Steal the sky

Chapter 422 Door-to-door Demolition

She nibbled on the big steamed buns, drank porridge, and squinted up and down at the enchanting and romantic woman among several men and women. With their eyes, it can be seen that these three women are no longer perfect. Not only that, the corners of their eyes and eyebrows have a romantic charm, and it seems that they have also practiced some "predestined skills" with him.

However, in my opinion, the methods of these three women are too shallow. The highest level of double cultivation is the outer Buddha and the inner demon. No matter how evil and domineering the essence of the skill is, the skin phase should also be solemn, so as to reach the real highest level!

"Three little coquettish foxes, but it's good to heal the wounds!" He licked his lips and muttered in a low voice, "Two teachers, you are the only apprentice."

The blood madman nibbled on the big roe, and gently touched the elbow: "Master, as our master and apprentice look like now, killing chickens is a problem. How can we have the strength to catch people?"

After meditated for a moment, he and the blood madman turned their heads at the same time and looked at Don't beg.

Don't beg to carry the storage bag and pour out a small pile of spiritual stones from it. He counted one hundred and ten, and it was indeed a hundred pieces of spiritual stone. But the size of this spirit stone is too small, and its quality can be regarded as a lower spirit stone, but have you ever seen a lower spirit stone only the size of a jujube core?

The standard lower spirit stone is the size of the adult's fist. The volume, weight and inherent aura have certain specifications. This is the lower spirit stone. Add up to these 100 jujube core-sized lower-grade spiritual stones, which is probably the standard of one piece?

This storage bag is also worth some money, but have you ever seen a storage bag that is actually the size of a fist, and the space inside is only the size of a human head? What can this storage bag hold? Take it to the market for sale, and this storage bag is probably worth thirty or fifty taels of silver?

With a dry smile, don't beg to carefully twist a lower spirit stone with your thumb's index finger, and smile at those men and women, "A few... Taoist friend... Senior... Xianchang, is this the lower spirit stone? Wow, what an exquisite spiritual stone! The poor greedy wolf, for the first time in his life, he saw such a finely polished spiritual stone! It can be set on the ring to make a gem!"

Don't beg very bad for a few men and women who didn't hear the sarcasm in his words. The man who just threw out the storage bag proudly backed his hand and said coldly, "One hundred lower spiritual stones, one is a lot. Of course, it is impossible to get one more. We circled the nearby 300-mile-long and wide land with the Ancheng Man family to build a summer garden. This valley is ours!"

After grabbing the hundred lower-grade spiritual stones, don't beg to grab the head and take two bites, then turn your eyes and shout loudly, "Old monk with hidden hearts, someone has robbed your territory! People use 100 yuan of spiritual stones, and they want to grab the hidden meditation house!"

"Fed up with his grandma, who dares to touch our hidden meditation court?" A thunderous roar came, and the sound of footsteps shaking the mountain swayed, and the ground trembled slightly. The fat monk in the room stared angrily and rushed out of the mountain gate with a grass-cutting knife.

Standing out of breath and standing at the gate of the mountain, the fat monk roared angrily, "The monk of the Tibetan Meditation Institute is here. Who dares to be presumptuous?"

The silver bell-like laughter came from the mouths of the three women, among which the woman in the long green skirt casually pointed and laughed in a low voice, "What a strong monk, I don't know if the silver wax gun head is useless?" With one finger, the Qitian monk's belt suddenly broke inch by inch, and his trousers fell on the surface of his feet. Then his monk's clothes suddenly cracked more than a dozen boss's cracks. The breeze blew, the monk's clothes fell, and the Qitian monk ** stood in a silver-like snow-white skin and could not move.

The three women laughed loudly, and the other four men also laughed in unison. They laughed so proudly. The young man who threw it to the storage bag narrowed a pair of bitches's eyes and tilted his mouth and smiled at the woman in the green skirt, "My little sister's magic power has grown again. The eldest brother didn't see "

The other three men hurriedly patted the girl in the green skirt and blew her spell for half a day.

Don't beg and look at each other. Don't beg to carry the hundred lower spiritual stones into the storage bag around his waist. Such a delicately polished spirit stone is really a rare thing. A monk with similar identity can't take the skin to fool people with this kind of thing. Looking at their behavior with the Ancheng Man family, isn't it a miser's family?

The seven men and women in front of them, except for the man who led the team and the girl in the green skirt, who have just condensed the golden elixir, are still wandering in the innate realm. The cloud light they stepped on when they came was the cloud head that relied on magic weapons, not the real cloud condensed by their own strength. The finger of the girl in the green skirt, in the opinion of Begging and the concubine, is just like that. There is nothing to make a fuss about.

The monk Qitian lowered his head and looked at his fat belly in a daze. Suddenly, he shouted strangely, dropped the executioner and turned around and ran away. However, his trousers tied his feet. As soon as he turned around and took a step, "Dang, it hit the ground heavily. The Qitian monk rolled violently all over his body. The gate of the Hidden Mind Zen Academy shook. The miscellaneous wooden plaque on the gate trembled, and suddenly fell off the gate with a large amount of dust, which was hitting the back of the monk Qitian's head.

