Steal the sky

Chapter 436 The Battle of Buddhas and Demons

One gold and one green, two strong lights fled in a hurry in the void. Yufuzi and Mr. Jin, who were covered in blood, really wanted to cry without tears.

"It's all your fault!" The two fled and cursed each other with the most vicious words. Their faces were full of reprosy. The Qiao Niang was killed by the Golden Pavilion Temple, which simply made them heartbroken. They felt that it was all the fault of the other party. If the other party had not made a mistake to protect the Qiao Niangniang, how could such a beautiful woman be killed by a group of bald donkeys?

On the contrary, it was the essence left by Na Zhixian, and the two were not very interested in it. Yufuzi and Mr. Jin are typical bony princes. They have worked hard to cultivate to thirty-three immortals. With today's luxurious family, all their interests are focused on chasing women and extravagant enjoyment. Therefore, they will follow Qiao Niangniang all day long and become the most famous of Qiao Niangniang's countless faces.

Today, Qiao Niangniang was killed. It seems that both of them have been dug out of their hearts. It's really heartbreaking to the extreme. For a moment, they were so angry that they fought desperately with the monks of the Golden Pavilion Temple at the same time. Unexpectedly, the monks' defense was really ridiculous. The two of them joined hands and could not break the iron wall of others.

While fighting for life, those monks outside suddenly appeared. Five immortals and dozens of Yuanshen monks, as well as hundreds of Yuanying and Jindan monks attacked at the same time, and they happened to fight with the monks of Jinge Temple. When the two sides lost their vitality, they took action. Of course, they were seriously injured. Escape, the monks of the Golden Pavilion Temple were also careless and fell on the spot.

"It's all your fault!" The two of them cursed again. They have become Qiao Niangniang for a long time, and their friendship is not shallow, so they know a lot about each other's private affairs. Now that they have lost the lubricant of Qiao Niangniang, the two tore their faces and scold each other, which is too unpleasant.

At least use the innate escape method to sneak in front of the two people and wait, don't beg, you can't listen to them shouting and scolding like this.

Seven demon god puppets turned into a huge bronze-colored demon gods nine feet tall and flew up to the sky, rushing straight to the two with a strong magic spirit. Demon god puppets specialize in the magic battle strategy, which is a special forging skill in the magic way. These demon god puppets are best at close combat, which can basically be used as humanoid magic weapons. The seven-headed demon god instantly moved to the two people, and the fourteen fists swept down like a storm.

Each punch contains a strong magic spirit, and the magic spirit full of devouring power, corrosive power and all kinds of negative energy hit the unprepared Yufuzi and Mr. Jin, making them retreat together, and a large amount of golden light burst out on their bodies. The rich of these two people are also famous near Ancheng. They have three or four protective fairy weapons with them. The demon puppet suddenly attacked, and the two did not react, but their portable fairy weapons automatically protected them and barely blocked the attack of the demon puppet for the two.

But these two have been well-fed for hundreds of thousands of years and have not fought with others for a long time. Yufuzi and Mr. Jin have long forgotten how to fight. Attacked by the demon god puppet, they relied on the automatic protection of the immortal weapon to avoid the disaster of the fall. What they were thinking about was not how to deal with the enemy, but Qiqi put on the old man's face and shouted, "Did, boy, do you know who we are?"

Don't beg to come out of the ground. He doesn't bother to pay attention to what these two are. Looking at the heavy glow on their bodies, don't beg to pat on the top of the head. A gray smoke rose to the sky with a harsh ghost roar, and the jade bone soul search flag slowly appeared from the smoke.

Don't beg for other fairy weapons on your body. It is impossible to break the defense of the two people in a short time. Xuanyin ** is so powerful that it's scary, but it's a pity that ** if he doesn't listen, don't beg. The only thing that can be borrowed now is the power of the jade bone soul search flag! Don't beg to sacrifice the soul flag. Hold the handle of the long flag in your right hand, gritten your teeth and spray the blood on the long flag. Lifting the long flag is a heavy shake.

'Woo-hoo' A strange roar came, and the glow on Yufuzi and Mr. Jin suddenly dimmed. Their eyes kept, and their eyes suddenly swirled. They had lost consciousness by the jade bone soul search flag. The seven-headed demon god puppet flew up, and fourteen fists smashed all over the two of them, dim the fairy weapon on their bodies, and then pinched their heads and broke their necks.

Poor two thirty-three immortals, even if they are hit hard, their strength is better than that of Begging now, but they are easily killed as if they were killing chickens.

"Good baby, thanks to you today!" Don't beg willingly stroked the jade bone to search the soul flag, and looked up at the power of this fairy weapon again. Unfortunately, the spirit of the soul-shun flag is still sleeping and recovering, otherwise he can know what kind of fairy weapon he is.

A forbidden magic fire spewed out and burned it from the seven orifices of Yufuzi and Mr. Jin. In the blink of an eye, the two were refined into a large pile of blood crystals and soul crystals. At this moment, there was a sound of chirping, and more than thirty strange glows gushed out of their bodies, and they were about to flee in all directions. Don't beg for a cold snort. He pointed casually, and a wisp of innate breath gushed out.

The more than 30 glows that had escaped hundreds of feet away suddenly condensed. They quickly flew back, rotated around the begging for a while, sensed the faint innate breath he pointed out, and then cautiously approached the begging for a little distance. Don't beg nod and whispered, "You will obey me wholeheartedly. In the future, you will have the opportunity to break away from the spirit and recast the body!"

