Steal the sky

Chapter 389 Elder Fetal Yu

When the thunder under the hood, each one is the size of a thumb, which is the secret method of the immortals of Yuanhuamen to return to Jiu Wu as the Taoist scripture. In the storm, the remnants of thunder are collected and condensed. The thunder that naturally arises from heaven and earth is that at the last moment of extinction, the thunder is particularly strong and domineering. Such a Thunderbolt is powerful enough to flatten a hill. If the Yuanying monk is not careful, he will be severely damaged.

With a cold smile, don't beg to catch it in the air. Dozens of Thunderbolts were wrapped in the whirlpools put out by the big thread, and the birds shot down like a forest and were caught in the palm of his hand. As soon as the flesh palms were closed, a huge force firmly suppressed the Thunderbolt. These Thunderbolts, which were enough to severely damage the Yuanying monk, could not burst, and they were forced to be subdued by the physical force.

The white-faced Taoist was stunned. He hit out, Guiyuan Zhenlei" can also be ranked in the top five among the thunder methods of the major immortals in the Protian Realm, which is extremely powerful. If he hadn't been the head of this thousand-mile Yaoshan, he would have secretly collected some elixirs and exchanged them with his peers. With his cultivation and status, he would not have won't get such a large number at all.

Today, the cattle and the emperor of the Holy Spirit swallowed his heart one by one. The white-faced Tao was very angry, so he threw out dozens of Thunderbolts at the same time regardless of the consequences. But he never dreamed that he would force these Thunderbolts to be taken [Town] with his fleshy palms? The sky is above, which can't be done by monks in the realm of Yuanshen!

In Yuanhuamen, only those immortal elders can re-enpower the detonated Thunderbolt with the immortal power. How can the young man in front of him do it?

The white-faced Taoist howted miserably, and no longer dared to fight with them. The sword light rotated and turned around and fled. But as soon as she turned around, Princess Po Le pointed to him angrily and shouted harshly, "Scatter!" With the shout of Princess Pangle, the aura of heaven and earth around the white-faced Taoist's body suddenly dispersed. His sword light, sonorous, scattered all the light with a sound, turned into a three-foot sword and fell to the ground.

With a cold snort, Princess Po Le waved her hand, and the water sleeves rolled up and shouted, "Wind!"

I could hear it, woo-woo, a strange roar, and a vicious wind rolled up in the flat ground. It was really like the gate of hell was opened. A black hurricane like a dragon rushed out of the world of Jiuyou Yellow Spring. All the herbs on the mountain were torn apart by the black wind, and the white-faced Taoist had , howling was swept up in the air by the wind, and his body rotated rapidly in the wind like a windmill. The high-speed rotating white-faced Taoist is like the clothes in the water dump machine. The blood slowly crushed the blood vessel muscles, and a large amount of blood sprayed out of his whole body.

Squatting on the shoulder of Princess Le, the fat little sparrow, who was no different from a pig, flapped its wings with difficulty, and stared at the white-faced Taoist who was spinning rapidly at a high altitude away from the ground. He opened his mouth, chirped and sounded. When it was suddenly hot around, a loud wind and fire was heard, and the black evil wind around the white-faced Taoist suddenly turned into a red flame. The black wind condensed and the flames were fierce, and a huge wind and fire exploded. The white-faced Taoist fell from the sky with a scream, and his bones and flesh were blown to pieces, and only the upper half of his body barely remained intact.

Such a serious injury "without a good elixir to recuperate for three or five years, this body will be abolished.

Princess Yule slanted at the white-faced Taoist, gently stroked the heads of the two girls around her with both hands, and whispered, "Mint, Angelica, go with me and see who dares to bully you!" With that, Princess Le was in a bad breath and asked with a few strokes of anger, "I let you live in Aoki Peak. Why did you come here and be whipped?"

Mint, Angelica, the two girls rescued by the Holy Spirit King and the cattle in the Qingya Fairy Square on that day. Their parents are ordinary medicine collectors in the secular world. They usually go to the deep mountains and old forests to collect medicinal materials, and ordinary drugs are sold to the pharmacy in the secular world. With good rare elixirs, they are sent to Qingya Xianfang in exchange for one or two pieces of spiritual stones. Relying on this method, their parents actually accumulated some wealth and exchanged the most basic gas refining method for the two sisters.

With that book of gas refining, the two sisters have also cultivated some meager internal forces. Her parents inhaled a lot of poisonous miasma because they traveled through the mountains and forests all year round, and their bodies were declining day by day. Later, only the young sisters could go in and out of the deep mountains to collect medicine to support the whole family" and accumulate spiritual stones for the two sisters to practice.

On that day, in the Luoling Pavilion, if it hadn't been for the Holy Spirit King and the cat cattle, the two sisters had been taken away as furnaces.

But Don't beg and Princess Huanle also fell in love with their excellent cultivation resources, so they took them back to Qingmu Peak, let them live in Yuanhua Gate, and prepared to let them join the list of disciples outside Yuanhua Gate. But I didn't expect that the four people came out after a year and five months in the heart-washing pool, and they saw that they were severely beaten in Yaoshan. How could they not be angry?

Mint is my sister. She is a little bolder. She grasped Princess Le's sleeve tightly and stammered about what had happened for more than a year.

