Steal the sky

Chapter 471 Fairy League Reward

In a word, he almost provoked the Three Fire Venerable to fight. No matter who looks at his concubine, he will not think he is a good people. If he directly commented on the Three Fire Venerable, it would be fine, but his frivolous tone commented on Xue Yu, which offended the reverse scale of the Three Fire Venerable, and he almost released the dragon skin fire bag to burn him alive.

The three fire venerable, the cultivation of the twenty-six grades of immortals, a dragon skin fire bag can spray nine kinds of pure yang real fire between heaven and earth, nine kinds of yin Xuanyan, and is more proficient in the skill of talisman refining, and all kinds of fire and thunder rune refined are also popular in the Although he is a 26-grade cultivation, he has a violent personality. Once he takes action, he will be ruthless, and he has a desperate momentum. He once killed a 23-grade immortal with 26-grade cultivation, so he is also a famous figure in the Wanxian League.

Fortunately, don't be persuaded in time to stop the Three Fire Venerable, otherwise once the Three Fire Venerable takes action, it will definitely turn into a piece of flying dust.

At least he stopped the third fire master. He knew that his tongue was in trouble, and his face was gloomy. He carefully compensated to the third fire master. Then he slipped out of the lobby in embarrassment and did not dare to stay in the lobby. The stuffiness in my heart, don't beg, how can you make friends with such people? A monk in the realm of Yuanying often makes friends with the immortals, which makes the concubine really puzzled.

Putting aside the depressed temptiness, don't beg for orders. A table of banquets was laid in the flower hall in the backyard. Don't beg, the three fire venerable sit in the main seat, Xue Yu accompanied, and the host and guests drink to their heart's content. The three fire venerable carefully explained to It's a little more understanding.

The more you talk, the more frightened you will feel if you don't beg.

The three fires of emotions suddenly ran to He'an City and made a hot hand to the human army led by Miao Yihu. Is there also a reward in the Wanxian League? Killing Miao Yihu has a contribution of 100 points, killing a group of soldiers, with a contribution of killing a priest in the Sitian Hall, with a contribution of five points. The Three Fire Venerable completely annihilated the army led by Miao Yihu, and obtained nearly 3,000 contribution points. These contribution points are enough to exchange a few bottles of elixirs within the Wanxian League, or exchange a lower-grade fairy weapon.

The Three Fire Venerable has a violent personality and is a ruthless master who is ruthless. Because of the extermination of Xueyu's relatives, Xueyu's father is a life-and-death friend of the Three Fire Masters. The Three Fire Venerable couldn't help but lead people to slaughter the garrison general of Xueyu Manmen. In the past few years, he has been looking for troubles with the officials of the Yu Dynasty and a small group of troops. In three or five years, he has killed nearly a hundred thousand officers and soldiers of the Yu Dynasty.

100,000 undead have brought nearly 300,000 contribution points to the Three Fire Venerable. In addition to the flying boat and other property plundered by the Three Fire Venerable, the Three Fire Venerable is extremely rich in wealth. His position in the Wanxian League has also been upgraded from the original silver ally to a gold medal.

"Murderer officers and soldiers, can you make any contributions?" Don't beg to take up the glass and take a sip of wine. He looked at the Three Fire Venerable curiously and asked, "Does it contribute to killing at will?"

The Three Fire Master shook his head, and he smiled and said, "Kill at will, how can it be done? Isn't this going to cause chaos? The greedy wolf Taoist friend injects the divine consciousness into the iron card, and you will see several reward lists of the Wanxian League in it.

Don't beg and nod. He injected the divine consciousness into the iron card in his hand. A strange light flashed in front of him, and a line of big characters first appeared in front of him - and the greedy wolf of Ancheng Datian Palace! There is actually a ban in this iron card to indicate the origin of the identity that Don't beg now. Through this line of words, the divine consciousness suddenly lit up in front of him, and a square and mu of space suddenly appeared.

Several streams of light go down vertically from high altitude, the streamer keeps scrolling down, and the purple-gold handwriting on it keeps sliding down. Don't beg your consciousness to approach these streams of light, and immediately a large amount of information is constantly used.

The light stream closest to the begging is the reward list for killing. For example, it is said that there is a reward of ten fairy stones to take his life. If the whole family can be destroyed, the reward will be increased to fifteen fairy stones. Behind this reward is a note from the Wanxian League: In view of the existence of Lord Zuo Si Xing, it has seriously threatened the safety of some allies of the Wanxian League. Anyone who can kill this person will receive a reward of 1,000 contribution points.

In addition, there is another reward, which is the private affairs of an ally of the Wanxian League. He offered a reward of 50 fairy stones and asked the powerful immortals in the alliance to help him subdue an ancient giant demon dragonfly giant shrimp hidden in the Water Margin of Yuzhou. This giant shrimp has the cultivation of twenty-three immortals. The person who offered the reward asked for the inner elixir and soul of the giant shrimp, and the other shells, flesh and blood were all owned by the seller.

There is another reward, which is particularly interesting. An ally of the Wanxian League cursed on the reward list. This ally is obviously a magic fairy. He secretly released the plague somewhere in Daiyu Xingzhou, killed more than a million mortals, and collected the magic weapon of the soul sacrifice. As a result, when the magic weapon he sacrificed was about to take shape, three Buddhist monks passed by, and the three of them joined hands to attack the magic fairy, making him break his arm and escape. The magic treasure that was about to take shape was also surpassed by the three monks.

