Steal the sky

Chapter 392 Lingyi Real Water

As soon as the Qingqi fairy appeared, she dominated the aura in the room. The green stick fairy bowed his head, and Li Daoren did not dare to look up. Jiang Yun's ancestor bowed his head respectfully and obediently. Princess Guo Le could only listen aside. Mint and Angelica were young, and they did not dare to say anything.

The Qingling fairy spoke very fast, like a heavy machine gun, with a burst of hot and crispness. She gave Jiang Yun's ancestor three fairy artifacts, then pulled Princess Yule to talk for a while, and finally focused on mint and Angelica. Obviously, she had learned about the experience of mint and Angelica from other doormen. She comforted the two women with a few words, and then cursed at the Taoist.

From the Taoist who is 'not respected for the old' and not dead is a thief, to the Qingpeng Taoist who is greedy for money and lustful, the Yuhe Taoist who is 'cowardly and afraid of death', the obscene Taoist Taoist who is obscene and unruly, and the Taoist who is cunning All over. However, her criticism is not aimless, but reasonable and well-founded. What these people did to see people on a certain day of a certain year, she seemed to be clear, and nothing could hide anything from her.

Therefore, the Qingfu Fairy's accusations against many people in the Taoist lineage are so sharp, pointing to the point, rather than nonsense for no reason. After counting, the Qingqi fairy took the mint and Angelica's little hand and forced the Qingzhang fairy to come up with a way quickly. How to give this resentment, and it should be clean and neat to vent all the anger accumulated over the years.

The green staff fairy hurried forward and carefully said the plan just proposed with Li Daoren. All the houses here are full of all kinds of forbidden spells, but they are not afraid of being eavesdropped. The people in the room are all their own people, and they are not afraid of anyone leaking secrets, so the green staff fairy explained the methods he had just planned and all kinds of detailed steps one by one.

The green dragonfly fairy suddenly laughed. She pulled the green stick fairy and carefully calculated with the green stick fairy.

Don't beg to take a look at the master and grandmother who were immersed in the conspiracy and trick, secretly winked at Princess Pang Le, and then sneaked out of the room. The character of the Qingyuan fairy is very happy. She can feel the care and love of her doormen. Don't beg. Therefore, he wants to try to restore the face of the green fairy as before. If such a bold and enthusiastic woman can't see people with her true face, isn't it a very cruel thing?

There is no need to explain the importance that women attach importance to their appearance.

The face of the green fairy was injured by the starlight ball. In addition to the elixir to make the green fairy's injury heal as soon as possible, there is another way to restore her appearance as before. Xuanyin Naling bottle. It can absorb the water attribute aura and turn it into 99 kinds of real water. In these real water, there is a kind of real water, which can nourish women's yin and blood, beautify the face, and reconcile qi and blood, which has a great auxiliary effect on female monks.

Even if she is an ugly woman like the saltless toad mother, as long as she washes her appearance with Lingyi real water, she can become a peerless woman like the cicada Xishi. What's more, the Qingyuan fairy was not ugly in appearance, but she was just injured? Lingyi Zhenshui can forcibly adjust the position of the muscles and bones on her face and restore her appearance as before.

Get out of the house of Jiang Yun's ancestors, don't beg to take a detour to the woods behind. Choosing a hundred-foot-high tree, he flew to the luxuriant tree and sat down, and then waved casually, thousands of ancient runes flew out, imprisoning the void around him. Unless he is a powerful figure who is as proficient in ancient runes as he is, even if Yuanhua's ancestor peeps with divine knowledge, he will definitely be shocked.

The ban is properly arranged. Don't beg to take out the Xuanyin Naling bottle, shake your hand and print a few tips to change the array prohibition in the treasure bottle. As long as you absorb enough water attribute aura, the treasure bottle can condense the real water. The treasure bottle was urged by Don't beg, and the light cyan bottle shimmered and gradually turned into a light silvery white, and there were several swaying pictures of daffodils on it.

The Xuanyin Naling bottle is indeed mysterious and infinite. With the change of the internal prohibition, the surface of the bottle will also change accordingly. If the treasure bottle did not produce the spirit, otherwise it can be included in the list of the strange treasures at the level of the spirit treasure level.

Take out a large number of water-attribute spiritual stones from the black dragon spiritual ring. Don't beg to stuff the spiritual stone into the treasure bottle, and then put the bottle on the tree right in front of you and ignore it. He touched the ring of the spirit, and a white light rushed out. The golden horn and silver horn brothers fell from the white light lazily and hung on the trunk of the tree like a dead snake.

The two brothers, just like they came out of Dayan's secret library at that time, were still full of high stomachs, with a trace of flames and cold air at the corners of their mouths, and their eyes were straight at Don't begging. For more than a year, the two brothers have been eating and drinking in the big swallow's secret library. To this day, they have not completely digested the demon elixir and blood in their belly.

But the two brothers have undergone earth-shaking changes. Their bodies are twice as long, nearly twenty feet long, and the scales on their bodies have become much thicker. Each scale armor is hexagonal, and there is a thin rune looming on the horn of each scale armor. It can be seen that the ancestral blood in their bodies has been stimulated and is gradually transforming their bodies.

