Steal the sky

Chapter 459 Encirclement

The three tail feathers of the gale hit his head, and Feng Qingwu's face suddenly turned pale.

Don't beg to be stunned, and run away as soon as your body twists. A dodge, don't beg and escape more than ten miles away." He barely avoided the direct impact of the wind and tail feathers. The tail feather wrapped in the black and blue wind seemed to fall lightly on the ground, wrapping Feng Qingwu and hundreds of knights around him. Don't beg suddenly felt that his body was light, and dozens of whirlwinds spewed out from his feet, rolling him around and flying to the sky.

The power of this wind is frightening, and the wind contains a rule force that points directly to the origin of the wind. Don't beg his body rotates rapidly with the wind, and a wind is constantly invading his body, trying to assimilate his body into a wisp of wind and a wisp of breath.

Hardly turned his head and looked at Feng Qingwu's group. Feng Qingwu's head was a fist-sized light golden beast bone skull with two horns hanging in the air. "Seven golden lights spewed out of the seven orifices" to block the invasion of the wind around, protecting Feng Qingwu firmly in a small space with a diameter Nearly a thousand knights brought by Feng Qingwu did not have such a good treasure to protect themselves. Their bodies flew into the air as lightly as begging. These people were invaded by the wind three or two times and turned into a wisp of wind in the blink of an eye.

Nearly a thousand people's bodies disintegrated in the air. "All the substances in their bodies" turned into wind and gas. The tail feathers hit by the strong wind shook gently and sprayed randomly in all directions. Their bodies, their armored robes, and their weapon ornaments, everything was invaded and worn by the wind into an invisible wind.

What an amazing power it is! Don't beg for light in your eyes, and there is a strong magic gas all over your body, turning into a black air wall to protect yourself firmly inside.

The blue and black wind around him blew silently, but silently and firmly invaded the purgatory magic that did not beg out. It's just that the magic gas contains a more domineering corrosive and devouring power than the wind. The wind is gradually melted, and the magic gas is gradually struggling after devouring the wind.

Don't beg to fly high into the sky with the strong wind" and flew straight to the strong wind.

Feng Qingwu, who was wrapped in the strong wind, raised her head with difficulty. She saw that Begging could actually stay in the hit of the strong wind, but she had not been killed by the strong wind." She couldn't help shouting happily: "Wu, the blasp of Taoist, quickly capture the strong wind. I will be rewarded Gold, silver and jewelry "beautiful woman, as long as you want, there is nothing that I can't give!"

Don't beg and ignore the wind and dance. This woman's self-feeling is too good. The arrogance and arrogance that go deep into her bones are really disgusting. He pulled out the greedy wolf sword, "lightly passed by the mouth of the wind", and then scratched the sword, "cut off the dozens of iron chains hooked in the mouth of the wind. Don't beg to kick the mouth of the strong wind, and the relay flew back quickly.

Don't beg to look up to the sky and laugh and say, "Go ahead" Go ahead, don't stay on the ground! A mythical beast like you should soar above the nine heavens. Why are you greedy for this mouth when you have nothing to do? Go back and let your old man spank you hard! Hahaha, run away quickly!"

Chain crushing" Dafeng happily swallowed a few times, and swallowed the iron hook in his mouth into his abdomen with a chain. A little blood splashed out of the corners of the mouth. The windy mouth and the throat were broken by the iron hook, and now the iron hook has been swallowed. The wound is exposed, and the blood naturally comes out. The strong wind looked at Don't begging deeply, looked up to the sky and roared happily, and then the wings suddenly patted, and heard a gust of wind between heaven and earth, and a thousand miles away was full of black dragon whirlwinds on the ground.

With a clear sound, "The strong wind rose to the sky with the help of this huge wind, and the huge body was like an electric light, instantly smashing a heavy cloud" easily disappeared into the sky.

Don't beg to fly lightly in the air with the strong wind, and you have to drive the sword light to escape. He laughed wildly at Feng Qingwu, who was struggling in the storm, and said, "Women, don't think that everyone in the world must follow your heart! What do you really think you are?"

There is a black magic light spewing out around you. Don't beg to use the remote magic escape method in the Purgatory Magic Sutra. Run away, and suddenly there was a dull sound of drums around. With a drum shock, the mountains and rivers shook, and the black tornado around suddenly dissipated: the earth trembled, and the surrounding mountains suddenly shuddered. Countless rocks slid down from the top of the mountain: three drums shook, and people's hearts shook. Don't beg for a heavy twitch. The blood all His face was red, and the capillaries on his face burst one after another, revealing large areas of bloody spots.

At the sound of the three drums, a total of 360 pieces are 100 feet long and eight feet wide. The giant bone rune made of white unknown bone armor rises from all directions. The dazzling gray-white aura covers the void. Don't beggar's air around you suddenly freezes, and all teleportation spells are broken. Don't beg, the remote magic escape method just displayed was suddenly broken. The purgatory demon Gang condensed in his [body] was in chaos, and the turbulent demon Gang broke out in the [body], which caused a sharp pain in the meridians. Under each bone talisman, an old man in black linen, barefoot, with a hemp belt tied around his waist, sat cross-legged in the air. Sensen's spiritual light gushed out of their [body], and their bodies were covered with a layer of thumb-thick white light, and the dazzling white light flowed endlessly, like a layer of bright glass covering their bodies, giving people the strange illusion that they were separated from the world and the world were no longer bound by certain rules of the world.

