging body, like the collapse of the mountain peak, like the collapse of the sea, thousands of blood crystals and soul crystals collapsed together, and all the energy was sucked into ten innate babies at the same time. Yuanying, which was originally the size of sesame and mung beans, suddenly swelled to a foot high. They laughed in unison. At the same time, they opened their mouths and spit out ten lines, which were divided into five lines, but they were extremely pure ingenuity.

Red fire, green wood, platinum, black water, yellow, the five-color Zhenyuan is shrouded in an instant full of Don't beg Zhou's body, and there is a large number of blood, which is a hundred times larger than the absorbed life essence just now. Don't beg. The dry body like rotten wood is filled with The skin is broken, and nine consecutive layers of skin that are much thicker than the old cowhide fall off from the begging body, revealing his newborn skin, which is several times more delicate and clean than mutton jade.

A prioritian Yuan made a crazy collision in the body, just like countless heavy hammers tempering the body from the inside out, so that all the impurities in his body dissipated one after another, leaving the most pure flesh and blood innate, and there were no acquired impurities. Don't beg at this moment, Taoism is clear-minded, scattered into the three souls and seven souls of ten Yuanying, every idea can echo the rules of heaven and earth. He was suddenly surprised to find that he also seemed to have the magical power of Princess Le, and seemed to be able to enter the realm of enlightenment.

Congenital Yuanying continues to grow. Don't beg to reach out and grab the black dragon spirit ring. Countless spiritual stones surge out like tides, and the aura inside turns into a dazzling white light and rushes into the palm of Don't begging. The huge aura kept rushing into the body of the begging body, which was quickly absorbed and digested by the congenital Yuanying, turned into the congenital purple gas in the Yuanying, and then spit out a large amount of Zhenyuan into the body meridians of the begging.

The endless mysteries of Tianqi are flying in the mind of Buqi. Don't beg to absorb the mysteries from the inscriptions of those immortals who were killed by him. His Taoist power of Taoism has been rapidly improved, and in the blink of an eye, ten innate infants have risen to the peak of Yuanying at the

Then, the cultivation of Don't begging for rapid progress stopped abruptly, because his flesh can no longer be greatly improved Zhenyuan. If he continues to improve, his flesh will definitely disintegrate every Zhenyuan of his innate Yuanying on the spot, which is the peak cultivation of ordinary Yuanshen. Ten times the number of scholars, and the addition of ten innate Yuanying is a hundred times that of a monk at the peak of Yuanshen. Not to mention the quality of the Zhenyuan, the number of Zhenyuan in the body is enough to compete with the ordinary three or five immortals.

The degree of innocence and purity of Yuanying's peak situation is only slightly worse than Xianli.

Don't beg now that you really have the strength to fight against the immortals.

But suddenly, when he heard the sound of breaking the air in the distance, he immediately jumped up and sprayed out a real fire with his backhand, burning the weeds around him that absorbed the congenital fetus liquefied into Ganoderma grass in his body.

The monks of Yuanhuamen noticed the movement here and finally came.