They have given birth to four dragon claws under their bellies, and there are also sarcomas the size of two heads on their backs. Don't beg's consciousness wants to peep into what's in the sarcoma, but a flexible force blocks the don't-begging's consciousness and can't see through the mystery in the sarcoma. The big head of the golden horn and silver horn is still in the shape of a python, but there are also dragon horns on the top of the head.

It's just that their horns are different from the serious dragon horns. They have a lot of horns, and each small fork is extremely sharp like a sharp knife. The corner of the golden horn is wrapped with a silk flame, and the high temperature is strong; the corner of the silver horn is a silver cold wind, which makes it a little uncomfortable to beg.

Don't beg to smile bitterly. He reached out and instilled a pure blood gas into the two big guys to help them digest the burden in their abdomen, and then said, "There is still a month left, the death gamble between Yuanhuamen and Comet Lingmen. If you can participate in the war by then, there will be 110 people waiting for you to eat. If you don't participate in the war, forget it!"

The golden horn and the silver horn raised their heads at the same time. They said in unison, "We practice hard. In a month, we will definitely be able to participate in the war!"

After a burp, the golden horn said awkwardly, "I haven't had this feeling of fullness for a long time. We just can't bear to digest the things in our stomachs so quickly. It's not that I can't digest them. Alas, my stomach is full of taste, that's great!"

The silver horn stretched out its long tongue and licked one of his eyes. He muttered, "But, for the fragrant, sweet and intoxicating human flesh, brother, we have to practice hard. Ten days, only ten days, we can digest what's in our stomachs. Well, our cultivation should be able to reach the realm of the shen! Gaga, if we become the primordial spirit, we can inherit the magic secret method of 'Flying Ice, Fire Dragon Python' in the bloodline, and start real cultivation!"

Flying ice and fire dragon python? Only then did you understand that the feet of the Golden Horn and Silver Horn Brothers are actually that kind of legendary thing?

Dragon python, like a dragon is not a dragon, like a python is a kind of bloodline and the dragon clan, but it is definitely not a strange creature of the dragon. They can reproduce with any heterosexual dragons, snakes and so on. Each child is born with two, four, six and eight even numbers of eggs, and the incubation must be a pair of ice fire dragon pythons.

The ice fire dragon python has a body as strong as a dragon, but it is more brutal and tyrannical than the dragon clan. If the dragon clan is the emperor of the scale family, the ice fire dragon python is the hero of the scale clan. If the real dragon clan fights with the ice fire dragon python, the defeat is often the real dragon of the dragon clan.

It's just that the breeding power of the ice fire dragon python is many times worse than that of the dragon clan. In addition, the dragon clan has been crowned by the heavenly court since ancient times and has become the dragon king, the master of the water veins of the world, so no one dares to attack the dragon clan easily. However, the stubborn ice fire dragon python family disdained the attraction of the heavenly court. Zhou Tianxian was happy to catch them to refine magic weapons, or caught them to make mounts, or simply put them into soup into delicious food. Therefore, the dragon clan is increasingly proliferating, and the ice fire dragon python family is almost extinct.

Perhaps the golden horn and silver horn, the last pair of ice and fire dragon pythons in the world, the heavy responsibility of breeding and strengthening the dragon python clan falls on them.

The dragon python clan has its own magic secret method inherited by their blood, which will never be worse than the refining method of the dragon clan. Don't beg to understand why the golden horn and silver horn changed his dragon sutra. He just inquired about the cultivation formula, but the two brothers had never practiced it.

"Do you still look down on the dragon change?" Don't beg vaguely muttered, and then stuffed the two brothers back into the ring of breeding: "Practice carefully, ten days later, I will help you get through the thunderstorm! Yeah? Do you allow your own demon pet to participate in this gamble? I still have 10,000 Long Bo Guo people here?"

After assigning the Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers, Don't beg caught Long Yuan again and muttered to him for a while. According to Long Yuan, the space in the Yuling Ring is not enough now, because the cultivation of the Longbo people is getting higher and higher, and their size is getting bigger and bigger, and they need more space. Don't beg. Now it's not a fairy. If you don't have the power to open up your own cave world, you can only continue to expand the ring of breeding.

Fortunately, don't beg to carry countless materials with him, and it's not difficult to expand the spiritual ring. He agreed at once.

After waiting on the tree for a few hours, the Xuanyin Naling bottle trembled slightly, and a silver-white cold water rushed out.

Don't beg to load this water injection in a jade bottle in a hurry. There are more than a hundred catties of real water here, which is enough for one hundred and eighty ugly women to become stunning people.

With a soft smile, Don't beg to put away the treasure bottle, let go of the prohibition around, and then strode back to the fine house.

"Grandmother, the disciple suddenly remembered that the disciple once found this spiritual object in Xueyuanxing and specially dedicated it to the master grandmother."

Don't beg to pass the aura overflowing, cold jade bottle to the Qingling fairy, and then explain the utility of Lingyi real water.

The green fairy stayed for a long time, then exclaimed, grabbed the jade bottle and rushed out of the door.

......... Tickets, tickets, all kinds of tickets, where are the tickets?