Steal the sky

Chapter 426 The so-called thief

God's consciousness quickly penetrates the edges in the Buddhist temple, and don't beg to exchange opinions with your wife quickly.

"Why are you pretending to be a ghost? Don't forget that this old monk is your benefactor!" Don't beg for a glance.

"I am used to holding beautiful clothes and food before and after. Now I am so depressed that the Juyang God Religion has been eradicated by people. I don't recruit a few disciples. I'm not used to it! As for this old monk, with the guidance of the king, he can at least prove the arhat's position in the future, but take advantage of him!" The law is solemn and the smile is solemn.

"Don't mess around. They are serious and Ran. Don't make them the people of the Giant Yang Sect!" Don't beg, stare at me fiercely again.

"Don't worry, there is kindness to repay kindness, revenge, and the kindness and hatred have been clear since childhood!" He replied disapprovingly, don't beg for a white eye, and stretched out his hand and pressed it on the head of the old monk with a hidden heart: "You and I are predestined to come into my door today, and I am the second largest disciple under my master. Yungong, concentrate your mind, and help you condense the first relic lotus platform with the skill of awakening enlightenment.

I saw the Buddha's light flashing all over his body, and a hot stream in his palm rushed straight into the hidden old monk Tianling. The old monk smiled happily and sat on the ground cross-legged. A crack in his eyebrows opened, a thin white light flashed, and a white and shining relic the size of a thumb shot out. In this relic, there are ten thousand-character Buddha seal and lotus huā virtual shadow flashing, and a flexible and pure Buddha power spread around. Don't beg, you can't help but be calm and the spirit becomes clear and condensed.

He recited the mantra in a low voice, changed his fingerprints, and constantly injected his huge essence into the hidden old monk [body]. The old monk with a white spirit rushed up in the middle of his eyebrows and gradually turned into a lotus-like fog.

Buddhist monks do not cultivate golden elixir, do not knot Yuanying, do not turn into yuan gods, and their cultivation is all on the relic. The relic is the collection of all the spirits and spirits of Buddhist monks. "Forming a relic" is equivalent to the realm of Taoist golden elixir: after the relic, once it can be turned into the first lotus platform under the relic, it is the cultivation of the Yuanying, the second lotus platform is the realm of the yuan god, the third lotus platform is the achievement, and the three lotus platforms surround

After the golden arhat, the three spirited and pregnant lotus platforms gradually merged into one, and finally turned into the physical three-grade lotus platform. The one who can sit on the lotus platform is the merit of the Bodhisattva, which is the strength of the Taoist Golden Immortal. The number of lotus platforms has gradually increased with the growth of cultivation, from three grades to nine grades. Once the nine-grade golden lotus platform is achieved, it will become the Buddha's position, which is equivalent to the strength of the Taiyi Jinxian of Taoism.

He used his own spirit to help the old monk with hidden hearts condense the first relic lotus platform, which is to help the old monk with hidden hearts break through the realm of Yuanying.

The huge essence is constantly injected into the hidden old monk [body]. The old monk is sweating all over, and his body has released a strong golden light.

The skills of his Buddha's immortal body are progressing rapidly, but his realm is slow to break through. A stubborn threshold crossed in front of the old monk. He used all his Dharma cultivation to cooperate with the essence of the imperial input, but he could not break through the mental barrier.

The cold sweat was also flowing down from the forehead, and there was a price to pay for pretending to be a ghost. He was seriously injured. Now he pretended to accept the Bodhisattva as an apprentice in order to subdue the old monk with hidden hearts. He reluctantly exported a little essence to help the old monk with hidden hearts break through the realm. Originally, he thought that the old monk with hidden hearts was close to the peak of the golden elixir, and it was easy to

Buddhist monks focus on their cultivation. If there is no mental barrier, ordinary old monks can become Buddhas within a day. If the mental barrier involves too heavy reincarnation for a hundred generations, it is also the cultivation of a relic. The old monk hides his heart didn't know what was in his heart. He was so suffocated that his face was purple, and he trembled all over. The first relic lotus platform was still just a faint cloud and smoke, and he could not form an entity.

Don't beg frowned. He turned his eyes and suddenly walked to the old monk with a hidden heart. He tried his best to make a lion roar and roared loudly, "Who are you sorry for?"

The old monk with a hidden heart is in a state where he wants to break through but can't break through, and all his spirits are in a trance. Hearing the roar of Don't Beg, the old monk shouted instinctively, "The old monk is sorry for too many people. Thirty generations of reincarnation entangled, the wife and parents have countless enmity, how can the old monk leave it casually?

Don't beg for a solid slap in the face of the old monk with a hidden heart. He said respectfully, "Fool! No wonder you have a magic number to hide your heart! Hide your mother, dig out the heart of your thirtieth reincarnation, take it out and wash it in the sun! The past life, the past life, the world, the world is broken! You have jumped out of that dirty world, and what do you hide a dirty heart?

A crackling slap in the face ** In the past, don't beg to make the hidden heart and Ran's faces explode, and their faces are full of blood. Don't beg and shout loudly, "Oh! Wake up! Let go of your hidden heart! Entanglement in the previous life, enmity in the previous life, when you ascend to the throne of Bodhisattva, the person you go to their reincarnation is to repay kindness and revenge. What are you entangled here?

The old monk's eyes suddenly lit up, and two white lights spewed out far away.