The reward requirement of this ally is that the total remuneration of the 'Damingyuan' of the three Buddhist monks stationed in tin is 100 pieces of fairy stones, as well as a number of other strange rare materials and a number of elixirs of the ten thousand-year climate. He even indicated at the end of the reward message that he hoped that the Buddhist monks in the Wanxian League would not inform the Daming Yuan to fulfill the friendship of allies.

With a smile, Don't beg to turn your attention to the other light curtains.

On one of the light curtains, a piece of purple-gold handwriting is sliding down rapidly. The above shows that the criminal officer of the Criminal Hall of Zhongzhou led his subordinates to kill dozens of monks around Qianlan Mountain at will. Among them, there are two of the allies of Wanxian. He hoped that Wanxian, who is closest to Qianlanshan, would immediately take action and kill the criminal officer together with his sergeants.

In this reward, it is also marked with the contribution points that can be obtained by killing the criminal officer and his sergeant under his command. As the Three Fire Venerable said, the killing of the criminal officer is 100 points, one point for the sergeant under his command, and five points for the priest of the Sitian Hall with the army.

Then another purple-gold handwriting fell, and this purple-gold handwriting flashed with dazzling light, emitting shocking aura fluctuations. Don't beg for the divine consciousness, and you are almost forced to throw all the divine knowledge into this reward. The Three Fire Venerable, who sat next to Begging, was also shocked. He hurriedly took out the golden token of his handwriting and threw his mind into it.

Don't be aware that there is a purple-gold light flashing on the gold medal of the Three Fire Masters, and there is a faint aura fluctuation. Obviously, the master of the Wanxian League used this method to inform all allies, indicating that a valuable reward mission has appeared.

hurriedly put the divine consciousness on the golden handwriting frozen in the void, and a message quickly integrated into the divine consciousness.

This is a reward issued by the Supreme Presbyterian Church of the Wanxian League, requiring all the allies of Wanxian to do their best to seek 179 rare fairy herbs. Behind each kind of fairy grass elixir is marked with a huge number, which is a million-level contribution point of millions, representing a million-level contribution point of great wealth and interests.

One hundred and seventy-nine kinds of fairy grass elixirs, of which 133 have marked the places where they may exist, and it is clearly proposed that these fairy grass elixirs exist in some places. However, because of the extremely long distance, it is extremely difficult to pick these fairy grass elixirs at the same time. The reward notice requires the monks closest to those places to rush to pick these fairy grass elixirs quickly, and then send them to the nearest Wanxian League Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible.

Forty-six other fairy grass elixirs did not give an exact place of possible growth. The notice only explains the correct names, aliases and nicknames of these fairy grass elixirs, indicating their shape, smell, characteristics, hobbies, etc.

And the top row is marked with a line of purple-wrapped characters, offering a reward for the spiritual liquid gathered by the essence of high-grade Zhixian. A drop of high-grade Zhixian liquid can be exchanged for 3 million contribution points, or a top-grade fairy weapon. The end of this line of big characters is particularly annotated. The Wanxian League guarantees the absolute safety of those who provide Zhixian Linglue, who will be protected by the Presbyterian Church of Wanxian League.

A top-quality fairy weapon?

Don't frown, and then shake your head gently.

For the promise of a top-quality fairy weapon, it is not worth it for him to give Zhixian Lingye to Wanxian League. On the contrary, three of the one hundred and seventy-nine elixirs are just available on hand. When leaving Wanxianxing, Don't beg swept the secret library of the Dayan Dynasty. I don't know how many elixirs were searched from it, and there were just three kinds of elixirs with a fire of more than one yuan meeting on the reward list.

According to the price on the reward, three elixirs can also be exchanged for three million contribution points. This is a large amount of money, which is enough not to beg for a top-quality fairy weapon. Why take the risk of sending out the fairy liquid?

The sudden Three Fire Venerable suddenly laughed. He slapped the table hard and laughed loudly, "Wonder, there happens to be a burning clove and half of the rhizome of violet earthworm in the hand of the poor road. This is still the poverty road looting in those years... Ah ha ha, I accidentally got it, baby! It's developed this time, it's developed!"

He stood up happily, and the three fires were begging and said, "Taoist friends, this kind of thing should be done sooner or later. The Wanxian League Chamber of Commerce, which is closest to Ancheng, is in Xiangle City, three million miles away. Haha, I'm going to offer these two elixirs quickly. Don't let anyone take the lead!"

Don't get up in a hurry when you hear the words. He smiled and said, "It's so good. There are two kinds of elixirs here!"

The three fires stayed for a long time, and then said happily, "Wonderful, the wealth of Taoist friends is so rich. Go quickly, go quickly, otherwise let people take the lead. This reward is the same as the end of completion, and it is not good to go late!"

Don't beg hurriedly answered. He clapped his hands heavily and invited You Jin to order a few words.

You Jinwei answered a few times. Don't beg and rushed out of the flower hall with the Three Fire Venerable, and drove the clouds straight to the Xiangle City in the southwest.

As for the little girl of Xueyu, she was safely left in the city master's house by the three fires, and was taken care of by the two beggars.

The clouds are light quickly, don't beg and the three fires will soon go far away.