Steal the sky

Chapter 394 Dragon Python Thunder Robbery

Ten days after the Yuanhuamen Conference, on the back of Qingya Mountain, a rocky hill, do not beg to stand in the air.

The two golden horns and silver horn brothers were lazily coiled on the ground, and their sharp claws were weakly tore on the flesh and blood. They were covered with bloody wounds. Long-lasting injury. Their scales were torn open, and large scales of gold and silver hung randomly near the wound.

Under their thick scales, they keep coming out, click, crisp, their bodies are growing, their bones are growing, and their muscles are becoming thicker and stronger. However, their snake skins binds them to further development. They can only tear open the snake skin by themselves and let their bodies free themselves from the cage of today. . They have spent a lot of energy and energy. Their claws tore the snake's skin to make a harsh sound of friction, and their bodies moved slightly. From time to time, their mouths spewed flames and cold light.

, Dangdang, a few loud noises, the golden horn hit the ground with his forehead, bringing up a large area of Mars. The snakeskin cracked on his forehead, revealing the milky white skin underneath with a trace of light gold. The silver horn beside him was a big mouth, and his fangs bit a piece of broken skin on his body and tore it fiercely. As his head swayed again and again, his skin cracks became bigger and bigger, revealing a large piece of new water-silver skin.

Don't beg to float in the air, quietly look at the golden horn and silver horn brothers.

Ice and fire dragon python is like a dragon, like a dragon, like a python is not a python, with its unique temperament. The two brothers have swallowed so much demon elixir and blood in the big swallow's secret library, and they have reached the threshold of promotion.

Cultivate the dragon python primordial spirit, compress and condense the essence and blood in the body, and the two brothers can immediately inherit the inheritance memory in the bloodline and have extraordinary magical power. Ice and fire dragon python, don't beg, I'm looking forward to this kind of ancient performance.

Touching the breeding ring, don't beg for the last question again: Is it allowed to carry demon pets when gambling? I bring two yuan god-level ice and fire dragon pythons to participate in the war, and there are still 10,000 dragons who can reinforce at any time. Isn't it a little too bullying?

But" Other monks don't have such a large space to nurture the ring, do they?

The "principle of the breeding ring" that monks use to carry their own demon pets and all kinds of insects and other living things is the same as the storage ring, but it is not very similar. The space in the storage ring is vast, but time is in a solidified state, so all kinds of elixirs and elixirs can be stored. With the dissipation of time, these spirits will lose their spirituality. However, the Yuling ring is equivalent to a small world. The aura inside is also always communicating with the outside world. "The passage of time is the same as the outside world", so living things can hide in the Yuling ring.

But nowadays, in the world of immortal cultivation, all kinds of materials for making spiritual rings are becoming more and more rare, so the ordinary spiritual rings are only about the size of ten feet. Don't beg, if the Yuling ring, which can accommodate 10,000 dragons, spreads, it will be enough to scare a large number of people. I'm afraid that those immortals will can't help snatch it. On the contrary, the bigwigs above the level of Jinxian will not be greedy for this thing. After all, Jinxian has been able to carry the small cave world he opened up, which is much better than the spiritual ring.

Rubbing the ring of the spirit." Don't beg and said in a low voice, "It's better to carry demon pets, hehe!"

With a mysterious smile, don't beg to take out a jar of black plaster from the black dragon ring, and shake it casually. The ointment turned into two fountains and shot into the big mouth of the golden corner silver horn. The two pythons, which had been exhausted, immediately regained their spirits. They gritted their teeth and abused their bodies, trying to break free from their strong and flexible snake skin cages.

The snake skin was constantly pulled off by the two brothers, and the smell from them became stronger and stronger. An ancient animal breath spread faintly from their [body], and the light in the brother's eyes became stronger and stronger. Don't beg's eyebrows suddenly cold, and the spirit of Xuanyin futon was shocked by this breath. "Don't beg body] and ran out of the inside in surprise.

The transparent wings flapped lightly, and Da Ming divided the water with diligence and spirit. Looking at the golden horns and silver horns, he nodded and said, "Is it the flying ice fire dragon python? Their number is a hundred times rarer than our water seedlings, right? In those years, it was also a strong race that once dominated the world, t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t

Don't beg to look at the futon and smile, "With me, their race will reproliferate and prosper."

Putuan was stunned. "He took a deep look at Don't begging." He nodded and said, "Is it okay?" Shaking his head, Futuan wrote down the smile of Begging with strong confidence." He turned his head and flew back to the sea of Begging, continued to sleep in the boundless ocean, quietly absorbing the innate Qi of water generated in the Begging [body].

The animal atmosphere in the golden horn and silver horn [body] is getting stronger and stronger and stronger. Some people grow into a big man who is more than ten feet tall and full of muscles. Their breath has become very different from that just now. Under the traction of their breath, a thin red cloud slowly circled in the sky, and there were a lot of thin red thunder and white cold in the clouds.

This is unique to the ice and fire dragon python family, ice, fire and thunder. Like other naturally powerful creatures, the strong of races such as dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, etc., when they improve their cultivation and transform their realms, there will always be a unique thunderstorm of their own race. This is the case of ice, fire and thunder. The power of thunder has opposite attributes such as strong and softness, hot and cold, which is an extremely difficult thunderstorm to prevent.

