Steal the sky

Chapter 387 Mysterious Soul

The ancient Protoss.

Don't beg and sighed. The blood in Princess Bule's body is really extraordinary, and she can stimulate this wisp of blood at a young age and condense the innate soul of the gods. I'm afraid it has something to do with the innate qi that Don't beg's body.

Since the Pangu sage opened up heaven and earth, broke through the void, and the body dispersed into Pangu Continent, all kinds of laws and theories between heaven and earth have been attached to all kinds of aura and incarnated into gods. This is the origin of the ancient Protoss. They have no father and no mother, immortality, and are born between heaven and earth. They master all kinds of roads of heaven and earth, such as earth, water, fire, wind, rain, dew, clouds and fog, sunset, strong winds, droughts, and even grass and trees, vicissitudes of life, etc. They are the first intelligent creatures

With the ancient Protoss, there are all kinds of creatures and endless wonderful creatures in the world. In the memory of Xuanjin Jellyfish, even the emergence of the human race, who is now alone under the protection of the road of heaven and earth and enjoys the spiritual status of all things between heaven and earth, has the credit of the ancient Protoss.

In the early days of the emergence of the human race, the ancient Protoss was the object of human worship. They protected the reproduction of human beings and taught human beings the skills and knowledge to survive on the ancient Pangu continent. At that time, the ancient Protoss sat high on the altar, while the human race knelt devoutly under the altar.

However, when there are more and more strong human beings, especially monks among human beings, then immortals appear, and finally some people have overcome many difficulties, after the golden immortals, Taiyi golden immortals, and those legendary great powers. Some things that are very familiar to Beg have happened. In order to compete for the voice and control of heaven and earth, human immortals, together with other forces, launched endless attacks on the ancient Protoss.

It was a terrible war that lasted for thousands of disasters. The Pangu continent was shattered for the first time in that war, and for the first time, it opened up the heavens around the Pangu continent. Countless strong people fell like rain, and the result of the war was that the ancient Protoss completely withdrew from the stage, while human beings stood on the Pangu continent and became the masters of the universe.

In the memory of the Xuanjin jellyfish for the ancient god clan, don't beg to find that the ancient god clan likes to mix with human beings. They and the children born with human beings are become demigods, and also have a long life and magical power. With the gradual dilution of the blood, the descendants of these gods have become weaker and weaker, but they still retain some magical powers, such as the ability to predict disasters and communicate with the power of all spirits in the world. They can also communicate with the dead, treat all kinds of injuries and diseases, exorcise the plague, and drive away beasts that threaten

Therefore, these descendants of the ancient protoss, even if they no longer have the powerful divine power to call the wind and rain, still occupy a high position in the human tribe. They become the high priests of the tribe, guiding the development and progress of the tribe, and are also a symbol of the spiritual belief of the tribe.

Nowadays, unless someone who has the blood of the ancient god clan abandons, he is lucky to get a spirit with an innate breath, and this breath must be consistent with his own bloodline attributes, so that he can gradually absorb the innate spirit and stimulate the bloodline to condense the innate soul of the gods and inherit the great divine power of his ancestors. But innate treasures are so rare. Nowadays, if a congenital treasure is occasionally found in the immortal world, it will immediately trigger a war. Those descendants of the Protoss have no possibility of success at all.

Only Princess Bule got the innate five-element breath without begging for unreserved input, which smoothly stimulated the blood of the ancient god clan in her body. After her "dilient cultivation", she got a large number of immortal blood crystals and soul crystals to supplement the power. This time, she was on the surface After dozens of days of enlightenment, she finally awakened the magical power in her body inherited from ancient times.

With the achievement of the innate soul, it has the power of the ancient gods. Even if this power is relatively weak now, with Princess Yule's continuous cultivation, her strength will only become stronger and stronger. The most wonderful thing is that, which is different from the people who practice immortals against the sky, the ancient protoss themselves are the specific manifestations of the laws of heaven and earth. Their every move is in line with the trajectory of heaven. As long as Princess Bule does not kill innocent people indiscriminately and accumulate too much karma, no matter how her strength is

The Qingshen annihilation of the immortal Ganglei just now is just because Princess Bule incarnates the divine body with a mortal body, so the thunderstorm fell. After this thunderstorm, as long as she did not kill the city, destroy the country with her backhand and slaughter hundreds of millions of creatures, all kinds of thunderstorms will never come again.

Don't beg sighed happily. He hurriedly said, "Ancestor," please let all the elders and fellow families present make their own vows. "Absolutely tell the origin of Zixuan, otherwise Zixuan will be in trouble in the future."

Yuanhua's ancestor nodded repeatedly: "This is natural. You should be relieved. The ancestor has his own opinion. The little girl's matter can't be leaked out!"

There is no need to say more about the joy and pleasure in his heart. The mystery of the ancient Protoss is not only the huge power they have, but also the wonderful powers they have. "The condensation of spiritual veins" promotes all kinds of wonderful power, which is of great significance to today's immortal cultivation sect.