Don't beg to use up all your energy and turn into a loud sound like a Hongzhong Dalu into the heart of the old monk with a hidden heart: "If you don't become a Buddha, how can you cross people? When the mud bodhisattva cross the river, it is difficult to protect yourself. In this world, you can't save your own small Zen temple. Who can you save? Who can help? Yes.

He rolled his eyes and nodded as if he had something.

The old monk with a hidden heart suddenly shouted a Buddha's horn, and his body suddenly ignited spontaneously without fire, and the colorful flames burned around his body, emitting a strong fragrance of sandalwood. After his old and shriveled body was burned by the flames, he suddenly became golden, tall and strong, just like a young monk. There was a white disc on his head, and two of them were like white lotus that had just been picked from the pond, hovering in the wind above his head.

The old monk's relic suddenly expanded and floated lightly between the two white lotus. The relic sends out a bright light to shine on the two white lotus, and the lotus huā sprays a silky fog to nourish the relic. The two complement each other, and there is a faint meaning that the two Taiji and the two instruments are endless. A line of white light spewed out from the sudden relic, and another white lotus gradually condensed in the white light, and there was only a trace of condensing into an entity.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Don't beg to smile at the old monk and said, "Master is only one step away from the golden arhat now. In a moment of epiphany, you will become the result of immortal golden arhat. Congratulations to Master, Master Hexi!"

The old monk with a hidden heart looked up to the sky and roared happily. He slowly got up and walked around the sitting concubine for three times. After worshiping respectfully to the concubine, he thanked him: "Thank you, Taoist friend, for your attention. With a lion roar, the old monk has benefited endless benefits! Taoist friends are so enlightened that they should be predestined with my Buddhism!"

Don't beg's face suddenly changed. He stared at the old monk with a hidden heart and snorted coldly, "Your whole family is predestined to be with Buddhism!" He waved his hand, and said with a sneer, "Don't thank me, thank others." I also stole from others! That person is predestined to your Buddhism, and his whole family is predestined to your Buddhism!"

As soon as the sleeve was shaken, Don't beg and strode to the group of Sanle Zhenren who fell to the ground. As soon as he grabbed it, he grabbed the storage ring in Sanle Zhenren's hand. God's consciousness swept into the ring, and you couldn't help frowning. Is this still the new city owner of Ancheng? Why is it so shabby? In a large storage ring, there are three top-grade spiritual stones, more than a dozen middle-grade spiritual stones, and hundreds of lower-grade spiritual stones. Isn't this too poor?

There are several bottles of messy pills in the ring, dozens of good-quality spiritual charms, and three top-grade magic weapons flying swords, which are still a little valuable. But in total, the total assets in the hands of Sanle Zhenren are about the value of 300,000 to 500,000 lower-grade spiritual stones. Thanks to him, he is still the master of a city, and he is still a monk in the early Yuanying!

Carefully rebuilt Sanle Zhenren's body, don't beg to scrape all the valuable things on him, including a belt made of cold silk, and then kicked Sanle Zhenren aside and ran to the Fire Raven Taoist.

Seeing that Don't beg for extremely professional Sanle Zhenren was afraid of cleaning up, he realized that "He shouted like a rooster choked by the neck: "Pullor!"

The old monk with hidden hearts asked respectfully, "Master, my disciple is here. What can I do for you?"

As soon as the blood madman heard the cry of the concubine, he was like a hungry wolf "wow", shouting and rushed to the fire crow Taoist. Grabbing the front line of Don't beg, the blood madman threw himself on the fire crow Taoist. "His hands were on the fire crow Taoist for a while, just like a pervert saw a beautiful woman, and his posture was indescribably ambiguous.

Unfortunately, the professional is a professional boat, and the blood madman pressed and touched the fire crow Taoist's body. As a result, he took out a few red seals, but Don't beg casually rolled a roll on the fire crow's Taoist man. The big winding hand was launched, and the invisible energy had rolled The divine consciousness swept into the bracelet, and Don't beg for it. He laughed a few times with joy.

The fire crow Taoist is very rich in wealth. Although there are not many spiritual stones, they can fill three large rooms with spiritual charms, elixirs, complete sets of magic weapons and flags, elixirs and minerals with fire attributes. Don't beg for surprise and praised: "That's right. The aura of Pangu Continent is much thicker than that of the outer world, and the products are also very rich. It should be decent to have such a family!"

The eyes were hot on the side. He hurriedly blasted over with a divine thought: "Don't beg, don't go too much, the rules of the world, there is half of the meeting!"

Don't beg and be stunned, then he turned around and nodded to his teeth: "Halfway through the meeting! When we pick up all these guys, we will go to occupy He'an City later. Hey, go to Ancheng first and heal our injuries!"

Shoned: "Occupy He Ancheng? There is the support of the immortals behind the Man family. How can we have the strength to deal with the immortals now?

Don't waved his hand disapprovingly. He said lightly, "Believe me! Well, blood madman, come on, take off this man's trousers. He actually hid the storage bag in his crotch. What on earth is there to be seen?

In the Buddha Hall, dozens of monks with clothes flying noses, Sanle Zhenren and Fire Raven Taoist were naked.

Just as Don't begged to plunder these unlucky people with great interest, a rapid cry suddenly came from outside the valley: "Ancestor, go back to the city quickly. There is a bald donkey from the Golden Pavilion Temple blocking the gate!"

Ask for tickets, ask for tickets! Oh! Oh!"