But if the golden horn and the silver horn want to become the dragon python god, you have to help with ice, fire and thunder. They must absorb and digest the unique fire and ice power in the ice and lightning disaster, and integrate it into their own souls, so that they can become the dragon python god. If you don't beg to help them resist the thunderstorm at this time, the two brothers will not want to make any progress in their lives.

Looking at the disaster clouds in the sky, Don't frown and fly back more than ten miles. He said in a low voice, "Golden horn, silver horn, be careful. When you are not strong enough, take the elixir immediately to recover your qi and blood." Don't beg to prepare a large number of elixirs to restore physical strength in advance, as long as the golden horns and silver horns are not too careless. As long as the thunderstorm does not completely erase them once, it is not difficult to survive the thunderstorm.

The golden horns and silver horns shook their heads at the same time. They looked up to the sky and hissed, and their bodies stood up almost straight. "It was like two big trees facing the sky, relying only on the tip of the tail to support their bodies. They opened their mouths and pointed their mouths at the thunder clouds in the sky. They put on a posture of devouring everything. The newborn snake skin of the two brothers emitted a faint light, and the red and white streamers rippled from their snake skin and gradually integrated into their brother's [body].

For a moment, the two brothers were shining red and white light, the cold air and hot wind were overflowing, and the rocks on the hill could not stand the rapid changes of extreme heat and cold, and they exploded and broke up one after another. At this time, a very light thunder sounded in the air, and a red and white intertwined thunder roared down.

The bodies of the golden and silver horns flew up at the same time. They opened their mouths and bit the thunder light fiercely, dividing the thunder into two and swallowing it into their stomachs. "Cock, a loud noise" The dilapidated old snake skin on their bodies exploded at the same time, and countless scales were scattered. The brothers fell to the ground heavily and struggled desperately on the ground in pain. Their newborn snake skin is trembling rapidly. It expands rapidly. The scales on the snake skin gradually harden, and there are dense mysterious seals on it.

Don't beg, just sit on the ground. He shouted harshly, "You can only rely on yourself!" Hold on!" !

The golden horn and the silver horn clustered up at the same time. The golden horn opened its mouth and spewed out a chill, hitting the silver horn heavily. The silver horn also spewed a flame and fell heavily on the golden horn. The two brothers sprayed the unbearable lightning power, and let their brothers use their talent to solve it for themselves. The cold air ejected by the golden horns and the firelight ejected by the silver horns are the energy supplement needed by the other party to condense the dragon python spirit and refine the real body of the dragon python.

Before the two brothers could digest the power in this thunder, the clouds trembled in the air, and another thicker thunder fell. The two brothers flew up to the sky, opened their mouths and swallowed the thunder into their stomachs, and then twisted their bodies again and fell to the ground awkwardly.

Once, once, once.


Don't beg's face gradually became solemn. The ice fire dragon python condensed the heavenly disaster of the Heavenly God, and now it has fallen 108 ways, but it has not stopped. Although every thunderstorm only slightly injured the golden horn and the silver horn, but 108 minor injuries, the two brothers were already scarred, and most of the elixir to replenish their strength was also taken.

Don't beg and stood up. When they didn't know how to help them, the two brothers suddenly stared wide and roared up to the sky.

The roar is like a dragon, and there is a fierce and tyrannical wildness in the distance. If the sound of the dragon is pearl jade, then the roar of the two brothers is a crystal ball covered with sharp thorns, which is dazzling but sharp and deadly.

, crackled, four huge explosions sounded, the meat ball behind the two brothers suddenly exploded, and the meat wings nearly a hundred feet long suddenly opened. The huge meat wings are covered with dense gold and silver scales. When the wings are waving, a large area of eye-catching rune light surged in the air, and the heat wave brought by it melted the mountain in an instant, and the ensuing cold air froze the newly melted mountain into ice.

The cold wind and hot current crisscrossed the ground squatted for dozens of miles, and the ground turned into a lava lake and an ice field for a few breaths. In just a few breaths, the mountains and forests of the dozens of miles have become the most subtle dust.

, quack, in the long roar, the brothers' bodies swelled to a hundred feet long, with the huge strange-shaped meat wings behind them, powerful and ferocious, with two terrible ancient beasts. Their claws are also born. The four claws under the abdomen are similar to the dragon's claws, but they have one more joint than the dragon's claws. They are much thicker, more flexible, and have greater lethality. Their heads still look like pythons, but the dragon horns on their heads are getting bigger and bigger, with more forks, and the cold wind and heat flow wrapped around them are more inaccessible.

The meat wings flew, and the two brothers flew high into the sky, directly entered the robbery cloud, and absorbed the power of the thunder with their powerful body. Thunderstorms kept hitting them, and the two brothers released a strong light and a terrible breath that spread thousands of miles away.

, dozens of voices sounded. In addition to the ancestor of Yuanhua, many immortals in Yuanhua Gate teleported to the scene.

Seeing the golden horn and silver horn brothers suspended in the air to absorb the thunder, the Taoist Mo Luan was surprised and envious and cursed in a low voice: "Two beasts, why are you so fierce?"

The golden horn and silver horns trembled slightly. "Suddenly opened his mouth" and spewed out a firelight and a chill at the Taoist priest Mo Luan.