With the care of the green staff fairy, the two sisters did successfully pass the entry qualification test, entered the Yuanhua Gate, and temporarily ranked among the disciples of the outside family. However, the disciples of the outer sect have no right to live in Aoki Peak, but accept the unified management and distribution of the sect.

The disciples of Yuanhuamen must go through an un capped test period of more than three years. During this test period of at least three years, they must volunteer to serve for Yuanhuamen. Or cut wood, or plant trees, or cultivate herbs, or build new pavilions. In a word, all the miscellaneous servants of Yuanhuamen are done by these novice disciples. If you are good and diligent, you can be taught the most basic qigong after three or five years, so as to get rid of hard labor and practice. If you don't behave well, or if you don't please the teacher, just double the hard work to death. Anyway, there are countless mortals on the Qingya Star, and there are countless mortals suitable for cultivation. Three-legged cat cockads are not easy to find. As long as Yuanhuamen says that there is a lack of disciples, countless people cry and want to squeeze into the door.

Mint and Angelica sisters have green sticks and immortals to take care of them. When they assign the affairs of the disciples of the outside door, they are divided into the relatively easiest medicine mountain. Every day, they loosen and water the herbs assigned to them, and the days are very easy to pass. Moreover, the upper and lower parts of the mountain are full of aura. The two sisters have free time and can practice independently. In just a few months, they have also increased their internal strength cultivation for several years. However, since the Qingzhang Fairy led all the disciples of Aoki Peak to retreat and practice, and the assault training was ready to gamble with the Comet Gate, the nightmare of the two sisters suddenly came. In charge of all the medicine mountain affairs of Yuanhuamen, the elixir hall, the elders have become white sparrows, and the workload of the sisters has suddenly increased by 30 times. At a young age, they actually have to take care of the elixirs of all the medicine fields on the five mountains.

Once they can't complete their daily work, they will be whipped with water and food, and there will be rude abuse and reprimanded by some stedents who are also external disciples. Fortunately, the two sisters have been used to suffering since childhood, otherwise they will really be tossed to death by these people in

Mint choked and told the cause and effect of the matter to Princess Powler. Angelica just grabbed Princess Powler's sleeve tightly, raised a pale little face, and looked at Princess Powler nervously. Both sisters' bodies trembled slightly, and they were obviously scared.

The Holy Spirit burped and walked slowly to the dying white-faced Taoist. He smiled strangely and said, "In fact, when I was in Longyuanjiang, I occasionally caught a monk to beat his teeth. After all, I am also the body of a demon dragon. It is natural to eat people!"

Just after being swallowed into the abdomen, the young Taoist provoked the slanderer to roll over and rushed over. He reached out and pinched and touched the body of the white-faced Taoist, and his saliva suddenly surged up. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with a smile, "The higher the cultivation, the more delicious it is. This man is just like the elixir in the mountain forest. The older the heat, the better the taste, and the stronger the taste!"

The two dragons stared up and down at the white-faced Taoist, which made the white-faced Taoist's face turn blue and hysterically shouted: "Help, help, this matter has nothing to do with poverty. Uncle Huan Yi let the poor do it! You can't kill me, you can't eat me. I'm the doorman of the Immortal of Cangmu Peak. You can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

Cangmu Peak, under Yuanhua Gate, the third peak except for Qingya Mountain. The fetus immortal, the elder of the inner gate of Yuanhua Gate, is in charge of all affairs in the gate. He is the third person except for Taoist and idiot. The cultivation of the fetus immortals is still faintly better than that of the Taoist and idiots. If it hadn't been for the origin of Yuanhua's ancestors, but after the establishment of Yuanhuamen, he swept all the forces of Qingyaxing and incorporated the whole family into Yuanhuamen, the status of the fetus immortal would only be higher than that

The large and small affairs of the elixir hall obviously belong to the management of the femyu immortals. This medicine a, which is thousands of miles away, is naturally also the doorman of the fetus immortals. The fetus immortals are usually self-moverning in Yuanhuamen, and there are also several elders in the fairyland world who support each other. In addition to Taoist and idiots, he is the third largest force in Yuanhuamen. Don't beg. If you hurt his doorman, it will cause the fetus fairy's dissatisfaction with the idiot. Once this is the case, it will be a big deal.

The white-faced Taoist shouted a few times, and then looked at Beggar pitifully and said, "Those two damn bastards are just outside keepers. If you die, you will die. Poor Tao is the ninth disciple who has worshipped Master Yu as his teacher. He is seriously the descendant of Cangmufeng. All of you, seniors, raise your hands!"

Don't beg to look at the white-faced Taoist, and can't help shaking your head. The apprentice of the fetal fairy? In this way, this person's generation is comparable to that of Jiang Yun's ancestors, but the uncles who don't beg for a group of people are just that their backbone is too soft. With a sneer, Don't beg was about to send down this white-faced Taoist. A flash of red light flashed on the flat ground, and a handsome Taoist with a childlike face and a white face appeared silently in front of everyone.

If the immortal power forced the Holy Spirit King and the cattle to retreat awkwardly, the Taoist frowned and asked coldly, "What happened?"

Don't beg to look at the Taoist. The childlike crane's face is white and useless. Who is this the fetal fairy? Please come to my door! Don't beg and sighed in your heart.