Steal the sky

Chapter 410 Happy Fairy Mansion

In the sea area of Qingya Star, this ocean is about 30,000 miles long and more than 12,000 miles wide, which is the largest ocean on Qingya Star.

The foundation of Yuanhuamen is in Qingya Mountain. On this sea, only more than a dozen sporadic islands have been opened up, and some elixirs that require a lot of water vapor to grow have been planted. In the shallow beaches on the edge of the island, a large number of diving breeding grounds have been opened with the forbidden method, and many In the climate of the year, the pearls are good materials for making all kinds of magic weapons.

In the depths of the sea, there are dozens of well-stocked spiritual stone veins lurking in the canyons at the bottom of the sea. It's just that these spirit stone veins are the last strategic storage of Yuanhuamen. Unless you have to, these spirit stone veins will never be developed. Every few years, the immortals of Yuanhuamen will come here to check the veins. Three years ago, the idiots came here in person to explore the aura of hundreds of Yuanhui. These veins have bred the best spiritual stones, and the overall situation is very gratifying.

Because of less development, the natural environment of this sea area is maintained very well. Especially in the archipelago in the southeast corner of the ocean, thousands of large and small islands are extremely beautiful. The aura on the island is full of spring all year round, which is an excellent choice for building a cave.

A sword light passed through the sky. Don't sit lazily on the sword light and look around at the islands on the sea. He wants to find a small island with the best scenery and the most aura, open up a cave that belongs to him and Princess Po Le, along with the way to show the Holy Spirit King and the cattle.

In the distance, a cloud of clouds is flying up and down, up and down on the island like a flea. It was Princess Pang Le with a cloud head, playing on the island with mint and Angelica. Princess Lele also shouldered the heavy responsibility of finding the right island, but she walked around with mint and Angelica, and was attracted by the beautiful scenery of the island and the strange products that were very different from the mainland. She simply ran around with two little girl.

From afar, you can hear the laughter of Princess Powler and Mint and Angelica. Don't beg to suddenly realize that Princess Powler is still an ung-worldly girl.

Even if she inherits the lineage of the ancient Protoss from her unknown ancestors, she is still a girl!

A scream of "ang Ang" came from a distance, and there was a single horn on the head. It was as if the whale with the appearance of a dragon jumped up from the sea water in confusion. The three blood basins behind him suddenly rushed out of the water and closed behind the whale, and the mouth full of fangs made a rattling, The body was swallowed.

The whale fled to the deep sea in horror, and the catfish and the golden horns and silver horns chased closely behind the whale, looking like they would not stop swallowing him.

Following Don't beg for more than a year, the benefits of cattle and golden horns and silver horns are too great. In particular, they divided up more than half of the body of the real person, and the huge fairy blood suddenly improved the strength of the three people. The cattle smoothly broke through the realm of the yuan god. The excess fairy blood made her cat cat's body expand to five hundred feet long, as if it were already a huge thing.

These three greedy guys have been living in the sea for a long time. The Holy Spirit King holds the seal of the Dragon King of the Dragon Yuanjiang River suspended on the sea hundreds of miles away, uses the unique demon gathering method of the Dragon King, and gathers the big and small water demons in this sea.

Qingyaxing is the important place of the mountain gate of Yuanhuamen. Every hundred years, the disciples of Yuanhuamen will carry out bloody cleaning of the water demons in the sea and eradicate all the water demons that may threaten Yuanhuamen. Therefore, the Holy Spirit consumes the boss's strength, and there are only a few shrimp soldiers and crabs gathered on the sea below, and they are still in the realm of attracting air into the body. They have barely got a little wisdom, and there is no magic power.

These shrimps and crabs will be in the eyes of Begging, that is, seafood and so on. It's a pot of good dishes to be caught and stewed, but it will take hundreds of years to wait for them to help do something.

However, the Holy Spirit King is used to being the demon king in Wanxianxing. Don't beg to open up a fairy mansion on a vast ocean. He moved the demon king's majestic idea again, and naturally he would summon some subordinates. Even if these seafood-level demons can only be guard of honor, at least they look majestic!

Don't beg to sit on the sword light. The divine consciousness paid attention to Princess Pangle and several other people and yawned lazily.

On that day, he killed the White Sparrow Taoist and almost collapsed the Qingcang Peak with a thunderbola in Heishui Town, which made Yuanhua's ancestor realize that the defense system of Yuanhuamen had a great arsenic leakage. At the suggestion of Don't begging, Yuanhuamen assigned hundreds of elite Yuanying and Yuanshen disciples to Qingyaxing to build fairy houses everywhere. At the same time, an early warning system was built. Once outsiders sneaked into Qingyaxing, they would immediately warn Qingya Mountain.

Don't beg to take the initiative to ask for it. I chose this vast sea and built his own fairy house with Princess Po Le. This is also what you don't want to do. After all, he has too many things that are not easy to see, and it is necessary to have a separate mansion far away from Qingya Mountain. If it hadn't been for this thought, he would have left after killing the White Sparrow Taoist that night. There was no need to hit Qingcangfeng with another thunderbolt.

Now it's good, everything is going according to his calculation!