, er, er" The monk Qitian fainted with foam.

Don't beg and looked at each other again. The two of them, with blood madmen, carefully retreated to the statue of the Guardian King Kong on the left side of the mountain gate, holding the finished head in one hand, holding the porridge bowl in one mouth, and stuffing food into their stomachs.

I sighed in a low voice: "In trouble, my meridian is broken now. I can only rely on these secular things to supplement my physical strength, and absorb the essence of the sun and the moon at noon every day to heal my breath. Hey, these monks have been driven away. Where can I eat and drink for nothing?

Don't beg to stretch out your neck and swallow your head. He glanced blankly and cursed in a low voice, "Don't want to eat free food here. I was almost beaten to death by a slap, and I don't have any cultivation. Tut, this is not easy to deal with the Ancheng Man family. These monks will definitely be driven away. You masters and apprentices will die by themselves!"

Don't beg, I won't tell him that he has eighteen magic god puppets, and he won't tell him that his dragon transformation has been cultivated to the level of Tianlong's thirty-six changes. His physical strength is enough to fight against ordinary immortals, and he won't tell him that there are 10,000 dragon uncles in his Chinese people.

Since these things will not tell him, he will certainly not tell him that there are a lot of elixirs in his black dragon ring. Er, why did you tell me about these things? Unless you swear to be a follower who does not be beg, why do you help him?

"My Buddha is merciful, good, good, a few benevolences, did they come to my hidden meditation?"

A Buddha's horn sounded, and the little monk with a big bad head in his left hand, a porridge bowl in his right hand, and his two cheeks bulged out of the Zen temple. He looked at the Qitian monk who was stunned by the wooden plaque in surprise, and his face suddenly sank. Put the porridge bowl and bad head on the threshold." The little monk walked to the Qitian monk, reached out and grabbed the miscellaneous wooden plaque, and a cloud rose under his feet. He flew to the lintel and hung the plaque upright.

Put away the clouds and fell to the ground. The little monk who guarded his heart walked down the stone steps in front of the mountain gate and saluted the men and women of the Man family: "Is it true what the greedy wolf Taoist friend just said? Did some of you come to seize the foundation of my meditation?

The footsteps sounded behind him, and the old monk with a hidden heart swayed with a big bad head, followed by a few fat and strong hounds all the way out. The old monk looked at the unconscious monk lying on the ground and sighed faintly, "In the past few days of meditation, my heart is always thrilled. I only know that there is a disaster. I didn't expect it to be such a thing."

Staring at the guarding little monk, the old monk muttered, "These beneers are not scoring joys, but villains who come to demolish the house!"

Don't beg took out a delicate lower-grade spiritual stone from the storage bag and threw it in his hand. He smiled dryly and said, "Old monk, this is the 100 lower-grade spiritual stone they gave. I'm going to tear down the garden to cover the summer garden of the meditation garden!"

Taking a deep breath, the old monk with hidden hearts looked at the seven men and women and said in a low voice, "A few little beneers, the old monks have the land deed documents signed with the Lord of Ancheng in those years. This secluded valley of ten miles is the private property of the Hidden Heart Monastery. The old monk built this meditation temple, which has been cultivated for more than 700 years in the Qing Dynasty. Every grass and every tree were planted by the old monk himself.

The girl in green skirt smiled strangely, twisted the water snake's waist and said proudly, "Who listens to your old bald donkey? Old monk, how many years have you been out of the mountain? The current city owner of He Ancheng is our Xianjia ancestor, Sanle Zhenren, and all the previous land deed documents are invalid!"

A casually pointing to Don't beg, the girl held her head high and said, "One hundred pieces of spiritual stone is more than enough to buy your secluded valley. You bald donkeys have taken up a lot of money, and you are not satisfied with your heart, that is, you are looking for hardships!"

Don't beg, take out the 100 exquisite lower spirit stones and show them to the old monk with hidden hearts.

The old monk was stunned. He recited the Buddha's name with his hands together and asked in a low voice, "Dare to ask the former city owner, Master Jing'an, how is he now?"

The young man who led the team held his head proudly, stepped forward a few steps and sneered, "The old bald donkey naturally burst his brain and died tragically on the spot. Old bald donkey, there is still a cup of tea time. If you don't move away, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Don't beg to stuff the spirit stone back into the storage bag, nibbleed a bit of bad head, and looked back at the old monk with a hidden heart.

The old monk's face changed slightly, and he sighed, "Master Jing'an, it's a nest. Wait, what a cruel means!"

Put the bad head in his hand upright on the steps behind him. The old monk swayed forward for a few steps. He said in a low voice, "Well, don't blame the old monk for defeating demons today and eradicating your evil obstacles!"

A lion roar spewed out of the old monk's mouth, and a large amount of golden light suddenly spewed out under the skin of the skinny old monk. He clenched his fist and punched the arrogant young man in the chest.

Of the seven men and women, the other three men and two women were shaken by the lion's roar, howled and flew dozens of feet away, spitting blood and fainted to the ground.

The young man and the woman in green exclaimed and spit out a pink sword light at the same time.