With more than thirty colorful lights roaring in unison, they have empted into Beg's body one after another, obediently opening the core of their own spirit, so that Don't Begging has left its own divine imprint in their soul. The innate breath is too attractive to these middle and lower-grade fairy weapons.

Don't beg is a little worried. He felt so many things like knives, guns, swords, halberd, axes, spears and so on, and couldn't help sighing. How can he stand so many fairy weapons? Helpless, Don't beg can only give them a clear divine past, and Don't beg will transfer them to others for use, but as long as they are obedient and wholeheartedly do what a qualified fairy weapon should do, every once in a while, Don't begging will reward part of their innate breath.

"How precious is the innate spirit? If you don't contribute at all, why does poverty give you so much benefit? This is the original saying of not begging to fool these fairy weapons.

Those fairy artifacts are also reasonable, and they have agreed to the condition of not begging. Don't beg, then he breathed a sigh of relief. Even if he is strong enough to compete with the immortals now, there are more than 30 fairy weapons to rebel. Even a powerful immortal like Sanyu Tianjun will have a headache, let alone don't beg?

Solve the problem of Yufuzi and Mr. Jin, and subdued more than 30 fairy weapons. Don't beg to put away all the blood crystal soul crystals, and quickly escape into the ground and rush to the battle group.

With a blood madman and a hidden monk, carrying Liu Yi, who was unconscious, also hid in the distance and watched this way. After Begging to meet the concubine, the concubine did not ask him where he had gone and what he had done, but said directly, "The old monk and that old guy look very powerful."

During the period when Don't beg to chase and kill Yu Fuzi and Mr. Jin, a great change occurred near the battlefield.

Just attacked Yufuzi, Mr. Jin and the monks of the Golden Pavilion Temple. Those monks who competed for the body of Zhixian had been killed. There was only a thin old man with a gloomy face and a height of only about three feet, and a fat monk with a tall and angry face.

and the divine consciousness, don't beg to figure out what happened during this period.

The thin old man is the ancestor of Jiji, and the fat monk is an angry arhat. The ancestor of Jiji is the nominal adoptive father of Qiao Niangniang. In fact, Qiao Niangniang is his re-disciple and his lover, and is also the agent used by Jiji's ancestors in the surrounding areas of Yaokong and Ancheng. And the angry Luohan is the master of the little Wuxiang Buddha's land, and the abbot of the Golden Pavilion Temple is also a disciple of his disciples who listen to the scriptures.

Both of them have the cultivation of twenty-four immortals, and they are representatives of the invasion of the Immortal Sect and the forces of Ancheng.

Over the years, they have only manipulated some superficial forces to fight against each other, but the two have rare feathers and have never taken action easily. But this time, Zhixian's spirit is face to face, no matter how rare the two of their feathers are, they will not hesitate to fight.

As soon as they appeared, they killed the monks who came up to take advantage of the fun. The ancestor of Jiji specially killed those immortals and monks of the righteous forces. In a rage, the arhat took a hot hand on the evil monks. The two joined hands and killed the monks who dared to rise up within 30 miles in just a few breaths, leaving a few missing fish from the Great Lotte Palace and the monks of the Golden Pavilion Temple The side.

Before Begging came back, the two of them just kept staring at each other without saying a word. After waiting for Don't beg to get close to the maidservant and intentionally or unintentionally releasing a little breath, the two of them looked at the begging side, and then the ancestor of Jieji suddenly said, "A bald donkey, if you give in today, you will have a heavy reward in the future. I just killed so many people, and there are still many juniors watching. Do you and I really want to fight and let the juniors see the excitement?

Angry Arhat smiled. He nodded his fat head and said seriously, "This thing is predestined to be with my Buddhism. I can't let you take it away. Jiji Laozu, you take a step back today and have a good relationship with my Buddhist sect. In the future, the poor monk will save you from dying three times!"

The ancestor of Jiji snorted coldly. He casually snorted at the angry man and sneered, "Well, let's score high in your hands!" Bald donkey, you are dead!"

After a word, the angry Arhat suddenly flowed out of black stench sweat under his skin. His body suddenly dried up, and the relic lotus platform on the top of his head gradually withered, and a sign of the five declines of heaven and man suddenly appeared on him.

In amazed, Luohan was shocked. He shouted in a low voice, "The Dharma is boundless. How can the evil spirits be hit?"

The golden light was released all over his body, and the angry arhat's body quickly returned to its original state, while Jiji Laozu's body suddenly expanded. His original black skin gradually showed a faint golden color, just like a statue made of pure gold. A round of Buddha light appeared on the top of his head.

The ancestor of Jiji exclaimed, and then sighed solemnly, "If you don't suppress evil, the Buddha will eventually become a demon!"

With a long sigh, the ancestor of Jiji turned into a black light and rushed to the furious arhat.

The angry man's face was solemn. He opened his mouth and let the black light rush into his mouth.

A Buddha's call came out, and several old monks of the Jinge Temple sat cross-legged beside the angry arhat and recited the scriptures of the demon in unison.

The angry arhat suddenly spewed black air all over his body, and the left half of his body suddenly turned into a white-boned skeleton.

Don't beg and take a breath. These two really risked their lives.