Steal the sky

Chapter 476 Bei Ming Abyss

Relying on the trace of innate gas left in the body, don't beg to hold the head of the three fires in one arm, carefully avoid the boiling chaotic airflow, and run away in a random direction. After flying blankly for several days and nights, he couldn't stand it any longer, and finally fell down in a gray valley.

'Dad', the head of the Three Fire Master fell heavily on the ground and rolled far away.

The three fire venerable shouted in pain. He struggled to rely on the squirming of his facial muscles and put his head on the ground.

Don't beg to fall to the ground, looking at the Three Fire Venerable breathlessly. After a long time, he smiled bitterly: "It's dragging down the Taoist friends."

The Three Fire Venerable sighed deeply: "Don't talk nonsense. I was beaten to break my arm and leg once or twice."

He spit out a heavy mouthful of sand, and the Venerable Sanhuo muttered in a low voice, "I've been here for so many years, and I only have three or five friends of life and death. Every time I'm about to be killed, I can make a real good brother. In the situation just now, you can take me out. Well, you will be my brother in the future!"

Don't beg, shake your body with difficulty, slowly sit cross-legged, look up at the bright moon in the sky, and don't say anything for a long time.

His heart was full of death, just like the cemetery where no living people had passed by for many years, and only the dead ghosts danced in the middle of the night.

Sit on the ground, look at the bright moon, don't beg to move all the brain cells, and try to think about why such a thing happened. What the hell happened? Why did such a thing happen? He followed him to the Pangu Continent to chase him. If it was a Taoist master and apprentice, he could accept it. But idiot, why would he take action with them?

The Taiyi golden charm, Yuanhua ancestor once used it to kill the strong enemy. Don't beg to see the power of this spiritual charm with your own eyes.

In the hands of Taoists and idiots, what will use Taiyi Jinfu to deal with themselves?

Is it really for Princess Le? For her? So...

"Hey, what else do you think?" The Three Fire Venerable said lazily, "Brother, think of a way to heal my wounds first. There is only one head left. The origin of the fairy soul is drifting. In a few days, my cultivation will be at least one level! Well, I have countless enemies, and I have offended a lot of people in the Wanxian League. If my cultivation declines, will I not be killed?

Don't beg to turn your head and look at the Three Fire Master. He said in a low voice, "One of those people, there is my great master!"

The Three Fire Master smiled, and he sneered, "What is the great master? I saw it with my own eyes. In order to practice the ruthless magic skills, I chopped my children and women cleanly, and took the cruel role of their Yuanyin and Yuanyang sacrificing the Demon God.

With a sigh, the Three Fire Master sneered and said, "Brother, do you understand? This is the real world of immortal cultivation! Travel around the world with your beloved woman? Seclusion? Ha, your woman can be remembered like this, either she is extremely beautiful, or she has some kind of yin essence that is very useful to people, or she has a special bloodline to be favored!"

Instinently taking a breath, the Venerable Three Fire asserted, "With your current strength, run around with such a woman. Don't mention the people behind your master. As long as you see your woman, those who are powerful will not let go of your woman!"

With a long sigh, the Three Fire Master sighed: "So when I want to do that, I find a group of big girls to work hard for a few days and nights. But I won't like a woman, and I won't let myself really like a woman! Unless I have the cultivation of Taiyi Jinxian, or at least a chief of the heavenly court, I will have the courage to find a good woman and become a biological child, otherwise, hum!"

Don't beg and say indifferently, "Power, strength!"

The Three Fire Venerable hurriedly added, "And, the backer! No matter how high your cultivation is, you don't have a backer, and there is no group of reliable people around you! I have heard of many famous loose cultivations, and they also have the cultivation of Taiyi Jinxian. Didn't they fall? There must be someone behind you, brother!"

After licking his lips, the three fire venerable said solemnly, "If you want to have power, at least you are also the chief official of the heavenly court. If you want to have strength, you have to be the cultivation of Taiyi Jinxian. Even the weakest Jiupin Taiyi, few people dare to provoke! Finally, it is the backer. Even the Taiyi Jinxian needs the backer! For example, it is extremely difficult for anyone to provoke you to lean on the heavenly court and the Taiyi Jinxian under the heavenly court.

Don't beg to look down at the head of the Three Fire Venerable. He asked, "In addition to the heavenly court, are there any other forces that can be relied on?"

The three fire venerable meditated for a while. He blinked his eyes and sighed, "In addition to the heavenly court, of course, there are also good targets to rely on, but I'm too lazy to rely on them. I'm not used to pretending to be a grandson, so, hey hey!"

Compared with the comparison, the Three Fire Venerable said something.

In addition to the extremely jade Shu Ziwei Lingying Emperor of Heaven in the heavenly court, this figure who nominally controls the power of the heavenly court, Zhufang Tianjing and Pangu mainland, there are many other characters that no one dares to provoke. In addition to Ziwei Lingying the Great Heavenly Emperor, there are also Five Heavens and Five Royal Heavenly Emperors who are the deputy of the Great Heavenly Emperor, which is also a powerful role that few people are willing to offend.

In addition to the six characters in the heavenly court with the name of the Heavenly Emperor, the famous and surnamed characters in Pangu Continent and Zhufang Tianjing also include: First, Oriental Qingdi. This person, who has existed since ancient times, represents the ancient gods such as natural celestial phenomena such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning of the ancient god clan.

Second, the Black Emperor of the North.

