Steal the sky

Chapter 467 Spicy Hand Immortal

And there was a sound of ordinary people closing doors and windows everywhere in Ancheng, banging.

Miao Yihu smiled coldly and turned to look at Sanle Zhenren walking slowly along the street. He took out a round bone mirror and shook it at the real man. A faint light flashed on the round mirror polished with unknown cyan bones." A simple rune flashed on it. Sanle Zhenren's body suddenly shook, and a piece of Qingxia burst from him, and a faint ghost roar came from the Qingxia.

Shaking his head." Miao Yihu put away the bone mirror and said in a low voice, "Do you dare the monks in the early days of Yuanying to talk to me like this?" He looked around mockingly. Miao Yihu stretched out his hands and slowly circled around the monks in the dish: "A group of local chickens and tiles and The imperial army? Give you ten counts of time, get out of here!"

Sanle Zhenren snorted coldly and separated the crowd to Miao Yihu. He lowered his voice and said, "This adult, this and Ancheng are now the territory of our Datian Palace. The ancestor of our DaRakuten Palace is the ancestor of Huiji. After him is the ancestor of Xuanxuan Palace in the realm of Heinten Heaven!"

Miao Yihu put down his hands that provoked the monks around him and pressed them heavily on Sanle Zhenren's shoulder. He leaned in front of Sanle Zhenren, stared at Sanle Zhenren's eyes and sneered, "This is the land of Dayu. The heavenly court governs immortals, and the emperor governs people. This is the divinely recognized precepts of heaven.

Sanle Zhenren took a deep breath. He looked at Miao Yihu's hands on his shoulder and sighed, "But now, He'ancheng is the territory of our fairy gate. If you don't want to trigger a battle between people and immortals, please don't mess around with Ancheng!"

Miao Yihu's eyelids drooped down." There was a strange smile on his thin and slightly gloomy face. He let go of his hands and ignored Sanle Zhenren. He turned to Don't beg and said, "Greedy wolf, let me see your Yuanying. If you are a magic master, come with me. If it weren't for the magic cultivation, "Don't use the Taoist name of Greedy Wolf" and let you go for the time being today." Don't beg for a moment. A white cloud rushed out of his head, and the fake baby who practiced the Guiyuan Wuwei Taoist Sutra rushed out with a large amount of cloud smoke and water There is a crescent machete floating on the fake baby's head, which is hazy like a machete condensed by water vapor occasionally spins, and a trace of light shoots out. This crescent machete is also a spiritual soldier given by the green staff fairy when you don't beg to leave the green cliff star. It is forged with magic smoke mica stone with five elements of fine gold. The knife light is hazy like a fantasy, which happens to be used with Guiyuan Wuwei Taoist scriptures.

Guiyuan Wuwei Taoist scriptures are orthodox Taoist skills, and they place great emphasis on cultivation and nourishment, which is in line with the most primitive Taoism and righteousness. Don't beg Yuanying to fly out of his body. Naturally, there is a clear air wrapped around him. Clouds and clouds circle around him in the shape of Ganoderma lucidum and dragons and tigers. Don't beg for long hair to flutter. "The whole body is refreshed" is a Taoist "orthodox [Taoist] virtuous man.

Miao Yihu's face suddenly turned gloomy. He stared at Yuan Ying, who was sitting in the clouds and smoke above his head. It was cold. He waved his hand more and shouted in a low voice: "Listen to the order, the whole team will leave He Ancheng!"

The armored soldiers around quietly returned one after another, loosened the machine of the strong bow and hard crossbow, and put the weapon into the grass bag on the back. "The whole team went to the gate on the street. The criminal army of the Criminal Hall is well-trained, and all of them are elite choices. Nearly 2,000 soldiers only took a few breaths to complete the team and leave from the East Gate. Miao Yihu put the picture scroll back on his belt, nodded to Don't beg with a smile, and then took a few adjutants and soldiers around him to go out of the city with the team.

On the distant horizon, three flying boats are rapidly coming to He'ancheng. This is to pick up the army commanded by Miao Yihu. Miao Yihu smiled and took a large group of people out of the city, but at the moment he left the city, he turned back and laughed at the city and said, "Sanle Zhenren, greedy werewolf, remember, this is my Dayu's territory! You are just staying for a while. Sooner or later, "Da Yu will take back here!"

Three flying boats landed" Miao Yihu boarded the flying boat with many soldiers. With the slight sound of breaking the sky, the three flying boats quickly broke through the clouds and flew high into the sky, and then slowly flew south.

The sound of footsteps" and Zhu Linggong, who was left behind in Ancheng, hurried over with his soldiers. Don't beg when you see it." Zhu Linggong hurriedly held his fist and saluted, "Senior, was it the criminal officer of the Zhongzhou Criminal Hall just now? You must pay attention to the reputation of the people in the Criminal Hall. Once you are entangled by them, it will be like a maggot in the tares. Things are not so easy to end.

Don't beg for a daze. He smiled and said, "But I think Miao Yihu is still very reasonable. Poor Tao is not a magic practice, so he just left?" Zhu Linggong shook his head with a wry smile and whispered, "When did the people of the Criminal Hall have you reason?"

Seeing Zhu Linggong's bitter smile, "Don't beg" suddenly paused in his heart. Zhu Linggong's family lost control of He'an City. "The whole family was exiled except for Zhu Linggong, who acted as He'ancheng's left behind." Zhu Linggong should have a deep understanding of the means of the Si Xing Hall. In this way, it seems that Miao Yihu really won't let go so easily and don't beg.