Condensing the ground veins, the small spiritual veins that were originally innately insufficient innate power can gradually develop and grow under the birth of divine power, and improve the grade from the inferior spiritual veins of the lower grade, and may eventually be transformed into the best spiritual veins. When all the spiritual veins under the Qingya Star are transformed into the top-quality spiritual veins, won't the Qingya Star become a first-class place, and there is no need to care about the lack of aura?

The birth of earth is to turn ordinary barren land into fertile spiritual soil. In such a spiritual land, all kinds of elixirs are better and stronger, and the medicine is more powerful. On the barren land, a Ganoderma lucidum can only be used as medicine if it grows for thousands of years. On this spiritual land supported by divine power, a Ganoderma lucidum may be used as medicine in ten years, can be upgraded in a hundred years, and can be transformed into a zhi fairy and run around the ground in a thousand years.

The divine power is in line with the heavens and the earth, so it has infinite uses. It can affect the environment of Zhou Tian.

And the fairy power is only the product of the extreme compression and condensation of the aura of heaven and earth, which can only affect the immortal.

Cultivating immortals can only make a mortal immortal and have the great power to destroy the world. Cultivation of the god can make the world around the world smooth and rich in products. With the enhancement of the divine power, the creatures within the control of the divine power can be affected by the divine power and become strong, disease-free, and even the people suitable for cultivation will be much more than elsewhere.

Princess Bule condensed the soul of the innate gods, and the future of Yuanhuamen is definitely immeasurable.

All the golden feathers "Only the fiery red little finch on the top of the head fell happily on Princess Bule's shoulder" happily pecked Princess Bule's ear with his mouth. Princess Bile has dispersed the robbery cloud, and the soul has been integrated into her body. She stepped on a faint cloud and slowly flew down in front of her.

At first sight, Don't beg is a stay. "Princess. Bule's appearance is the same as before" but there is a faint layer of color on her cheeks, which looks hazy." It is a little more beautiful. The originally tricky and flexible eyes have become as clear as water, quiet and beautiful at this moment. Only with the occasional turn of eyes, there is a little bit of the usual unruly and capricious atmosphere. Her breath is like a warm spring breeze coming to her face, which makes people instinctively feel peaceful and peaceful.

Don't beg for intuition to find that Princess Bule seems to have changed from a piece of crystal fragment full of thorns and flashing to a jade ball carved by a master craftsman, which is smooth and exposed and restrained. Some essential changes have taken place, which makes her very different from the past.

Her eyes, as clear as water, quiet and beautiful, made Don't be be instinctively aware of a breath of wisdom.

It is old and far away, just like wisdom from the beginning of time. This is the wisdom hidden in the blood of those ancient gods and inherited from generation to generation. About this universe, this heaven and earth, the wisdom of this world, the most original and basic wisdom. Compared with such wisdom, the magic of the golden fairy is so shallow and pale that it is like a kindergarten child showing off the knowledge of one plus one equal to two, which makes people feel ridiculous.

She smiled gently at the begging sentence." Princess Beile said softly, "It seems that I have slept for a long time, and I finally woke up today."

Don't beg's heart sank slightly. He asked in a low voice, "Then" Zixuan, are you still Zixuan?" He said in his heart, "Don't play any trick of returning the soul with a corpse and taking the body of blood to rebirth. If so, even if it is an ancient god standing in front of The soul is scattered.

With a slight frown, Princess Bule smiled and said, "Of course, Zixuan is still Zixuan. It's just...

tilted his head, and Princess Beile smiled and said, "It's just that she seems to have grown up suddenly. Looking back on Zixuan a quarter of an hour ago, and Zixuan in the past ten years, I feel like a child who has not grown up. And now I seem to understand a lot. It's just that many things are so profound that I can't understand them."

Gently pulled Don't beg's shoulder." Princess Bu Le naturally put her head on Don't beg's shoulder.

It's natural to do such an intimate action in front of Yuanhua's ancestor, but it's natural." No one around felt that it was too ambiguous for Princess Bule to do so. Everyone felt that Princess Bule should do this! Her every move, every action, any sound, is reasonable, as if it should be so since the creation of heaven and earth.

This is the magic of the ancient Protoss! Princess Bule's cultivation is shallow, and there are not many signs of abnormality. When she really has the power of the ancient gods, that is, the wind and clouds change color, the sun and the moon have no light, and the so-called words are just a small skill.

Don't beg to hug Princess Bule's waist." The two stood side by side, extremely harmonious and natural, like two trees with the same roots in the mountain, should have stood together like this. When begging for the current Princess Bule, I only feel a burst of comfort and warmth in my heart, as if his original defects in this world were suddenly filled.

Yuanhua's ancestor happily looked at Princess Buqi and said in a low voice, "All the doormen present made their own vows, and everything today" is strictly forbidden to leak... Let's talk to the public... Well, let's say that I was promoted to the first-class immortal position. "I have successfully improved my first-class strength!"

There are many elders and disciples of Yuanhuamen around, and they are auditing the heads one after another.