Press a fairy mansion as the foundation in Qingyaxing. Based on Yuanhuamen, don't beg, you can boldly show your strength and power! Looking at the seafood that were constantly chigging around the Holy Spirit, he nodded thoughtfully. There is a name of the array in the theft. Demons gather in the star array. It is a formation that focuses on the essence of the stars and the moon and promotes the formation of demons. Maybe he can build such a large array here and give birth to a group of water monsters and sea monsters.

Just as I was thinking about it, the god of not begging swept over an island shaped like a screen more than 500 feet high in the sea. The island is more than 30 miles long from east to west and less than two miles wide from north to south. A screen-like peak in the middle of the island accounts for 70% of the area of the island. The north and south sides of the mountain are steep like a knife, the rocks are as delicate as jade, and the cracks in the rocks are full of aura. A thin layer of palm-thick green moss is attached to the rock, and thousands of trees of their size are attached to the rock, dotted with the peak as a delicate bonsai.

There are exactly thirty-six small coral reef islands within a hundred miles of the island. With a slight adjustment of the orientation of these islands, a Tianang Ningxing Beidou killing array can be placed, which is included in the fairy-level array in the theft. And the bottom of the island is also a mixture of water and fire. An underground volcano is just suppressed by a spiritual vein of undersea water attributes. The water and fire are rushing, brewing infinite vitality under the island.

The fish population near the island is extremely rich, and there are countless pearl mussels and other mussels lying densely on the shoal, which proves that the island is full of aura and vitality, so there is such a strange scene.

Don't beg to open Zhou Tianmu. The volcanic radius under the island is more than ten miles wide, which contains great heat, and the water attribute spiritual vein that suppresses the volcano actually stretches for tens of thousands of miles and extends to the main peak of Qingya Mountain.

This spiritual vein is one of the main spiritual veins of this ocean. Don't beg for a bright eye and happily choose this small island. If his divine consciousness had not been different from that of ordinary immortals, the innate divine knowledge could be integrated into Zhou Tian to find some imperceptible clues. He really couldn't find this underground spiritual vein covered by the smell of the volcano.

Presumably the monks of Yuanhuamen did not find the existence of this main spiritual vein because of this volcano.

With a proud smile, Don't beg to fly to the island and fly around the peak a few times. At this time, he became even more complacent. On this screen-like peak, there are nine interconnected caves, which are connected to a huge cave under the deep ground.

In the eyes of Don't begging Zhou Tianshen, these nine holes are spewing a faint purple glow, like a human heart swallowing blood, emitting endless vitality. Don't beg your heart to twitch, no matter what, no matter what, do your best to make a large number of ancient runes around. Zhenyuan turned into a dazzling ancient rune, sprinkled in all directions with the sound of ancient and desolate low spells, completely covering the island.

Such a spiritual cave actually escaped the investigation of the Yuanhuamen people. This is a unique feature of the born lower-grade fairy mansion. It is called 'Jiuqiao Linglong Cave'. Look at the signs of this fairy mansion spitting purple gas. After brewing for tens of thousands of years, the first wisp of fairy spirit generated by heaven and earth can be bred in this underground cave!

is fairy spirit, not ordinary heaven and earth aura!

However, it is no wonder that when this fairy gas condenses, it will only condense the most essential part of the aura of heaven and earth, and other impurities will turn into purple haze and spew out. In the eyes of ordinary immortals, this purple cloud is a complete waste. How do they know that in this underground, there is a fairy house that will let those high-level immortals break their heads and rob?

After all, Yuanhuamen is too shallow-based, and I haven't seen the real fairy mansion generated by heaven and earth!

Don't beg to ban the whole island proudly, and then fly into the Jiuqiao Linglong Cave and hit the Ningyuan Shengxian ball he got in the Qi'aoxian Mansion into the ground. With the help of this Ningyuansheng fairy ball, which can condense the aura of heaven and earth into fairy power, this fairy house can really become a fairy mansion in just a few years!

After all this, Don't beg took out a lot of materials brought from Wanxianxing and began to decorate this mansion of his own.

Starting from the underground cave, the arrays made in Wanxianxing have been laid one by one. A large number of arrays and arrays are gradually laid. Countless spiritual stones and materials needed for the array are placed in the array one by one. Don't be careful. With the greatest power he can mobilize now, a series of rings have been arranged Thirty-six nested arrays.

From the underground cave to the surrounding seabed, from the bottom to the sea, from the sea to the sea surface, to the sky, to the surface of the island, to the flowers, grass, sand and stone on the surface of the island, don't begging to devote yourself to the transformation of the island.

The island and the thirty-six coral reefs around it gradually became hazy, then became visible, then shrouded in countless clouds and smoke, and then restored the Qingming Festival again. After dozens of times, the island finally became the same as before.

If anyone who has been to this island, they will be surprised to find that the location of the island and the surrounding coral reefs has changed subtly. It seems that in this space, light, time and space have been slightly distorted. But if you look closely, everything is no different from ordinary. This island is really normal.

Don't beg flew to a hole facing east on the cliff, and inlaid a jade plaque carved with four characters of Bexuan Xianfu into the mountain stone.

Don't beg Xianfu, this is the first footprint left by Don't beg in this leisure world.