Sit for a moment" Don't beg for a smile, patted Zhu Linggong's shoulder: "Bajie is very good, and now it is also well raised in the city lord's mansion. Don't worry, I will raise him well, and he will be promising in the future.

smiled and didn't beg to wink at Sanle Zhenren. Sanle Zhenren whistled, and many monks scattered around one after another. Don't beg and San XX people drove up the clouds and quickly flew to the city lord's house. But on the way, Don't beg will recruit a demon god puppet to turn into his own image, and follow the real Sanle real person back to the city's mansion, while Don't beg yourself is incarnated as a breeze" and chased in the direction of the three flying boats.

got the inheritance of the wind song. Don't beg for the breeze to fly very fast. He chased the south for half an hour and flew more than 10,000 miles away. In the distance, I saw three flying boats descending towards a valley. There were several smoke rising in the valley. Don't beg far away and smelled the aroma of barbecue and cooking rice from afar.

This is an inconspicuous valley in the vast mountains. There is a spring in the valley three or five miles long. Nearly a hundred soldiers are roasting and cooking by the spring, and hundreds of tents are set up in the woods beside them. Some soldiers are patrolling around with knives and guns.

Three flying boats came down, and Miao Yihu came down from the flying boat with a gloomy face and walked into a tent with several deputy Anhe soldiers. Don't beg to follow Miao Yihu. He also followed up in the tent through the innate escape technique. He hid in the mud less than three feet deep at Miao Yihu's feet and squinted to listen to the movement above.

There is a long table made of black stone in the tent, and Miao Yihu and four adjutants sit at random by the long table. The soldier sent the hot tea. Miao Yihu picked up the tea and was not afraid of it. He drank the tea clean. Then he suddenly pulled out his sword from his waist and cut a heavy sword on the long table. With a crisp sound, the long sword split into the stone table more than a foot deep. Miao Yihu loosened the hilt of the sword, and the long sword was inserted into the stone table and shook violently.

"This greedy werewolf is the greedy werewolf wanted by the lord of the state!" Miao Yihu took out the picture scroll around his waist and smashed it heavily on the stone table: "What you saw with your own eyes today is that the Yuanying of this greedy wolf Taoist is the Yuanying of the devil! Even if he is not the greedy wolf Taoist, he has an inexplicable relationship with the greedy wolf Taoist.

The four adjutants stood up together, lowered their heads and shouted in a low voice, "What the adult said is very true, this greedy werewolf" is the most wanted criminal of the lord of the state shepherd!" Miao Yihu was heavy. With one more sound, he sat in his seat and said to himself in a low voice, "Since this greedy wolf Taoist is the greedy wolf Taoist", then I have an excuse to mobilized a large army to besiege and Ancheng. Well, the Dalotte Palace and the Golden Pavilion Temple have died together. "The ancestor of Huiji was seriously injured, and the angry arhat fell. Around Ancheng, how can anyone fight against our Dayu army?"

His fingers gently tapped on the stone table, and Miao Yihu whispered, "I knew that Liu Yi was unreliable!" What's the use of these things? Strength, strong strength can determine everything! If anyone dares to block the way, destroy him with violence. "This is the right way in the world!"

A sneer" Miao Yihu squeezed his lips and made a fierce attack, and then whispered, "Third brother, watch the eldest brother avenge you! Humph, a little peace city actually killed my brother, my father and mother's brother. How can this revenge not be avenged?

An adjutant carefully reminded, "Your Excellency, you now have the authority to mobilize no more than 2,000 troops! If you want to capture today's He'an City, this strength is enough. However, if the ancestor of Huiji sends the doormen around him to help, I'm afraid we can't resist the revenge of the ancestor of the ancestor of Huiji!" Don't beg to squint his eyes hidden underground. "Miao Yihu avenged his third brother? Is his brother the young general he killed? Um, it's just that at that time, he only cared about the blame for the jade. "Don't beg too lazy to find out the origin of the man's identity" and killed him with a sword. Well, Miao Yihu was still behind him. Now he is eager to come and prepare to avenge his third brother with his power.

Miao Yihu squinted his eyes and shook his head. He said in a low voice, "Take Ancheng first. We don't need to intervene in the rest of the matter. As long as the wind about the greedy wolf Taoist and the ancestor of Huiji is released out, Lord Zhoumu will naturally make the decision for us!" The four ad He answered, "Your excellency, this matter will definitely be done!"

Miao Yihu smiled indifferently and was about to say his overall plan when suddenly there was a huge explosion outside. The strong wind swept over the high-temperature flames, and the tent suddenly caught fire and was burned clean. Miao Yihu suddenly jumped up and looked around. The valley has become a hell on earth.

A black-bearded Taoist stood on the head of the cloud, holding a dragon skin fire bag, and was constantly sending thunderbolts to blow up the valley. Every thunderbolt fell to the ground, and the fire clouds generated by the explosion covered dozens of acres of land. The wind and high temperature raged everywhere. The armored soldiers were either blown to pieces or burned by the high-temperature flames and turned their bones into coke. Some soldiers howled. They ran around with flames all over, and the flames burned their skin and flesh. The subcutaneous fat turned into human oil and flowed out.

Miao Yihu pointed angrily at the man and shouted harshly, "Pow, why did you do this poison?" The man smiled indifferently, looked at Miao Yihu with a blank face, and laughed in a low voice, "There are still five stronger ants? That's right!" With a wave of hand, dozens of thunder roared and flew to Miao Yihu and others.