He has also existed since the opening of heaven and earth, representing the ancient god of plague, disaster and other ominous forces in the ancient god clan.

Third, the Western White Emperor. This White Emperor is as old as the first two. He represents the interests of the ancient gods such as the Zhongshan River elves of the ancient god clan.

Fourth, the Central Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, the ancestor of mankind, is a great master of the human race with the supreme merit of the human race. He represents the overall interests of the human race and is the spiritual leader of the human race in the Pangu mainland. Under the command of the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, there are four sacred beasts such as the dragon family, the phoenix family Some demons, ghosts and gods are also willing to belong to the Yellow Emperor.

Fifth, Emperor Yan of the South. Emperor Yan Shennong, one of the ancestors of the human race, and Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor generally became an immortal body with merit.

Under the command of Emperor Yan, there are all kinds of powerful racial effects in ancient times, such as the people of Longbo people who survived in ancient times, all kinds of ghosts, demons, barbarians, beasts, fierce birds, and even the ancient evil gods, Zhu Rong, Xiang Liu, etc., are all under the command of Emperor Yan.

In addition to these earth-shaking bigwigs, there are seven demon emperors and 108 demon saints in the demon world; there are nine demon emperors and seventy-two demon kings in the demon world; there are thirteen ghost kings in the ghost world, and there are 800 ghost saints.

These people are slightly worse than the six heavenly emperors and the five emperors of the heavenly court, but they are also powerful hegemons.

In addition to these powerful figures, there are other top-notch existences in Zhufang Tianjing and even Pangu Continent.

For example, in the legend, under the bottomless abyss of Bei Ming, an extremely amazing figure opened up the mountain gate to receive disciples. Even the officials of the Yu Dynasty didn't bother to provoke him, allowing him to occupy a large area there. The Three Fire Venerable also once had a drink with an ally in the Wanxian League. The Wanxian ally with the strength of the Golden Immortal laughed and told this matter, and the Three Fire Venerable inquired about it as an anecdote.

Don't beg for gray pupils suddenly lit up with two points of blood. He laughed in a low voice, "Oh? The bottomless abyss of Beiming? Do you know the map there?

The three-pointed venerable subconsciously answered, "Of course, I have to inquire about this kind of anecdote. Bei Ming has no bottom abyss. There are really few people going to that dangerous place, but I really asked that ally for a map to go there!"

Don't beg 'he' and laugh. There was no heat in his laughter. Looking up at the bright moon, don't beg suddenly jumped up.

He bowed his head to the Master of the Three Fires. Don't beg and said in a low voice, "This time, the boy is involved with Taoist friends. There are some meager things. Please don't dislike it."

A green gas rushed up on the top of your head. Don't beg for the last piece on your body without any attack and defense effect, but the Xuanyin Naling bottle that can breed all kinds of real water flew out. A careful spiritual light came out, and nine drops of fragrant Zhiye flew out. Don't beg your hand for a finger. Qi.

The head of the Three Fire Master trembled violently, the white skin quickly grew, his head flew up, and a large area of aura rushed out of his short neck, outlining the complete body outline. After a sneer, the body of the Three Fire Venerable recovered as before under the powerful effect of Zhiye's flesh and white bones of the dead, and the powerful spiritual power of Zhiye was not fully consumed, and the mana of the Three Fire Venerable suddenly increased a lot.

He bowed deeply to the Three Fire Venerable, and said in a low voice, "Please also ask your Taoist friends to point out the way to the bottomless abyss of Bei Ming!"

A little bit of hand, another nine drops of Zhi liquid were wrapped in Xuanbing and flew into the palm of the three fires. The Three Fire Venerable looked at the nine-point Zhiye liquid dripping in the palm of his hand, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Don't beg said, "Don't beg for this disaster. Don't beg to involve Taoist friends. At nine o'clock, please ask the Taoist friends to exchange rewards for the Wanxian League, which must be enough to make up for the loss of Taoist friends. For the rest of the matter, please ask your friends to keep all the secrets for begging. What do you think?

He closed the palm of his hand and held nine drops of sesame liquid in the palm of his hand. The Three Fire Master looked at Don't beg and smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will rob your baby? Hahaha, this is the sesame liquid left by Zhixian!"

Don't beg to smile indifferently. He shook his head and said, "Will you do this?"

The venerable Sanhuo was stunned. He shook his head and said with a long smile, "Hey hey, I didn't expect to meet a master as open and aboveboard like Laozi. Miao, Miao, you will be my real brother in the future!"

A casually pointing to the ground, countless traces were born on the ground out of thin air. The three fire venerable pointed out the way from Zhongzhou to the bottomless abyss of Beiming. The Three Fire Venerable did not ask Buqi what he was going to do, but he was extremely detailed and pointed out the way to there.

Don't beg to remember the road in your heart, bow deeply to the Three Fires, and then turn around and leave.

The Three Fire Master hurriedly caught up with him for a few steps. He shouted, "Brother, you heal your wound first!" What are you going to do?"

Don't beg and drive the cloud head to fly into the distance. He shouted loudly, "Mstant Sanhuo, see you in the future!"

After a long time, Don't beg said indifferently, "I just want some people to know that there are some things that can't be done!"

With a flash of body, Don't beg has turned into a breeze. He quickly flew into the distance and never looked back.

The Three Fire Venerable stayed for a while and suddenly shook his head and sighed!

"Brother, you have a good journey! Kill people, don't let people kill you! Rob other people's things, don't let people rob you!"