These old people have pale hair, deep eyes, and green light in their eyes. Seven hundred and twenty eyes separated the distance from dozens of miles to more than a hundred miles. "Don't beg, a huge real pressure condensed on Don't beg, as if amber sealed the poor little bug. Don't beg only felt that the air around him became sticky and dense, and it was rare for a little finger to move.

The strong wind rolled up by the three tail feathers dissipated, and Feng Qingwu, who was suppressed by the strong wind, stood up with a blue face and bowed respectfully to the north. The people of Long Boguo, who were shouting and dragging the chain, also knelt down one after another and respectfully touched the ground with their foreheads.

, Ding, Ding, nine jade sounds, followed by a dull bronze bell. A black cloud floated slowly and lightly from the north. On the black cloud was a dragon about eight miles long, and a black dragon with a cultivation of about twenty-eight immortals. Between the two dragon horns on the top of the black dragon head, there is a thick and simple square hall built of black boulder. At the door of the hall stood eighteen black stone pillars, and the depression above the stone pillars was full of fire oil, and the miserable green flames hurt several feet high, so that the black dragon's whole body was green.

The black dragon stopped the cloud when it was still two or three miles away from Begging. He landed heavily on the ground. The four dragon claws clasped a mountain, and his body coiled on the top of the mountain. In the palace above his head, he slowly walked out of a young man in a golden robe, embroidered with purple and silver silk threads full of unicorn huā patterns. He did not wear armor, but just wore a wolf-headed helmet.

Feng Qingwu's body trembled gently, and she raised her head with a flattering smile. At that moment, Don't beg and even thought that what appeared in front of you was an illusion. When they met twice, they were so arrogant, cold and invincible. How could they have such a flattering smile?

At this moment, Feng Qingwu changed from a majestic general to a pug wagging its tail and begging for his master's love.

"Sir, why did you come here in person?" Feng Qingwu's voice became sweet, as if there was a piece of royal jelly in her throat. The sweetness made Don't beg can't help but get goose bumps all over her body. The charm of flattery, flattery and servileness in her voice is really A tail, as long as there is a tail, she will definitely try to shake the tail like a fan.

The golden robe Qingdong, standing on the dragon head, gave a cold look at the Long Boguoren kneeling on the ground. His eyes stared fiercely at the broken chain. A cold sneer squeezed out of the young man's mouth. He asked coldly, "Where's the wind? Fengqing Dance "Where is the wind you promised?"

None of those Long Bo Guo's bodies trembled and none of them dared to look up.

Feng Qingwu pressed her forehead against the ground shiveringly. She stammered, "It's almost done. However, but this splashing Taoist stirs up the mess, he cut off the chain and let the wind escape.

The young man turned his head slightly and looked coldly at Don't beg. He looked up and down for a while, and suddenly said with a sneer, "Feng Qingwu, do you want to shirk the responsibility? At the peak of a Yuanying, he can split ten kinds of evil gold and molten with dragon blood quenched, fishing dragon hooks,? Can such a little Taoist have a fairy weapon? Can you control the fairy weapon? Huh? Are you treating me as a fool?" Feng Qingwu's body shivered violently. Don't beg to hear the sound of joint bumps from her [body]. Feng Qingwu hissed and shouted, "Son of Mingjian, although this hairy Taoist is the peak of Yuanying, he can actually teleport! His strength is enough to compare with the immortals!"

The black dragon's eyes lit up slightly." He glanced at Begging, and the huge corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a strange smile.

Don't beg glanced at the black dragon, and this big guy saw that Don't beg has practiced the dragon's transformation. Any creature that has the blood of the dragon clan and has cultivated the dragon transformation scripture will emit a breath that can only be perceived by the pure dragon clan. Don't beg did not deliberately restrain this breath." Therefore, the black dragon found the secret of Don't beg's body.

But obviously, this black dragon did not mean to remind the prince. He opened his mouth, yawned, and simply closed his eyes.

The prince looked up and down and begged for a while, and sneered and said, "Is it a teleportation spell in the realm of Yuanying? This kind of thing may also happen...

Dare to ask this Taoist friend, who is your teacher? "Which Taiyi Jinxianmen?"

Don't beg without saying anything. He quickly digested and analyzed some of the information in the young man's words. Those gatekeepers of Taiyi Jinxian can also use the teleportation magic with the peak cultivation of Yuanying? In this way, the magic method practiced by "those gatekeepers of Taiyi Golden Immortals" is much more powerful than ordinary monks. No wonder, after all, he is the gatekeeper of Taiyi Golden Immortals!

After meditating for a moment, Don't beg to consider making up a origin for yourself. The young man suddenly turned his head slightly, and his lips moved slightly, faintly saying "Take down, the mouth shape of the two words.

, sonorous, with a soft sound, among the nearly a hundred golden armored men standing on the back of the black dragon, a strong man holding a tiger-toothed long gun flashed in front of Don't begging. He turned his spear and stabbed straight at the root of Don't begging thigh.

The tiger tooth long gun is one foot and six feet long, and the mouth of the bowl is thin. The tiger tooth-shaped gun head is three feet and six inches long. The gun brought a strong wind" roared like a tiger, and a large piece of golden light stabbed over. The tip of the gun was still seven or eight feet away from Begging, and the meaning of the gun shocked the Begging robe, revealing a large area of skin and flesh. ............,